Chapter 63: Offer


Finally, Seven’s voice broke off, his sides heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Then he swung his great silver head toward me, his bright blue eyes glowing fiercely.

I inclined my head toward the deep forest. “Let’s go.” Not waiting for an answer, I loped toward the trees, hearing Seven fall in behind me.

We ran hard through the forest, flying over fallen logs and crashing through underbrush. The rich scent of pine needles and damp earth filled the air, rushing through my core as I became one with the earth. It felt wonderful to stretch my powerful wolf’s body to its limits, to feel the earth blurring beneath my paws. My wolf growled his approval.

Seven kept pace, flanking me silently. His ears pricked, taking in every minute sound, looking for a fight. There was prey nearby, I knew. I scented them in the air: white-tailed deer, bear—and then a warm, musky scent that kicked my predatory instincts into high gear.