The golden iron triangle meets again, I can't believe the real Yu Xiaogang!

"Senior Flender, our dean has returned. Seniors can come with me. I will take you to the academy to meet our dean." "

  As long as our dean agrees, then you can join us in the future." We are at the Lanba Academy!"

  After Liu Erlong brought Su Mo back to the Lanba Academy, the teacher of the Lanba Academy who was in charge of testing the strength of Flender and the others immediately came to the hotel where Flender and the others stayed. Respectfully invite everyone to pass.

  Because of Flender and others, including Qin Ming, everyone's cultivation is either Soul Emperor or Soul Sage.

  Putting this in Tiandou Royal Academy, it is enough to attract the attention of the Tiandou Three Education Committees, and this teacher of Lanba Academy naturally dare not be disrespectful.

  "Has your dean come back? Then take us there quickly!"

  In the hotel, Flender was naturally very excited when he heard the teacher of Lanba Academy in front of him say that Liu Erlong had returned.

  But because he came here to apply for a job as a teacher, Flender's inner self-esteem didn't want to make it look like he entered Lanba Academy through connections, so he still pretended not to know Liu Erlong's existence, but his tone was still hard to conceal the urgency .

  But regarding this, Yin Shu, the teacher who was in charge of bringing everyone to see Liu Erlong, didn't feel anything wrong. He just thought that Flender had waited for a long time, so now that their headmaster Liu Erlong came back, Naturally, he couldn't wait

  , but when he heard the teacher Yinshu say that Liu Erlong had returned, Yu Xiaogang's eyes couldn't help being complicated.

  Will we finally see Erlong again?

  Thinking back then that he was going to marry Liu Erlong, but at the last moment, his uncle Yu Luomian rushed over and told him the news about Liu Erlong.

  At that time, this news was like a bolt from the blue to him, making it hard for him to accept!

  Thinking that every time I am most proud of my life, I will encounter the most painful blow, just like when I was placed with high hopes, but when the martial soul was awakened, I awakened a useless martial soul that broke the lower limit of the family.

  Later in the Wuhun Palace, he finally thought that he could pass through Bibi Dong and enter the most secret library of the Wuhun Palace, but in the end, Qian Xunji brought someone to the door and took him away, tortured him for days and nights, and made him die. Better to die.

  But now, when he finally met Liu Erlong, he thought that he could finally reap happiness again, and in the future he would be able to rely on Liu Erlong's help to continue his own research, only to find out that Liu Erlong was unexpectedly.

  These blows again and again made him almost completely collapsed at that time, feeling that his life was like a tragedy!

  Because he couldn't accept the reality, he chose to escape. In the continuous heavy rain, he stumbled away in pain, and then hid.

  I thought Liu Erlong would forget about him, but he never thought that he is single until now.

  It seems that Erlong has never forgotten him!

  Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help being moved and proud.

  Although it was a little hard to say, and some didn't fit his image as a master, but in his heart, he really felt that it was his charm that could make Liu Erlong fall in love with him, and he would never forget it till now!

  Thinking about those soul masters who look down on him in the soul master world, how many people have his charm, who can capture the heart of the Pope of Wuhun Temple, and make an extraordinary female soul saint unforgettable for decades!

  I don't know what will happen to Erlong finally seeing me...

  Yu Xiaogang thought to himself.

  It must be very exciting!

  But I can't be too excited, otherwise, I will lose my identity, I have to show pain, but I turn the pain into motivation, and put all my body and mind into the study of martial arts.

  Only in this way can I show that I have not forgotten the feelings of the past, but also maintained my status as a master!

  That's right! As in the original book, after Flender's persuasion, master Yu Xiaogang accepted the identity of Liu Erlong.

  Of course, for the sake of his own image, Yu Xiaogang will definitely not take the initiative to accept this relationship, but will let Liu Erlong advance their relationship.

  But Yu Xiaogang didn't intend to let Liu Erlong find his own happiness by saying that there was no possibility between the two after meeting Liu Erlong.

  This can already show Yu Xiaogang's true thoughts.

  In fact, it can be seen from the fact that Yu Xiaogang did not write a letter to Liu Erlong during the ten years at Notting College, asking Liu Erlong to find his own happiness.

  Yu Xiaogang is very selfish in his heart.

