Chapter 25: An Understanding


“Lower your weapons! We are unarmed!” Don Reid Miano said in his thick Italian accent, holding his arms up, along with Silas. “Good afternoon, Don Khan.” Then he looked over at Adan. “Don Cole, I’m surprised to see you here.”

He nodded, a smile curling his lips. “I just so happened to be here.”

“I see.” He nodded, his smile fading.

“Actually, I came because I heard there might be trouble,” Adan corrected.

Reid nodded. “I appreciate your honesty.”

“Thank you for coming under a flag of truce,” Father said. “This is how it’s going to go down. My son here, Logan, will frisk everyone who enters the room, including me. Then you can frisk him before he enters.”

Reid smiled, tilting his head to the side. “Why don’t we do this? Both my Underboss, Diego Della Rouso, and your son, Logan Kahn, will frisk everyone.” His eyes shot to me. “Not that I don’t trust you, Logan. It’s just a show of good faith.”

I nodded once. He was just being smart. I would have done the same thing.