Chapter 59: Honor and Respect


Over the next few days, Logan kept me at home and in bed... and not in a fun way. I did nothing but rest. However, it paid off because now I felt like I could join the land of the living again. Wolves have regenerative powers but can also lose their babies just like humans can.

“How do you feel?” Logan asked as the limo pulled to a stop in front of Willow Grove Memorial Gardens, the funeral home run by the Pack. Of course, humans could bring their deceased loved ones here, too, but because it is owned and operated by the Pack, the funeral directors here also cater to shifters and other supernatural creatures.

“Great. Much better now. I think resting did me and the baby a lot of good.” Suddenly, I felt a kick in my stomach as if the baby agreed. He or she had gone past the butterfly feeling in my stomach to kicking field goals now. Well, not exactly field goals, but close. “Logan, give me your hand.”