Su Mo: Anyone is qualified to be hostile to Wuhun Temple, but you are the least qualified!

Who does she say I am? !

  In the private room, when he heard Liu Erlong scolding himself like this, Yu Xiaogang only felt his head buzzing, and his heart was filled with disbelief.

  He couldn't imagine how Liu Erlong would say such a thing!

  Since the two separated, the third sister Liu Erlong has been alone for so many years.

  Isn't this waiting for yourself?

  Since he has been alone for so many years for himself, this is completely enough to prove the third sister Liu Erlong's feelings for him.

  How could such feelings be inferior to this Su Mo?

  The third sister Liu Erlong scolded herself because of this Su Mo, it shouldn't be!

  Could it be that because he abandoned his third sister Liu Erlong for so many years, the third sister Liu Erlong accumulated so much resentment that he didn't hesitate to show him embarrassment in front of so many people?

  But didn't she think that if she angered herself like this, and made herself lose face in front of the public, wouldn't she be afraid that she would not accept her when she vented her grievances?

  Because in the past, Liu Erlong licked Yu Xiaogang.

  So until now, Yu Xiaogang's inner thoughts still haven't changed, and he can't help but be shocked that Liu Erlong dared not lick himself, for the sake of others.

  But even though Yu Xiaogang thought so in his heart, he was a little angry that Liu Erlong dared to let him lose face.

  In his heart, he even secretly thought that when Liu Erlong's inner resentment dissipated and he came to lick him again, how would he take revenge, so that Liu Erlong could continue to love him, and put down his dignity to lick him.

  But facing Liu Erlong just didn't give face, Yu Xiaogang still didn't dare to fart on the face, after a change in his face, he quickly explained with a forced smile.

  "Erlong, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that, I just want you to be careful..."

  But it's a pity, because Yu Xiaogang is too confident in himself, he never thought that the reason why Liu Erlong's indifferent attitude towards him is that he has already empathized with him.

  Because he always thought that Liu Erlong's indifferent attitude towards him was because he felt resentment in his heart after being abandoned by him for decades, and he purposely showed his face.

  This is the grievance of the little woman.

  From Yu Xiaogang's point of view, there is no need to care about it at all, all he needs to do is apologize, for the behavior of running away when he got married, and find another reason to sell it badly.

  With the character of the third sister Liu Erlong, she will definitely forgive herself.

  And when the time comes, I just need to cleverly find another reason, for example, as I said just now, equate my own safety with whether Su Mo stays in Lanba Academy, and ask the third sister Liu Erlong to drive Su Mo away .

  Compared to himself, what is this Su Mo? Yu Xiaogang firmly believes that Liu Erlong will definitely agree to drive Su Mo away.

  It has to be said that Yu Xiaogang's grasp of people's hearts is still in place.

  At least in the script of Liu Erlong's rebirth deduced by the system.

  Faced with Yu Xiaogang's words, Liu Erlong, the previous dog licker, finally chose to give up Su Mo after a while of struggle, and instead asked Su Mo to leave Lanba Academy in order to please Yu Xiaogang.

  But it's a pity that the Liu Erlong here is no longer the dog-licking Liu Erlong he used to be.

  Because he has seen through Yu Xiaogang's hypocritical, shameless, and selfish nature, and how much he has sacrificed for Yu Xiaogang, now Liu Erlong loathes and hates Yu Xiaogang in his heart.

  Just because the matter of rebirth was a secret, and the relationship with Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong couldn't let Liu Erlong take the act of killing Yu Xiaogang now.

  Unless Liu Erlong wants to betray relatives.

  So now, Liu Erlong could only take advantage of the opportunity that Yu Xiaogang would still want to drive Su Mo away, and slap Yu Xiaogang in the face in front of everyone, which was to vent his anger.

  Facing Liu Erlong's design, because he was too confident before, what Yu Xiaogang thought of was that Liu Erlong's words to drive Su Mo away were too direct.

  Therefore, Yu Xiaogang's explanation seemed a little weak.

  On the other side, Liu Erlong scolded Yu Xiaogang, because his voice was so loud, it naturally attracted the attention of Flender and others who were chatting at the dining table not far away.

  After discovering that Liu Erlong had scolded Yu Xiaogang, Flender panicked and hurried after being shocked for a while.

  'Why are you arguing again! '

  Because I still think that it's not that Liu Erlong doesn't like Yu Xiaogang anymore, but because he has waited for Yu Xiaogang for many years, and he feels resentment in his heart, and wants to show Yu Xiaogang some face.

  But as an outsider, Flender undoubtedly thought that Liu Erlong was impulsive.

  After all, Liu Erlong used to lick Yu Xiaogang very much!

  Although the third younger sister Liu Erlong's licking attitude towards his second younger brother Yu Xiaogang is not as good as his own attitude toward his third younger sister Liu Erlong, but it's not much different.

  Now the third younger sister Liu Erlong scolded the second younger brother Yu Xiaogang, venting her inner grievances.

