Entering the Cave

Just when the voice was interrupted again, Xiao Zhong suddenly said: "Master, this kid has already been brought here."

Only then did Guert look up to the front, and saw that he had already reached a square. The most striking thing was that there was a black house in the middle of an empty square. It seemed that at most one person could stand there. .

Is this the house they are talking about?

As he was walking towards the black room, he looked carefully, when he suddenly heard a low voice saying: "Mang'er, is this the person you are talking about?"

Guert followed the sound and saw a middle-aged man with gray hair but full of heroism standing not far away. It seemed that he should be Ren Mang's father and the leader of the Xuan Gang.

As soon as the eyes of the two met, Guert felt that the man's eyes were extremely sharp, and the eyes that glanced at him seemed to be real, and he felt a chill in his heart, and unconsciously lowered his head.

The middle-aged man suddenly said: "Okay, it's him, go in!"

Guert was in a daze, and as soon as he raised his head, he saw a flash of red light. A door suddenly appeared in front of the black room, and it was pitch black inside. He was about to poke his head in to see the reality, but Xiao Zhong behind him was already afraid that he would not dare to do so. When he entered, he lifted his foot and kicked him, kicking his whole body in.

Guert fell forward, only to realize that the black room was actually just an entrance to a passage. The whole person kept falling, as if falling into a bottomless pit. He couldn't help but panic, thinking: If you fall like this If I go down, any magic weapon or spirit blade will be useless, and I will be killed if I fall.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and Gurt fell to the ground in a big character shape, but he felt as if he had fallen on cotton, without any pain.

Guert got up in a daze. Although he didn't know the situation, he knew that he was still alive. He took a breath, looked around, and was stunned.

Surprisingly, there was a big lake all around, and the light came from nowhere, shining on the slightly rippling water, and he was lying on a platform in the middle of the lake, and a path stretched forward from this wide platform.

Guert's mind finally cleared up a bit, and he wondered why this table is so soft? Is it okay to fall from such a high height? Looking up, I saw a black hole hanging high in the sky, and I couldn't see the top.

He took out the Voiceless Spiritual Blade from his pocket, held it in his hand, felt a lot more courageous, and walked forward, wondering at the same time - where does the light here come from?

After looking at it, I couldn't see anything, and suddenly found something floating on the water not far in front of me, and I was excited, did I find that thing? Quickly took a step and ran over.

When I got closer, I was startled. It turned out that the body floating on the water was a floating corpse. The clothes had already melted away, and the face could not be seen. Half of the head was buried under the water, and the bones could be vaguely seen. Looking at it more, it seemed as if he was emboldening himself, coughed loudly, and ran forward quickly.

Finally, after making several turns in a row, the water surface came to an end, and came to a solid land, surrounded by strange rocks and a strange atmosphere.

Guert walked forward and finally saw a door on a stone wall with a large character "wood" written on the door, and this door was also made of wood. Guert pushed the door with all his strength. Nothing moved.

What's even more amazing is that this door seems to be embedded in the stone wall, and there is no gap at the junction of the wooden door and the stone wall.

He took out the Voiceless Spiritual Blade, this thing can cut gold and jade, it should be more than enough to deal with this wooden door, right? Immediately picked it up, and poked it forcefully at the door.

With a chirp sound, the spirit blade was immediately out of the door, leaving only a handle outside. Guert couldn't help but feel ecstatic in his heart. It seems that this is really a precious blade. Such a thick piece of wood can be inserted so easily, and it feels like a little obstacle. nothing.

But there is also a disadvantage in this way, that is, all the spiritual blades that are not in the door can no longer be pulled out. Gurt did not do anything, simply pinched the handle, and pulled it hard, which is easier than pulling it out. a lot.

Just as he kept turning left and right, he suddenly heard a huge vibration, the whole earth seemed to be shaking, and the door slowly opened.

Guert looked at all this with horror, knowing that the mechanism was touched, and the door finally opened.

Taking out the spirit blade, he stepped into the house made entirely of wood.

The room was about ten meters long and wide, and it was an irregular and sealed space, but the light from unknown sources illuminated it very brightly.

On the opposite wall where Guert was standing, there was another door, and what caught his attention was a row of big characters on the wall where he entered: This wood is a rare Teng wood, any point can be taken out They are all priceless treasures, sigh! ! !

There is no signer below, but three exclamation marks are added after the word "tan", which shows that the person who carved the letter must feel very sorry.

