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Guert was taken aback, it seemed that he had to behave better, this guy was actually so powerful!

Suddenly footsteps sounded in the room, it should be Xiao Zhong pacing back and forth.

Guerte has nothing to do with himself, he couldn't help but feel secretly refreshed seeing Xiao Zhong having such a headache, he said in his heart: It's best if you don't get that thing for the rest of your life, it annoys you, worries you to death!

The voice suddenly sounded, and said jokingly: "You just talk and don't practice here, if you have the ability, go and see him one-on-one."

Guert was secretly angry, he is older than me, and he has practiced kung fu, how can I fight him? Hmph, it's an idiot's way to use force alone.

"Ha, then why are you down here now? If you have the ability to get up on your own," the voice said with a hint of sarcasm.

Although Guert was aroused by this man's tone, he also knew that he could not fight for it now. Getting up at this time was no different from dying. He thought to himself: My father often said that I was talented, so I didn't believe me. Can't beat him! It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, take your time!

The man's voice came again: "Hey, you are indeed talented and smart enough, otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you...but it's a pity."

"What a pity?"

"You're getting older, it's too late to practice martial arts."

Guert was stunned, wouldn't he? No wonder my dad has been urging me more and more every time in the past six months, and even my mom has stopped helping me.

"Let's make a deal."

"What deal?"

"It's very simple, you help me get something, and I will teach you how to practice martial arts."

Guert shook his head violently in his heart, and said, "No, I don't like to practice martial arts!"

The man couldn't help being very angry. What he said just now was to deliberately arouse the young man's enthusiasm for martial arts. On the other hand, he also wanted to test Guert to see if he would be stimulated and whether he was calm enough.

But who knew that Guert was not only uninspired, but also refused to follow his own way. After he said so much, he was still not interested in martial arts, so he could only ask: "What do you want?"

Guert's mind turned, and he remembered a question, and asked, "What's the matter with the true energy in my body? Is it possible to heal wherever it hurts?"

The humane said: "This is a defensive magic weapon, which belongs to the category of imperial weapons. I named it "Mo Fear". It can automatically act as true energy to protect your wounds. This magic weapon can protect all your trauma."

Guert said: "That's really a good thing, but the name is a little bit bad. There is nothing to be afraid of. It has to be called "Invincible Defense" to be cool enough. I want this."

The man seemed to have guessed that he would say this, and said: "Okay, I will give it to you."

Gurt asked again in his heart: "How are you talking to me now?"

The man replied: "I can transmit sound through true energy."

Guert immediately said in his heart: "Liar! You can know what I'm thinking, and I don't know how to transmit sound. Why do you know it as soon as I think about it? It must not be the transmission of true energy. Is it something good? thing?"

The man probably didn't expect Guert to react so quickly, he was stunned for a moment, and said: "Yes, it is a magic weapon of the heart, it is very difficult to refine, I spent my whole life refining this one."

Guert thought to himself: "What's the difference with this, is it also in my body? Why can't I feel it!"

The mysterious person said: "This is the heart. It has two parts, which are divided into the host and the seed. After being planted with a magic weapon, ordinary people don't feel it at all."

Guert knows that these are the secrets of the magic weapon. He is the so-called ordinary person in this population. If he hadn't forced him to say it, he would not have said it at all, but he still has doubts in his heart: "What does it mean to plant a magic weapon?" ?"

The mysterious humane said: "There are many kinds of magic tools. The previous "Fear" can be used by you individually, but this "Heartbeat" needs two people to use. After I refine it, I will plant the seeds where I want to plant. In the human body, you can freely spy on the mind of the planted person."

Guert praised sincerely in his heart: "That is really a treasure!"

He tentatively said: "I want you to give it to me, but you must refuse?"

The mysterious man was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "As long as you help me get that thing, it doesn't matter if I give this to you."

Guert was stunned, and said happily in his heart: "What you said is true?"

The man said: "Don't be happy, the thing I want is what this kid wants. It's hidden in that house, which is not accessible to ordinary people."

Guert was disappointed for a while, and said in his heart: "Then what do you expect from me? You can't even get him here for so long. What can I, who was captured by them , get?"

The man said: "That's not necessarily the case. As far as I know, the owner here will send someone into the house every other week. This person is usually a captured prisoner, or someone carefully selected here."

Guert was stunned, and said in his heart: "You mean they will let me in?"

The man ignored his words and continued: "That house has the function of isolating the magic weapon, so this kind of dual-body heart system magic weapon of the host seed type cannot be used, but your "Mo Fear" can still be used."

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps coming towards Guert, Guert's heart tightened, and he thought to himself, wouldn't he come to beat himself up again?

Just as he was thinking, Xiao Zhong's palm had already slapped him twice, and a force came from him. Guert couldn't help pretending to be dead, so he couldn't help but yelled out.

