Chapter 24: Aftermath


“Logan, we have to protect Siren—”

“What the f*ck do you think I was doing last night when I told her not to leave the Compound?” I headed straight down the stairwell with Marshall hot on my heels. “We have to put the Compound on lockdown right away, or else we’re sitting ducks. I could only imagine how long it took her to get home after the carnage.” She obviously didn’t have her cell phone after the attack. “I just wish that Silas had been with them. I’d bet you a thousand dollars right now that this was his doing.”

“We should go after them—”

“Marshall! Were you not listening to Father last night?” I demanded, stepping onto the second floor. “This is war!”

I headed across the hallway and ran down the small flight of stairs leading into the Foyer. I pointed toward the guards. “Put the Compound on lockdown and ready yourself for an attack! Take your positions! Now! But stay in your human form!”