The Shrek team entering the final round, the terrifying Wuhundian team!

"Are you entering the final round so soon?"

  In Wuhun City, in a remote alley.

  With the arrival of morning, in a smelly garbage dump, a man with dirty hair and messy head suddenly got out of the garbage dump, looked at the rising sun in the sky, and muttered to himself with complicated eyes with.

  He is Yu Xiaogang.

  After being abolished and having her legs broken.

  Because he boasted before, but ended up in the current dire situation, Yu Xiaogang didn't dare to meet Tang San and everyone in Shrek Academy at all.

  These days, in order to avoid being discovered, he could only hide in remote alleys during the day, and at night, he would go to the trash cans in front of various restaurants in Wuhun City to eat.

  This is because he has explored the experience these days, knowing that he can find some relatively complete and edible food in the trash cans in front of various restaurants.

  Otherwise, in the garbage dump, I am afraid that there will only be completely inedible things such as fish bones and fruit cores.

  But although these days, Yu Xiaogang is used to this kind of life.

  But Yu Xiaogang originally thought that after discovering his disappearance, everyone in Shrek Academy would look for him with great fanfare.

  At least elder brother Flender, third sister Liu Erlong and disciple Tang San should be like this.

  But several days passed, even when the Shrek team didn't participate in the competition, Yu Xiaogang didn't see Shrek Academy looking for him everywhere.

  This made Yu Xiaogang feel a little sad.

  He is a majestic master of the generation, so no one cares?

  Among other things, big brother Flender, third sister Liu Erlong and disciple Tang San should look for him anyway!

  Thinking back to when he and his elder brother Flender and third sister Liu Erlong traveled together in the mainland, he gave them a lot of knowledge about martial arts and helped them choose a suitable soul ring.

  And for his disciple Tang San, he gave everything he had.

  I didn't expect everyone to be so ungrateful!

  This makes Yu Xiaogang feel very sad and inexplicable sometimes.

  But despite this, the finals are about to begin.

  After the competition is over, Wuhundian is probably going to attack disciple Tang San, which makes Yu Xiaogang extremely anxious.

  Just thinking that Wuhundian has sent people to monitor and control him all the time, but Yu Xiaogang can't do anything, he can only worry.

  Why! I just hope that Haotian Douluo Mianxia has been protecting Xiaosan all the time, and can make a timely move when the time comes, otherwise without Xiaosan, I'm afraid I won't be able to prove myself in the future!


  On the other side, after the start of the final round of the Trifinals.

  As the last round of the soul master academy elite exchange competition across the continent, according to the previous practice, the competition would be held in front of the Pope's Palace.

  But it's a pity, because Bibi Dong was "reborn", knowing that before rebirth, Tang Hao used the attack on the Pope's Palace, forcing them to resist his attack, and took Tang San to escape easily.

  So this time, Bibi Dong didn't let the final three finals be held in front of the Pope's Palace, but built a ring in the central square of Wuhun City.

  Let the Shrek team, Huangdou team and Wuhundian team play the final three-final match here.

  And the last three finals of the soul master academy in the whole continent.

  Because there are a total of three teams participating in this round of competition.

  Therefore, the top three games cannot simply play against each other like the previous rounds of the finals.

  For the sake of fairness, there are two rounds and three games in the top three. First, there is a 1v1 chaotic battle in the first half of the first round.

  The specific rule is that the three teams draw lots to select two teams to send a player first to conduct a 1v1 battle on the ring.

  The winner stays on the stage, while the loser leaves the stage, and the third team sends players to the stage to decide the champion again.

  Finally, after all three teams sent their last players.

  Whichever team the players left in the ring belong to, that team will advance to the second round.

  As for the other two teams, another team battle is needed to decide who advances to the second round and who withdraws from the competition.

  In the end, the soul master team that won this team battle will be eligible to advance to the second round, and will have another team battle with the winner of the previous chaotic battle.

  And this time, the winner of the battle is the champion of the soul master academy elite exchange competition in the whole continent!

  Just like that, in the central square of Wuhun City.

  With the start of the final round of the top three.

  At the VIP seats beside, Bibi Dong, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe all sat down.

  Shrek team, Huangdou team and Wuhundian team also came to the edge of the ring.

  All around, countless templar knights from Wuhun Temple have firmly blocked the road leading to the central square of Wuhun City, to prevent those spectators who stayed in Wuhun City and visited the competition in the big spirit field before from coming to affect the game.

  For the sake of the fairness of the final three finals, too many people are not allowed to come to watch the battle.

  However, for those soul master teams that entered the third round of the soul master academy elite exchange competition across the continent, because the number of people is relatively small, they are allowed to watch the battle.

  Therefore, many teams like Kamikaze, Xingluo Royal, and Tianshui have not left yet, but are watching the battle in the viewing area around the ring, preparing to see who can win the final championship.

  You know, the champion reward of this year's All-Continent Spirit Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition is three soul bones, so not too many people pay attention to it!

  Although their competition has ended, the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition is a rare event in the mainland for many years.

  Now that everyone has come, most of the teams that are qualified to watch the battle still want to continue to learn more and join in the fun.

  "Three team leaders, let's draw lots!"

  After all the three participating teams arrived, a red-clothed archbishop walked over holding a wooden box and asked the leaders of the three teams to draw lots.

  In response, Flender, Su Mo, and the leader of the Wuhundian team quickly reached into the wooden box and each pulled out a wooden token.

  On Su Mo's wooden signboard, there is a word two engraved, while Flender's wooden signboard has a word one engraved on it. As for the wooden signboard of the leader of the Wuhundian team, there is a word three engraved on it.

  Obviously, in the first round of the 1v1 chaotic battle, the Huangdou team and the Shrek team will be the first to send a player to the stage to fight, while the Wuhundian team will be the last to send.

  "Well, the order has been decided. The Heaven Dou Royal Team and the Shrek Team will take the lead in the battle, so please send players from both sides to play." Seeing the

  numbers on the wooden cards in the hands of the three of Su Mo, the archbishop in red nodded. , announced.

  "Yiran, you go on the field first."

  Since it was his turn to send his players on the field first, Su Mo frowned and pondered for a while, then looked at Meng Yiran, ready to let Meng Yiran, who had the lowest cultivation level, play first.

  As for the Shrek team, they planned to let Tai Long play first.

  After Meng Yiran and Tai Long played, the result of the final match between the two was that Meng Yiran won.

  Afterwards, it was the Wuhundian team's turn to send someone on the field.

  In this way, the game soon came to an end.

  As the weakest team, the Shrek team was the first to be eliminated and declared defeated.

  As for the Huangdou team, soon only Dai Lingxuan was left.

  But for the Wuhundian team, the three heroes of the golden generation are all still alive.

  After just one Yan entered the field, he obstinately eliminated almost all members of the Shrek and Huangdou teams.

  The cultivation base of the soul emperor level, combined with the martial soul evolved after taking the fairy grass, can be said to be superior to all heroes!

  However, because Yan's strength was no longer at his best after some battles, in the end Dai Lingxuan successfully crossed a big realm and defeated Yan.

  But unfortunately, Dai Lingxuan was still defeated by Xie Yue, who was next in the Wuhundian team.

  But in this regard, neither the Shrek team nor the Huangdou team thought that Dai Lingxuan was close to losing.

  Because looking at Xie Yue surrounded by six soul rings, everyone's face was ugly.

  There are actually two soul emperors in this Wuhundian team? !