Meet Bibi Dong, Wife Davis and Dai Mubai at the same time!

On the other side, after coming to Wuhun City with the Huangdou team.

  Su Mo used the real clone soul skill of the death scythe martial soul to split into a real clone, and left the real clone with the Huangdou team, while he was going to meet Hu Liena and the others whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

  But after Su Mo came to Wuhun City Advanced Soul Master Academy.

  Before Su Mo could find Hu Liena, the soul master sent by Bibidong found Su Mo and asked Su Mo to meet Pope Bibidong.

  Because he thought that Bibi Dong hadn't seen him for a long time, and he missed him a little, and Su Mo also felt a little yearning, so he went to the Pope's Palace, preparing to meet Bibi Dong.


  "Sister Dong'er!"

  After entering the Pope's Palace, he asked the guards of the Wuhun Palace all the way, and learned that Bibi Dong was in the study. With a smile on his face, Su Mo quickly came to the study not far away.

  "Little Mo!"

  Seeing Su Mo approaching, Bibi Dong immediately stopped her hands, and a long-lost smile appeared on her graceful and beautiful face. Su Mo.

  "Let my sister take a look. I haven't seen you for a long time. Why have you lost weight again? Is it because the food outside is not good? It's been hard for you these years, Xiao Mo." Walking in front of and behind Su Mo, Bibi Dong stretched out a pair of jade

  hands Holding Su Mo's cheeks in his arms, seeing that Su Mo seemed to be a little thinner, he couldn't help showing a distressed look on his face.

  But for this, Su Mo was a little ashamed.

  Because as the holy son of Wuhundian, Wuhundian provides him with a lot of expenses every month, and he is not a money-saving master outside.

  All kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas are no less than those in Wuhundian.

  However, compared to Wuhun City, it is true that you cannot eat as many types and quantities of soul power food outside as in Wuhun City.

  But it certainly wouldn't make him thinner or anything.

  In the final analysis, Bibi Dong still cared about him, so she always thought that he was suffering outside.

  This warmed Su Mo's heart.

  This kind of feeling that someone cares, and the person you like cares about, sometimes really makes people feel full of happiness...

  I was the first to add Bibi Dong's memory, and Bibi Dong became a person who is full of love for himself. The guilty act of being a sister and lover is indeed right.

  "Sister Dong'er, I think it's you who lost weight. I feel that you are not as good as the last time you saw your vitality.

  " Let Nana handle the important affairs, which can also relieve a lot of pressure."

  Looking at Bibi Dong, Su Mo stretched out his hand and grabbed a snow-white wrist of Bibi Dong who was caressing his cheek, feeling the hand uploading. Come warm, said with a light smile.

  "Hehe, with your sister and my cultivation level, I can't be busy with the affairs of the Wuhun Palace."

  Bibidong laughed a little, but because of Su Mo's concern, she also felt very happy and warm.

  Thinking of how before she was reborn, when she was deceived by Yu Xiaogang, she had been helping Yu Xiaogang no matter the cost, but Yu Xiaogang never cared about her at all.

  In her previous life, she actually wanted to die for this kind of guy.

  As far as this hypocritical guy is concerned, talent, strength, appearance and words, he doesn't care what he wants, and he was also blind in his previous life!

  Xiao Mo was so good back then, but I didn't see it, how stupid!

  "By the way, Xiaomo, Yu Xiaogang came to look for me a few days ago."

  Thinking of Yu Xiaogang, Bibidong pondered for a while, and told Su Mo about Yu Xiaogang's visit to her before.

  Regarding this, Su Mo naturally showed doubts: "Yu Xiaogang actually came to see you, Sister Dong'er? Didn't he say that he has broken his friendship with Sister Dong'er?"

  "Severe kindness?"

  Bibi Dong showed disdain and a sneer on his face.

  "I was kind and righteous to him back then, but what did he have to me? It's not his turn to say this!" "

  This time he came to help his disciple Tang San and asked how the twin spirits can be obtained. The way to keep your body from exploding in the subsequent training."

  "Did you tell him, Sister Donger?"

  Su Mo asked "curiously".

  "Of course not! But I didn't tell him, he didn't like it, it's ridiculous, and finally made me upset, I just had one of his legs broken and thrown out." Bibidong snorted coldly

  . soundtrack.

  "But there's a reason why he's so confident."

  Bibi Dong's eyes became a little weird as she said that, and she even looked at Su Mo.

