Do you want Su Mo to go? Liu Erlong slapped Yu Xiaogang in the face in public!

No! It shouldn't be like this!

  But soon, Yu Xiaogang shook his head again, and quickly dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

  He must be thinking too much!

  This Su Mo is only in his twenties now.

  But the third sister, Liu Erlong, was about the same as him. She was almost fifty years old now, and she was more than twenty years behind this Su Mo.

  With the character of the third sister Liu Erlong, how could it be possible to go to the old cow to eat tender grass!

  And Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought of it again, when he met Su Mo unexpectedly in the Star Dou Forest together with Flender and Liu Erlong.

  The third sister, Liu Erlong, once thought Su Mo was handsome and cute, and expressed that she wanted to take Su Mo as a godbrother.

  It should be that the third sister Liu Erlong met this Su Mo again at some point.

  Because I always wanted to accept Su Mo as my god-brother, I brought Su Mo back to Lanba Academy. I want to get closer to Su Mo, so I will accept Su Mo as my god-brother in the future.

  Yu Xiaogang thought to himself.

  The reason why the third sister Liu Erlong is able to show emotional stability now may be because Su Mo, the godbrother she wants, has replaced herself as her new emotional sustenance.

  But since he came back, there was no need for this Su Mo to stay.

  I definitely want my third sister Liu Erlong to drive this Su Mo out of Lanba Academy!

  After all, I hate Wuhundian very much!

  Thinking of the Wuhun Temple, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help flashing a trace of disgust in his eyes.

  At this moment, Su Mo also walked towards Liu Erlong from Xiaozhu.

  " are..."

  When he saw Su Mo, Flender also recognized Su Mo, but he was not sure, so he couldn't help showing surprise.

  "Brother Flender, long time no see!"

  After seeing Flender, Su Mo smiled faintly and greeted Flender.

  "Boss Fu, let me introduce you. This is little brother Su Mo. Do you still remember that when I broke through level 60, we went to the Star Dou Forest together?" "When helping me find the soul beast needed for the

  sixth soul ring , we encountered a maddening Lie Yan Zonglong, and there was almost an accident." "

  It was the younger brother Su Mo who asked the senior Ju Douluo around him to help us kill the Lie Yan Zonglong !"

  In front of Flender, Liu Erlong introduced Su Mo to Flender with a smile on his mature and beautiful face.

  "Haha! It really is you, little brother Su Mo. I don't recognize you after so many years!"

  Seeing Liu Erlong introducing Su Mo with a smile on his face, Flender couldn't help expressing It is also very enthusiastic.

  Seeing how happy Liu Erlong mentioned Su Mo, Flender also instantly felt that it must be because of Su Mo that Liu Erlong didn't act so sad now.

  Because he also remembered that Liu Erlong once mentioned that he really wanted a younger brother like Su Mo.

  So Flender immediately felt like Yu Xiaogang, thinking that Liu Erlong must have met Su Mo, and with Su Mo as a new relationship sustenance, Liu Erlong, the third sister, did not miss him The second younger brother, Yu Xiaogang, has been crying all the time, feeling very sad every day.

  As a licking dog, after discovering that it was the existence of Su Mo that made the goddess Liu Erlong happy, Flender naturally had a good impression of Su Mo.

  However, after talking with Su Mo, Flender suddenly noticed that Yu Xiaogang beside him looked a little unhappy.

  Although Yu Xiaogang has always had a stiff expression on his face, it can be said that his face is expressionless, which means that he has suffered a serious "emotional injury".

  But as Yu Xiaogang's brother, Flender can still see Yu Xiaogang's emotions at this time.

  And because he understands the grievances between Yu Xiaogang and Wuhundian, and because Yu Xiaogang showed a lot of disgust towards Su Mo at the beginning, Flender naturally guessed in an instant that Yu Xiaogang should be against General Liu Erlong. Su Mo was very dissatisfied with his behavior of staying in Lanba Academy.

  And because he still thinks that the third sister Liu Erlong prefers Yu Xiaogang, Flender can't help but want to create conditions for Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong to get along.

