I stare at James, mouth agape and eyes wide in shock.
“What?” I ask my voice echoing off the cavernous walls.
“We just received word from our scouts. They made out the fires earlier this morning. I’ll explain everything shortly. Go meet your mother in the gathering hall while I get your father,” he tells me. His face is pale, but he manages to keep his voice level.
I nod once and run through the adjoining hall, making my way toward the gathering hall in the center of the compound. I can hear both James and my father running after me. It hadn’t taken James long to explain the dire situation.
I find Mom sitting on a leather chair in the center of the Gathering Hall. Two more seats are placed to the left and right of her, sitting somewhat lower than hers, but not by much.
She looks up at me when she hears me walk in, a bleak expression on her face.
“Ava?” Her voice sounds dry and worn as if her years are finally catching up with her. “Have you heard?” she asks me.
I press my lips firmly together and nod.
“Which pack was it?” I ask her.
“It was Samuel’s pack. All of them are dead, and their homes destroyed.”
I feel the walls closing in on me and the air rush from my lungs. I sink into the chair to her right, my legs suddenly weak.
Samuel’s pack was a minor one, with only a handful of betas. Though advanced in years, Samuel had no mate and, therefore, no children or heirs.
They lived in a cluster of small homes in the mountains just southwest of us.
“How?” I question, voice trembling.
Mom shakes her head, looking down at her feet with fear in her eyes.
“We don’t know yet. The scouts only recently returned. They said they saw the smoke from over five miles away. They got just close enough to see some of the damage, but they didn’t want to risk going any closer. They could still feel the presence of whoever had done it.”
“The attackers are still there? We should leave, then! We might still be able to catch them!” I shout and nearly leap to my feet, but my mother's firm hand holds me in place.
“We can’t, not yet. Whoever did this, they’re dangerous, Ava. With that level of destruction, they would have to have someone of great power on their side.”
“Your mother’s right,” Dad says, coming up from behind her. He sits in the seat on her left, face grim.
James stands to Dad’s left and crosses his arms in front of him. A small group of people begins trickling in, their faces betraying their fear.
They gather around the long wooden table in front of our seats. Mom stands and greets the elders of the pack.
“Thank you all for coming,” she tells them. “I’m sure you have all heard the news by now.”
The elders all nod in unison.
Dad stands and goes to her side. A second later, I join them, trying to keep my head high despite the sound of my heart hammering in my chest.
The younger people in the room are evidently the members of the scouting party who had spotted the massacre.
One of them, a shorter, dark-headed man, steps forward and bows his head.
“Excellency,” he begins.
My mother waves her hands for him to continue.
“We were out on our usual route along the perimeter when we saw the smoke rise from the trees earlier today. It was just past dawn, but there was still enough light to see that no small fire had caused the smoke.
“By the time we arrived at the site, it was far too late to help anyone. Even from our distance, we could see the skeletal remains of houses and the burned bodies of the people who had lived in them.
We saw fresh tire tracks leading away from the houses but saw no one else there. Regardless, their scent hung heavily in the air. We dared not move any closer.”
As he explains the order of events, a quiet hush falls over the room.
Mom nods, brows furrowed and lips drawn tight with worry.
“Thank you for telling us. Did you see anything else?”
Another member from the scouting group steps forward. “Ma’am,” she says. “I did see one more thing I hadn’t mentioned until now because I wasn’t sure what I had seen.” She pauses for a moment, fear in her eyes.
“Go on,” my father’s deep voice prods.
“There was a man, at least I think it was a man, high on a hill. He was mostly obscured by trees and bushes, so it was hard to make anything out. But from what I could see, I think he was an omega. All I could make out were his blue eyes glowing in the dark.”
Gravity has a funny way of reminding you it’s there. My knees wobble dangerously, and I must catch myself on the table to prevent falling.
“Are you okay, dear?” Mom asks me.
I nod, mouth now dry.
“Do we have any idea who might have done this?” one of the elders speaks up.
“There are few other packs near here and even fewer Supernaturals who could have done something like this,” James explains. He turns to my mother.
“Have you considered,” he stops and looks around once before continuing, “that it might be Nicolas?”
Mom’s eyes grow fierce with anger. “No, that’s ridiculous. He was stripped of his power. There is no way he could have done something like this. And besides, we don’t even know if he’s still alive!”
Dad grabs her elbow gently, pulling her back in. “Naomi claims she saw an omega near Samuel’s pack. He’s the only other omega we know of from this area. Surely there might be some possibility it’s him.”
Mom shakes her head. “No, Logan, you don’t understand. He was banished, exiled. There is no way he could even come close without us knowing about it. We had an alliance with Samuel’s pack. If he had seen Nicolas, he would have told me. I’m sure of it.”
As their conversation continues, I find their words being drowned out by the cacophony of my thoughts.
Omega? Surely it couldn’t be…but it must be!
My grandfather isn’t the only omega banished from his pack. There is one more, and I intend to find out what he knows.