Chapter 61: Confrontation


Over the next few days, I went to the restaurant with Seven, waiting. If Shane was responsible for the deaths of their parents, then he was going to tip his hand sometime... and I was going to be there when he did.

“Here.” Seven set two plates and beers on an empty table near me. Then he sat on the other side and pulled one of the plates toward him.

“What’s this?” I scoffed, gesturing toward the plate as I looked around.

Seven raised his chin toward the plate. “You haven’t eaten anything since you’ve been here.”

“I’m not hungry.” I looked through the restaurant and out the windows. I wouldn’t put it past Shane to do a drive-by shooting so we had to stay vigilant. I never did trust that guy. He was always too shady. Too cocky... even for an Alpha.

“Come on, man. Don’t make me eat alone.” Seven pushed a beer toward me, and I caught it before it went over the edge.