Chapter 7: Fury Road


My stomach convulses, and I vomit into the grass for the hundredth time.

The haunting images of burned bodies and mutilated corpses fill my mind like a vivid nightmare come to life. My back arches, and I shudder with a gasping inhale.

No! No! No! I shout in my mind for the images to stop their unending flow.

I can’t believe that he would do something like this. I’ve always known that he lusted for power, but to murder an entire pack? What would that even accomplish?

I’m certain one of the people from that scouting party saw me, though I tried to keep myself as hidden as possible. I only allowed myself to get close enough to see who the scouting party was. I was relieved when I knew they were from Ava’s pack and not HIS.

But he was still close. I could feel him in the back of my mind like a cancerous growth.

I stayed hidden until I was sure everyone was gone before I ventured into the small group of houses perched on the edge of the mountain.

They were, at one time, well-built cabins that could each fit two or three families. This pack hadn’t lived in a massive compound like Ava’s but in a dozen or so smaller buildings grouped together.

I couldn't take it when I saw the devastation he had caused. I had been sick right there on the spot. I finally managed to make it back to my small shelter.

But even now, I can’t get those images out of my head.

I hear a rustling sound near me and jump to my feet. I’m just about to let my wolf lose when I see Ava scramble out from a tangle of bushes.

Even though I’ve never seen her human form until now, I know it’s her. Her distinct honeysuckle scent gives her away.

Forgetting my waking nightmare, I shout at her angrily. “What the hell are you doing here!”

I don’t know if I'm angry because she’s here in my perceived safe space or because she could have gotten herself hurt trying to find me. I’m voting for the former, but the latter weighs more.

She stops midstride, her face visibly souring. Her blond hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her yellow eyes tear into me.

“Did you do it?” she asks, her voice low and steady. Her jaw is clenched tighter than the fists at her side.

“Did I do what?” I don’t really need to ask. I know why she’s here. I guess that scout did see me after all.

“Did you destroy that pack? Did you MURDER all those people?” She doesn’t raise her voice. She doesn’t need to. Her glare alone tells me her fury well enough.

My nostrils flare as tension enters my neck. “Of course not!” I yell, a sneer on my lips.

She steps closer to me, her face flushed with her anger.

“Tell me what you know,” she says.

“I don’t know anything!” I step back and aim to turn away, but her hand clamps down on my arm like an iron bolt.

“You MUST know something! You coming here just DAYS before an attack like this cannot be a coincidence!”

I look down into her fiery eyes. The heat from her hand floods me with both rage and an unwelcome attraction for her.

I try to wrench myself free from her grasp, but her grip is strong.

“I swear, I don’t know anything about it! I was leaving when I saw it! I had nothing to do with it!”

She glances at my shoddy excuse for a shelter.

“It doesn’t look like you were about to leave.”

I sigh heavily and finally snatch my arm away.

“What does it matter? You know I don’t have the power to do something like that!”

“Not by yourself, you don’t.”

“What? You think I have a whole pack up my sleeve? Well, sorry to bust your bubble PRINCESS, but I don’t!”

Anger flares in her eyes, and I barely have a second to register what she’s doing before I can block the blow. She then pummels me with punch after punch into my stomach, chest, and arms. I block her as best as I can, but she’s so fast, I’m unable to do more.

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” she screeches into my ear. As she stops for a split second to catch her breath, I leap up and grab both her arms. We sail through the air and slam into the ground. I have both her arms pinned underneath me.

She struggles under my weight, her chest heaving against mine, but she’s well and truly trapped.

“Shut up!” I yell at her. She quiets her venomous death threats against me and stabs me with her razor-like eyes.

I can’t help but feel flushed as her breasts heave into my chest with her every breath. One of my knees is placed firmly between her legs, preventing her from kicking me in that all-too-delicate place.

She rolls and writhes underneath me but has no place to go.

“Calm down!” I tell her, ignoring the growing sensation in my crotch.

“You did it. I know you did!”

“How? How could I have done that? Have you even seen it yet?”

She shakes her head no.

“Well, before you go pointing fingers, how ‘bout you dig up some actual evidence, huh?”

She exhales, her eyes flashing with violence.

I can feel her nipples hardening beneath me. She’s wearing a thin shirt and not much in the way of a bra.

Seeing her in human form is even more compelling than her wolf.

I swallow my growing need when I see her calming down slowly.

“Now, I’m going to let you go as long as you promise NOT to try and kill me. Okay?”

She nods, and I gently slip away from her, standing on wary legs. She sits up and glares at me. Her face and arms are now completely covered in dirt and mud. Her hair is a showcase of twigs and brambles.

But, as she sits with her arms supporting her back and her chest raised in denial, my need becomes more than just an urge.

She has the image of power and strength, a beauty not to be trifled with. She’s stunning, even in the low light.

“I’ll find out the truth one way or another,” she hisses at me, then gets up and disappears into the brush.