Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Where am I? Looking around, there's nothing but darkness. I can't even make out my own hands. Am I dead? Oh, right, I did die. I was simply walking back from the store when a truck came speeding around the corner. There was a little girl who ran out into the road and I jumped, managing to push her out of the way of the truck but getting hit in the process. It all happened so fast I almost completely forgot.

So this is what death feels like? Just a blank empty nothing. How long will I remain like this? How long has it been already? I suppose none of those questions can be answered.


Wait, what's this. There's a prickly sensation against my skin. My arms, legs, neck, I can feel it poking all over and what's that smell? Is that grass? Opening my eyes once more, I find myself staring up at the night sky. Turning my head ever so slightly reveals that the sun is either rising or setting. I have no idea since I have no idea what direction I'm looking in.

Sitting up, I find that the prickly sensation was caused by grass. In fact, I'm in a location which I've never seen before.

[You're finally awake.]

Me: Who said that?

[Me of course.]

Me: Who's me?

I spin around frantically searching for the voice but it seems to be coming from everywhere at once and multiple scans of my surroundings reveal nothing but an empty plain.

[I'm in your head silly.]

Me: Huh? In my head?

[Yes. You died and was reincarnated in this world as an all-powerful being. That was your desire, no?]

I suppose I always fantasized about being all-powerful so no one would ever look down on me again but what does my deep dark wish have to do with all of this? What's more, why am I talking to myself? No, that voice sounds like someone different.

Me: So, who are you?

[I'm your assistant in this new world. Assigned to help you in whatever you need.]

Me: Why?

[You're my master that's why. My whole reason for existing is to serve you.]

Me: And how do you plan on serving me from inside my head?


Me: Wait, you said I was all-powerful so does that mean I could like create a body and put you in it or something?

[I suppose that would be possible but-]

Envisioning it in my mind, I do what I see others do in the movies. I don't know spells but if what she's said so far is true, I shouldn't need any. Closing my eyes, I imagine a good looking but terrifyingly strong woman that doesn't immediately give off that she's strong. In my mind, she looks just like your average young woman but if she's going to be my assistant in this world she should at least be strong. I have no doubt I'll need protection after all and so, as I'm finishing up, I think of the strongest female character I've ever seen and my mind only responds with one response, vampire.

As I finish sculpting the perfect guardian in my mind, the mental image erupts in a blinding flash of light. Opening my eyes reveal what looks like a rune circle on the ground. A bright purple light erupts from it rocketing up into the sky. When it clears, there's a beautiful young female before me floating hovering just off the ground. I watch in amazement as clothing forms on her skin as she descends. The minute her feet touch the grass, her eyes open.

Me: So did it work?

????: Yes. Thank you!

She rushes towards me and pulls me into a tight hug but almost as quickly, lets me go. Still, before she does, I'm distinctly aware of a body part I didn't have before. When did I get breasts? Also, now that I have someone to compare myself to, I notice that I am also shorter than before. Now that I think about it, my skin and hands do look different. I'm scanning my features when she speaks up.

????: I'm sorry-

Me: It's fine and you're welcome. What's your name?

????: Uhm. I- I don't have one...

I suppose that makes sense. This kind of reminds me of a game I used to play. You'd get companions but you had to name them. Looking at her, I try to imagine what'd make the perfect name but I'll admit, it's a bit difficult. I've never had to name anything before in my life. I've never been really good at picking names. Even in games, I'd usually just go with one of my names. Still, what'd be a good name for a Vampire?

Me: How about Rosetta, Rose for short?

Rose: Oh, that's a lovely name. Thank you, master!

Me: You're welcome.

Though I can't help but feel I could have done better. Still, at the very least, a name like this won't have every living thing thinking we're a crazy strong pair because of our names. Which reminds me, do I want to use my own name here? I suppose I can think about it later but I can also always just make a name for myself as well.

Me: By the way, quick question, what gender am I? Just want to make sure I'm not going crazy or something.

Rose: Oh? Well, you're a female.

Damnit. Well, my old name definitely won't work here. What am I supposed to do now? I know quite literally nothing about being a female apart from what I learnt from watching my sisters. I mean, I've always figured it'd be cool to be a female for a day but not my entire life! I can hardly imagine all the problems that come with being female. As a guy, all I ever had to deal with is eat, sleep and using the bathroom.

