The King of Slaughter is Counseled, The Killing Fields of Hell is Over

After injuring the King of Slaughter, kicking him off the sky, and hitting the ground heavily, he looked at the King of Slaughter, Su Mo, who was lying on the ground with a pale face, clutching his chest, and spitting out blood. He had basically lost the ability to fight. Holding the death scythe in his hand, he thought silently in his heart.   As for the King of Slaughter, Su Mo actually had many ways to deal with it.   For example, the easiest way is to use the Ice Soul Taiyin divine light supernatural power of the Sun Moon God Pupil Yuezhi Pupil realm to directly attack the soul of the Slaughter King.  

 The body of the Slaughter King was Tang Chen's body.   The reason why the consciousness of the Slaughter King is now occupied is only because the soul of the nine-headed bloody Bat King, the body of the Slaughter King, has suppressed Tang Chen's soul.   

Perhaps giving the Slaughter King a long time, he can digest Tang Chen's soul, but it is a pity that he has not yet.   

Therefore, as long as Su Mo used Moon Eye's Ice Soul Taiyin Divine Light magical power to severely injure the Slaughter King's soul, Tang Chen would be able to break free from the suppression of the Slaughter King's soul and regain control of the body.   

But this will not do Su Mo any good! And it's even more meaningless to kill the King of Slaughter! Because the passage of the road to hell needs to be opened by the King of Slaughter.  

 Although it is said that Su Mo dug a tunnel that can reach the road to hell with the help of other methods, but this is not visible after all.   

God knows if using this method to evolve the road to hell will count after clearing the level.  

 So Su Mo didn't intend to kill the King of Slaughter, but after severely injuring the King of Slaughter, he was going to let him go. As long as he knew how powerful he was, he would be obedient and send them away in the future, as long as they don't make trouble.  

 "Want to force us to surrender to you? It seems that your strength is not enough!"

  After severely injuring the Slaughter King, Su Mo immediately descended from the sky and landed next to the Slaughter King lying on the ground. He pointed the blade of the death scythe at the Slaughter King's neck, and said with a sneer.

  "But for the sake of your usefulness, I will spare your life this time, but if there is a next time, be careful with your head!" After finishing speaking,

  Su Mo snorted coldly, and stabbed the death scythe into the killing hole. In the soil next to the king's head, he pulled out the death scythe, and suddenly rose into the air.

  The Slaughter King, who was left in place, looked angry and unwilling, but finally coughed up blood and struggled to get up, all the emotions finally turned into deep fear in his eyes.


  In the blink of an eye, another three or four months have passed.

  In these three or four months, Su Mo has already completed a hundred consecutive victories in the hell killing field.

  Originally, after Su Mo completed the 100-game winning streak in the hell killing field, the King of Slaughter should have opened the passage leading to hell and sent Su Mo in.

  But Su Mo said that he would wait for Dai Lingxuan, Hu Liena and Zhu Zhuqing's daughters, as well as Xie Yue and Yan to enter the road to hell together.

  The Slaughter King touched the wounds on his body that hadn't fully healed. Naturally, he could only apologize and said with a smile that everything was done according to the wishes of Lord Reaper of Hell.

  And today, with the last Meng still successfully achieving a hundred consecutive victories in the hell killing field, it is finally time for the king of killing to open the road to hell!

  On this day, in the killing fields of hell.

  After Meng Yiran killed the rest of the fallen soul masters in the same arena and won the final victory, because he wanted to watch the opening of the legendary road to hell, the countless fallen soul masters watching around couldn't help but get excited immediately.

  Because after Meng Yiran won the last 100-game winning streak in the hell killing field, the great Slaughter King will appear to open the pass for the eight people who have achieved 100-game winning streak in the hell killing field, including Hell Reaper and Xie Yue Demon Knife. The passage to hell!

  Being able to achieve a hundred consecutive victories in the killing field of hell is something that only exists in the legend of the killing capital.

  And at the same time, a full eight people achieved a hundred consecutive victories in the killing field of hell, obtained the qualification to break through the road to hell, and will enter the killing capital. This is an epic event that is not even in the legend.

  Therefore, all the fallen soul masters in the Slaughtering City who knew the news couldn't help feeling extremely anticipated and excited, wanting to see this epic scene happen with their own eyes!

  And just after Meng Yiran successfully won the 100th consecutive victory in the Hell Slaughtering Fields, the King of Slaughter, who had already been waiting for a long time and had almost recovered from his injuries, arrived.

  For a moment, I felt a chilly murderous aura suddenly descending from the sky above the Hell Slaughtering Field, covering the entire Hell Slaughtering Field in an instant.

  Under this cold and evil murderous aura, the corrupted people around the arena immediately shouted excitedly and frantically as if they were going crazy.

  "The King of Slaughter!"

  "The King of Slaughter!"


  Amidst the bursts of crazy shouts like landslides and tsunamis, only a low, hoarse, cold laughter like a night owl came from the air.

  Then, under the fanatical gazes of countless fallen soul masters, a black figure wearing a blood-colored cloak slowly descended from the sky.

  The King of Slaughter is here!

  "My people, welcome to the killing field of hell!"

  Slowly falling from the sky, he came to the sky above the playing field of the killing field of hell. Teacher, couldn't help laughing out loud with open arms.

  But after hearing the King of Slaughter's words, the fallen soul masters became even more fanatical. Shouts of "King of Slaughter!" and "King of Slaughter!" resounded throughout the arena.

  And listening to the familiar frantic shouts below, the corners of the Slaughter King's mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly, and the depression in his heart caused by Su Mo's blast hammer before finally got a little better.

  Although facing Su Mo now, it was almost like a grandson meeting his grandfather.

  But now, the Death God of Hell and his party are about to leave, as long as they are sent away, he will still be the master of this city of killing.

  In this killing capital, he is the only king!

  Thinking that he would be relieved immediately, the King of Slaughter subconsciously prepared to give a speech under the incomparable joy in his heart, laughing loudly in a strange voice.

  "I am very happy today, because an unprecedented miracle has been born in our Slaughter City. At the same time, eight soul masters who have won 100 consecutive victories in the killing field of hell have been born..." But seeing the Slaughter King, I still want to Wanting to force Lai Lai, Su Mo couldn't help frowning, and glanced at the Slaughter King.

  Originally, he was extremely happy, and he could be said to be the king of meaningless killings. When he saw Su Mo's glance, his heart trembled. It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and he became sober all of a sudden.

  Damn it!

  Thinking of how he was reduced to the current situation as the majestic King of Slaughter, driven by a mere young human being, and with a look from the other side, he didn't dare to say a word, the King of Slaughter felt very sad and indignant.

  But in the end, the Slaughter King chose Congxin.

  Realizing that Su Mo didn't want to push him too much, the Slaughter King swallowed all the words he wanted to say in an instant, his voice changed suddenly, and he continued to laugh evilly.

  "Today is a great day for our killing capital. I will open the portal to the road to hell here and send the eight gods of death to enter the road to hell." "This glorious

  moment needs everyone to witness together. I My people, now is the time for you to dedicate yourself to the Slaughter City!"

  At the end, the Slaughter King opened his arms and grinned, revealing a strong evil intention and coldness in his tone meaning.