  But after the third younger sister Liu Erlong has vented her anger and regained her feelings for her second brother Yu Xiaogang, it's time for her second brother Yu Xiaogang to "revenge"!

  He managed to convince his second younger brother Yu Xiaogang to accept his third younger sister Liu Erlong reluctantly.

  If because of this incident, the second brother Yu Xiaogang hesitated to accept the third sister Liu Erlong again, then the third sister Liu Erlong would definitely be in great pain.

  This is definitely something that Flender, who is a dog licker, does not want to see.

  Therefore, Flender hurriedly got up, walked towards Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, and said hastily.

  "Third Sister, what's the matter with you, why are you talking so loudly to Xiaogang?"

  "I know, when you were married, Xiaogang was very sorry for him running away, and I haven't heard from you for so many years, making you wait hard After so many years, these are all his faults, and it is normal for you to have resentment in your heart."

  "But you have to calm down and think about everything! These are not all Xiaogang's fault. After all, Xiaogang doesn't want to see such things happen. He can only say that good luck tricks people." "After so many years, Xiaogang also knows that he is wrong

  . Now, I just want to apologize to you when I come back. You two should explain everything clearly,

  so that you can continue your relationship !" It's over!"

  At the end, Flender was already earnest.

  On the other side, Liu Erlong's reprimand to Yu Xiaogang not only attracted the attention of Flender, but also Zhao Wuji and Tang San and others.

  Although it is not good to eavesdrop on this kind of thing, everyone still pretended not to look at it and just ate food in silence. In fact, they all glanced in the direction of Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong from the corner of their eyes, and eavesdropped intently.

  After all, watching the excitement is the commonality of all human beings, regardless of the world!

  And listening to Flender's words, whether it was Zhao Wuji and the other teachers, or Tang San and the other students, they couldn't help but look a little weird.

  Because according to what Flender said, Yu Xiaogang was simply a scumbag. He actually abandoned his wife and ran away on the day of the wedding of Lanba Dean Liu Erlong and him.

  What's more, it seems that Yu Xiaogang hasn't contacted Liu Erlong for many years, making Liu Erlong wait for him for many years.

  'I didn't expect the teacher to be such a person!

  At the dining table, Tang San couldn't help being filled with contempt when he learned that Yu Xiaogang was such a scumbag .

  Originally, because of Su Mo's influence, Yu Xiaogang hadn't been very supportive in front of Tang San, which made Tang San have no respect for Yu Xiaogang like in the original book.

  But when he learned that Yu Xiaogang's morality was so corrupt, Tang San felt even more contemptuous.

  At the same time, after hearing Flender's words, whether it's Zhao Wuji and other teachers, or Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong and other Shrek Academy students, they all despise Yu Xiaogang's behavior.

  Especially Chen Feng and Gu Xuan.

  Originally, the two felt that Yu Xiaogang had no real talent and learning, and it was all blown up, but now they found that Yu Xiaogang's morals were corrupt, which made Chen Feng and Gu Xuan feel that Yu Xiaogang was just a piece of trash!

  In the entire Shrek Academy, the other teachers are still capable.

  Yu Xiaogang is not only low in strength, but also likes to brag about himself, and now he is also morally corrupt!

  How can there be such a person in this world?

  Moreover, this kind of person was able to marry a genius female soul master like Dean Liu Erlong, this is simply God's blind eye!

  It was also because Chenfeng and Guxuan didn't know that Yu Xiaogang had a relationship with Bibidong, otherwise they would probably be even more angry.

  Because Yu Xiaogang is a person like Yu Xiaogang who wants strength but not strength, face who wants face, eloquence but eloquence, who can only brag about himself and can't show his real ability.

  It was hard for anyone to imagine that such outstanding female soul masters as Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong would fall in love with Yu Xiaogang,

  but Bai Ye couldn't understand this at first.

  But I think that on this earth, there are quite a few men who have no ability and can only market themselves, but they can easily deceive women's hearts.

  Yu Xiaogang is essentially the same as this kind of man, and Liu Erlong and Bibidong were also very innocent girls in the beginning, so it's normal to be cheated.

  On the other side, at the door of the box.

  Facing Flender's persuasive advice, Yu Xiaogang quickly calmed down, pretending to be in pain and continuing to apologize.

  "Erlong, I'm sorry, I know, it was all my fault at the beginning, I shouldn't have run away, and I made you wait for so many years, even if I have reasons, I'm still sorry for you.

  " I don't expect your forgiveness, but what I said just now was indeed for your sake, after all, if I were noticed by the Spirit Hall, your Lanba Academy would definitely be affected as well."

  "It's just that I didn't expect that he would actually save your life. In this case, what I said just now is really inappropriate..."

  Because my intention to drive Su Mo away just now was blown away by Liu Erlong's scolding Going out, now Yu Xiaogang no longer whispered, but performed with all his strength, as if wearing a mask of pain to cleanse himself.

  With so many people in the box, even if Su Mo is here, Yu Xiaogang is not afraid that Su Mo will directly attack him.

  In his opinion, it would be even better if Su Mo did this!

