Yu Xiaogang started to study the seven-in-one fusion technique, Flender was very disappointed

with the end of the preliminaries.

  After that, it's the qualifying round.

  However, before the start of the promotion match, in order to provide some rest time for the five major participating teams who have been fighting for nearly a month to participate in the qualifiers, they also gave three months of preparation time in the middle.

  Three months later, the promotion competition officially started!

  And these three months are a good time for the five soul master teams to relax, reflect on themselves, and improve themselves.

  But for Yu Xiaogang, he felt extraordinarily painful and tormented.

  Because he had to research a set of seven-in-one fusion skills for the Shrek team within three months.

  He was very proud and confident when he saw that the Canghui team could develop a seven-in-one fusion technique before, and he didn't hesitate to put down his rhetoric.

  Before the start of the promotion match, he must be able to research the seven-in-one fusion technique for the Shrek team!

  And his bold words have already spread throughout the former Lanba Academy and the current Shrek Academy.

  But after starting the research, Yu Xiaogang found out that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

  This is too difficult! !


  For the research on the seven-in-one fusion technique, before starting the research, Yu Xiaogang, who was addicted to plagiarism, naturally thought of plagiarizing Canghui's six-pointed star formation first.

  Let's see if we can use the six-pointed star formation of the Canghui team to replicate the seven-in-one fusion technique of the Canghui team with seven different students.

  If it is possible, then naturally it can be adapted to the Shrek team.

  For this reason, Yu Xiaogang first applied to Flender, hoping to obtain seven students from Lanba Academy to cooperate with his research.

  In order to provide Yu Xiaogang with research conditions, Flender went to find Liu Erlong with a shy face.

  It took a lot of effort to finally get the approval from Liu Erlong to call seven voluntary students to help Yu Xiaogang study the seven-in-one fusion technique.

  But even though he got approval from Liu Erlong.

  But because Yu Xiaogang's reputation in Lanba Academy has long been bad, it is extremely difficult to recruit seven students in Lanba Academy who are willing to cooperate with Yu Xiaogang in researching the seven-in-one fusion technique.

  In the end, Flender made a hemorrhagic decision in great pain and used money to clear the way, and only then did he gather seven students who "voluntarily" helped Yu Xiaogang do research.

  But even though he had obtained seven students who could help with the research of the seven-in-one fusion technology, Yu Xiaogang's research soon encountered problems.

  Yu Xiaogang's initial idea was very simple, to see if he could replicate Team Canghui's seven-in-one fusion skill.

  For this reason, Yu Xiaogang asked the seven students to stand in the six-pointed star formation when the Canghui team used the seven-in-one fusion technique before. The strongest

  students stood in the middle, and the other six weaker students stood in the middle. The six corners of the hexagram formation.

  After that, everyone summoned their martial spirits.

  The students standing at the six corners of the six-pointed star formation tried to concentrate their soul power on the most powerful student in the middle, and then let them display their soul skills.

  If it can be successful, it proves that it is possible to copy the performance of the seven-in-one fusion skill directly according to the situation when the Canghui team used the seven-in-one fusion skill.

  But obviously, this is impossible to succeed!

  Because the seven members of the Canghui team have all gem spirits, and they all have a similar soul skill. With this similar soul skill as a link, they can finally display the seven-in-one fusion skill Seven Shura illusion!

  But it is very difficult to find seven soul masters with similar martial spirits, not to mention that these seven soul masters all need to have a very similar soul skill!

  If you don't cultivate it in advance, this is almost impossible!

  And although Yu Xiaogang has some brains, he also saw the key to Team Canghui's ability to display the seven-in-one fusion technique.

  But because everyone in the Shrek team had different spirits, he obviously couldn't completely follow the situation of the Canghui team, so he found seven students with different spirits to cooperate in the research.

  I thought that using these seven students to conduct research with the six-pointed star formation of the Canghui team, I would definitely get something.

  However, Yu Xiaogang plagiarized a lot of the knowledge and theories of Wuhun Temple in the past.

  I think that after everything is completely copied, it can be the same as knowledge and theory. After repeated viewing and research, I can learn something from it no matter what, and then I can use it to "introduce the old and bring forth the new".

  But the problem is that the theoretical research of Wuhun is completely different from the actual research.

  In particular, Yu Xiaogang's theoretical research on Wuhun is completely different from actual research!

  Yu Xiaogang's research on Wuhun theory is nothing more than a summary, a simplification from some to some.

  But the actual research requires exploring the unknown, discovering problems, and researching the results by yourself. This is a process from scratch!

  In just over three months, he wanted to thoroughly study the multi-in-one fusion technique from scratch, and apply this achievement to the Shrek team.

  Even if he read countless books about Wuhun theory from Wuhundian.

  But the theory in it is someone else's theory, you remember it, have you mastered it?

  Even if Yu Xiaogang understands all the theoretical knowledge of Wuhun that he has read from the Wuhun Temple, and has mastered it.

  But these are just the basics.

  After understanding and mastering all the theoretical knowledge of Wuhun that he has learned, he must use these theories as the basis for the research he wants to conduct, and thoroughly study all the key issues in his research.

  According to the research notes Su Mo obtained from the soul guide stored in the year.

  The multi-in-one fusion technique was researched in those years, but after decades of research, it is the key to the real multi-in-one fusion technique after decades of research.

  For example, the soul master who uses multiple fusion skills, the fusion sequence when outputting soul power, the change of soul power nature when soul power is fused, etc., have all been thoroughly studied.

  For this reason, after more than ten years of being a teacher in the Canghui team, he finally cultivated the current Canghui team, and verified his own research results with the Canghui team!

  It has to be said that Shi Nian is the truly capable and patient scholar who can do research!

  And because of Su Mo's influence, Yu Xiaogang was unable to obtain the research notes of that year.

  Because I couldn't get what I had studied for decades from the research notes of the year, such as the problem of the output sequence of the soul master's soul power when performing the multi-in-one fusion technique, and the nature of the soul power when the soul power is fused. The problem of change, after the fusion of soul power, how to express it with multi-in-one fusion skills, etc., are the research results of these key issues.

  Just watching the Canghui team display the seven-in-one fusion technique in a six-pointed star formation, Yu Xiaogang wanted to understand the theory and principles of this, and apply it to the Shrek team.

  Facts have proved that Yu Xiaogang is completely unable to do it with his incompetent ability!

  During these three months, because Yu Xiaogang still has some brains, he also thought of many methods, such as using seven soul masters with the same martial soul attribute to conduct preliminary research.

  But in this way, the problem of soul power fusion is solved.

  However, if the students standing at the six corners of the hexagram all input their soul power to the students in the middle at the same time.

  Even though the student in the middle is very strong and has a level of cultivation higher than the other six students, he still can't grasp the soul power input by the six students at the same time.

  Among them, it is obvious that soul skills are needed to cooperate, or other methods are needed.

  But unfortunately, Yu Xiaogang was completely unable to find a solution in three months.

  So, seeing that the promotion competition is getting closer, Yu Xiaogang didn't say that he designed the seven-in-one fusion skill for the Shrek team, and even designed the seven-in-one fusion skill for the seven soul masters whose spirits are plants. Can't do it.

  Seeing that Haikou, which Yu Xiaogang had boasted about before, could not achieve at all, Flender was extremely disappointed in his heart.