Chapter 21: The Intruder

*Avari Tower*

My blood ran cold. I froze like a mouse under the gaze of a hungry cat. I didn't know what to do or why he was there. So all I could think of was slowly turning around and kneeling as I had been taught, not breathing or making a sound.

"Well, at least you didn't forget your manners," said Brad, and he reached back, hauling a large metal dog crate from the elevator. "But I'm not thinkin' that's gonna help you now."

I knew immediately that it was for me. Brad began to pace towards me, and without thinking, I jumped to my feet, knocking several comics off the shelf as I launched myself towards Rilian's bedroom, hoping the lock would be strong enough to keep Brad out.

I didn't get three feet before I looked up to see him standing in front of me.

"Here, puppy," Brad whistled.

"NO!!" I shouted, hitting the floor as I scrambled to stop my pace and turn in the other direction.