  "Third Sister, after chatting for so long, don't you want us to come in and sit down?"

  Flender looked at Liu Erlong and suddenly said with a smile.

  "My small building can't accommodate so many people."

  Regarding this, Liu Erlong felt a little helpless, and after looking at the sky, he smiled again.

  "Anyway, it's almost noon. It seems that you haven't eaten yet. Let me take you to the second floor of the cafeteria for dinner. Let's chat while eating." After speaking, Liu Erlong took

  Su Mo's arm and looked at him. Talking to Flender with a smile on his face, he took Flender, Yu Xiaogang and other Shrek Academy teachers and students to the cafeteria of Lanba Academy.

  Regarding Liu Erlong's behavior of holding Su Mo's arm, Yu Xiaogang's whole body was not well, and he couldn't help feeling his head was green.

  But after a moment of irritability in his heart, Yu Xiaogang still insisted.

  This should just be Liu Erlong's performance of treating Su Mo as a goddamn younger brother.

  His third younger sister, Liu Erlong, loved him so much back then, how could she fall in love with someone else, and treat an old cow to eat tender grass!

  This is absolutely impossible!

  And when they came to the second floor of the cafeteria of Lanba Academy, a box was opened on the second floor. After the group of people were seated, Flender and Liu Erlong couldn't help but began to talk about their experiences after separation.

  On the side, Yu Xiaogang still maintained his usual appearance, taciturn.

  As for Tang San and the others, because they didn't understand the love and hatred between Flender, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong at all, they didn't even notice that Liu Erlong liked Yu Xiaogang.

  On the contrary, they all felt that the relationship between Flender and Liu Erlong was really good!

  And after the meal, Liu Erlong couldn't help asking Flender, when the teachers and students of Shrek Academy planned to join their Lanba Academy.

  "Hehe, you can do it anytime, but the remuneration we ask for is very high, can your Lanba Academy bear it?"

  Flender joked.

  "Boss Fu, you are wrong about this. With the relationship between us, this is not an unbearable problem. Since you have joined our Lanba Academy, you will be the vice president of our academy in the future. This treatment Needless to say the question!"

  Liu Erlong said with a smile.

  Compared with Yu Xiaogang who has seen through the true face and feels extremely disgusted with him.

  For the eldest brother Flender, Liu Erlong has always had a deep affection, and she sincerely regards Flender as a big brother.

  "Haha! I'm just kidding, you can give it as you see, but you can discuss it with Xiaogang. Xiaogang can represent our Shrek Academy. I am looking forward to how the dormitory of your Lanba Academy will be. You let me Let a teacher show us."

  Flender smiled, but wanted to create a chance for Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang to be alone.

  Although he didn't know why Liu Erlong acted so indifferent after meeting Yu Xiaogang, it was completely beyond his expectation.

  But Flender didn't think that Liu Erlong would have anything to do with Su Mo, but he just thought that Liu Erlong might be angry because he waited for Yu Xiaogang for so long, so he wanted to give Yu Xiaogang some face.

  But as long as the two of them talk about it, it's probably fine.

  "How can you just look at it! You are all soul emperors and soul saints. Although our Lanba Academy is not as good as Tiandou Royal Academy, we will try our best to provide you with treatment in line with your status." For

  Flanders Thoughts, Liu Erlong was naturally very clear, but he pretended not to hear it, and said with a smile.

  But at this time, Yu Xiaogang finally planned to take some action.

  After all, now that Flender managed to create an opportunity for him to be alone with Liu Erlong, he had to make good use of it.   

"Your Blue Tyrant Academy doesn't have royal capital injection, so there must be insufficient

  funds. We joined Blue Bull Academy to realize our dreams, not to fight for treatment."

We need to discuss it, Erlong, can we go and talk about it?"

  Just after Liu Erlong finished answering Flender's words, Yu Xiaogang who was sitting at the dining table suddenly said in a deep and slow voice.


  Because of the memory of the previous life, Liu Erlong knew Yu Xiaogang's purpose very well, but he still agreed with a smile on his face.

