The Promotion Competition is Over, Yu Xiaogang Feels Alright Again

and is in Shrek Academy.

  After studying for a period of time, I thought I had found a new idea.

  Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but immediately went to the academy, found the student who helped him conduct the experiment again, wanted to continue the experiment, but was directly rejected.

  Because after Flender decided not to continue to support Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong also canceled the rewards and benefits for the students who helped Yu Xiaogang with his research.

  If there is no benefit, who would help Yu Xiaogang, a hypocritical, selfish, and arrogant clown!

  But when he found out that Flender didn't help him anymore, Yu Xiaogang was filled with anger and resentment.

  Just because I haven't researched the results yet, you don't support my research. Is there a brother like you! !

  It's only been three months, and the study of the seven-in-one fusion technique is not the study of cooking. It's so easy to produce results, and you can't even afford to wait for this time. Do you know what is the study of Martial Soul theory?

  The more Yu Xiaogang thought about it, the more angry he became, but there was nothing he could do.

  Going to find Liu Erlong, he didn't have the guts at all.

  Ever since Su Mo left, Liu Erlong basically didn't give him a good look when he saw him.

  Yu Xiaogang is a bullying person, with Liu Erlong's temper.

  Now that Liu Erlong is no longer begging for perfection from him, after being a licking dog, how dare he dare to provoke Liu Erlong.

  Therefore, Yu Xiaogang could only attribute all the resentment to Flender.

  After all, it was Flender who supported his research at the beginning, but he only supported him for three months. Who do you look down on! !

  From the beginning to the end, Yu Xiaogang never thought about the support that Flender gave him before.

  But that's right, Yu Xiaogang is a completely selfish and ungrateful person.

  It was like being invited by the dean of Notting College to teach in the past.

  As a result, after Yu Xiaogang came to Notting College, he ate and drank for free, but he didn't know how to let him teach the students of Notting College.

  I would rather be ridiculed by all the students than give such a soul beast class.

  From this point, we can see Yu Xiaogang's selfishness and ungratefulness!


  But amidst Yu Xiaogang's resentment and unhappiness, the promotion match was held as scheduled.

  Come to participate in the promotion competition of the soul master academy elite exchange competition in the whole continent, not only the Shrek team, but also the teams from the four major elemental academies except the Elephant Armor team.

  There are also soul master teams from kingdoms and duchies within the Heaven Dou Empire, such as Balak Kingdom, Silves Kingdom, and Haagen-Dazs Kingdom, that have qualified for the preliminaries.

  In the end, after rounds of duels.

  Because the battle method of the promotion match is a 1v1 duel between the members of the soul master team, after all the players of the two teams have played.

  Whichever soul master team is the victor remaining on the field at the end will win.

  Therefore, the first place in the promotion competition was Feng Xiaotian's Kamikaze team, and the second place was Thunderclap team.

  As for the third place, it was the Shrek team.

  Although the average cultivation level of the Shrek team is very low, but because Chen Feng, Gu Xuan, Tang San and Dai Mubai are all very strong, they still defeated the Blazing Huo team and Tianshui team, and lifted the Shrek team to the promotion round third place.

  But it's a pity that only the first and second place in the promotion competition have the chance to have a bye in the finals, but the third place does not have any special benefits.


  But with the end of the promotion competition, before going to Wuhun City to participate in the finals, the atmosphere at Shrek Academy was a bit dignified.

  Because of Su Mo's influence, Qian Renxue became a "reborn", so naturally she would not try to recruit Tang San.

  So Tang San didn't know from Qian Renxue that his family had enmity with Wuhundian from the very beginning.

  And because Xiao Wu had already been pried away by Su Mo.

  Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Tang San to have a conflict with Tai Long because of Xiao Wu, which caused the Lizhi Clan to fight the small ones and then the big ones, and finally attracted Tai Tan, letting Tang San know his identity.

  So Tang San didn't know at the beginning that his father Tang Hao was the legendary Haotian Douluo, and he had a deep blood feud with Wuhundian.

  But after Tai Long joined the Shrek team and became a substitute.

