Hammer Slaughter King!

 Although the King of Slaughter is just a nine-headed blood-colored bat king of the hundred thousand year level, he was born after taking away the founder of the Clear Sky School, the Ultimate Douluo Tang Chen.

  Essentially as a soul beast, the Slaughter King cannot use the Clear Sky Hammer, nor can he use the Clear Sky School's unique skills.

  But the fighting instinct of Tang Chen's body, the Slaughter King still has it.

  After slashing through the sky with the Asura Demon Sword, the Slaughter King reacted to Su Mo's counter attack and was able to resist it in time.

  But at this time, the Slaughter King suddenly found a terrifying suction force bursting out of Su Mo's body, grabbing him.

  This surprised and angered the Slaughter King.

  This body is being sucked towards the **** of hell, he has to do his best just to stabilize his body, how can he turn around and swing his sword to block the **** of hell's scythe of death!

  no way!

  Seeing Su Mo waving the extremely sharp death scythe, drawing a dark trajectory in the air, and heading straight towards his waist, if he couldn't stop it, he might be cut in half!

  So, the Slaughter King could only change the Shura Demon Sword in a hurry, and then used the Shura Demon Sword with his left hand to block it by his side, barely blocking Su Mo's Death Scythe.

  But because it was just blocked by Kankan.

  So Su Mo's slender and curved death sickle still cut a deep wound between the Slaughter King's left arm and waist, and blood spurted out instantly.

  This made the Slaughter King cry out in pain: "Ah!" "Sura Hell!"

Fearing that he had no power to resist at all, the King of Slaughter couldn't help shouting angrily, and instantly displayed the advanced ability in the field of killing gods: Asura Hell!

  For a moment, the murderous aura in the killing god's domain instantly turned into substance, and the substantiated bloody murderous aura condensed into countless sharp murderous aura blades in the blink of an eye, and then strangled Su Mo violently.

  But God Shura has the domain of God of Death, and Su Mo also has the domain of God of Death.

  As a god-level, or even a god-king-level martial soul, Su Mo's death sickle is not only comparable to an artifact like the Shura Demon Sword in terms of sharpness and sturdiness, but also possesses four major abilities.

  These four abilities are: Death Suppression, Death Corrosion, Death Domination, and Death Kingdom!

  Among them, death suppression is the ability to increase and suppress, to suppress the strength of the enemy and increase the strength of one's own side.

  Death erosion, the effect is that in the field of death, the enemy will be eroded by the breath of death all the time.

  An enemy with weak strength, like an ordinary person, would be eroded into a pile of bones by the breath of death even if he persisted for less than ten minutes.

  Death dominance means that the souls of enemies who die in the death domain will be automatically captured by the death sickle, and then be dominated by Su Mo.

  As for the realm of death, the effect is that one can teleport anywhere within the realm of death, but each teleport consumes a lot of soul power, comparable to using a century-old soul skill.

  But because he practiced the Nine Revolutions Xuantian Kungfu.

  Both the quality and quantity of the soul power in the body are far superior to soul masters of the same level, so the consumption of the kingdom of death is nothing to Su Mo.

  Of these four domain abilities, the first two belong to the basic abilities of the death domain.

  As for Death Domination, it is an advanced ability that will be unlocked after reaching the level of Soul Sage, and Death Kingdom is the highest ability that will be unlocked after reaching the level of Title Douluo.

  Facing the Slaughter King's advanced ability in the field of killing gods: Shura Hell.

  Su Mo frowned slightly, holding the death scythe martial soul, and immediately activated the fourth ability of the death domain: the kingdom of death, and suddenly left the killing king's killing domain in a teleportation way, and came outside the castle.

  "You turned out to be a Titled Douluo?"

  After forcing Su Mo back, the Slaughter King immediately held the Shura Demon Sword, flapped his wings and rushed out of the window. shock.

  "I never said that I'm just a Contra, right?"

  The corner of Su Mo's mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm, holding the death scythe and Wuhun, he rushed towards the King of Slaughter again, and fought fiercely in the air with the King of Slaughter stand up.

  All of a sudden, a black streamer of light and a blood-colored streamer of light collided non-stop over a gloomy dry forest, and the clang of metal and iron clashed endlessly.

  It has to be said that the Asura Demon Sword, as a divine weapon, does have the power of a divine weapon, and it actually has an effect similar to sword energy.

  Every time the Martial Soul with the Death Sickle collided with the Asura Demon Sword, Su Mo could sense that an extremely fierce, blood-colored energy, like sword energy, invaded his body.

  If Su Mo hadn't cultivated the Xuanyu Body, the blood-colored energy released by the Shura Demon Sword, which was as sharp as sword energy, would have aroused the Xuanyu Body as soon as it entered the body, and was resisted by the Xuanyu Body.

  If it were an ordinary soul master of the same level, he would be invaded by the sword qi and blood light of the Shura Demon Sword within a few moves against the Slaughter King, crushing the meridians and internal organs in his body and dying!

  But just because the sword qi and blood glow of the Asura Demon Sword was ineffective against Su Mo, the Killing God Domain of the Slaughter King was completely blocked by Su Mo's Death Domain.

  Because he only occupied Tang Chen's body, the Slaughter King only had Tang Chen's fighting instincts, but he couldn't use the Clear Sky School's unique skills at all.

  On the other hand, Su Mo possesses a series of skills and martial arts such as Nine Turns Xuantian Kung Fu, Sun Moon Divine Eye, Heavenly Magic Force Field, Xuan Yu Body and Floating Light.

  During the battle with the Slaughter King, at the beginning, the Slaughter King was barely able to fight Su Mo back and forth by virtue of Tang Chen's good fighting instincts and the power of the Shura Demon Sword.

  But as time went by, after Su Mo found out the details of the King of Slaughter, the King of Slaughter was like a donkey in a poor situation, no longer a threat!

  Originally, Su Mo had completely suppressed the King of Slaughter in terms of speed because of his floating light and skimming body skills.

  It was only because the Slaughter King had been using the murderous sharp blade condensed from the Shura Hell in the Death God Domain as a deterrent, Su Mo chose to avoid the edge temporarily, so that the Slaughter King did not experience what is called real speed.

  However, after several trials, he found that the murderous blade condensed from Shura Hell was actually just that lethal, and couldn't break through his own black jade body at all, so Su Mo didn't plan to avoid the murderous blade anymore.

  For a while, after Su Mo no longer dodged the murderous blade, and fully displayed the speed of the floating light and skimming body, combined with the control of the heavenly magic force field, the King of Slaughter was no longer able to parry.

  Facing Su Mo's attack, the Slaughter King couldn't control his body at all under the control of the heavenly magic force field, and the Shura magic sword in his hand couldn't keep up with Su Mo's continuous attacks from all directions with his floating light and skimming body skills. It was extremely embarrassing and flustered.

  For a while, because he couldn't resist again and again, he was finally cut on his body by the slender and sharp death scythe, which made the Slaughter King keep screaming in pain, and the movements of his hands became even more chaotic.

  Soon, the armor on the Slaughter King's body was hacked to pieces by Su Mo's death scythe, his body was covered with bloody wounds, and the armor was also stained red with blood.

  In the end, after being kicked in the chest by Su Mo, the Slaughter King suddenly fell like a shooting star and hit the ground heavily. The Shura Demon Sword in his hand was shaken to the side. On his chest, his face was pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood.