Flender is completely disappointed, Yu Xiaogang's "name" is passed down to Heaven Dou Imperial City

As the time for the promotion competition is getting closer and closer.

  But the good brother Yu Xiaogang confidently said before that he would design a seven-in-one fusion skill for the Shrek team, but it has not been fulfilled for a long time.

  Flender finally couldn't bear it and came to the back mountain.

  This is where Yu Xiaogang conducts research.


  After coming to the wooden house where Yu Xiaogang was conducting research.

  Looking at Yu Xiaogang, who was still lying on the table, constantly writing and drawing in a notebook, and the anxious expression could be clearly seen on his face, Flender couldn't help asking.

  "Xiao Gang, it's only a few days before the promotion competition. How is the research on the seven-in-one fusion technology you mentioned for Xiaosan and the others? If you don't do it well, there will be no time!

  " Rand's words, Yu Xiao just noticed Flender's arrival at this moment.

  When he found out that Flender came to ask about his own research, Yu Xiaogang's face suddenly became very ugly, but he could only suppress his inner emotions, and promised with a forced smile.

  "Flender, give me some more time. The seven-in-one fusion technique is still quite troublesome, and it's not so easy to research."

  But after hearing this, Flender's eyes were full of disappointment when he looked at Yu Xiaogang . .

  Among them, there is not only the disappointment that Yu Xiaogang did not develop the seven-in-one fusion technique, but also the disappointment that Yu Xiaogang is a human being.

  After learning from Su Mo that Yu Xiaogang's experience in the Wuhun Palace was a complete lie, the third sister Liu Erlong had completely broken up with Yu Xiaogang.

  But Flender still believed in Yu Xiaogang's words because he still cared about his brotherhood with Yu Xiaogang.

  A large part of the reason for this is that in Flender's eyes, Yu Xiaogang still has certain attainments in martial arts theory, and is not like Su Mo said, it is a waste that has been blown out completely.

  But now?

  You boasted so much before, all kinds of self-proclaimed martial soul theory masters have decades of research experience in martial soul theory.

  After seeing Team Canghui's seven-in-one fusion technique, it seemed like he wanted to research the seven-in-one fusion technique, and even talked about it everywhere.

  Now it turns out that he can't research it?

  Flender was extremely disappointed.

  After all, because of Yu Xiaogang's bold words before, the whole Shrek academy was ridiculed, and Liu Erlong didn't believe it at all. It was he who abandoned this old face and vouched for Yu Xiaogang in every way.

  In the end, the third sister Liu Erlong agreed to help.

  But even so, the entire academy does not know how many students and teachers are waiting to see his jokes.

  Flender can predict it, when the promotion match is held.

  If Yu Xiaogang still hasn't fulfilled his promise, he will study the seven-in-one fusion technique and apply it to the Shrek team, designing their own seven-in-one fusion technique for the Shrek team.

  Then he will definitely become a joke in Shrek Academy together with Yu Xiaogang!

  But although he was completely disappointed with Yu Xiaogang, Flender still decided to give Yu Xiaogang a chance, he couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and asked.

  "Xiao Gang, tell me the truth, how is your research on these seven-in-one fusion skills? Can you produce results and design a seven-in-one fusion skill for Xiaosan and the others?"

"If it doesn't work, forget it "

  The seven-in-one fusion skill is not a very simple thing. It is not much different from the difficulty of self-created soul skills. If you can't research it, as long as you admit your mistake to everyone, everyone will definitely understand you. ."

  Flender's tone was quite sincere.

  But Yu Xiaogang couldn't hear those words.

  Let him admit his mistake, is it to admit that his master's name is in vain?

  Yu Xiaogang was full of unwillingness.

  "Flender, you believe me, as long as you give me time, I will definitely be able to research results in the future." "

  As long as you give you time, you will be able to research results?"

  Flender couldn't help laughing.

  I used to keep saying that it only takes three months, but now I can't even determine the time. Is it so difficult to admit that I can't do it?

  Do you say you can't do it, will I still despise you?