  After that, the two left their seats and went to the door of the box.

  There is not a distance from the dining table here, as long as the voice is quieter, you can't hear it from the dining table.

  However, it would be better to go to the balcony, but the boxes on the second floor of the cafeteria of Lanba Academy are not the boxes of the restaurant, so there is no balcony outside the box.

  After coming to the side with Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang naturally pretended to represent Shrek Academy solemnly and communicated with Liu Erlong at the beginning.

  In terms of remuneration, the teachers of Shrek Academy only need the remuneration of ordinary senior teachers of Lanba Academy.

  But for Tang San and the others, Tang San and the others are required to participate in this year's All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, and for Tang San's training, only Shrek Academy is responsible, and the teachers of Lanba Academy cannot intervene casually, etc. .

  Of course, Liu Erlong nodded in agreement.

  After discussing the business, Yu Xiaogang suddenly fell silent for a while, and said.

  "Erlong, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for me for so long."

  Hearing Yu Xiaogang's sudden apology, Liu Erlong's heart was filled with nausea and disgust.

  Because in the previous life, as soon as she saw Yu Xiaogang, she knelt and flattered Yu Xiaogang in various ways.

  Yu Xiaogang never apologized for letting her wait for more than ten years in vain.

  Unexpectedly, in this life, she was just a little cold, and this Yu Xiaogang apologized instead, which is cheap enough!

  "It's nothing. Waiting for such a long time actually made me think about a lot of things."

  Although he was disgusted in his heart, Liu Erlong still tried to suppress the nausea on his face, pretending to be relieved, and stroked his temples hair, and smiled softly.

  But in words, Liu Erlong still didn't say that he no longer loves Yu Xiaogang.

  After all, she knew that Yu Xiaogang hated Su Mo very much.

  In the previous life, Yu Xiaogang was very unhappy about her bringing Su Mo back to Lanba Academy. At the beginning, he didn't show anything.

  But after she knelt and licked for a while, Yu Xiaogang began to express to her secretly.

  Su Mo is from Wuhundian, and Wuhundian always likes to set rules for the world of soul masters, and likes to interfere with other forces. Su Mo will definitely interfere with her Lanba Academy here. It is best to drive Su Mo away. Walk.

  Although she was very guilty of her feelings for Yu Xiaogang in the previous life, she finally made Su Mo leave Lanba Academy.

  This was the greatest pain in her previous life!

  In this life, she will never do it again!

  If Yu Xiaogang dared to be in front of her and asked her to drive Su Mo out of Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong was going to slap Yu Xiaogang in the face!

  Because in her previous life, it was under the influence of Yu Xiaogang that she was very hostile to Wuhundian, and she even hated Pope Bibidong of Wuhundian, thinking that Bibidong had hurt Yu Xiaogang.

  But when he knew that it was Yu Xiaogang who used Bibi Dong to peek at the books in Wuhundian, and was discovered by Wuhundian.

  At that time, Pope Chihiro Ji of the Wuhun Palace captured Yu Xiaogang and tortured him severely, and then Bibi Dong broke up with Yu Xiaogang.

  It was not at all that the Pope of the Wuhun Temple at that time arrested Yu Xiaogang and tortured him because Yu Xiaogang was close to Bibi Dong.

  After that, Bibi Dong didn't break up with Yu Xiaogang because she discriminated against Yu Xiaogang's trash.

  She was totally cheated! !

  On the contrary, as a commoner-born soul master, Wuhundian has provided too much help to ordinary soul masters.

  As the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Xiaogang naturally dislikes the Wuhun Palace.

  Because of the existence of Wuhundian, the interests of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect are threatened!

  But Liu Erlong deeply knew that a commoner soul master like her who had received a lot of help from the Spirit Hall was the least qualified to be hostile to the Spirit Hall.

  And the same is true for Flender, Tang San, Ma Hongjun and Oscar in Shrek Academy!

  But because of Yu Xiaogang's influence, Flender also hated Wuhundian very much, and brought this attitude to Ma Hongjun, Oscar and others.

  This should not be done at all!

