Grand-Son Met, It Was Really Grandpa!

"It turned out that God Shura saved me, but in this case, my assessment seems to have failed..."

  After receiving God Shura's oracle, Tang Chen understood the reason and couldn't help laughing at himself. My heart is very complicated.

  But since it failed, then it failed!

  According to the oracle of God Shura, the next God's Chosen to be chosen by His Majesty is his great-grandson Tang San.

  The key now is to quickly find the great-grandson Tang San, and then to fulfill the oracle under the crown of Shura as soon as possible, and go to the Heaven Dou Imperial City to find a way to destroy the Wuhun Palace's plan to steal the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire.

  I don't know what happened to Haotianzong after he left for so many years...

  Thinking of Haotianzong, Tang Chen couldn't help sighing, feeling inexplicably close to home.

  And that...she, I don't know what happened to her...

  Thinking of Haotianzong, Tang Chen thought of her in his heart again.

  The reason why he chose to leave the Clear Sky School and went all over the continent to find the God's Chosen Land and want to become a god was precisely because of her in his heart.

  Although he failed now, he still wanted to see her again.

  I haven't seen her for so many years, and I don't know how Bo Saixi is doing now...

  Tang Chen's mood is very melancholy.

  However, after clearing up his mood, Tang Chen quickly cheered up.

  "Come here!"

  After the soul of the King of Slaughter, or the nine-headed bloody bat king, was wiped out by God Shura, perhaps because of God Shura, Tang Chen got the memory of the King of Slaughter occupying his body.

  Because the oracle of God Shura only told Tang Chen the identity number of his great-grandson Tang San in the Slaughter Capital, Tang Chen needed to use the Slaughter King's men to find Tang San as soon as possible.

  Summoned by Tang Chen, the man in the black cloak who was the loyal subordinate of the Slaughter King quickly entered the room, knelt down to Tang Chen, and said respectfully.

  "Participating in the Great Slaughter King, is there anything the Great Slaughter King needs his subordinates to do?" "

  I want to find someone, you let him... Forget it! I'll go there with you."

  Maybe His body reacted instinctively. Originally, Tang Chen planned to ask the man in the black cloak to call Tang San over, but after thinking about it, he still planned to go directly with him.

  "Looking for someone?"

  Hearing that Tang Chen was looking for someone, the man in the black cloak was a little confused.

  But because the Slaughter King was always moody and violent, the man in the black cloak didn't dare to ask more questions.

  It's just that after taking Tang Chen out of the castle, on the way to the killing capital, he asked Tang Chen who he wanted to find.

  Regarding this, since the oracle of God Shura only had information, Tang Chen didn't know much about Tang San, so he could only answer an identity number, 9834, lightly.

  And after coming to the killing field of hell, as the black cloaked man mobilized his men to search for the soul master with the identity number 9834, it happened that Tang San was fighting in the killing field of hell, so Tang San was found very quickly.

  Under the eloquent tongue of the man in black cloak, although Tang San was a little puzzled, he still agreed to meet the Slaughter King.

  Just like that, in the Killing Fields of Hell, in a VIP box.

  "Great King of Slaughter, this subordinate has already brought contestant No. 9834 here." The respectful voice of the man in the black cloak sounded outside the door, and Tang Chen suddenly said in a deep voice.

  "Let him in, I want to meet him alone, you all stay away."


  Under the gesture of the black cloaked man, Tang San entered the box with doubts.

  Then he saw Tang Chen who was standing by the window in the appearance of the King of Slaughter, wearing a gorgeous black armor with blood patterns, with long silver-white hair and scarlet eyes, Tang Chen looked very evil.

  Seeing Tang Chen for the first time, Tang San couldn't help frowning.

  Because he felt that the person in front of him was not a good person.

  But after Tang San entered the box, Tang Chen turned his head to look at Tang San, his eyes were somewhat complicated, and after sighing, he walked towards Tang San.

  "Son, your name is Tang San, right?"

  How did he know my name? !

  When he heard the "King of Slaughter" in front of him call out his name, Tang San couldn't help but his face changed drastically, his muscles tensed instantly, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back, very alert.

  Tang Chen couldn't help laughing at this.

  "Son, don't be nervous. I don't have any malicious intentions. In fact, I am also a member of the Clear Sky School, or to be precise, you still have to call me Grandpa Zeng." As he spoke, Tang Chen summoned the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, and the black man under his

  feet , black, black, black, black, black, black, black, and red nine soul rings rose one after another, surrounding him.

  "Clear Sky Hammer?!"

  Tang San couldn't help screaming when he saw the Clear Sky Hammer Wuhun in Tang Chen's hand.

  Unexpectedly, the Slaughter King in front of him would be someone from their Clear Sky School, but Tang San was skeptical that the Slaughter King in front of him said he was his great-grandfather.