  Because he could not accept Liu Erlong's identity, Yu Xiaogang chose to escape, but because of Liu Erlong's beauty and strength, Yu Xiaogang was reluctant to give up Liu Erlong.

  So hanging Liu Erlong all the time, making Liu Erlong wait for more than ten years!

  But at this moment, even Flender doesn't know about Yu Xiaogang's various calculations.

  As a gifted waste wood, with an unremarkable face, let alone a person who can't speak, Yu Xiaogang was able to make Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong fall in love with him one after another in his original destiny.

  Yu Xiaogang's acting skills are still very strong!

  On the other side, after arriving at the hotel where Flender and the others stayed, they informed Flender and the others that Liu Erlong had returned.

  After that, teacher Yinshu took Flender and others, including Tang San and the other Shrek Seven Monsters, all the way to Lanba Academy.

  After entering Lanba Academy, the teacher Yinshu led everyone all the way through the main campus of Lanba Academy, and finally came to the forest outside the main campus.

  Although he is the dean, Liu Erlong does not live in the main campus of Lanba Academy, but lives in the forest on the back mountain, living alone.

  Walking in the quiet woods, stepping on pieces of dead branches and leaves, a group of people followed the teacher's audio book, along the path between the forests, all the way to the depths.

  During this period, Flender couldn't help being very puzzled: "Mr. Yinshu, doesn't your dean live in the main campus? Why did you bring us to this place? Could it be that your dean lives here?" Hearing

  Flender If that was the case, Teacher Yinshu couldn't help scratching his head in embarrassment, and said, "Well... our dean prefers to be quiet, so in normal times, unless we are working, we usually live in this forest."

"But you Don't look like there are no people here, but in fact our dean has already built a small building by a lake, surrounded by flowers, it looks very beautiful." "So it is.

"Hearing the words , Flender couldn't help frowning, and didn't ask any more questions.

  But in his heart, as a brother-in-law who had been in the world of soul masters with Liu Erlong for several years, because of his understanding of Liu Erlong, Flender obviously didn't believe the explanation of the audio book, but he felt a little complicated and sighed.

  Erlong, after so many years, are you really still thinking about Xiaogang?

  On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang didn't believe what Yinshu said that Liu Erlong lived in the forest for peace.

  The third younger sister Liu Erlong he knew had a very hot temper, so she wouldn't like quiet!

  At least that's how it was when they first met.

  And as for now, why the third sister Liu Erlong likes to be quiet, Yu Xiaogang guessed in an instant, it must be because the third sister Liu Erlong has been missing him, feeling very sad in his heart, but he doesn't want to be seen Bar!

  Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang naturally felt a little guilty and apologetic because he still had some feelings for Liu Erlong.

  However, the distorted character of inferiority and sensitivity developed since childhood, but extremely eager for recognition and attention made Yu Xiaogang feel extra excited and proud.

  After all, the third sister Liu Erlong is so beautiful, and her cultivation base is still a soul sage, and coupled with her background in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, such a Bai Fumei in the soul master world must have many powerful and excellent soul masters to pursue.

  But the third sister, Liu Erlong, has always been unable to forget herself, she has always missed herself, and even under the longing and sadness in her heart, she has reached the point of living in isolation.

  This obviously proves that Yu Xiaogang's charm is extremely powerful! !

  For a moment, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help looking forward to seeing Liu Erlong again.

  On the one hand, after being persuaded by Flender, Yu Xiaogang finally faced up to his heart and no longer cared about Liu Erlong's identity.

  No matter what it looks like on the surface, at least in his heart he no longer has any scruples.

  For Liu Erlong, a woman who is so infatuated with him, if Liu Erlong's identity is aside, Yu Xiaogang certainly wants to give Liu Erlong happiness.

  On the other hand, it was because he had lost face too many times in front of his disciple Tang San.

  Although disciple Tang San is still respectful to him, Yu Xiaogang can feel that disciple Tang San's recognition and respect for him from the bottom of his heart are constantly decreasing.

  Now Yu Xiaogang is eager to shock his disciple Tang San in a certain way, and gain his disciple Tang San's approval and respect from the bottom of his heart again.

  But now, if his disciple Tang San could know that he, Yu Xiaogang, was able to make a female soul saint with a beautiful appearance, amazing strength, and extraordinary background, unforgettable for more than ten years, and he had been pursuing hard, in Yu Xiaogang's opinion. , should be enough to shock disciple Tang San!

