Chapter 22: The Claiming

*The Woods*

The rain was coming down harder, and I could barely see Rilian sitting above me through the torrential downpour. I was shivering, and my teeth began to chatter as I looked up at him.

"Aspen, I...," Rilian whispered.

"I just," I interrupted, too afraid to hear what he would say next, "needed to tell you. I was afraid I would never be able to say it out loud."

Rilian's mouth opened then closed silently, and he nodded at me. He wrapped me up in the blanket and swept me into his arms, taking me back onto his bike and leaving Brad unconscious as he rushed us back into the city.


"What are we doing?" I asked, grunting as Rilian threw me down on the bed.

Rather than returning to the tower, Rilian took us to a motel. I watched as he paced around the room, closing curtains and locking the door. Peeling off his soaked-through shirt as he went.