Chapter 62: Truth and Blessing


A moment later, Seven and I walked up the steps of the neighbor’s house and knocked.

“Coming!” the voice of an elderly man came from inside the house, along with the slow, methodical tapping of a cane. “Who is it?”

“Mr. Thompson, it’s Seven, your neighbor from across the street.” He glanced over at me and shrugged.

“Boy, why your parents didn’t give you a suitable name, I have no idea.” When the door opened, an elderly man with thinning gray hair, and wearing a bathrobe and pajamas stood on the other side, holding a cane. “Seven,” he mumbled, shaking his head as he ambled into the living room, expecting us to follow. He was clearly human. It pained me to watch humans grow old like this, but there was something to be said for wisdom that came with age. But the lives of humans were short in comparison to shifters.

“Actually, I like my name.” Seven shrugged, smiling.