Chapter 45: Whatever the Opposite of a Road Trip Is

The bear lumbers toward me. I back up. It plants its massive paws on the rocky floor of the cave and roars. This thing is twice my size. Fighting it is almost as stupid as fighting the guy with a gun. I turn tail and run back out into the pouring rain. Thankfully, the bear doesn’t follow me.

Each step makes me sink ankle-deep into the mud as I trudge away from the cave. I need to sleep. That sleeping spot is taken. I sniff the air. There’s no hint of anything else that might lead to one.

Maybe I just need to lower my standards. I don’t like the idea of resting out in the open, and in the rain, but I don’t think I have much of a choice. I sniff around for a while. After a few minutes, I find a tree which has fallen against another.