Chapter 77: No Longer Alone


Waking with a start, silence cloaked the dark bedroom as I sat straight up. Looking over, Logan was gone. I sighed as I leaned back against the pillows, knowing he had waited to leave until I was asleep. I reached for the empty space on the bed beside me, already missing him.

With a sigh, I rubbed gentle circles over my swollen belly, taking what solace I could as the baby kicked, growing bigger by the day. “Don’t worry, little one. Your daddy will be home soon,” I murmured into the quiet night.

Somewhere out there, Logan was missing these precious moments as our child grew, kept away by the Pack’s unending needs.

Lost in bittersweet thought, a knock sounded at the front door of our suite, making me jump. Heart kicking into high gear, I called out, “Coming!”

Irrational hope leaped within my chest as I pictured Logan surprising me by slipping home early and us spending the rest of the night in each other’s arms.