Chapter 60: Secrets


“What happened?” Logan asked, his eyes filled with concern.

“Nothing,” I replied, looking over my shoulder as the two women walked out of the restroom and looked at me as if I were the last crazy woman on Earth. “Just taking out the trash.”

“Tell me later?”

I nodded in agreement. Now wasn’t the time. It wouldn’t do for Logan to lose it in the cemetery right after my parents’ funeral.

After saying my goodbyes to Taria and The Clip Joint crew, I headed to the waiting limousine with Logan. He never left my side through the whole funeral, placing his hand on my back the whole way.

“Are you hungry?” Logan asked as he held open the door of the limo for me.

“Starving,” I replied as I slid into the car.

Logan slid in behind me. “Oscar, take us to the Westside Grill.”

“Yes, sir.” Oscar glanced up at Logan in the rearview mirror, raising his eyebrows, but Logan shook his head slightly.