Guert has never heard of what "Ten wood" is, but the person who saw the message seemed very sorry, knowing that the wood must be very valuable, so he ran to the gap where the dagger was inserted just now, took out Spiritual Blade, no longer forcefully inserted downwards, but horizontally

The ground was cut down, and with the big gap in front, he could easily get a small piece of wood.

Holding it in his hand, he felt extremely heavy, and was secretly surprised that such a small piece of wood was actually heavier than this dagger.

Although I don't know what it is useful for, it should be a treasure, so I put it in my pocket immediately.

He wandered around this room, and found that besides the door on the opposite side, there were actually two doors on the other two walls. The three doors were of the same size, with "gold", "fire" and "earth" written on them respectively.

The door with the word "gold" seems to be made of gold, with a golden light.

And the word "fire" is extremely red, as if a ball of flame is burning there.

As for the "earth" character door, it is the most common. The khaki door resembles an earthen wall.

These three doors are the same as the wooden doors just now, and they are all made without gaps with the wall next to them, as if they were naturally embedded in it; Guert secretly wondered: It seems that every kind of door is related to the words on it.

What Tengmu made that wooden door, then what are these three doors made of? Will it be worth it too? Hey, dig some and take it out to exchange for something.

Greed was suddenly unstoppable. Starting from the most valuable Golden Gate, Guert was born again and familiar with the second time. Instead of inserting the dagger directly as before, he cautiously walked along the edge. Insert the dagger into the place, then gently cut across, apply a little force, and cut slowly.

"Gah!" The spirit blade actually slid to the side, apparently no longer as effective as before.

Gurt tried a few more times, and felt discouraged. It seemed that this one in his hand was still not good enough, and the one that ranked first on the list was better.

Walking to the door with the word "fire", at this moment, his heart was no longer as high as before, and he knocked tentatively on the fire door with the dagger in his hand, but the dagger did not slide away.

Gurt suddenly regained his energy, and then carefully cut it in the same way as before.

Guert looked disappointed, the dagger only went in a little, it didn't go straight in like the "wooden" door just now, cut it twice, but there was still no response, so he had to give up.

When he came to the last door with the word "earth", Guert was so disappointed that he stopped trying, so he inserted the dagger randomly; silently, the whole dagger sank into the door.

Gurt was stunned, and then there was a scream.

"Wow, what should I do this time? I didn't go in so deep, and I didn't have enough strength to turn it out... This is a disaster. Spirit Blade! Spirit Blade! Why did you play such a big joke on me!"

Using his little finger to exert force, he wanted to pull the dagger out a little and then turn it. Suddenly, the dagger cut a piece of the door like cutting tofu. At the same time, the door made a loud noise and opened slightly tremblingly.

Guert stayed at the door, thinking: Is this door fake? So easy to cut...

He waved the dagger in his hand again, and suddenly a big opening was opened in the middle of the door.

Guert's childlike innocence suddenly dawned on him, remembering that the two doors were motionless just now, he thought to himself: Hmph, those two doors offended me, hey, I have to take revenge on you.

Picking up the dagger in his hand, he was about to cut the door again, when suddenly a person's cry came from inside the door, the sound was not loud, but it was enough for him to hear it here.

Guert quickly walked in with the dagger in his hand, full of doubts in his heart-how could there be living people here?

This is another long and narrow corridor surrounded by earthen walls. The lighting is not as bright as before, but it can still be seen clearly.

Walking down the corridor, turning a corner, I saw another door at the end of the corridor, and a person was sitting beside the door.

Gurt walked over, and saw that the man was in his thirties, dressed in ragged clothes, and was a middle-aged man with a very ordinary face. He was sitting by the door, facing him, showing a very excited expression.

But when the middle-aged man saw Guert clearly, his expression was obviously startled, his eyes moved down, and when he saw the dagger in Guert's hand, the expression on his haggard face changed: "You are from the Mansion of Gods ?"

Seeing his expression changing, Guert was taken aback by him, especially when he found that there seemed to be a person lying behind him with one arm exposed. For some reason, he felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

He replied, "No...it's not."

The middle-aged man seemed to have little strength, so his voice was not too loud, but his words were obviously full of anger, and he said, "Then why do you have the voiceless spirit blade that they have passed down from generation to generation?"

After saying this, Guert felt the precious blade in his hand tremble again suddenly, and said with a chill in his heart, "I don't know, it was given to me by a man named Xiao Zhong."

