The final decisive battle without any suspense, take down Tang San!

After the first 1v1 chaotic battle in the final round of the final round of the Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament across the continent ended.

  It was discovered that Yan and Xie Yue among the three heroes of the golden generation of the Wuhundian team were both soul emperors, so it is not difficult to imagine that Hu Liena among the three heroes must also be a soul master at the level of a soul emperor.

  This made Shrek Academy feel a lot of pressure.

  There are actually three soul emperors in this Wuhundian team, and the rest are all soul sects. How could such a terrifying lineup survive!

  The same is true for the Royal Fighting Team.

  Because they have two soul kings, Dai Lingxuan and Duguyan, and Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing can also perform martial soul fusion skills, everyone thought that they might be able to win the championship of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition this time.

  But I didn't expect that the Wuhundian team was even more perverted this time, and they actually had three soul emperors. Who could beat this!

  Time soon came to the next day.

  After a half-day rest, the next day was the second half of the first 1v1 chaotic battle of the previous three-final match.

  The Shrek team and the Huangdou team will conduct a team battle to determine who will have the qualifications to compete with the Wuhundian team in the final finals.

  And this game, there is no suspense.

  Although it is said that when Tang San led the Shrek team to fight against the Kamikaze team, he finally defeated Feng Xiaotian in adversity and led the Shrek team to victory.

  But the Shrek team was able to defeat the Kamikaze team, luck still accounted for more than half.

  It was entirely because the kamikaze team was not much stronger than the Shrek team.

  In the end, Tang San was able to burst out of adversity and lead the Shrek team to defeat the Kamikaze team.

  But facing the Huangdou team whose strength is far superior to the Kamikaze team, it is almost impossible to defeat the Huangdou team like this again!

  If the Shrek team is the Shrek team that got the opportunity of the fairy grass in the novel, maybe there is still some hope.

  Unfortunately, under the influence of Su Mo, because Bibidong had already subdued Dugu Bo and snatched the Binghuo Liangyan.

  Tang San, who did not have the chance of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye, was not able to share the fairy grass with Dai Mubai and others.

  Although Chen Feng and Gu Xuan joined the Shrek team, generally speaking, the current Shrek team's strength is much lower than the Shrek team in the novel.

  Therefore, in the match against the Huangdou team, the Shrek team still lost in the end.

  Therefore, in the final final, Team Huangdou will face Team Wuhundian.

  And this game, there is still no suspense.

  Because under the influence of Su Mo, Bibi Dong was "reborn", and then subdued Dugu Bo, got the Ice and Fire Yinyiyan, and the celestial grass catalog of Ju Douluo Yueguan's family.

  After Bibidong got the Immortal Grass Catalogue, because of the Immortal Grass Catalogue in Ju Douluo Yueguan's family, he could learn the names and functions of each immortal grass.

  Therefore, Bibi Dong gave Yan, Xie Yue, and Hu Liena the most suitable fairy grass to the three of them, so that not only their cultivation bases were greatly improved, but their martial souls were also evolved.

  Compared to the novel, Yan, Xie Yue, and Hu Liena not only improved their cultivation to a great level, but their strength is even stronger than that in the novel.

  Although Dai Lingxuan, Duguyan, and Zhu Zhuqing were not weak under Su Mo's transfer, they were still far behind the Wuhundian team in terms of cultivation.

  Although Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing can perform martial soul fusion skills, Hu Liena and Xie Yue can also perform martial soul fusion skills.

  And after the evolution of Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial souls, the new martial soul fusion skill Yaomei has also become more powerful!

  Therefore, in the end, the Huangdou team unfortunately lost, and the Wuhundian team won the championship.


  Following the victory of the Wuhundian team, Bibi Dong, who was sitting in the VIP seat, suddenly showed a faint smile on her graceful and pretty face,

  while on the other side, the archbishop in red, who was the referee, activated the soul power in his body , spreading the sound all around, loudly announcing the result of the game.

  "This year's All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament, the final champion is... the Wuhundian team! I'm asking His Holiness the Pope to speak!"