Xiao Zhong said coldly: "You are indeed awake."

Guert hurriedly pretended to have just woken up, and said in a daze, "I... am still alive?"

Xiao Zhong said indifferently: "You do something for me, I will not only heal your injury immediately, but also promise to send you out after you finish it."

When Guert heard that he was able to leave here, his joy suddenly appeared, and he said, "Are you serious?"

Xiao Zhong said: "I never lie to anyone."

Gurt secretly scolded him for being shameless, but hurriedly asked: "What is it? Let me talk about it first, I can't do things that are too difficult."

Xiao Zhong said indifferently: "It's not difficult at all, I'll arrange for you to enter a house later, you just help me go in and get something."

Gurt was startled, and at the same time thought that what the man wanted to do for him should be the same thing, but what exactly did they want to take? Could it be a bigger treasure?

Xiao Zhong saw that Guerte did not speak, and continued: "There is nothing difficult for you ordinary people, but people who practice martial arts like me can't go in, so you don't have to be afraid."

Knowing that Xiao Zhong was tricking him into going in, Guert pretended to understand, and suddenly said: "I see, I promise you."

Xiao Zhong spread his palms, revealing a small black box, and said: "Put this box on your body, it will tell you what you want to take when the time comes."

Guert pretended to be seriously injured and couldn't get up, stretched out his hand, Xiao Zhong put his palm together, put away the small box, helped Guert up, and patted him with his palm, Guert's whole body was shocked, and immediately I felt a warm current hit, and my whole body seemed to be in a steamer .

After a while, Xiao Zhong withdrew his hand and said: "Alright, you are in good health, your injury is not too serious."

Seeing that he had no doubts, Guert secretly rejoiced, and after Xiao Zhong treated the injuries on his body, they were completely healed.

Xiao Zhong took out the small box and said: "You put it away, if there is an accident, it will protect you."

Gulter asked, "When are we going?"

Xiao Zhong didn't answer him, but looked him up and down, and said, "Hold on." After finishing speaking, he punched him in the face, and a black eye suddenly appeared, Guert screamed, and before he could speak, He was hit twice again.

Guert lay on the ground, forgetting to pretend to be injured, and raised his head angrily and asked, "Why did you hit me!"

Xiao Zhong still ignored him, looked at him like a commodity for a while, and finally said with satisfaction: "It's almost done now."

The voice of the mysterious man sounded again, saying: "He is 'dressing up' you. He didn't hit hard, but it just happened to make you look badly injured."

In fact, it doesn't need to be said by him, Guert has already reacted after the anger, there is "don't be afraid"... no, it is the "invincible defense" on the body, which can relieve the pain in the first place, but Xiao Zhong's hits are even more painful. less than pain.

Xiao Zhong finally explained: "The young master ordered me to beat you up, and those punches just now gave you a few dark circles and a lot of blood on your face, so it will be easier for him to believe that you have been beaten by me. You Rest for a while now, the young master will be back soon. Pay attention later, don't talk nonsense, I will help you."

Guert nodded hastily, at this moment his life is in the hands of others, how dare he not listen.

Seeing that he was smart and well-behaved, Xiao Zhong was also very satisfied, and walked out.

The mysterious man began to speak again, and the voice rang in his ears, saying: "The 'Mo Fear' I gave you belongs to the magic weapon of true energy. Compared with it in the category of magic tools, the search artifact belongs to the physical magic weapon. Used to find artifacts."

Guert was stunned, he had heard of the magic weapon, so what is this "magic weapon"?

The man explained: "The so-called divine weapon is just a kind of respectful title for us mortal warriors. It is left by warriors like us before they ascended to immortality."

Guert gave a half-comprehension sound, and asked in his heart: "Is there any benefit in getting this thing?"

The man said: "It's useless for ordinary people like you, but it's a treasure for people like us who are eager to break through the bottleneck stage of cultivation." He then added: "If you can help me get it, I will take it with you." Go out, and then I will give you a few fun instruments, all of which are elementary instruments suitable for you."

Guert said happily in his heart: "Great, you are much better than that bad boy."

The man let out a fit of laughter, and then stopped talking.

Guert suddenly remembered something, and asked in his heart: "What's your name? Who are you?"

The man was silent for a while, then said after a long time, "My name is Bustan."

Guert was stunned, and said, "What a strange name. You are not a Qing philosopher, are you?"

Bustan hummed and stopped talking.

In fact, Guert still had a lot of questions in his mind, and when he was thinking about which question to ask, Xiao Zhong suddenly walked in and said, "The young master is here, you lie down on the ground."

Guert hurriedly lay down on the ground, and as soon as he lay down, Ren Mang walked in. Seeing Guert lying on the ground, he walked over and stepped on his feet, humming in his mouth: "Brat, I want you Completely dead."