  However, although after learning that Liu Erlong lived in this forest, he had many thoughts in his heart, but on the surface Yu Xiaogang still kept calm and silent, with his hands behind his back, maintaining the usual master demeanor.

  In this way, following the teacher Yinshu of Lanba Academy, the group of people walked through the forest for hundreds of meters, and the surrounding trees gradually thinned out.

  On the side of the road, a wooden sign nailed to a thick tree quickly appeared in front of everyone.

  On the wooden sign, there was a line of blood-stained big characters engraved on it: The important place of the academy, unless you are not allowed to enter!


  Seeing the wooden sign, the teacher Yinshu couldn't help showing a smile on his face, because the appearance of the wooden sign meant that he was about to arrive at the residence where Dean Liu Erlong was.

  And just after Yinshu led Flender and others over the big tree.

  After walking far, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and

  there was a small blue lake in front of him. The diameter of the entire lake was only more than 50 meters.

  A small stream about three meters wide flows continuously from the opposite woods, pours into this small lake, and then flows away from another direction.

  And beside the lake, there is a beautiful looking quiet small building made of bamboo and wood. A yard is surrounded by a fence in front of the small building.

  The yard is full of clumps of colorful flower beds, and from the yard along the lake, the roadside is also full of clumps of flowers.

  At this moment, it can be seen from a distance that a woman wearing a blue-purple long dress, with a slender figure, plump and hot, and a mature and beautiful appearance, is holding a water bottle in her forehand, humming a song, and using the water bottle in the yard Watering the colorful flowers in the garden.

  'Why does it feel a little wrong! '

  When he saw Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling that Liu Erlong's behavior at this time was a little different from what he thought in his heart.

  According to the information he has learned now, the third sister Liu Erlong has not been thinking about him all the time, so she should be acting very melancholy and sad.

  Why are you watering the flowers and humming a song now?

  Although Yu Xiaogang couldn't hear what song Liu Erlong was humming because of the distance and the fact that Liu Erlong's humming sound was relatively low, but the tone clearly felt that it wasn't a sad song.

  But compared to Yu Xiaogang, Flender felt a little happy after seeing Liu Erlong not seeming very sad.

  Although he knew that Liu Erlong was still alone now, he felt that Liu Erlong still hadn't been able to forget Yu Xiaogang, and must have been thinking about Yu Xiaogang all the time.

  But it seems that the third sister Liu Erlong is still able to adjust her mood, at least she won't always be sad all the time, which already makes Flender very happy.

  "Dean, some soul masters have come to our academy to apply for the job. Their cultivation bases are all over level 60. I can't make a decision on this, and I need you to make the decision!" After seeing Liu Erlong, the teacher Yinshu

  said He walked quickly to Xiaozhu, and said respectfully to Liu Erlong who was in the yard before and after he came to the yard.


  Hearing Yinshu's voice, Liu Erlong couldn't help looking over it immediately, and instantly knew that, just like her previous life, Yinshu was the teachers and students of Shrek Academy, including elder brother Flender and Na Yu Xiaogang. brought here.

  Regarding this, although Liu Erlong was a little surprised because he had already experienced it in his previous life, so he couldn't help but ask.

  "Several soul masters above the 60th level have come to apply for the teachers of our Lanba Academy. Where are they?

  "Flender and the others on the side of the road shouted immediately.

  "Senior Flender, come here quickly!"

  Hearing this, Flender couldn't help but glanced at Yu Xiaogang beside him, then took a deep breath, and together with Yu Xiaogang, brought Zhao Wuji and others together. A group of teachers and students from Shrek Academy walked towards Liu Erlong.

  "You are!!"

  As Flender and the others approached, when he saw Flender and Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong pretended to recognize them, and he couldn't help showing a shocked look, full of excitement. Unbelievably authentic.

  "Boss Fu, Xiaogang, it's you!!"

  "Erlong, long time no see. I heard that you are the dean of Lanba Academy, but I was still a little unsure. Now I see it, it really is you. I haven't seen you for many years." , You still look the same!"

  Seeing Liu Erlong, Flender felt a little complicated, and couldn't help but take a step forward, full of emotion.

  "Boss Fu, you haven't changed much."

  Liu Erlong also smiled emotionally.

  "Erlong, let me introduce you first. These are the teachers and students of the Shrek Academy I founded..."