Me: Wait...can't I just change my gender?

Rose: I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.

Me: But I created you didn't I? Surely I can edit my own body.

Rose: Not to my knowledge, no.

Still, that's not going to stop me from trying and try I do but nothing happens. Well, at least now I know where my limitations lie. I can create the world but not myself. Fantastic! That said, I still need a name as well...


Me: Well, in any case, I'm going to be Myra from now on, ok?

Rose: As in your name master? It's an excellent choice.

Yeah yeah. I just chose the very first thing that came to mind. It's nothing fancy, really. Besides, I think we have more important things to deal with right now such as where we are and what we're going to do.

Me: So, what can you tell me about this world?

Rose: Well, we are currently in the Land of Puppets, also known as Jistarv. It is ruled by Demon Lord Clayman and has a massive population but most of the said population is made up of slaves. Apart from Jistarv, there are a number of surrounding major powers alongside countless species ranging from Dwarves to Druids, to Humans, to Dragons. There is also the fact that there are ten Demon Lords, a few of which along with the Church are all seemingly militarizing for war.

Me: That's way too much to handle right now.

Rose: I'm sorry, I-

Me: No no. I was just shocked at how different things are here. My bad. Let's start over but slower.

Rose: Ok.

She starts by explaining the current situation of the world. For someone who supposedly only entered the world when I did, she's freakishly well informed. I must ask her about that later. From what I gather, this Clayman dude is a tyrant. It seems like he's also about to go to war with a nation of monsters to the west. She also explains that when I entered this new world, I was given a number of skills to fit my personality and desires at death. Apparently, she's related to one of those skills and as a result, gets a rather cool perk of not being able to truly die. It also seems that I used a skill named Genesis to create her body. What's more, she claims that I can create my own nation with this skill. SWEET!

Me: There is one thing that concerns me, however.

Rose: What's that? If it's within my-

Me: Why are you, my assistant?

Rose: What do you mean?

Me: I mean, why are you here helping me apart from the skill you explained. What's in it for you?

Rose: I told you, it's my sole purpose in life?

Me: Says who? Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious as to why you'd be so invested in me despite this being our first time meeting.

Rose: Well...

She goes off, explaining how she is or rather was one of the Kyns, which based on the description she gave are basically spirits, that are assigned to assist certain individuals that are reincarnated with what they deem as too much strength. From that, it sounds more like she's just here to watch me and make sure I don't go all crazy.

Rose: As your Kyn, I'm tied to your life. Usually, this would mean if you die, I die but when you were placed in this world, something happened to result in you being a lot stronger than anyone anticipated.

Me: Oh?

Rose: I'm not sure why but you cannot be killed like normal beings. One of your skills prevents you from actually dying or rather dying and staying dead. Not to mention you are terrifyingly hard to kill.

Me: You make it sound like a bad thing. I'm guessing you're also like that, no?

Rose: No, I'm not. We Kyn are tied to whatever power is granted to us by our master. Once we're assigned, we have no power but that which we're given.

Me: So if I had placed you in a mortal body you could die of old age?

Rose: Not quite. The body would die but I'd return to you as I was before you gave me this body. I can't die as long as you are alive. Still, I would be limited to what that mortal body could do.

Me: I see.

All of a sudden I'm aware of how bright our surroundings have gotten. Looking around, I'm surprised to find the sun already up in the sky. It confirms that what I saw when I awoke was the sunrise but still, it couldn't possibly have been long since I awakened. Wait, isn't the sun bad for vampires? Turning to look at Rose I'm shocked to see her basking in it like any normal individual.

Me: Isn't the sun affecting you?

Rose: Hmm? Oh. I suppose it should, huh. Well, when you created this body for me you made it strong enough that the sun doesn't affect it in any significant way. At most, I suspect I'd only feel a small tingle under focused sunlight.

Me: You're certain?

Rose: Well, it is also just possible that I am regenerating faster than the sun can actually burn my skin but there's no real way to tell.

Well, that's one way to look at it. Still, I can't help but worry ever so slightly. I'm not sure why but it's as though I can't quite stand the thought of her getting hurt which is odd since we only just met. Maybe it's because she's the only one I know in this world? Though it could also be the thing connecting us.

