Chapter 23: Blood and Rage


“If you need anything, let me know.” Logan gave me a chaste kiss just before he walked out with his brother.

After what he had said about not wanting to leave me alone with his mother and sister to plan our wedding, this was a surprise.

“Well, shall we get started?” Tondae stood beside the table, where she had already laid some folders, bridal magazines, and a binder. Obviously, she had too much time on her hands.

“Wouldn’t you like to wait for Siren?”

She shook her head, a smile spreading across her face. “She’ll join us when she gets here. But we have a lot to plan and precious little time to do it.”

“Would you care for some hot tea?” I wasn’t sure of the proper protocol when the Queen came to visit.

“That would be nice, but you sit down. I’ll get it.” After waving of her hand and mumbling a few words, the teapot floated across the room and settled itself onto the stove. The teacups, saucers, spoons, and serving tray readied themselves on the counter.