  "Erlong, I'm sorry. When we got married, I didn't run away on purpose. It's just that I couldn't bear the blow at that time. You know, my life has always been like this..." On the other side, I heard Liu Erlong just said to think clearly

  . He said some things, but didn't say anything else, which was obviously just a manifestation of inner anger.

  Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help but pretended to be in pain and continued to apologize for what happened back then, and lamented the tragedy of his life. It was precisely because he thought of a series of tragedies in his life that he collapsed that he chose to escape.

  As for the third sister Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang clearly knew that Liu Erlong was very violent on the surface, but in fact he was a very sympathetic person.

  The reason why he was able to make his third sister Liu Erlong fall in love at the beginning was precisely because of his melancholy temperament and tragic experience.

  In the past, when he was drinking, whenever he mentioned his tragic experience, the third sister Liu Erlong would feel distressed and comfort him.

  He believes that now is no exception.

  And for Yu Xiaogang's misery.

  Because the matter of rebirth was a secret, Liu Erlong couldn't tell it, so he could only cover it up with his empathy and his relationship with Yu Xiaogang's cousin.

  But since the former brother-sister relationship should still exist in theory, she still can only treat Yu Xiaogang as the second brother against her will, so she naturally pretended to comfort her for a while.

  But after seeing Liu Erlong comforting him, Yu Xiaogang felt that he had finally made Liu Erlong calm down, and couldn't help but feel happy inside, so he prepared to "see you in poverty".

  It's different from Yu Xiaogang in the script for Liu Erlong's rebirth.

  Because in Liu Erlong's rebirth script, although Liu Erlong brought Su Mo back, he still knelt and flattered Yu Xiaogang.

  So Yu Xiaogang didn't regard Su Mo as an opponent or a threat.

  But now, because Liu Erlong didn't show his yearning for Yu Xiaogang day and night, nor did he show any sadness, after seeing Yu Xiaogang, his performance was even more flat.

  This made Yu Xiaogang think that it was Su Mo's appearance that replaced Liu Erlong's feelings for him, and this was undoubtedly a threat!

  So whether it's out of loathing the Spirit Hall, or wanting to monopolize Liu Erlong's feelings, let Liu Erlong kneel and lick himself, so that Liu Erlong can take the initiative to promote the relationship, make himself a "bitch", and even set up a memorial archway .

  Yu Xiaogang must drive Su Mo away!

  Of course, as a master of hypocrisy, Yu Xiaogang couldn't directly say that he hated Wuhundian and Su Mo, and let Liu Erlong drive Su Mo away.

  This is how people will collapse!

  "Erlong, this Su Mo is from the Wuhun Palace, and he is also the Holy Son of the Wuhun Palace. Why did you bring him back to Lanba Academy? What if the Wuhun Palace notices your Lanba Academy and wants to interfere?" What about your Lanba Academy?"

  "And you also know the grievances between me and Wuhundian, this Su Mo knows me, the people in their Wuhundian used to think that I was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat, so they overtook them The pope, Bibi Dong, hates me."

  "If he reports my news to the Spirit Hall..."

  At the end, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help pretending to smile bitterly.

  In his heart, Yu Xiaogang was a little proud when he said this.

  Because of Liu Erlong's feelings for him, and because his strength is very low, his safety has always been a matter of great concern to Liu Erlong.

  Now he linked his safety with this Su Mo.

  Don't worry if the third sister Liu Erlong doesn't drive away this Su Mo! !

  But unfortunately, Liu Erlong's reaction after that made Yu Xiaogang directly confused.

  "What! You want me to drive Xiao Mo away? Do you know that Xiao Mo saved my life in the Star Dou Forest before, who are you!!" Hearing Yu Xiaogang's subtext was to drive him away

  . Walking away from Su Mo, thinking that he had been deceived by Yu Xiaogang to do something wrong, Liu Erlong burst into anger in his heart, sneered, and slapped Yu Xiaogang in the face severely on the spot.

  On the side, Flender was startled.

  Because all this time, he had never seen Liu Erlong get angry with Yu Xiaogang.

  It's incredible!