Yu Xiaogang, who picks up garbage and eats, is it possible that he is still missing?

"Your left leg was broken?"

  Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, the staff of the medical center couldn't help but frowned and murmured.

  "This shouldn't be! Our Wuhun City prohibits private fighting. If someone fights privately, the order knights responsible for maintaining order will come to stop it soon, and will take away the person who provoked the dispute and accept punishment."

  "How could it be possible for someone to have his leg broken in our Wuhun City?"

  But thinking that the number of Order Knights is limited, it is normal that they can't control the huge Wuhun City, and the staff quickly calmed down.

  "We can cure your leg, but looking at you, it really makes people have to doubt your identity, first let us see if you are a soul master!"

  Because Yu Xiaogang looks like a beggar now , and under normal circumstances only soul masters are allowed to enter the Wuhun Hall, this made the staff frown and asked Yu Xiaogang to reveal his identity as a soul master.

  But regarding this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help crying secretly.

  Because his cultivation base was abolished before, and now he can't even summon a martial soul, let alone show his identity as a soul master!

  "Ahem... I suddenly remembered that there is still something to do at home, so I won't treat this leg."

  Because he couldn't show his identity as a soul master, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help coughing a few times, and hurriedly tried to find an excuse leave.

  "Okay! You really have a problem. I think you are a beggar who sneaked into our Wuhun City. Don't try to make excuses to sneak away!" It was obvious that Yu Xiaogang wanted to leave. The staff couldn't help being frightened and angry, shouted loudly, and rushed over to push Yu Xiaogang to the ground in an instant.

  After that, the staff of the medical center reported Yu Xiaogang, and asked the urban management department of Wuhun City to take Yu Xiaogang away.

  And because the urban management department of Wuhun City is the department responsible for screening people who enter Wuhun Palace.

  It would be a great dereliction of duty if ordinary people, especially beggars, entered Wuhun City without reporting.

  The urban management departments of the entire Wuhun City will face punishment!

  Therefore, after Yu Xiaogang was captured, everyone in Wuhun City's urban management department wanted to kill Yu Xiaogang!

  But because of the regulations, killing him is definitely not allowed.

  And because they suspected that Yu Xiaogang could enter Wuhun City as a beggar, there must be some special channel, which made the urban management department couldn't help but take Yu Xiaogang to the dungeon again, and began to torture him severely.

  Yu Xiaogang, who had been away from Wuhun City for many years, experienced once again the pain and torture he had suffered after being taken away by Qian Xunji.

  Yu Xiaogang really wanted to cry about the torture by the urban management department.

  Because he has already told the truth, he is not a beggar, but a soul master named Yu Xiaogang who entered Wuhun City before.

  But the urban management department just didn't believe it, and continued to torture and torture him in various ways, asking how he got his leg injury.

  But Yu Xiaogang dare not say it!

  If he said that he went to the Palace of the Pope, bullied Pope Bibi Dong, and even offended Pope Bibi Dong before his legs were broken and his cultivation base was abolished, then he would definitely suffer even worse!

  But it's not true if you say it, it's not true if you don't say it, it almost drives Yu Xiaogang crazy.

  Yu Xiaogang is extremely regretful now, why did he put the elder token that Tang Hao gave him into the storage soul guide before, otherwise if he had the elder token now, he would definitely not suffer such torture.

  But when Yu Xiaogang was being tortured and tortured in the dark in the dungeon, Bibidong finally got to know the news about Yu Xiaogang.

  Knowing that Yu Xiaogang, who had his legs broken and his cultivation base abolished, was regarded as a beggar who sneaked into Wuhun City, and was being severely tortured by the urban management department in the dungeon, Bibi Dong felt it was really interesting.

  But Bibi Dong didn't intend to torture Yu Xiaogang to death in the dungeon, this guy was too cheap!

  Hasn't the hypocrite always been in pain because of his inferior talent?

  Now let him lose his talent and become a disabled ordinary person, she wants to see if this Yu Xiaogang will miss his previous inferior talent.

  And this Yu Xiaogang came to him to ask her the secret of the twin spirits not exploding, but not only failed, but she also had her legs broken and her cultivation base abolished. How should she face her disciple Tang San and Shi Xiaogang? People from Lake College.

  These Bibi Dong are very curious!

  Therefore, Bibi Dong ordered someone to release Yu Xiaogang and heal his injuries.

  Of course, the treatment Bibi Dong mentioned certainly did not include getting Yu Xiaogang's legs back to normal.

