Chapter 1: Freedom


I run through the forest, the wind whipping through my fur as my paws tear at the soft earth. Nothing else moves in the forest around me. Only the sound of my crashing form bounding through the trees echoes in the night.

My fur is white and stands in stark contrast to the blanket of night. Even the shadows seem to tremble as I make my way around them and through them.

Despite the beauty of the shining stars that peek out irregularly from the canopy above, I can’t help but feel the wash of pain and anger that floods through me.

How could she? How could she say those things about me?

I replay the scene in my head as I near the edge of the compound’s border.

My mother, so perfect and beautiful, was at the center of attention as always. I remember how her raven hair absorbed the candlelight in the large gathering hall and how people danced around her as if she was the reason for their appearance.

She had a glass of wine in one hand and the other firmly clasped around the hand of one of the pack elders. They had been talking in hushed whispers, their eyes darting to and away from me as I entered the room.

As soon as my feet touched the polished wooden floors, all eyes turned to me. The failure. The imperfect daughter of the perfect alpha.

I remember the looks of judgment and disappointment. And my mother just HAD to smile at me and say, “There’s my little alpha!”

AS IF! She knows I’m not an alpha, and I never can be!

Tears threaten to pour from my eyes as my body slams into the magical boundary protecting the pack from the outside world.

My friends, or at least I thought they were my friends, laughed at me when they saw my face turn crimson. Everyone there could see my amber eyes that looked nothing like my mother’s silver. They had gossiped about how I, the daughter of a true alpha, was, in fact, a lowly beta.

The day of my first shift had been one of mockery and shame. Everyone had expected me to be a born alpha like my mother. No one thought that those powers would skip me. And ever since, I’ve been treated like I’m no better than an omega.

Even as I think of the word, I snarl into the cold air. Omegas were the lowest of the low. I try to forget that most of the pack were once omegas themselves, and my mother had let them into the pack. It’s just one more reminder of how GOOD she is.

I push against the invisible force field that tries to pull me back inside its protection. It’s a powerful spell that feeds the boundary, conjured by my mother’s long-time friend and witch, Jenna Hart. In my mind, she’s no better than my mother.

I push and grind my paws into the ground, forcing myself out. OUT! I JUST WANT OUT!

As soon as I heard those words come from my mother’s lips, I bolted. I ran out the nearest door I could find and shifted into my wolf form, Hestia. I didn’t even care that I ripped through my new dress. I was just so angry; nothing else mattered.

I feel the boundary give way and suddenly open. I stumble forward but quickly catch my bearings and run into the clearing at the forest’s edge.

Moonlight shines brilliantly on the small pond that sits at the clearing’s center.

I skid to a stop, letting myself slow until my front paws are barely in the water.

I gaze down and stare at my reflection. Bright, yellow eyes set against a narrow face of white fur look back at me. I scowl and snarl at the reflection.

My eyes make me think of how I had let everybody down, and my fur makes me think of the grandmother I would never see again.

When Gran died, my mother had sat me down and told me that her death wasn’t the end. When I became alpha one day, I would see her again through the memories of the pack. But that will never happen. I’ll make sure of that.

Only my human father has any idea of how I feel. When he met my mother, he had no knowledge of the Shifter’s world. He had been a normal guy until my mother ripped him away from his home and locked him away in the compound.

Of course, he’ll swear against it. He says he’s not a prisoner. He remains in the compound because the human authorities have convicted him of some sort of crime.

But how could he not be? As my mother’s mate, he is supernaturally connected to her. As soon as they had formed the Bond, their souls became linked forever. Though a human, my father is still able to feel the connection, likely because my mother is a true alpha.

A true alpha is one who was born with an alpha’s powers. Unlike my grandfather, who had killed his own father to take his place as alpha, my mother was simply born an alpha. She was born perfect from day one and barely had to lift a finger.

I splash the reflection of myself in the pond water.

Not only was he forced to leave his home and family behind forever, but he is constantly surrounded by those much stronger than him. He has no real way to defend himself. He is bound to my mother’s protection.

How could my father not feel like a prisoner?

I never want that to be forever trapped by someone else. I am the master of myself. I will never let myself fall prey to a mate…or an alpha, for that matter.

I look up at the full moon, its white face staring down at me.

All I want, more than anything in the world, is to be free.

A sudden sound brings me out of my thoughts.

My ears go back, and I snarl a warning.

Whoever, whatever, is out there, I can’t sense them. They aren’t part of the pack.

I half expected my mother or someone else to come and get me, but I haven’t sensed anyone since I broke through the boundary.

‘Who's there!' I bark both with my voice and my mind.

No response.

I wipe my paws against the ground and search the trees beyond for movement.

A sensation sprouts at the base of my skull and travels down my spine. I'm startled by the feeling and whine with surprise.

I try to blink it away.


But, as the shape forms itself on the other side of the pond and blue eyes blink back at me, I know that freedom is something I'll never have.