  "He said that he misunderstood me and thought that I was in the same group as your master, but he said that he learned from you that I had pleaded for him, so he probably thought I still had old feelings for him..."

  "Xiao Mo, what's going on here?" Hearing this, Su Mo felt a little embarrassed, thinking that when he exposed Yu Xiaogang in front of Liu Erlong at Lanba Academy, he seemed to have said this if.

  It turned out that he gave Yu Xiaogang the courage to come here to take advantage of Bibi Dong...

  "It's like this..."

  Su Mo didn't even think about hiding what happened after he left Wuhun City. Instead, they had prepared accordingly, and directly told about their encounter with Liu Erlong.

  Knowing that Su Mo was actually hunting for the soul ring for the second martial spirit, he happened to meet Liu Erlong who was hunted down by the ten thousand year soul beast. After saving Liu Erlong, he was taken to Lanba Academy by Liu Erlong a period of time.

  Bibi Dong nodded.

  It turned out to be like this...

  But even though he understood the acquaintance between Su Mo and Liu Erlong, Bibidong still feels a little unhappy when he thinks that Liu Erlong once robbed him of that hypocritical Yu Xiaogang, and now he robs him of Su Mo.

  But because of Su Mo's editor's memory, Bibi Dong felt a lot of guilt towards Su Mo in her heart, so she never had the idea of ​​monopolizing Su Mo from the beginning to the end.

  In this life, she wanted to make up for Su Mo, even Hu Liena and Qian Renxue, she didn't stop the two girls from liking Su Mo, and Liu doesn't matter!

  Anyway, as long as you are the most important thing in Xiao Mo's heart!

  And stayed with Bibi Dong in the Pope's Palace for a long time.

  Because now that Su Mo has grown up, Bibi Dong also plans to develop a closer relationship with Su Mo, so the relationship between the two of them can't help but have a little emotional deterioration. But

  Su Mo blushed a little bit embarrassed about this, but he didn't. He didn't resist the close contact with Bibi Dong.

  This made Bibi Dong very satisfied, which proved that there was no problem with her cultivation.

  And enjoyed lunch with Bibi Dong until the evening.

  In the evening, Su Mo left the Pope, ready to go back to the Yingbin Hotel where the Huangdou team was located.

  But on the way, Su Mo unexpectedly ran into Davis and Zhu Zhuyun.

  This caused a smile to appear on Su Mo's face.

  "Weiss, Zhuyun, long time no see!"

  When they heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice, Zhu Zhuyun and Davis turned their heads and saw Su Mo.

  Seeing Su Mo, Zhu Zhuyun was naturally very pleasantly surprised.

  Because in getting along with Xingluo Imperial City, she had already empathized with Su Mo, who was better in every aspect.

  But unlike Zhu Zhuyun, when Davis saw Su Mo, there was only a forced smile on his face.

  After all, when he was in Xingluo Imperial City, because his father Dai Tianfeng was extremely respectful to Su Mo, in order to stabilize his crown prince, he had no choice but to sell his wife for glory.

  Although after speaking, he felt that he also got what he wanted, such as his father's appreciation and praise.

  But the problem is, as a normal man, he was forced to sell his wife for glory. After all, this still made him feel a little stuck in his throat.

  Seeing Su Mo now, it's no wonder he's happy!

  But seeing Su Mo, Zhu Zhuyun missed Su Mo a little.

  "Weiss, I haven't seen Zhuqing for a long time. I'll go to see Zhuqing at Senior Su Mo's place."

  After leaving behind an excuse to go to see her younger sister Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyun directly dropped Davis, with a mature and beautiful face With a happy smile on his face, he walked towards Su Mo.

  This made Davis angry.

  But because the team members were still around, for the sake of his majesty, Davis could only put on a forced smile, pretending to explain Zhu Zhuyun's words clearly, and let the surrounding team members know that Zhu Zhuyun was looking for his sister Zhu Zhuqing.

  And after watching Su Mo disappear at the end of the street with Zhu Zhuyun.

  Davis took a few deep breaths, forcibly calmed down, and was about to take the team members to find a place to have dinner and then return to the hotel, but happened to see Dai Mubai with a gloomy expression on the opposite side of the street not far away. Looking at the back of Su Mo leaving.

  Just in time, after Su Mo disappeared at the end of the street, Dai Mubai also turned his head and prepared to leave.

  The eyes of the two just collided.

  For a moment, the two brothers felt awkward and uncomfortable, but for the first time, there was a feeling of common hatred and sympathy for each other.