The Three of Tang Chen Are in Action, I Don’t Have the Right to Choose Between Heaven and Hell


  Facing Tang Hao's question, Tang Chen also sighed and explained.

  "The City of Slaughter is not just a refuge for fallen and evil soul masters, it is also a place chosen by the legendary God Shura." "If you can gain the approval of God Shura in the City of Slaughter,

  then Then you can accept the Nine Examinations of the Asura God, and if you can pass the examination successfully, you will be able to become the new Asura God." "

  I had already cultivated to the peak of Limit Douluo back then, and in order to go further, I began to search for the beginning in the Douluo Continent. I went to various places where there are rumors of gods, hoping to get the chance to become a god." "

  In the capital of killing, I have successfully obtained the approval of the God of Shura and the qualification to take the Nine Tests of the God of Shura. As long as I can pass this Nine God Tests, then I can become the new Asura God." "

  But in the last round of God Tests, I had an accident, and I was possessed by the soul of the nine-headed bloody Bat King, the target soul beast that God Tests was going to kill. My body, the King of Slaughter you saw before is actually the bloody nine-headed bat king manipulating my body." "

  God? God Kao?"

  Listening to Tang Chen's explanation, both Tang Hao and Tang San listened I was stunned for a while.

  Because they haven't heard much about the gods, they used to think that the gods on Douluo Continent are just myths and legends.

  Unexpectedly, according to the words of Grandpa/Grandpa Zeng, the gods on Douluo Dalu actually exist, and as long as they pass the Nine Tests of Gods, they can become new gods.

  "Grandpa Zeng, I saw that you seemed to be the King of Slaughter before, why did you suddenly recover?"

  After listening to Tang Chen's explanation, Tang San couldn't help asking curiously.


  Tang Chen shook his head and smiled complicatedly and emotionally.

  "This is because there is something under the crown of God Shura that needs our help, so I wiped out the soul of the nine-headed blood-colored Bat King occupying my body, which made me wake up, but because I didn't pass this level by myself, so I The Nine Trials of the God of Shura is equivalent to a failure."


  Tang Chen changed his voice and looked at Tang San with admiration: "But although I failed, His Majesty the God of Shura said that he is very happy. I value you, and you will be the next person who is qualified to accept the Asura God Nine Tests."


  Hearing this, Tang San was startled.

  This surprise came too unexpectedly!

  "Grandpa, what do you mean, Xiaosan also has a chance to become this Shura god?"

  Tang Hao was also very pleasantly surprised.

  "Of course!"

  Tang Chen said with a kind smile on his face, "But let's talk about this matter later, let's complete the oracle issued by the God of Shura first.

  " The prince was pretended by someone sent by Wuhundian, and Wuhundian is preparing to seize the throne of Tiandou Empire through this pretended prince." "In this way

  , Wuhundian can cooperate with Tiandou Empire to attack the Star Luo Empire. Star Luo Empire is definitely no match for the joint attack of Wuhundian and Tiandou Empire.

  "For the peace and future of the mainland, we must hurry to Tiandouhuangcheng to destroy Wuhundian's plan. "

  "By the way, Xiao Hao, how has Hao Tianzong been during the years I've been away?" "

  Speaking, thinking of Haotianzong, Tang Chen couldn't help looking at Tang Hao, and asked.


  Tang Hao's face froze, and he hesitated in his heart, not knowing whether he should say it.

  "What's wrong?" "

  Finding that Tang Hao seemed to have something wrong with his face, Tang Chen couldn't help frowning, and felt bad in his heart.

  Under Tang Chen's questioning, Tang Hao also smiled wryly, and told all the things of that year with a complicated mood.

  For example, his acquaintance and love with Ah Yin, and later the identity of Ah Yin was "accidentally" discovered by the Spirit Hall, but Haotianzong announced that he would stand by and watch, but because he accidentally killed Chihiro Ji by mistake, he was finally retaliated by the Spirit Hall , was almost destroyed, and now he can only choose to hide from the world.

  Among them, Tang Hao still concealed the conspiracy of his father Tang Zhen, because this is too difficult to tell.


  Hearing what happened back then from Tang Hao, Tang Chen was shocked and angry.

  After he left the Clear Sky School, how on earth did his son Tang Zhen lead the development of the Clear Sky School? It turned out like this!

  For what happened back then, Tang Chen didn't blame Tang Hao, but his son Tang Zhen, because as a family sect, the most important thing about Haotianzong is cohesion!

  But his son Tang Zhen actually chose to lead the Haotian School to stand by when his grandson Tang Hao, who was also the greatest genius of their Clear Sky School, was in danger.

  Even after he left, so what if Wuhundian is stronger than their Clear Sky School?

  Does Wuhundian really dare to start a war with Haotianzong?

  But his son Tang Zhen chose to give in, which undoubtedly gave Spirit Hall more confidence, so that he dared to attack Haotianzong later, severely injured their Haotianzong, and forced Haotianzong to hide from the world.

