Chapter 2: Arena

We're currently underground. Even from here, the noise from the crowd causes the ground to vibrate. They are madly excited about this. We were, after agreeing to fight, escorted into a nearby city where we were treated surprisingly well. It was almost as though we were turkey being fattened before the kill. The people in the city were a bit shocked to see us walking with Necron at first but as news spread about the upcoming deathmatch, the city exploded into utter chaos. Still, now we're here, in the arena, preparing to go out.

Me: So, why are we here again?

Rose: Isn't this what you desired, master?

Me: I mean, not really. I'd be perfectly fine to be left in peace.

Rose: But you accepted.

Me: He wouldn't have let us go if we didn't so it was either fight and make a name for ourselves or fight and still have to fight even more to get out of this land. It was merely the most efficient way to resolve the situation.

Rose: I see.

Me: Still, you still haven't given me an answer.

Rose: I-, well, I was thinking that we could eliminate him and then depose his masters. We could then take over this kingdom and you could live a life of luxury, without much to worry you. This would also cause others to think twice before attacking. Though I must admit, I cannot say whether it'd be best to eliminate the entire kingdom then recreate it or just conquer it like normal and rule as its new leader.

Me: All fair points. I admit it was one of the things that worried me since I'm sure people would start hunting me down if they heard there was a super-powerful being around.

Rose: Hehe, true. I mean, that's practically what brought Necron to us in the first place.

Me: Well, if you consider a beam of light-

The noise from outside interrupts us as the crowd goes wild once more. This time, however, it doesn't die down. Instead, the sound grows, and grows, and grows.

Me: Sounds like it's starting.

We step forward as the doors in front of us open to reveal a tunnel. Bright light shines at the end of it telling us this is the way out. As we step out into the open, I'm surprised to see Necron already there. When he sees us, he draws his sword. It looks like, at the very least, he's taking this very seriously.


The crowd goes wild. When they finally calm back down, the announcer proceeds to explain why the fight is taking place along with a few other things before finishing off with the fact that there are no rules in this deathmatch. As soon as he leaves, Necron turns to face me. Rose is still by my side but as I step up on the raised platform, she remains behind.

Necron: No, I want you both to fight me. Perhaps then, I'll get to enjoy this a little.

Me: Are you sure you'd like to put yourself at an even greater disadvantage?

The crowd hushes, now fully invested in our conversation. Necron realizes this and quickly changes his posture, assuming a more dominant pose.

Necron: Hahaha. Even if there were a hundred of you both, I'd still not break a sweat.

The crowd laughs but I can't help but notice one group, in particular, standing out more so than the rest. They're the people that were with him in the plains. Yes, even from here I can make out that bodyguard that spoke up and others dressed like him. By the time I refocus on what's going on in front of me, Rose has reached my side.

Announcer: You may begin!

Rose: Allow me, master.

I am curious to see what she can do so I comply, stepping back. Necron laughs and starts walking forward but in the blink of an eye, Rose appears before him delivering a punch, which he manages to block with a shield he summons mere moments before the impact. Still, the sheer force from the punch sends him flying across the arena and into the opposing wall. When the dust finally clears, he's on his feet laughing.

Necron: Well now, look at that. Seems I haven't given you the credit you deserve. Still, you're far too-

Before he can finish speaking, Rose closes the distance in record time once more but this time he dodges causing her fist to slam into the wall.


The entire arena shakes and for a moment, there's silence once more but it doesn't last long. Once everyone recovers from the initial shock, the roar is deafening. The crowd has officially lost it. Necron makes a move towards me but Rose is between us in a flash and counters his charge so effectively he doesn't even have time to position his shield. He's knocked back but this time doesn't go flying as far. Instead, he stops midflight before blasting back towards Rose.

They continue their spar for some time, all the while I stand there completely amazed at their speed. At first, they both moved so fast that I couldn't even see them but the more and more I continue watching their movements, the more I can see. It's as though I'm training my eyes to work faster. It's not long before there's space between them once more and they both pause.

Necron: I'll admit, you're strong. Still, now the question is why you aren't pressing the attack by both attacking me.

Me: Simple really. If I join in, it'd be overkill.

Necron smirks at this but I'm sure he's now reconsidering his initial challenge. His look suggests that he's weighing up just how much stronger I could be. After all, Rose does call me her master and generally speaking masters are stronger than their subordinates.

Necron: Well, perhaps this will change your mind.

A bright light erupts from him for a brief moment, leaving behind a black visible aura. His appearance has also changed. He now has horns protruding from his head. Scales also appear on the side of his face and a tail is now clearly visible. Claws and razor-sharp teeth are also present. Seems he has actually gotten serious.

Rose: Well isn't that something.

Rose doesn't transform as well. Though to be fair, I'm not sure if she even has another form, to begin with. Still, her eyes do start glowing red and before long, they're clashing together once again but this time, it's much different. The very first clash causes a shockwave so powerful it cracks the ground beneath their feet and forced me to jump a few feet back.

Necron: Is that all you've got!

Necron throws down his weapons and swings his claws at Rose who barely dodges in time but uses her momentum gained from evading to spin and land what sounds like a critical hit in the form of a kick to the side.


Even from where I stand, I can hear the breaking of bones. In fact, I don't think anyone in the city failed to hear that sound. Before Necron's body can hit the ground, however, Rose is over him landing punch after punch. In fact, she punches so quickly that it's not until after she leaps away that the blows finally take effect.

The resulting explosion after Necron finally hits the ground causes a massive crater and a mini earthquake. Still, Necron's alive but as he struggles to stand, Rose picks up his sword and walks back over to him.

Necron: What are you?

