Meeting Familiar Faces

[Third POV]

On the next day, Rudeus and the gang were having breakfast again at the same vacant spot of the inn's dining area. They're merrily chatting around as if the last night's event never happened.

Moreover, they were talking about Saga's recent acquisition of the human language and were curious on how much progress she made.

"Hey Rudeus, I've heard that you taught Saga human language last night, is that true?" Ceobe inquires, waiting for him to confirm her question.

Not only that, Eris and Ruijerd were also anticipating for him to give an answer, causing Rudeus to question their attention span.

"You three were in our room that time. How did you guy didn't know about this?" Rudeus baffles, wondering why his friends haven't noticed what he and Saga were doing last night.

"W-well, I was too relaxed to notice because of Eris brushing my tail last night" Ceobe defended herself.

"Ceobe is right. We wouldn't notice if we were busy that time" Eris added.

Rudeus raised his eyebrow when listened to their excuses. Then he look at Ruijerd who was quietly eating his stew. When their eyes met, the pale man sighed and responded to the boy.

"I was asleep that time, so I have no knowledge regarding that matter" he calmly excused himself at last.

Upon hearing the response of his friend, Rudeus couldn't help himself to sigh heavily and he doesn't have a choice but to answer the question from earlier.

"Yes, I did teach her Human language. Although I only taught her basic vocabularies, so please go easy on her, okay?" Rudeus explains, in which everyone nodded understandingly.

After that interaction, Ceobe and the others then turn their attention to Saga who was peacefully sipping a bowl of soup. They wanted to test her linguistic skill by asking her a question.

"Hey you, do you understand me?!" Eris demandingly asked.

When Saga heard the question, she nonchalantly finishes the soup she was sipping before giving Eris the answer she wanted.

"Yes, I can understand you, miss Eris" Saga politely answered, which entertains Eris, as well as the others who were listening.

They continue to converse with Saga while eating breakfast. Meanwhile, Rudeus was feeling left out during this time.



While Rudeus' group were busy chatting together, the entrance door of the inn opens and three people entered the building, which includes a man and two females.

"Welcome, how can help you?"

"I'm here to see my son again please"

As the innkeeper greeted with hospitality, the man responded and hearing his voice caught Rudeus and the other's attention.

"Ah, father. You finally came" the boy reacted as he saw Paul once again.

The others also reacted nicely to the man. However, when they noticed the two figures behind him, they were quite surprise.

"Hey Eris, isn't that..."

"Milord, that child is...."

Both beast girls were in shock when each of them recognized their respective females with blonde hair. Ceobe was baffled at the blonde woman while Saga was happy at the blonde child.

"Theresa Latreia!!"

"Norn Greyrat"

They both call out the names of the two blonde persons who were also glad to see them and they approach the dining area along with Paul.

"Hey, what are you doing here?! And what happened to your armor?!" Eris frantically asked as she pointed at the blonde woman.

"Ah, hello there, miss Eris. I'm here to see miss Ceobe. As for my armor, I don't need to wear them when it's my free time" Therese explains, which piques the two girls' curiosity.

"Is there I can help you with, miss Therese? Or do you have other motives?" Ceobe curiously inquires.

"Well, I have something to discuss regarding you and your axe"

"I see...."

"Other than that, I also want to meet my nephew"


Both Ceobe and Eris asked as they tilted their head in confusion for a while before realizing who Therese was referring to.

"Wait, were you saying you're Rudeus' aunt!?" Ceobe exclaims, which baffles her and Eris.

"Yes, I am his mother's older sister, hence my connection with him" Therese briefly explains to the two confused girls, clarifying her relationship with Rudeus.

"I understand. If that were the case, I will call him for you" Ceobe promptly informs the blonde woman before heading to fetch the boy.


Meanwhile on Rudeus side, him and Saga confronted by Paul and Norn who were readily approaching them.

"Here you go, Rudy. These were the gold bars and letter I promised"

Paul informs his son as he hands over a sack of gold and an envelope. The boy accepts the offer and then bows his head.