  After meeting with Liu Erlong, Flender started to introduce Zao Wou-ki and others , and then told Liu Erlong the reason why he came to Tiandou Imperial City and why he came to Lanba Academy in the end.

  Compared to the original work, being expelled from the Heaven Dou Royal Academy by Dugu Bo, this time because of Dai Mubai's identity, he was forced to leave the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, which is considered a reason.

  Therefore, Flender did not hide anything.

  And knowing that Flender and others were kicked out by Tiandou Royal Academy, Liu Erlong was naturally filled with righteous indignation, saying that Tiandou Royal Academy has eyes that don't recognize gold inlaid with jade!

  Then she said that she doesn't care about Dai Mubai's status, in fact, the Lanba Academy she established recruits for everyone, and doesn't care whether the students are nobles or commoners.

  On the side, after discovering that Liu Erlong chatted with Flender for a long time, he actually chatted so vigorously that he didn't even look at himself, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

  This is different from what he thought!

  Could it be that after seeing him, Liu Erlong, the third sister, shouldn't have cared about Flender at all, and began to burst into tears, expressing excitedly that she finally saw him?

  How could it be like this! !

  However, because of the self-esteem in his heart, when Liu Erlong was talking with Flender, Yu Xiaogang still suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

  It wasn't until Liu Erlong finished talking with Flender that Yu Xiaogang pretended to look at Liu Erlong with complicated eyes, and said.

  "...Erlong, long time no see!"

  After hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Liu Erlong looked at Yu Xiaogang, suppressing the nausea and disgust in his heart and the desire to turn his head immediately, and said with a forced smile .

  "Second brother, long time no see."

  Why did it disappear?

  Realizing that he said "Long time no see", and then the third sister Liu Erlong only replied "Long time no see", Yu Xiaogang was really anxious.

  It shouldn't be like this!

  His former fiancée, third sister Liu Erlong has remained single for so many years, she must have never forgotten herself, seeing herself now, how could she react so flatly.

  This is wrong!

  It must be that the third sister Liu Erlong hadn't seen her for a long time, and now she suddenly saw her, she couldn't react.

  In addition, as the dean of Lanba Academy, in order not to let the emotions generated by missing him interfere with his normal work, he has been suppressing the grief and sadness in his heart, so that he has suppressed it for too long, and now he cannot release it in a short time.

  As long as I stay with him for a while, preferably alone, the third sister Liu Erlong's feelings for him should be released soon.

  Because he couldn't believe that there were other reasons, Yu Xiaogang quickly found out the reason why the third sister Liu Erlong reacted so flatly, and forced himself to believe it.

  In his opinion, based on what he has learned so far, there is nothing wrong with Liu Erlong's feelings for him. The reason why his reaction is so flat now must be the reason for theoretical analysis!

  "Sister Erlong, why are there other people's voices? Is there a guest?"

  But just as Yu Xiaogang tried to find the reason why Liu Erlong's reaction was so flat, a calm voice suddenly came from Xiaozhu. Passed over from the other side.

  Then I saw a slender, tall, handsome young man in a black black robe, holding a fishing rod in his hand, walking over from the other side of the small building.

  How could it was him? !

  When he saw Su Mo, Yu Xiaogang immediately recalled the memory of meeting Su Mo with Liu Erlong and Flender under the mental suggestion that Su Mo secretly released with his mental power, and instantly recognized Su Mo in front of him. It was Su Mo, the holy son of Wuhun Temple, whose expression changed drastically.

  He couldn't believe why Su Mo would appear with his third sister Liu Erlong.

  Could it be...

  A terrible conjecture suddenly appeared in Yu Xiaogang's mind, which made Yu Xiaogang's eyes flushed, almost going crazy, and he couldn't believe the reality in front of him at all.

   Let's talk about it, although after hiding his identity and joining Notting College, the protagonist gradually changed his face from the original one.

    But even if a person has the same face, but the temperament, hairstyle and clothing are different, people will not be able to see that they are the same person.

    The protagonist is like this now, plus spiritual hints.

    The most important thing is that the martial souls are different, so without knowing that the protagonist is a three-born martial soul, and it is impossible to guess that the protagonist is a twin martial soul, because the two Su Mo martial souls are different, it is almost impossible for Yu Xiaogang to think The two are the same person.

    After all, based on the known records in Douluo Continent, it seems that there are only three twin spirits including Tang San.