Only Xiao Zhong asked: "Master? What are you going to do with this kid?"

Ren Mang chuckled, and said ferociously: "The old man is looking for someone to go to that ghost house, so I said I have a candidate and let him go there immediately."

Guert, who fell on the ground and pretended to be dead, was stunned, and began to feel very bad. This fat man actually wanted to go in by himself, and it was as a punishment.

So what will be in that house? Thinking of this, I suddenly felt cold, and I didn't dare to think about it any more.

Ren Mang seemed to be answering his question, and said, "I don't know what's in that haunted house. The old man has to find someone to go in every other week. It's been several months. There are nearly 20 people in there. I didn't see one coming out either."

He kicked Guert again, and said: "Let this kid go in and play, let him die, haha!" He laughed a few times, as if he found Guert lying on the ground motionless, he couldn't help but Asked: "Hey, why didn't he move at all? Xiao Zhong? You didn't beat him to death, did you?"

Gurt was just too frightened to move, but when he heard it, he quickly started to play dead, hoping that he would not throw himself into it.

Xiao Zhong stepped forward two steps, pressed his arm, a gust of true energy flowed in. Guert only felt sore all over, and couldn't help but yelled out.

Seeing this, Ren Mang said, "It's good that he's still alive. Hey, tidy up for him, and then send him some food, so that he can eat enough and have some strength before he dies."

Xiao Zhong hurriedly lowered his head and agreed. Ren Mang smirked twice and walked out.

Seeing Ren Mang go out, Guert quickly jumped up and said, "Tell me clearly, what is in that haunted house? If you want me to die, I won't do it!"

A stern light flashed in Xiao Zhong's eyes, and he said: "This is beyond your control."

After finishing speaking, he might feel that he should establish a good relationship with Guert, and his tone eased, and said: "Don't worry, there is nothing too dangerous. After you go in, you will experience some things, and then enter a confined space. Then There is a big box inside, you take out the contents and put them away, then go to the upper left corner of the room, smash the box I gave you just now, then the house will be smashed into a hole, and I will be outside Accept you."

Guert dared not believe him casually, he turned his head over and over again, and said suspiciously: "If it's that simple, why don't you go by yourself?"

Xiao Zhong sighed slightly, and said: "Just do what I say, and I guarantee you'll be fine. Now I don't have enough manpower, so I can't send people in. I have no chance to go in myself."

Guert's heart moved, and he faintly felt that Xiao Zhong seemed to have a lot of secrets. From the words he overheard before, he could know that Xiao Zhong didn't seem to be just Ren Mang's person, and he said suspiciously at the moment: "You and that fat man What's the relationship? Why did you tell me this behind his back? "

Xiao Zhong gritted his teeth, as if he had made some decision, he said in a deep voice: "I actually came undercover here to get this thing."

Guert knew that he was not lying, but a thought suddenly crossed his mind, if he told Ren Mang at this time, Xiao Zhong was actually their enemy, and he came here undercover to get things, and use this news to get back I don't know if I will succeed in my own life?

As soon as this thought was born, it was rejected by myself.

Xiao Zhong is not a fool, how could he give himself this opportunity to speak, even if he did, seeing that fat idiot trust Xiao Zhong so much, how could he believe in himself, the kid who slashed him? Hey, how unlucky, I was caught as a target even after playing a game!

Xiao Zhong saw that Guert was hesitating, he patted his shoulder immediately, and said: "Don't worry, I have a strange feeling from the first time I saw you, and I believe that you must be able to escape unscathed."

Guert rolled his eyes inwardly, this kind of comforting words were really fake; but he also knew that there was no other way at this time, so he began to think of other ideas, saying: "It must be very dangerous in there, you should give me something Self-defense. You want to get something, but I only want to be free. We should work together."

Xiao Zhong looked at him, and started to have a headache, obviously he didn't expect Guert to be so difficult, after thinking for a while, he gritted his teeth, pushed his sleeve forward, and a rusty dagger appeared in front of Guert.

Seeing Xiao Zhong's distressed look, Guert felt secretly refreshed, and thought: It's better to get some magical weapons, so that even if I don't know any martial arts, I can still defend myself; , Guert couldn't help but said with an unhappy face: "Are you bluffing me? What kind of rotten dagger is this?"

Xiao Zhongjun kept a straight face, without saying a word, he waved the dagger at the table next to him without looking at it, like cutting tofu, a corner of the table was cut off without a sound.

Guert was stunned, thinking: So this is a precious blade, haha, I made it this time.