  After all, this would allow him to prove Su Mo's attitude towards him in front of his third sister Liu Erlong!

  At that time, the third sister Liu Erlong might change her attitude and drive this Su Mo out.

  But it's a pity, after Balabala said so much, Yu Xiaogang glanced at the dining table and found that Su Mo was just drinking on his own, as if he didn't hear him at all.

  This made Yu Xiaogang a little annoyed.

  Another guy who didn't follow his script!


  And hearing Yu Xiaogang's apology, Liu Erlong felt even more disgusted in his heart.

  Because in the previous life, when she sidestepped Yu Xiaogang and wanted to drive Su Mo away, she didn't tell Yu Xiaogang that Su Mo had saved her life.

  But Yu Xiaogang didn't care at all, after just talking about Su Mo being able to meet her in the Star Dou Forest and saving her, it must have been premeditated, and instead urged her to drive Su Mo away.

  But now, Yu Xiaogang actually said that driving Su Mo away was for her own good, it was so ridiculous!

  What you said just now, the former one was not so explicit, and the latter one almost said that you asked me to drive Su Mo away for you.

  Are you doing it for my own good? Can you stop fooling me for a fool!

  The more he thought about it, the angrier Liu Erlong became, because of Yu Xiaogang's hypocrisy and shamelessness, but he still suppressed his anger, said.

  "What happened back then is in the past. We are cousins. We shouldn't be together." "

  My father came to break us up. Although I was very angry at the beginning and it was hard to let go, but over the years, I also I've already figured it out."

  "Our relationship is indeed a bad relationship, it shouldn't have existed in the first place, so I've already let it go, and we can just keep the brother-sister relationship in the future." "

  Second brother, you don't need to tell me What are you sorry for, let alone what you didn't forgive, could it be that second brother, you have been alone for so many years, and you still haven't figured it out, haven't you let go?" At the end, Liu Erlong couldn't help looking at Yu Xiaogang, with the expression in his eyes Full of questions.

  Hearing Liu Erlong's words, Yu Xiaogang's body stiffened immediately, and the expression on his face that was originally stiff became even stiffer now.

  As a face-saving person, Yu Xiaogang originally thought that when he came to Lanba Academy this time, he would be courted and licked by his third sister Liu Erlong.

  The third sister, Liu Erlong, must have tried every means to beg him to accept her, but he was in great pain, expressing in various ways that they were cousins ​​and should not be together.

  But limited by Liu Erlong's various begging and perseverance, he finally accepted it reluctantly.

  This is the script he thought of, and the most likely script!

  But unexpectedly, the third sister Liu Erlong actually said that she had let go, and instead asked him if he hadn't let go.

  This made Yu Xiaogang feel shame and anger at the same time.

  Because the words of the third sister Liu Erlong seemed to be ridiculing himself for being sentimental!

  Although this is true in fact, how could Yu Xiaogang, who has a good face and strong self-esteem, admit it.

  When the third sister Liu Erlong said to let go, Yu Xiaogang only thought it was insulting and looking down on himself.

  How can you let go!

  Didn't I tell you that I was abandoned by Na Bibi Dong at the beginning, and I was emotionally hurt, so I have been extremely depressed just now, didn't you always say that Bibi Dong has eyes but no eyes!

  But how could you do the same thing as that Bibi Dong!

  As a person with extremely low self-esteem and sensitivity, Yu Xiaogang obviously didn't think that he was in the wrong, even if it was Liu Erlong who he abandoned first, instead he thought it was Liu Erlong who was in the wrong.

  Even Yu Xiaogang hasn't changed his mind, so you Liu Erlong shouldn't have changed his mind!

  Yu Xiaogang has always been such a person, if you help him, he will not be grateful at all.

  Like the Dean of Notting College.

  But once you dare to humiliate him, he will hate you forever!

  Just like against Wuhundian.

  It's just because Yu Xiaogang is too useless, even if he holds grudges, it is difficult for Yu Xiaogang to take revenge directly.

  As for Liu Erlong's questioning, even though Yu Xiaogang had developed hatred towards Liu Erlong in his heart, on the surface, in order to protect his self-esteem, Yu Xiaogang still forced a smile, and said.

  "Third sister, in fact, I have already let go of it, but I was always worried that you couldn't let go of this relationship, but I didn't expect you to let go of this relationship now, that's great!" "But as a brother, I care about you, don't you?

  " Should it be, I was just afraid that you would be deceived, but I didn't expect Su Mo to be your savior, so depending on the situation, you should have invited him to Lanba Academy, so it's fine." Speaking of this, Yu

  Xiao Just never forget to clean up for yourself.

  But hearing that Yu Xiaogang didn't forget to diss himself and Wuhundian even here, feeling that Liu Erlong's slap in the face to Yu Xiaogang was almost done, and it should be his turn, Su Mo finally got up and sneered.

  "Yu Xiaogang, I really don't understand why our Wuhundian is sorry for you, let you hate us so much, and pour dirty water on our Wuhundian." "

  But in this world, everyone has the right to hate us Wuhundian, you are the least qualified!!"