  Hearing the words of the archbishop in red, Bibi Dong immediately stood up from the throne she was sitting on. Get up, holding the Pope's scepter, looking towards the direction of the Wuhundian team, with a faint smile on his face, said.

  "Wuhundian team, congratulations on winning the championship. As the pope of Wuhundian, I am proud of you. Children, please come and receive your rewards!" Hearing this, Hu Liena,

  Xie Yue and other Wuhundian The members of the team couldn't help being very excited and excited, but soon calmed down. After solemnly arranging their appearance, they stood in a team and walked towards Bibi Dong.

  And seeing the Wuhundian team approaching, Bibi Dong motioned to the red-clothed archbishop beside him.

  The archbishop in red also immediately picked up the tray containing the soul bones and covered with a red cloth, and walked towards the VIP seats, preparing to present rewards to Hu Liena and the others.

  Soon, the archbishop in red handed out the three spirit bones rewarded this time, and gave them to Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Yan respectively.

  These three spirit bones were originally prepared by the Spirit Hall for Hu Liena and the other three, so in terms of attributes, they can be said to be perfectly suitable for the three of them.

  "I knew it was impossible for Spirit Hall to be so generous, and even gave out three soul bones as a championship reward. It turns out that this year's Spirit Hall team is terrifyingly strong, and they can basically win the championship 100%!" Seeing the Spirit Hall

  team After receiving the championship reward of this year's All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, Davis, who was watching the battle beside him, couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

  As for the rest of the spectators, when they saw the Wuhundian team receiving the rewards, they were very envious in their hearts.

  But also in the viewing area, Su Mo found that Xiao Wu, who came down with the team, suddenly turned pale when he heard the archbishop in red introduced the holy magic ape soul bone, and his pair of jade hands were tightly clenched in an instant. together.

  Su Mo knew that through the soul bone of the Holy Magic Ape, Xiao Wu should have realized that her mother, Ah Rou, was captured by their Spirit Hall.

  But it doesn't matter, after the competition is over, Sister Dong'er will take Xiao Wu to meet her mother, Ah Rou.

  And with the distribution of rewards, the Continental Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament has officially come to an end, and the Spirit Hall is also preparing to attack Tang San.

  But before that, knowing what might happen next.

  Bibi Dong was not in a hurry to start, but first encouraged the many players who were watching the battle, saying that they are actually the arrogance in the soul master world.

  Although they failed to make it to the end in the elite exchange competition of the Soul Master Academy across the continent, as long as they persist in practicing, their future achievements will definitely be extraordinary.

  Immediately afterwards, Bibi Dong asked, who would like to join their Spirit Hall?

  Because Wuhundian was originally the target of countless soul masters joining, plus the Wuhundian team's performance against the sky in the competition.

  All of a sudden, many soul masters couldn't help being moved and raised their hands one after another.

  Among them, there are those from the Heaven Dou Empire and those from the Star Luo Empire.

  Seeing that many talented soul masters were willing to join the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong couldn't help being very satisfied, and immediately asked a red-clothed archbishop to take away these talented soul masters who were interested in joining the Spirit Hall, and register the information.

  And after these people had left, Bibi Dong's expression suddenly became cold and serious, and she suddenly looked at a red-clothed archbishop not far away.

  The archbishop in red immediately took out a silver horn and blew it.

  As the horn sounded, outside the Templar Knights that blocked the streets around the central square of Wuhun City.

  More heavily armed Knights Templar suddenly rushed from all directions, firmly surrounding the central square of the Wuhun Hall.

  "What's going on? What is Wuhundian doing?"

  Regarding this, some people who were still in the spectator area, as well as the onlookers who were stopped by the Knights Templar on the streets around the central square of Wuhundian, couldn't help but be very surprised. be surprised.

  But soon, everyone will know why.

  "Come on! Take that Tang San down for me!"

  After getting the Knights Templar to surround her tightly, Bibi Dong immediately pointed the Pope's scepter in her hand at Tang San at the Shrek Academy. A cold drink.

  This made Tang San's face suddenly change drastically.