Rose: You died when you dared look down upon my mistress.

Necron laughs, but rising blood quickly turns his laughter into coughs which see blood leaving his mouth and spilling onto the ground. At the sight of the blood, the crowd gasps. I'm not sure but it seems that even while he was knocked down, they thought he still had a chance. As his beastly form slowly transforms back to that of a human, however, the silence in the arena is deafening.

Bodyguard1?: Milord! Men! To the General!

Necron: Do not interfere, Markus!

Guards respond to Markus' call but when he requests that they intervene, all but one stands down. He jumps down and rushes to his general's side. Rose, who's still some distance away doesn't try to stop him, instead, going as far as to stop and watch, amusement filling her eyes in the process. She's definitely enjoying this.

????: Brother!

He reaches for Necron but Necron pushes him away.

Necron: Do not interfere, boy.

Ignoring his brother's plea, he stands and positions himself halfway between Rosetta and Necron. Drawing his own sword, he raises it in a threatening stance.

????: You! You'll have to fight me to-

Before even I can react to his bold stand, Rose is behind him walking to his brother. The utter shock on his face is priceless when he realizes what happened though I'm not sure why I feel no remorse towards him. Even as his head drops from his body and there are gasps and screams from various points in the crowd, I feel nothing. Still, when Rosetta raises the sword to finish Necron off, I intervene.

Me: Just a moment.

Walking over to the boy, I decide to test something and envision him reviving. To my delight, it works and soon the once beheaded boy's head attaches itself back to his body and he awakens. There are gasps from the onlookers but I completely ignore them. Walking over to Necron, I find shock written all over his face before his eyes fill with tears once more. He goes on and on about how he can finally die in peace as though he wasn't ready to do that before but I motion to Rose and she lowers the weapon.

Me: You are a fairly strong warrior. Why not serve me?

Necron: What?

Me: I'm giving you a chance to keep living.

Necron: But...why...what's in it for you?

Me: I require strong fighters and you'll do. Despite our initial meeting, I see you are at the very least, a man of honour and you'd, no doubt, not be a General without possessing some leadership skills. As such, you'll be one of my Generals.

Necron: That's suicide. Lord Clayman would surely have my head. As strong as your companion is, I doubt you'd survive a confrontation with him.

Me: Well, unless he's planning on stepping in to save your life right now it looks like your only options are to join me and live or refuse and die.

Necron sits up, with much difficulty. He looks at me then at his brother who's now standing someways off, watching what's occurring. When he finally looks back at me, I smile and offer him my gloved left hand. To my surprise, instead of taking it and standing up as I had intended, he shifts into a kneeling position and in one swift motion, plants a kiss on the tips of my fingers.

Necron: I am yours to command, my liege.

Rose tenses beside me. I can practically feel the anger radiating off her. To be fair, I never expected this either and it catches me a little off guard but I quickly regain my composure. Still, as his lips leave my fingers, a green glow surrounds him. To my amazement, it seemingly heals him completely and by the time it dissipates, even the bruises on his face are completely gone.

Announcer: Well folks, it seems the winner is...our guests!

There's muttering in the crowd along with a few claps here and there. It's clear that this wasn't what they were expecting. In fact, soldiers are rushing in through every entrance and they all seem to be coming towards us. Necron stands as his younger brother runs over and embraces him, swearing to fight by his side wherever he goes.

Necron: It seems my previous master has heard of what transpired.

The soldiers stop pushing forward after they've successfully blocked off all exits. We are surrounded but no one besides me seems particularly bothered by this. It's not until the exit Rose and I used to enter opens and a masked figure steps out into the light that anyone gives off any reaction.

Necron: Yamza.

Yamza: Is that any way to speak to your master?

Necron: Sorry but my services have been acquired by one more deserving.

The newcomer laughs at this.

Yamza: You'd dare take your own freedom? When we are going to war no less! I thought you were smarter than this.

He takes a few steps forward flashing a devilish glare in the process which sees both Necron and his bother flinch but Rose steps forward to face him.

Rose: So you're here to attack and kill or subdue my mistress. Is that it?

Yamza: Well, when you put it like that...

Rose: Then you'll die.

He laughs once more. He's certainly finding this very amusing. He almost reminds me of Rosetta when she watched Necron's brother's feeble attempts to intervene in their fight.

Yamza: A vampire would dare threaten me?

Necron and his brother both gasp at this. The audience, which has seemingly been prevented from leaving by the soldiers also gasp in shock. It seems no one realised what she was after all.

Rose: At least you're perceptive.

Yamza: Seems you're a bit cocky after beating my subordinate. Allow me to educate you.

He pulls his blade. As he brandishes it about, the air becomes chilly almost as though winter is descending on us in the blink of an eye. Necron steps forward but Rose stops him mentioning that she'll handle this before stepping away from us. As she walks toward Yamza, she's engulfed with the same purple light I saw at her creation. When it clears, her appearance and outfit have been altered and she has a sword.

In contrast to Yamza's icy blue blade, Rosetta's is purple and black. Her outfit also bears a remarkable resemblance to that of Necron. It's almost as though they've decided together that the new colours of the nation I'll be forming are black, white and silver. Also, what's with everyone's hair redoing itself upon transformation? I thought that was only possible in games.

Necron: Is she really just a vampire?

Me: What makes you ask?

Necron: The power radiating off's incredible.

Smiling, I turn my focus back to the battle that's about to take place. I don't know how strong this Yamza person is but I do know that even if Rose gets defeated, there isn't any real threat to her since she'll just return to me. Still, I want her to win this fight. We're going to carve a new nation together and this victory will be just the first of many.