Chapter 26: Our Little Secret


The next day, Logan and I took the limo to my doctor’s appointment. Luckily, Logan was able to schedule it right away. That morning, I still hadn’t felt sick, so I wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with the baby.

“So, this doctor is a good one... for wolves?” I asked, knowing that wolf-shifters’ pregnancies were different from those of humans, but not as fast as vampires.

Vampire pregnancies—although rare—only lasted thirty-six days instead of thirty-six weeks, whereas wolf-shifter pregnancies lasted six months instead of nine. So, this pregnancy was bound to go a bit quicker than usual, but that was what we were going to find out today.

Somewhere, I had heard that when a woman has morning sickness and other symptoms of pregnancy, and it suddenly stops, it could mean that something happened to the baby. But I quickly pushed the thought from my mind, not wanting to think of losing this baby, especially not the day before we were to marry.