  It was just to let someone heal Yu Xiaogang's left leg injury, so that Yu Xiaogang's left leg injury would not worsen and cause him to die.

  After receiving Pope Bibidong's order, the urban management department also treated Yu Xiaogang, and then threw him out of the dungeon.

  Because of being treated, Yu Xiaogang has fully recovered from his injuries.

  But wearing tattered clothes and smelling like a beggar, Yu Xiaogang couldn't even open the storage soul guide because his cultivation base was abolished.

  This made Yu Xiaogang feel very confused, not knowing what to do.

  He thought about seeking death, but thinking that he hadn't proved himself yet, Yu Xiaogang was very unwilling and didn't want to just die like this.

  Although his cultivation was abolished, the way to prove himself was through the cultivation of disciples.

  This has nothing to do with whether you are a soul master or not. Before you fail to prove yourself, you must continue to live!

  Yu Xiaogang tried his best to find an excuse for himself to live on.

  But even though he left the dungeon, he was not driven out of Wuhun City.

  But because his cultivation was abolished, his money and clothes were all in the storage soul guide, so he couldn't get them out.

  This made it impossible for Yu Xiaogang to find a hotel to stay in, nor to eat normally, so he could only sleep on the street and look for food in the garbage.

  This was simply the darkest moment in Yu Xiaogang's life.

  But Yu Xiaogang has no choice, he still has a dream that has not been realized.

  And he had to find a way to tell his disciple Tang San that Wuhundian planned to be unfavorable to him, so that he had to leave Wuhun City as soon as possible.

  Because of becoming a cripple, Yu Xiaogang can hardly even walk now, let alone leave Wuhun City to find Tang San, telling him not to come to Wuhun City, that's the only way.

  And several days later, the Tiandou Empire's team that came to Wuhun City to participate in the finals of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition finally arrived in Wuhun City.

  A group of soul masters, under the leadership of the archbishop in red sent by the Wuhun Palace, entered the Wuhun City, and finally came to the welcome hotel specially arranged by the Wuhun Palace.

  "It's finally here!"

  Hiding in the dark, when he saw the spirit master team from the Heaven Dou Empire who came to participate in the competition, including Tang San and others finally arrived in Wuhun City, Yu Xiaogang was so excited that he couldn't help but plan to send him to the Wuhun City as soon as possible. Think of a way to hand the prepared note to disciple Tang San, asking him to find a chance to leave Wuhun City as soon as possible.

  But Yu Xiaogang himself, because of the current situation, dare not meet his disciple Tang San, that would be too embarrassing!

  But just when Yu Xiaogang endured the pain and was about to use his stored soul tool as a price to get someone to help pass the note to Tang San.

  A soul master of the Wuhun Palace who was ordered to hide by Yu Xiaogang's side all the time suddenly appeared, snatched the note from Yu Xiaogang's hand, tore it up, and said with a sneer.

  "Your Majesty's guess is right. You dare to inform that Tang San of the news. If you dare to let Tang San know now, our Spirit Hall will immediately kill him!

  " Have you been sending someone to follow me?"

  When he found out that he was following the spirit master of the Wuhun Hall, and didn't want to pass on the news to his disciple Tang San, Yu Xiaogang only felt chills all over his body, and his heart was full of shock and anger.

  But facing the threat of this spirit master of Wuhundian, Yu Xiaogang had to give in.

  If I tell my disciple Tang San the news now, Spirit Hall will kill him immediately, then if I tell Tang San the news now, I will undoubtedly let my disciple Tang San die now!

  No way, just drag it if you can!

  I can only hope that His Majesty Haotian will make preparations after he finds out that I am missing.

  Yu Xiaogang thought sadly in his heart.

  Because of his current miserable experience, coupled with the warning from the Wuhun Temple, the face-saving Yu Xiaogang is even more afraid to meet everyone in Shrek Academy, so he can only continue to sleep on the street every day, picking up rubbish in the garbage dump to eat.

  Although this kind of life is very painful, if his disciple Tang San and the people of Shrek Academy know his current miserable situation, Yu Xiaogang feels that life would be worse than death!

  On the other side, after arriving at Wuhun City.

  Shrek Academy found out that Yu Xiaogang, who should have come to Wuhun City earlier, had not come to join them for a long time, and couldn't help feeling very puzzled.

  Even Liu Erlong was extremely puzzled.

  What's going on, logically speaking, Yu Xiaogang shouldn't be surprised when he sees Bibi Dong.

  According to the situation in memory, he should come here soon after he knows we are coming, why hasn't he come yet?

  Could it be that he is still missing?