  And the injury of Haotianzong is not the most terrible thing. The scariest thing is that since he became the suzerain, it took an unknown number of years to cultivate the indomitable and indomitable integrity and spine of the Haotianzong members. The shock broke!

  But thinking of his son's death, no matter how annoyed Tang Chen felt, no matter how angry he was, he could only be angry.

  And thinking of his son being killed, although it is said that Qian Daoliu's son is also dead, but Qian Daoliu's son was killed when he was chasing and killing his grandson Tang Hao.

  It is an extremely shameful thing to be beheaded by the younger generation when the skills are inferior to others!

  It is unreasonable for Wuhundian to use this as an excuse to name their Clear Sky School!

  This made Tang Chen extremely angry, wishing he could go to the Wuhun Temple to avenge his son Tang Zhen!

  But thinking of God Shura's oracle, Tang Chen could only suppress the anger in his heart, and planned to go to the Heaven Dou Imperial City first, to destroy the Wuhun Palace's plan to seize the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire through a fake prince.

  Otherwise, it will be too late when this fake prince ascends the throne!

  Anyway, Wuhun City can't escape, so let's put this aside for now.

  However, under the full of anger, Tang Chen still couldn't help snorting coldly in his heart, and said bitterly.

  Qian Daoliu, Qian Daoliu, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you have grown a lot more courageous, you dared to let your Wuhun Hall beat me to the Clear Sky School, and even forced my son to death.

  With such courage, I want to see if your strength has improved!


  and after leaving the Slaughter City, and meeting Tang San and Tang Hao.

  Although he learned of the situation of the Haotian School, Tang Chen was very angry and angry. He really wanted to go back to the Haotian School, see the current situation of the Haotian School, and then go to the Wuhun Palace for revenge.

  But because of God Shura's oracle, Tang Chen still knew that big things mattered!

  The key now is to rush to the Heaven Dou Imperial City as soon as possible to destroy the plan of the Spirit Hall.

  Speaking of this, I have to mention that the future of Douluo Continent predicted by the God Realm is the future that should have happened in Douluo Continent without Tang San's influence.

  And in this future, Bibi Dong has not been "reborn", so she doesn't know where Haotianzong's hidden world is, and naturally the soul hunting operation has not affected Haotianzong.

  Therefore, although God Shura found that the current development of Douluo Continent is somewhat different from what the other great god kings speculated.

  But he also subconsciously believed that the Hall of Spirits still didn't know where the Clear Sky School was, so naturally the soul hunting operation would not affect the Clear Sky School.

  So, in the end, God Shura didn't mention the Soul Hunting operation to Tang Chen, but just told Tang Chen that Wuhundian was trying to steal the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire through Qian Renxue, and asked Tang Chen to take Tang San and Tang Chen quickly. Hao went to stop it.

  And after learning about God Shura's oracle, Tang Chen took Tang San and Tang Chen out of the Slaughter Capital and rushed all the way to the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  After spending several days, he finally arrived at the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  But after arriving at the Heaven Dou Imperial City, it was found that the fake crown prince still hadn't ascended the throne, and even the news of Emperor Xue Ye's death was still blocked.

  Tang Chen thought about it, but he didn't intend to take his grandson Tang Hao directly to the Heaven Dou Palace.

  Because of this, even if they kill the person who was sent by Wuhundian to pretend to be the prince, Wuhundian might bite back and say that they framed him as a frame-up.

  And because their actions are too fierce, after the propaganda of Spirit Hall, if one is not good, maybe they will become the enemies of the Heaven Dou Empire instead.

  After all, no matter which country it is, it is impossible to think that a person who marks their palace and kills their soon-to-be crowned prince will be good to their country.

  The oracle issued by the Asura Divine Crown was to let him find a way to dismantle the plan of the Wuhun Temple, this still needs to be considered in the long run.

  Now the news of the death of the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire has not spread, so they still have time to prepare.

  Tang Chen thought in his heart.

  So, after arriving at the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  Tang Chen asked Tang Hao and Tang San to collect information about the Tiandou imperial family with him first, to see how best to complete the oracle of God Shura.

  But when Tang Chen brought Tang Hao and Tang San to the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  On the other side, Bibi Dong had also brought a group of titled Douluo and elite soul masters from the Wuhun Hall to the vicinity of the Heaven Dou Imperial City, and then divided into three groups, one to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the other to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and the other to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. Then go to Haotianzong.

  Bibi Dong naturally went to the Blue Lightning Overlord School with a few Title Douluo and a group of elite soul masters.


  In the evening, the setting sun had already set in the west, and was surrounded by orange-red sunset clouds in the sky, leaving only a faint yellow afterglow to shine on the earth, and the whole land was dyed with a layer of twilight.

  In a twilight-stained forest, Su Mo was walking towards the distance with Bibi Dong.

  This is a forest near Fulong Mountain.

