Chapter 76: Bloodmoon Riders MC


I had no idea what Marshall was up to, but there was no way I would let him go alone. I had a feeling I knew what he would do, and I refused to stand by and let him do it alone… with or without my father’s consent.

As we waited. I closed my eyes and allowed myself a small, cold smile. The elation of the final hunt saturated every sense, slowing my pulse and sharpening every instinct. We were in the end game now, so close I could taste it, becoming smoke and ashes on my tongue.

All that remained was letting Shane’s own madness and hatred carry him those last damning steps farther into ruin. There was no need for our Pack’s hands to be bloodied directly. Justice would be served cleanly and indirectly, but it would come. And our Pack would survive, untainted by scandal or exposure.