  Because according to his father Tang Hao's words, his grandfather is dead, so how could Grandpa Zeng be still alive!

  "Senior, are you also a member of the Clear Sky School?"

  Tang San couldn't help asking when he found out that Tang Chen's spirit was also the Clear Sky Hammer, and the configuration of the soul ring was far beyond the best.

  Hearing Tang San's inquiry, Tang Chen immediately realized that Tang San probably still didn't believe that he was his great-grandfather.

  But thinking about how many years it has been since he left the Clear Sky School, maybe even his grandson Tang Hao and son Tang Zhen thought he was dead, and it was normal for the great-grandson in front of him to have doubts about his identity.

  Tang Chen was not upset about this.

  The great-grandson Tang San doubted his identity because he had never met him.

  But he only needs to lead his great-grandson to the road to hell according to the oracle under the crown of God Asura, and after allowing his great-grandson to obtain the Killing God Domain, he will be able to attract his grandson Tang Hao.

  When the time comes, I will adjust my changed appearance by the Slaughter King, change myself back to my previous appearance, and then explain clearly to my grandson Tang Hao, then I can prove my identity.

  "Hehe, it seems that you still don't believe that I am your great-grandfather, but it is also understandable. I have been away from Haotianzong for many years, and I have experienced too many things to become what I am today." "But as long as you can see Seeing your father, he must be able to recognize me."

  Tang Chen said to Tang San with emotion in his heart.

  "The reason why you came to the Killing City is to obtain the Death God Realm, right?" "

  According to the rules of the Killing City, you should have won 100 consecutive victories in the Killing Fields of Hell and crossed the road to hell before you can get it." You belong to the domain of God of Killing."

  "But now the situation has suddenly changed. His Majesty Shura, who established the capital of killing, has designated you as the second God's Chosen after me, and now we need to complete a task. "

  So I need to take you out of the Slaughter City from the road to hell right now, first help you obtain the Killing God Domain, and then take your father and leave with you." Tang Chen's words contained too much information, which made Tang Sanyi Time simply doesn't know how to ask.

  Although he had some doubts about Tang Chen's identity, Tang Chen's Clear Sky Hammer martial soul and a soul ring configuration that surpassed the best could not be faked.

  With such a powerful titled Douluo senior in front of him, and also from the Clear Sky School, Tang San felt that the other party would not deceive him.

  There seems to be no other use for insisting on pretending to be his great-grandfather other than to take advantage of himself and his father.

  But with the strength of the senior in front of him, it shouldn't be worth doing this.

  "Okay, we're short on time, I'll take you to the road to hell first!"

  After talking to Tang San, Tang Chen caught Tang San, and using the power of the Asura Demon Sword, he directly called the Slaughter Capital Powered by the river of blood below, it opened the teleportation array leading to the road to hell.

  In an instant, with a twist of space, Tang Chen led Tang San into the road to hell in the blink of an eye, and appeared directly at the end of the road to hell.

  Originally, he wanted to ask Tang Chen a lot of things, but he was suddenly taken to a pitch-black space of the road to hell, and the narrow road to hell under his feet made Tang San almost fall down.

  This made Tang San break out in a cold sweat, and being attracted by the environment of the road to hell, he couldn't help asking Tang Chen: "Is this the road to hell?" "Yes." Tang Chen nodded, and then Pointing to the white light curtain shrouded in the crater-like exit on the cliff at the end of the turbulent and boiling blood river in front of him, he said.

  "That's the exit of the road to hell. As long as you can leave that light curtain, you can get the Killing God Realm."

  Hearing Tang Chen's words, Tang San couldn't help but look over.

  Because Su Mo ruined several opportunities, now Tang San's strength is much lower than in the novel, and it is very difficult to break through the hell killing field.

  Now if he could cheat to obtain the Killing God Domain, Tang San would not object.

  "I'll take you out!"

  And after answering Tang San's question, Tang Chen grabbed Tang San and jumped into the air, leading Tang San towards the exit where the white light curtain was.

  As his body rushed into the white light curtain, Tang San suddenly felt that his consciousness seemed to be in a blur, his eyes were all white, and he seemed to have passed out in a coma.

  But very soon, Tang San came to his senses, stood up suddenly from the carp on the ground, looked around very vigilantly.

  But all around is no longer the environment of the killing capital, but blue sky and white clouds, shaded by trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers, gentle breeze, a peaceful and peaceful natural scene.

  "I really came out?"

  Tang San was taken aback.

  "Hehe, are you awake? You woke up quite quickly. You should have obtained the Killing God Domain. Let's try it out."

  While Tang San was in a daze, Tang Chen suddenly fell slowly from the sky, and found that Tang San was already awake, and couldn't help laughing.