  And Fulong Mountain is the mountain where the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is located. It was originally unknown, but because one of the previous three Blue Lightning Overlord Sects is located here, it was named: Fulong.

  After helping Qian Renxue deal with Prince Xue Xing and Xue Beng, Su Mo packed up his hands and arranged everything, and then joined the large army that came to carry out the soul hunting operation.

  After the main force separated to act, Su Mo chose to go with Bibi Dong to destroy the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect with a few Title Douluo and a large group of elite soul masters from the Spirit Hall.

  "Little Mo, aren't you curious, what am I going to do with you?"

  Wearing a dark purple Pope's crown robe, a nine-curved purple gold crown, and holding a gorgeous Pope's scepter, Bibi Dong walked like the wind. , walking lightly and freely in the forest, and found that Su Mo beside him had never asked why he took him to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect alone, but Bibi Dong couldn't help turning her elegant, cold and beautiful face to look at him. Su Mo asked with a faint smile.

  "Anyway, nine times out of ten it's just to inquire about the situation. It doesn't matter whether you ask or not. I believe in you, Sister Dong'er."

  Regarding Bibi Dong's inquiry, Su Mo also shook his head with a smile, and replied.

  As for why he didn't ask, the reason is very simple, that is because he knows everything he should know about the future deduced by consuming two memory addition opportunities in the killing capital.


  Hearing Su Mo's answer, Bibi Dong also smiled: "To inquire about the situation? It can be considered as such, but you will definitely not be able to guess the specifics."

  And with Su Mo, after walking through a large forest all the way to the cliff of a hill not far from Fulong Mountain, Bibi Dong took out a special volute-shaped soul guide, and then injected soul power into it.

  "Okay, then we just need to wait here."

  After what seemed to be a signal, Bibi Dong took out a gorgeous throne from the storage soul tool, smiled slightly, and sat on it .

  Regarding this, Su Mo also sat down directly at Bibi Dong's spectator seat.

  While waiting, Bibi Dong couldn't help asking about Su Mo's experience in the Slaughter Capital, as well as his experience in the Heaven Dou Imperial City during this period.

  And after Su Mo talked with Bibi Dong for a while.

  Suddenly, there seemed to be something approaching in the air, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a middle-aged man in a silver-blue robe with a pair of dragon wings on his back, coming from a distance.

  "You're here."

  After the middle-aged man came to the sky above the cliff, folded the dragon wings on his back, and landed on the cliff, looking at the middle-aged man, Bibi Dong didn't get up, but just smiled faintly.

  "Well, when will you attack our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?"

  The middle-aged man nodded silently, and then asked.

  "Just tonight, can you arrange it?"

  Bibi Dong asked with a faint smile.


  The middle-aged man answered briefly without any nonsense.

  "I'll go back and prepare now."

  After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man opened the silver-blue dragon wings on his back again, and in a gust of wind, he flew up into the sky, and then returned to Fulong Mountain in the distance. .

  Su Mo naturally knew the middle-aged man.

  This middle-aged man is none other than Liu Erlong's father - Yu Luomian!

  However, although Su Mo knew about Yu Luomian and Bibidong's plan to attack the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect through the previous two chances of adding memories to deduce the future.

  But when Yu Luomian left, Su Mo still pretended to narrow his eyes slightly, watching Yu Luomian fly into the sky, and then disappeared into the sky.

  "Sister Dong'er, he is from the Blue Electric Overlord Sect? This time we are attacking the Blue Electric Overlord School, did you buy a group of traitors from the Blue Electric Overlord School to help?" "Yes." Bibi Dong

  sat On the throne, with tall jade legs raised Erlang's legs, the cool breeze blowing on the cliff, her long lavender hair fluttering with the wind, while admiring the dim sunset and the beautiful sunset in the sky, she said with a leisurely smile.

  "But you can make sure that he will obediently help us attack their Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and be our running dog? What if he chooses to betray us again in the end, what if he fights back?" Su Mo frowned, very "doubtful

  " asked.

  "Hehe, it doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, he has no right to choose."

  Bibi Dong held the Pope's scepter in her hand and smiled faintly.

  "Now that we have come, they cannot hide from the Blue Lightning Overlord School. If he takes some people to be our lackeys obediently, then their Blue Lightning Overlord School can still retain some vitality." "But if he chooses Pretending to join us, but finally fighting back, we will indeed pay more casualties, but their Blue Lightning Overlord family will definitely be removed from the mainland!" "He is a smart man, you will he choose? "

  The cool breeze from the sky was still blowing from the cliff, blowing Bibi Dong's long lavender hair high, looking at the dim sunset in the distance, Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth.

  Su Mo didn't reply to this either.

  Because he knew how Yu Luomian chose in the end.

  Regarding Yu Luomian's situation, there is actually a very good saying: I don't have the right to choose between heaven and hell, only my fate to be chosen!

  So Yu Luomian seems to have a choice, but in fact, she has no choice!