Fearing that Xiao Zhong would regret it, Guert hurriedly took the blade from Xiao Zhong's hand, and felt the dagger was very light when he touched it, he picked it up like a toy knife, picked up the cut corner of the table, and struck the table again. Jiao immediately split into two halves again, overjoyed in his heart, thinking: This is really a good thing, if this dagger was used in the game just now, the head of that dead fat man would probably be chopped off by himself.

Xiao Zhong said: "There is no doubt this time, right? Remember, what I want is a big box in the house, and the artifact search tool I gave you will respond when the time comes."

He felt distressed when he saw Guert holding the precious blade with a look of fondness. This was a precious blade that he had found after several years of twists and turns. At this time, although Bao Ren felt sorry for Bao Ren, he said: "As long as you bring that thing to me, this dagger will be given to you, and then I will send you out."

After all, Guert was not very old, seeing this kind of iron-cutting sword, he was already tempted to death, when he heard what Xiao Zhong said, he hurriedly said happily: "Really?"

Xiao Zhong nodded silently.

Guert suddenly said: "Then let's pull the hook... If you don't give it to me when the time comes, you will die badly."

Xiao Zhong's complexion changed, but he held back immediately, and smiled secretly in his heart, this kid is still a child after all, he still believes in such things as pulling the Gou, and said: "Okay... let's pull the Gou."

After pulling the hook, Xiao Zhong went out again.

Gurt, on the other hand, was playing with the blade excitedly, and looked carefully at the rust spots on it. He felt a little pity that such a good dagger had such rust spots on it, but at the same time he felt a little strange. It doesn't seem to be rust spots, and this dagger is so sharp, if there are rust spots, how can it be so sharp?

While thinking about these thoughts, suddenly Bustan's voice came from my ear: "Boy, you are not far from death."

Guert was so frightened that he almost dropped the dagger in his hand on the ground, and blurted out: "What?" He was startled as soon as he called out, but fortunately there was no one in the room at this time, otherwise Xiao Zhong would definitely become suspicious if he saw it.

As expected, Bustan said angrily, "You idiot, don't make a sound."

Guert hurriedly responded in his heart: "I know, I know, what did you just say?"

Bustan snorted coldly, and said: "This dagger is not Fantie, it is called "Qingyin". Rank the Qingyin Spiritual Blade at the third place on the list of spiritual blades in the world."

Guert's heart skipped a beat, and he said in his heart, "What? Only third? What else is ahead? What is the spirit blade?"

Bustan seemed too lazy to explain so much, and said, "Do you want to know why you are dying?"

Guert scratched his head and said, "Then you should talk about this first."

Bustan snorted coldly and said, "Do you think that kid is a fuel-efficient lamp? As long as you get that thing to him, he will kill you first."

Guert was startled, and then he realized that he was a little overjoyed because he got the voiceless spirit blade, and he actually forgot about killing and silence, and when the kid took out the blade just now, his face was obviously distressed How could he be so willing when he hooked up with him just now? He must have already planned to kill himself.

Bustan chuckled and said, "You really aren't stupid."

Guert's brain turned sharply, and he asked in his heart: "Then he is not afraid that I will never come out of that room again? Then he will not be able to get this precious blade?"

Bustan pondered for a while, and said: "I can't figure this out either. It can be said that he has great confidence in you and believes that you will be able to come out. It can also be said that he has confidence in the spirituality of the sword."

Guert wondered: "What do you mean? He can freely control this dagger from a long distance? Then let it come out by itself?"

Bustan said frankly: "I don't know anymore, I have never used this kind of spiritual blade, but as far as I know, there is a special connection between the spiritual blade and the owner who uses it, it is not an ordinary exchange, it can be easily converted Master's."

Guert touched the dagger, only felt that the tentacles were cold and very comfortable, and he didn't feel any difference. He thought: "No matter what, I'm using it now, right?"

Bustan said: "Since he's used for you, it's no problem."

Guert hid the sword in his bosom, at this moment, someone brought food and clothes over, he simply put everything aside and started eating, just after eating and changing clothes, Xiao Zhong walked in Said: "Come on, let's go."

Guert walked behind Xiao Zhong, walked around the flower bed along the corridor, and arrived in a short while, knowing that he was about to go in, he felt nervous.

At this time, Bustan's voice suddenly sounded again, saying: "You remember every sentence clearly. After you go in for a while, I may not be able to contact you. His room has the power to cut off the magic weapon of the heart system. It may be strong or weak, and I will try my best to contact you."

"I will know when you get the thing. Then you can do what he said, and I will wait there. If it doesn't work, then you can keep the thing in your mouth..."

The voice suddenly stopped, and Bustan's voice appeared again shortly afterwards, but he didn't seem to notice the interruption of the voice, "... as long as it hits the wall, it will break the wall. As long as the wall is broken, I will be with you." You contact..."

The sound was interrupted again, but after this interruption, it was no longer able to recover as before.