  Hearing this, Tang San's heart moved, and he also closed his eyes. After sensing the situation in his body, he summoned the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, and found that there was an extra white pattern on the Clear Sky Hammer spirit.

  "This is..."

  With some guesses in his mind, Tang San poured his soul power into the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, and finally after some experiments, he successfully activated the Death God Domain.

  After experiencing the increase in strength brought by the Killing God Domain, Tang San couldn't help being very happy.

  This killing god domain is really powerful, it is worthy of what father said is comparable to the ability of a soul bone!

  "Here we come!"

  Tang Chen suddenly said when Tang San was familiar with the abilities of the Killing God Domain.

  And just when Tang San didn't understand what was going on.

  I saw a gray shadow rushing out of the woods on one side, but it was a tall and burly middle-aged man with ragged clothes and disheveled hair holding a black hammer in his hand, and smashed it at Tang Chen.

  But facing the incoming attack, Tang Chen also summoned the Haotian Hammer Wuhun to block it.

  "King of Slaughter, you actually have the Wuhun of the Clear Sky Hammer? Could it be that you are also a member of our Clear Sky School?"

  After trying to repel the King of Slaughter who "held hostage" his son Tang San failed, Tang Hao was still quick-sighted , took Tang San aside, and found that the "King of Slaughter" actually possessed the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, but couldn't help shouting.


  After being put down by Tang Hao, Tang San was very happy to find that it was his father Tang Hao who came.

  "Hey! Xiaohao, I haven't seen you for so many years, so you still don't recognize me?"

  Realizing that Tang Hao still didn't recognize himself, Tang Chen couldn't help sighing and shaking his head after putting down the Haotian Hammer Wuhun , with a wry smile on his face.

  "Xiao Hao?"

  But when he heard Tang Chen addressing him, Tang Hao immediately showed displeasure, his face suddenly darkened, and he pointed the Clear Sky Hammer Wuhun in his hand obliquely at Tang Chen.

  "King of Slaughter, don't go too far! My name is Tang Hao, no matter if you are a member of our Clear Sky School or when you are a member of our Clear Sky School, my name is not your turn to call me that!" "

  Father ...He said he was my great-grandfather!"

  The atmosphere between Tang Hao and Tang Chen suddenly became tense, because Tang Chen didn't show any malice to him before, and let him get the Death God Domain ahead of time, but Tang San was Hastily whispered to Tang Hao.

  "He said he was your great-grandfather?"

  Hearing this, Tang Chen was also stunned.

  For a while, he didn't think of this possibility at all, because his grandfather Tang Chen had been missing for many years, and now that his father Tang Zhen was dead, Tang Hao really never thought that his grandfather Tang Chen would still be alive.

  But seeing the configuration of the nine soul rings of black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, and red surrounding Tang Chen, this possibility... seems really possible?

  "Xiaohao, don't you recognize me? I'm your grandfather Tang Chen!"

  When Tang Hao was in a daze, Tang Chen also smiled helplessly. According to the previous plan, he parted his long silver-white hair, erased the mark left by the King of Slaughter on his face, and then tried his best to restore his face to its original state. look.

  As Tang Chen wiped away all the bloody marks left on his face by the King of Slaughter, when he saw Tang Chen's full face, Tang Hao finally saw the appearance of his grandfather Tang Chen in his mind.

  "Grandpa... are you really a grandpa?!"

  Tang Hao exclaimed in disbelief.

  When he found out that the King of Slaughter turned out to be his grandfather Tang Chen, but he had experienced in the City of Slaughter back then, but he never found out, Tang Hao couldn't help feeling very complicated.

  He was really Grandpa Zeng!

  Hearing the exclamation that his father Tang Hao almost admitted, although Tang San was already mentally prepared, he couldn't help but couldn't believe it when he heard the situation from his father Tang Hao. You know, his grandpa is dead

  . It's incredible that Grandpa Zeng is still alive!

  "Grandpa, did you become the King of Slaughter in the Slaughter City?"

  After regaining his composure, Tang Hao took back the Clear Sky Hammer Wuhun, with a wry smile on his face, and asked Tang Chen why he would Become the killing king of the killing capital.

  Originally, when grandfather Tang Chen was still in the Clear Sky School, their Clear Sky School was the number one sect among the last three schools, and they were not even afraid of the Spirit Hall.

  And Wuhundian also has to give three points to them when facing Haotianzong.

  But since grandfather Tang Chen disappeared, everything has changed!

  If grandfather Tang Chen hadn't gone missing, even if his wife A Yin had been discovered by the Wuhundian, the Wuhundian would never have dared to act rashly.

  Not to mention hitting their Clear Sky School later, severely wounding their Clear Sky School, forcing them to retreat.

  This is the power of grandfather Tang Chen, once the number one powerhouse in the Douluo Continent!