God Shura issued an oracle, Tang Chen regained consciousness

and God Shura became a god.

  The crisis foreseen by the God of Goodness is that Wuhundian will unify the mainland in the future, and vigorously develop soul guidance technology. After conquering the entire Douluo Star, it will threaten the crisis of the God Realm's rule over the Douluo Continent.

  But this time it was relatively early to foresee the crisis.

  Unlike the last time, the Soul Guidance Empire has developed the soul guidance technology to an extremely high level, and it is already difficult to destroy it by ordinary means, so the God of Evil has a premonition of the crisis.

  In the end, God Realm could only personally trigger the dark turmoil, destroy the soul guide empire, and destroy the historical classics and soul guide technology of this era.

  Because this time when the God Realm had a premonition of a crisis, there were still many years before the future crisis occurred, and it was entirely possible to prevent this crisis through indirect intervention.

  Therefore, under the suggestion of the kind god, it is also to avoid direct intervention in the next stage, which will damage the reputation of the gods.

  In the end, several veteran god kings found a soul from another world outside Douluo Continent, pulled it into the world of Douluo Continent, and put it into a carefully selected body.

  Use the future foreseen by the God of Goodness as the chessboard, and use this alien soul drawn into the Douluo Continent as the pawn.

  Several old god kings worked together to deduce the future that this soul will inherit the throne of God Shura, defeat the new Angel God and the new Raksha God in Wuhun Temple, prevent this crisis, and guide the future of Douluo Continent to the God Realm that is against them. helpful directions.

  Because God Shura played a big role in it, so this plan was also handed over to God Shura, the newly promoted God King.

  And after returning to the God Realm and thinking of the Douluo Continent, God Shura also went straight to the God Realm Committee.

  Then in the conference room of the God Realm Committee, through the "Wall of Ten Thousand Realms" that can monitor the major subordinate worlds ruled by the God Realm, they began to check the situation in Douluo Continent.

  "Oh! Has Tang San, the son of   destiny, already entered my Slaughter Capital?" Can pass through the road to hell..."

  Looking at Tang San who was fighting in the killing field of hell in the Slaughter City, God Shura thought in his heart.

  "Let's look at other places in Douluo Continent, and see how different everything is from the future that good and evil deduce..."

  After watching Tang San, God Shura controlled the Wall of Myriad Realms again, and began to watch Douluo Other places on the mainland, like Wuhun City, Tiandou Empire and Star Luo Empire.


  After seeing the situation in Wuhun City, God Shura couldn't help being startled.

  Because in Wuhun City, the pope disappeared unexpectedly.

  After some searching, he suddenly found that Pope Bibi Dong had summoned the elite soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, preparing to carry out a soul hunting operation.

  But according to the future foreseen by the God of Kindness, the Spirit Hall should have started this soul hunting operation several years later, after Emperor Xue Ye of the Dou Empire was poisoned to death.

  Even if the future is affected by Tang San they put into this world.

  But that day, Emperor Xue Ye of the Dou Empire was never poisoned to death because of the treatment of Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, this Tang San should not be able to affect him!

  But finding out that the future of Douluo Continent is different from the future deduced by the God of Good and the God of Evil using Tang San as a pawn, God Shura was not too panicked.

  Because that's perfectly normal.

  After all, their God Realm has changed the future predicted by the kind god. Since they have changed, it is impossible for the future to develop completely according to their ideas.

  A part of the future can meet expectations, like Tang San, the son of destiny, successfully entered his killing capital, that's not bad!

  The key now is to find a way to get everything back on track, anyway, the Wuhun Palace must not be able to successfully pass through Qian Renxue and steal the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire!

  Isn't the reason why God Realm asked him to look at Douluo Dalu for this purpose!

  After calming down, God Shura quickly switched the view of the Wall of Myriad Worlds to the Heaven Dou Imperial City, only to see that the Emperor Xue Ye in the palace had already passed away.

  This made God Shura's heart a little heavy, and he had to intervene quickly, otherwise Qian Renxue would be enthroned!

  As for how to intervene, God Shura has only one way, and that is to pass through Tang Chen, the God's Chosen who was once selected but failed in a divine test!

  So, thinking of needing to rely on Tang Chen's power, God Shura immediately prepared to use the ray of soul left in the killing capital to wipe out the souls of the nine-headed blood-colored Bat King occupying Tang Chen's body.

  As a tool for his divine examination, it is also a tool for maintaining order in the killing capital.

  In order to prevent the King of Slaughter from breaking the rules of the City of Slaughter, God Shura used divine power to imprint a mark of enslavement on the soul of the King of Slaughter, or the nine-headed Scarlet Bat King.

  Now it is only necessary to destroy the enslavement mark, and the soul of the nine-headed bloody Bat King will also be wiped out at the same time!

  And just after God Shura, with the help of a ray of soul left in the killing capital, gave the order to destroy the enslavement mark in the soul of the nine-headed blood-colored Bat King.

  At the same time, outside the Slaughter Capital, in the gloomy castle where the Slaughter King lived.

  In the bloody room, the King of Slaughter was sitting on the throne, shaking the Bloody Mary in the goblet in his hand.

  But before he could put the goblet containing the Bloody Mary to his mouth, the expression of the Slaughter King suddenly changed, and he couldn't help screaming.

  "No! Your Majesty the God of Shura! No!"

  Sensing the soul, the enslavement mark condensed by the divine power of Shura suddenly began to collapse.

  The escaping Shura's divine power was completely unbearable for its soul. Facing the crisis of death, the Slaughter King couldn't help but screamed in horror, wanting to beg for mercy from the Shura God.

  It didn't know why God Shura wanted to kill it all of a sudden.

  If it was because it attacked a player who was expected to win a hundred consecutive victories in the Hell Slaughtering Fields, several months had passed!

  Why didn't there be any movement before, but now suddenly want to kill it?

  But even though the Slaughter King wants to beg for mercy, God Shura is in a hurry now, but he doesn't even bother to pay attention to the Slaughter King, a spirit beast that is not even a pawn.

  Before the King of Slaughter could finish his words, the imprint of slavery imprinted in his soul was detonated.

  Just like that, the soul of the King of Slaughter, or the Bloody Nine-Headed Bat King, was instantly wiped out!

  As a result, Tang Chen's soul, which had been suppressed, also came to life.

  "Hmm! Where is this place..."

  Tang Chen was at a loss when his consciousness regained consciousness and his soul regained control of the body, and found himself in a strange place.

  After trying to recall the past for a while, Tang Chen finally remembered why he was here.

  It seems that when he passed the Asura Divine Nine Tests, he failed one round of the test. Although he killed the soul beast required by the God Test, this soul beast was a spiritual beast with a powerful soul.

  Although the opponent's body was destroyed by him, his soul invaded his body, causing his soul to sink into an illusion, and finally occupied his body.

  But if this is the case, why did he recover now?

  Just when Tang Chen couldn't understand the reason, the oracle of Shura God suddenly conveyed into Tang Chen's mind.