  Then Tai Long learned that Tang San's father was named Tang Hao.

  Originally, although Tai Tan knew that Tang San possessed the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, but because he thought Tang San was from the Clear Sky School, he didn't like Tang San's whereabouts, so he didn't even think about asking about Tang San's identity.

  But one time, he accidentally learned from his grandson Tailong that Tang San's father was actually Tang Hao, a blacksmith from a village called Holy Soul Village, and not from Haotianzong.

  This made Tai Tan couldn't help being horrified, and suddenly realized.

  Could it be that Tang San is the son of his master Tang Hao? !

  But when he came to Shrek Academy, he confirmed Tang Hao's identity from Tang San, and found that Tang San did indeed look somewhat similar to his master Tang Hao when he was young, so he should be his master Tang Hao's son.

  Tai Tan hurriedly stopped Tang San, telling Tang San not to continue participating in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  Because his master, Tang Hao, has a blood feud with Wuhundian, Wuhundian has been looking for Tang Hao.

  Now Tang San has revealed that he possesses the Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

  Because of Tang San's strength and potential, Wuhundian will definitely check Tang San.

  And once he knew that Tang San's father was named Tang Hao, he would definitely kill him by mistake and never let him go!

  If you continue to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, your life may be in danger! !

  Now, because Tang San had only qualified for the qualifying round, and the Shrek team hadn't performed particularly well, maybe Spirit Hall hadn't noticed the Shrek team and Tang San.

  But if you arrive at Wuhun City, you can continue to participate in the elite exchange competition of the Soul Master Academy across the continent.

  If the Shrek team performed well, it would be noticed by Wuhundian.

  Once Wuhundian knows Tang San's identity, then Tang San will be the turtle in the urn, and he will not be able to escape!

  It was precisely because of Tai Tan's words that Flender and the others couldn't help but feel very distressed.

  Because if Tang San chooses to withdraw from the Shrek team and not continue to participate in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, then the strength of the Shrek team will definitely drop by more than one level.

  This is undoubtedly what no one wants to see.

  But because continuing to participate, Tang San's life might be in danger, Flender and others didn't dare to interfere with Tang San's choice, they could only let Tang San make his own choice.

  As for this, at the beginning, Yu Xiaogang could only choose to remain silent because of his personality problems, and did not dare to interfere with Tang San's choice.

  After all, even though he is Tang San's teacher, the purpose of accepting Tang San as an apprentice is mainly to use Tang San, to prove himself by cultivating Tang San who was picked up cheaply into a powerful Titled Douluo.

  If Tang San can show his strength in this continental soul master academy elite exchange competition, it will be of great benefit to him to prove himself.

  But precisely because of his status as teacher Tang San, now disciple Tang San participates in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, but his life may be in danger.

  As a teacher, his choice of silence was too much.

  If it wasn't for being the laughing stock of the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City, being despised and ridiculed by the entire Shrek Academy, and urgently needing to prove himself, Yu Xiaogang might have persuaded Tang San not to continue participating in the elite exchanges of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy What about the game?

  But after discovering that Tang San was also very conflicted in his heart, he didn't know whether he should continue to participate.

  But Yu Xiaogang was suddenly moved.

  Although it is said that after Tang San went to Wuhun City, once his identity was revealed, he might be in danger.

  But thinking about what Su Mo said before, when Qian Xun Ji wanted to take revenge on him, Bibi Dong pleaded for him.

  This made Yu Xiaogang suddenly realize that Bibidong might still love him. The reason why he found him indifferently before, broke up with him, and drove him away was probably just a deal with Qian Xunji. Own.

  But now, Bibi Dong has become the Pope of Spirit Hall.

  With Bibi Dong's infatuation with him before, he was there, as long as he showed up.

  For his sake, Tang San wouldn't be in real danger at all.

  So I can go to have a heart-to-heart talk with my disciple Tang San, let my disciple Tang San make the right choice, and by the way, I can also restore my image.

  Thinking of this, he seemed to see himself "showing great power" in the future, stepping forward, reprimanding Bibi Dong in front of everyone, and saving his disciple Tang San. Can't help showing a satisfied expression.