Chapter 2: Fight or Flight


An attractive force so powerful that I'm almost knocked to the ground punches me in the chest, and I stagger forward. I'm drawn to the figure in front of me, but I must deny it with everything I have.

A tan wolf looks out at me from the edge of the forest beyond the clearing.

His sapphire eyes are like two gems cast in golden ichor. They mesmerize me in a way I have never experienced before.

I desperately want to look away, but I can't. I can't help but look at HIM.

NO! NO! NO! It can't be!

Everything I've been fighting for my whole life is about to be thrown down the drain. I can't let this happen. I won't.

He takes one step into the clearing, and I bare my teeth at him, my tail high and straight.

He drops his head but only slightly. He blinks at me in startled curiosity.

'Hello,' he says.

I jump back. I heard him. But that can't be possible. He's not part of the pack.

He takes another step.

'Hello,' he repeats.

I snap my jaws together, the sound echoing around us. A deep growl vibrates through my chest,

'Who are you!' I want to scream the words at him.

'Relax,' he says. 'My name is Devon. What are you doing out here? This isn't pack territory.'

He genuinely sounds confused. Part of me thinks he's an omega trying to get into the pack. Many of them do that, try to force their way into packs, so they no longer have to be alone.

However, this guy doesn't seem very threatening at all. He does have an edge of scruffiness about him, something that reminds me of a stray dog.

'And who are you?' he asks, head tilted to the side. He casually sits on his hind legs and waits for me to answer.

I'm smart enough not to give him my real name. This is a complete stranger, after all.

'Ava,' I say and immediately stiffen.


He makes a weird chuckling noise as if he senses my mistake.

I've never had a great ability to lie, and it seems I am now paying for it.

'So, Ava, I ask again. What are you doing out here?'

I glare at him, not wanting to answer but feeling another very strong urge to do just that.

'Devon? That come with a last name?' I snap back at him.

He blinks at me, almost bemused.

'Jacobs,' he answers.

'Devon Jacobs? I've never heard of you,' I say.

'I’d be surprised if you had.’

Neither of us broaches the topic of why we can understand each other despite the fact that we are not part of the same pack.

So, here we stand, ten feet apart, staring at each other over a small pond of water.

What a great night. What started out as a celebration to be ended with a nice party has turned out to be a not-so-clean getaway and the arrival of Mr. Right, or rather, Mr. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!?

I can only think what Tom will say when I tell him about this later if I choose to tell him at all, that is.

‘Why are you so close to my pack’s territory?’ I ask him, ignoring his previous question about why I was there.

He shrugs. ‘I was just passing by. I felt…drawn here.’ His eyes gaze at me, expecting me to say something.

I start to wonder why I’d chosen this exact path away from the compound. Was I drawn here too?

I shake the thought from my head. No. It doesn’t matter. This guy means nothing to me, no matter what his sudden appearance might mean.

I look back the way I came, at the compound that’s barely visible on the horizon.

‘You still haven’t answered my question,’ he points out, and I sag.

‘What does it matter? This land still belongs to my pack, and you are trespassing.’

‘Am I? I sense no markers here. In fact, we are miles from your pack's borders, and you know that. Aren’t you a little young to be traipsing about alone at night?’

I let out another growl. ‘I’m nineteen. I can do what I want.’

He scoffs. ‘You’re barely out of your first shift, and you think you’re safe?’

I snarl at him, my fur standing on end.

‘You don’t know what I’m capable of. Why don’t you just back off and go back the way you came, Omega.’ I say the last word with as much mental venom as I can muster.

He stands, clearly on edge. He snaps at me, anger piqued.

‘Watch it, Princess.’

‘So, you do know who I am.’ I’m not really surprised. If he can sense my thoughts, he’s likely to figure out who I really am. If only I knew how to fish out the same information from his clouded head.

Suddenly, he’s filled with so much anger that I step back, afraid. Then, his anger becomes tinged with something else, something I REALLY don’t want to think about right now. Desire and… arousal.

‘Of course, I know who you are! Any wolf within a hundred miles of here knows who you are! The daughter of a true alpha? You’re not exactly hidden away out here like you might think. People talk.’

I bare my teeth at him. ‘So? You still shouldn’t be here.’

His lips quiver and turn into a snarl. ‘Fine, I can see when I’m not welcome. God forgive me for wanting to help you.’

‘Help me! Why the hell would I need any help? I can take care of myself!’ I growl and paw at the ground, becoming tenser with each passing second. This guy has some nerve!

Before I let myself give it any more thought, I launch into the air, my claws sharp and gleaming, and pounce on him. He doesn’t have any time to make his defense. He falls to the ground and lets out a whimper of pain.

He growls and snaps at me, saliva dripping from his large teeth. He rakes a set of saws at my chest, and I swipe at his mouth.

We’re locked in a tense battle for what seems like hours before we both finally collapse, exhausted. We’re both too equally matched, and neither of us is happy about it.

I stand on shaky legs. ‘Leave!’ I say, daring him for another go.

He snorts at me and then vaults away into the forest.

Good riddance.