Rose: Someone's coming.

Me: Huh?

Looking in the direction she's pointing, I'm surprised to see what looks like a whole army or at the very least, a large party, coming our way. How did I not see them before? When did they get here? I'm so surprised by the sight that it doesn't even occur to me that it might be best to not stay out in the open until they are practically in front of us. Rose tenses beside me as the army comes to a halt. From their midst, a small group of persons emerge.

Rose: That's Necron, one of Clayman's subordinates.

Necron: So you know who I am? HAHAHA! Well, that should make this easier.

The group stops some ways away from us but he continues forward. As he draws closer, Rose steps forward so she's partially in front of me.

Rose: Not another step forward.

Her words shock not just him but me as well and for a moment, there's complete silence. The soldiers in his army fidget uneasy, visibly uncomfortable to be present. Even the small party that came forward with him look utterly caught off guard by her remark.

Necron: HAHAHA. I'm going to enjoy killing you or no, perhaps I'll make you my sla-

Me: You won't get the chance to do either of those things today. You've most definitely chosen the wrong foes.

He stops walking forward and looks me in the eye. I don't know why but the longer I look at him the more my blood boils. I've never met this man before but something about him just feels off.

Necron: Do you know who I am you-

Me: I've been told you're a servant of the Demon Lord in control of the land we arrived in but so far I've not seen anything to resemble this. You all seem rather normal to me. A bit of a disappointment actually.

That's not entirely true. His army does indeed appear to be human or a human-like species but some who stepped forward with him certainly are not. Still, on average, apart from armour and weapons I've yet to see anything that even an accomplished fighter from my world wouldn't be able to defeat in hand to hand combat but this is of course just speculation based on visual appearance. There's no telling how strong even their weakest soldier is. At the very least though, it seems our constant interruptions are finally causing Necron to lose his cool.

Necron: Dare to interrupt me again and I will end you right here you insignificant child!

Rose: Pitiful creature. My master could destroy you all without even lifting her finger.

What? Since when? Isn't she forgetting something? I don't know how to do anything! I mean yes I created her body and placed her in it but I have no idea how exactly I did that. I just thought about what I wanted and it kind of- Ohh. I see now.

Still, who's he calling a kid? Looking down, I find myself wondering what exactly my new body looks like. The truth is, I have no idea what my appearance is so I can't say whether his description is correct or not. I could very well look young enough to be considered at minimum, a teen. That is, assuming this world follows the same age system on Earth.

Bodyguard1?: You would dare challenge the great Necron of Jistarv?

Rose: You seem rather confident in his abilities.

Bodyguard1?: But of course. I-

Rose: Well how about this...a battle to the death. If I win, you all die.

Bodyguard1?: You-

Necron: Silence! So you think you can fight me and win? How very interesting.

Rose: Do you accept?

Necron: At the very least, I now know you're the ones that beam of light came from and based on your speech, despite your appearance, you certainly have years of experience. Still, why would I fight such an insignificant human such as yourself?

A small laugh escapes from my lips at this. Does he actually think she's a human? I must have really outdone myself while creating her body. I thought strong opponents like him should at the very least be able to ascertain their opponent's strength. I mean, sure she currently looks pretty much like a human but still. Isn't she a bit too palish to be a bog-standard human? Now that I think about it though, am I even human?

Rose: What do you have to lose?

Necron: You're either very brave or very foolish. Still, this is the most interesting thing that has happened all week and I'm a bit bored so I accept but I'll be fighting your master instead.

Rose: Afraid to fight me?

Necron: You aren't worth my attention. I sense nothing coming from you. Your master on the other hand. Based on the aura she's emitting, she should at the very least be a challenge.

Rose: That's no-

Me: I accept. If I win, you'll be dead and your master's kingdom will fall before me. If you win, you can have whatever but note this is a battle to the death.

Necron: I would have it no other way but let's make a spectacle of it. There's an arena near here where I am sure the people would love to see you die.

Me: Sounds like an excellent way to get your master's immediate attention.

Necron: Trust me, you do not want that.

Me: I'll be the judge of that.


Note: Necron is a character added by me. In this regard, he is actually a subordinate of Yamza (aka The Middle Finger), the top lieutenant within Clayman's vanguard.