  At this point, Yu Xiaogang still refused to admit the reality, which made Flender completely see through Yu Xiaogang's nature.

  He has always regarded Yu Xiaogang as a brother, but Yu Xiaogang would rather put his face on the ground than admit his mistakes, but maintain his master's self-esteem.

  But your name as a master has long been a joke, so can you deceive yourself and others like that?

  Originally, because he still cared about the brotherhood with the master, even though the third sister Liu Erlong and the old buddy Zhao Wuji didn't even bother to look at Yu Xiaogang, Flender was still able to talk and laugh with Yu Xiaogang.

  But now, after seeing through Yu Xiaogang's hypocrisy, shamelessness, selfishness, and selfishness, Flender is also completely disappointed, and doesn't bother to talk to Yu Xiaogang anymore.

  "Then you can continue to study yours."

  After taking a deep breath at the end, Flender clenched his fists, and after coldly saying something to Yu Xiaogang, he also turned around and left.

  Since this brother can disregard his own face for the sake of his so-called dignity, why does he have to be cheap and treat this so-called brother as a brother?

  From the beginning to the end, he never got any kindness from this brother!

  After seeing Flender finish his last sentence in a cold voice, he turned around and left.

  Watching the back of Flender leaving, Yu Xiaogang also realized that Flender was completely disappointed in him.

  But thinking that he has been discriminated against in the family for so many years, his reputation as a master has been established with great difficulty, and he must not fall down casually.

  Yu Xiaogang still firmly believed that he was right, but suddenly felt that Flender might treat him like this because he could not develop the seven-in-one fusion technique.

  For such a brother, how important is it to have his own name as a master!

  For me, disciple Tang San is the first, and then my master name and relatives, as for brothers like Flender, let's wait a little later.

  But with Flender's departure.

  After discovering that Yu Xiaogang couldn't develop the seven-in-one fusion technique at all.

  Now that he has seen through the true face of Yu Xiaogang, the superficial brother, it is naturally impossible for Flender to show his face to Yu Xiaogang.

  So, after returning to the academy, Flender approached Liu Erlong and said that he had misread Yu Xiaogang and wanted to cancel his support for Yu Xiaogang's research.

  Afterwards, Flender directly held a teacher-student meeting to admit his mistakes to all the students, saying that the seven-in-one fusion technology promised by Yu Xiaogang could not be researched, and let some students who were still expecting it put down their expectations. I misunderstood the wrong person, I am sorry everyone, and gave everyone unnecessary expectations.

  With Flender's teacher-student meeting held.

  Although it was Flender who made a mistake, it was Yu Xiaogang who was dragged out to flog the corpse.

  Originally, some innocent and kind-hearted students in the academy hadn't fully listened to the rumors, thinking that Yu Xiaogang was a clown, and they were willing to believe that Yu Xiaogang could develop the seven-in-one fusion technique.

  For this reason, some even had disputes with other classmates and friends who had different opinions, and even fought violently, and some friendships were broken.

  But with the convening of this teacher-student meeting in Flender.

  These students couldn't help feeling that they had been deceived, and each of them became even more resentful and angry towards Yu Xiaogang.

  Because they believed in Yu Xiaogang, they didn't hesitate to have disputes with others and fight with friends. They thought they were right, but they didn't expect that they were clowns from beginning to end?

  This made these people hate Yu Xiaogang to the core.

  Thus, under the crazy publicity of these people, Yu Xiaogang's overreaching and the name of the useless clown directly broke through the Lanba Academy and spread to the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  Almost all soul master academies, as well as many residents and outsiders, know that there is a master clown named Yu Xiaogang.

  After seeing the seven-in-one fusion skill of the Canghui team, he boasted that he could thoroughly research it within three months, apply it to his own soul master team, and design a corresponding seven-in-one fusion skill for it .

  As a result, after more than three months of research, nothing has been researched. It is simply a high-sighted and low-handed person who can only talk about it. A typical incompetent, like a clown!

  This made Yu Xiaogang directly the laughing stock of the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City.