"Thanks a lot, father. We appreciate your help"

Rudeus acknowledges his father's contribution. Paul nodded in response to his son's thankful words and then he replied.

"You're welcome. I just wanted to compensate for the atrocity I had committed towards you and that young lady beside you" Paul said as he looks at Saga in shame.

Seeing Paul's somber expression, Saga quickly grabbed Paul's hand and she gave him a gentle smile.

"Your past mistake, I can forgive. Even without offering, we must move on" she calmly spoke to the man using human language, giving him an advice.

Saga's words surprises Paul for a few second before impressing him afterwards. He was astonished at beast girl for speaking to him naturally without Rudeus' assistance.

"Papa, I can understand miss fluffy lady" Norn commented, telling her father that Saga's words were comprehensible.

"You're right, Norn. I guess that your brother has something to do with miss Saga's way of speaking. Isn't that right, Rudy?" Paul smugly asked his son as he gave him a wink.

"Yes, I taught Saga some basic words so she can communicate" Rudeus explains, which fascinates both Paul and Norn.

"Ah, I see. That's quite an impressive work, Rudy. Don't you agree, Norn?" Paul compliments Rudeus while asking his daughter if she approves and Norn meekly nodded.

After that, Paul then prompted Norn to talk with Saga and Rudeus. The girl hesitated to come close to her brother at first but she slowly confronts him and they proceed to have a conversation.

"Hello there, miss Norn. How are you?" Saga gently asked while petting her head.

"I'm fine, thank you..." Norn shyly answered. She awkwardly then looks at her brother while twiddling her thumbs.

Seeing that behavior, Rudeus couldn't help to smile at his little sister and doesn't know how to respond.

"Psst, milord. Please pet her head" Saga whispered, suggesting him to give Norn a headpat. This confuses Rudeus and he asked for the reason.

"Eh? Why would I do that?"

"I mean just look at her. She wants you to do it"

As Saga explains her words, Rudeus looks back to Norn who appears to be anticipating for something. He assumes that Saga was right and decided to pet his sister.

"There... Are you happy, Norn?" he asked his little sister while giving her a headpat.

"Y-yes, thank you.... Big brother" Norn embarrassingly responded.

While the two siblings were bonding, Paul was proudly watching them. He was glad that they were happy with one another.


"Hey Rudeus, can I have a moment with you?"

Suddenly, Ceobe came and interrupted the two siblings' bonding session. Rudeus stops petting Norn and then confronted his friend.

"Yes, do you need something, Ceobe?" Rudeus inquires.

Ceobe then explains about Therese's intention and she wanted Rudeus to accompany her in their meeting. The boy complied and told Norn that he will be back before excusing himself.

This saddens the little girl as she wanted more headpats from her brother. Then suddenly someone else touches her head, which startles her.

Norn then looks at the person who petted her head and it was Saga who was giving her a gentle smile.

"Everything will be fine" Saga reassures Norn and she nodded understandingly.

On the other hand, Rudeus and Ceobe confronted Therese who was smiling cheerfully because she is finally meeting her nephew.

"Ah, you must be Zenith's eldest son, correct?" Therese happily asked Rudeus and he nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, I am"

"I knew it. You even get her gentle look on your face" Therese cheerfully complimented her nephew as she examines his face.

"Umm... miss Therese"

"Yes, what is it, miss Ceobe?"

"I don't want to be rude, but you two might need to get a room"

Ceobe prompted Therese because her affection towards Rudeus was quite obvious, which embarrasses her and stopped pinching his nephew's cheek

"How about we continue our conversation to my room upstairs, miss Therese" Rudeus instructed, prompting her to follow him and she complied.

"I understand. Also, just call me auntie" Therese suggested, which cause her nephew to smile wryly and comply to her words.

"Uh... okay. Please follow me, auntie Therese"


Rudeus climbs the stairs along with Ceobe and Therese and guided them to the room where they proceed to have a discussion.