The middle-aged man read the name, at a loss, and said after a while: "I'm Hu Shaoguang, have you heard of it?"

Guert shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

Hu Shaoguang was furious, and said: "The boy has never heard of my name, damn it!" He raised his right hand and wanted to make a move.

Guert knew it was wrong, so he ran back with his legs loose. After running for a while, he found that there was no movement behind him. He looked back and saw Hu Shaoguang lying on the ground. What's the matter?"

Hu Shaoguang didn't respond at all, lying there as if dead.

Guert thought to himself: Before coming in, I heard that person said that only one person would be sent in every other week. Even if this person came last week, he hadn't eaten or drank for a week. Maybe he wanted to hit me just now, but he fell out of exhaustion. up.

Thinking of this, I felt satisfied with the reasoning in my heart, so I started to walk back. After walking a few steps, I suddenly thought: No! What if Hu Shaoguang pretended to be dead to lure him over and catch him again?

Turning his eyes, he remembered the door in front, and hurried back, picked up a piece of soil dug up just now, and it was heavy in his hand. He weighed the weight, ran to a position five or six meters away from Hu Shaoguang, and took aim. After a bit, the dirt clod was thrown on him.

Hu Shaoguang suddenly groaned, moved his body, raised his head, his face looked weak, his mouth moved, but his voice was very weak, maybe because he had no strength.

Seeing him like this, Guert walked over with confidence. Just as he got to Hu Shaoguang's side, Hu Shaoguang suddenly jumped up from the upper body, stretched out his hand and clasped Guert's wrist.

Guert was still a developing young man, how could he resist the attack of this master, his hands softened suddenly, the voiceless spirit blade fell off, and Hu Shaoguang restrained his whole body.

Hu Shaoguang gasped and said: "Stinky boy, you are still full of scheming. You know how to hit me with something, and it hurts me to death."

He took another two breaths and said: "But you are still not as good as me, so I will catch you by tricks, hey, but you are okay. Of the three people who came here, you are the only one who has this reaction, and everyone else It was a hit."

Gurt was still wondering why he was so strong. When he heard him talking about how many people had been there, his mind flashed the picture of a person lying behind him just now. His expression changed, and he asked in a slightly changed tone. Said: "Then, where are they now?"

Hu Shaoguang chuckled and said, "What do you think? Of course it's all in my stomach, otherwise how could I last so long..."

Guert turned upside down with a burst of nausea, and suddenly felt something in his stomach rushing up, but because he was pinned and pressed to the ground, he couldn't vomit out all of a sudden, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Hu Shaoguang suddenly said again: "Your thin skin and tender meat must be more delicious than theirs. His grandma's, the third person actually has ringworm on his body, which made me lose my appetite after seeing it. I have been hungry for a long time."

Listening to what he said, Gurt just wanted to spit out everything he ate in his stomach just now. He felt that this guy was not only disgusting but also perverted. It turned around quickly, trying to find a way to escape.

Hu Shaoguang strengthened his hand, and said at the same time: "Hey, brat, you won't be scared to death, right? Why don't you talk?" After a pause, he added a sentence: "If you lose your courage, the meat will not taste good. It's very hard."

Guert didn't feel too much pain because he had the magic weapon "Invincible Defense" on his body. He was busy thinking about things, but he was shocked when he heard his last words.

He hurriedly said, "I'm still alive, I'm still alive."

Hu Shaoguang didn't seem to hear his words, he was silent for a while, and said strangely: "Why don't you feel pain? Could it be that you have also practiced martial arts? No, no, you obviously didn't feel the true energy in your body just now, and you look serious From the tender skin, you can tell that you are someone who has never experienced hardship..."

As he said that, he began to increase his strength again.

Guert was taken aback, and he almost revealed himself. If he knew that he was protected by a magic weapon, wouldn't he be wary of himself in the future? Immediately, he yelled out pain and begged for mercy loudly, and his voice was full of emotion, which immediately made Hu Shaoguang happy, and the strength in his hand was also slightly relaxed.

Gurt saw that he relaxed his strength, fearing that he would eat himself next, so he hurriedly asked: "I haven't asked you how the old man got here? With your martial arts, how did you get caught?"

Hu Shaoguang strengthened his hands and cursed: "Fart! Is Lao Tzu such a useless person? Catch him? Hmph, even if Ren Yan does it himself, I may not lose to him."

Guert was stunned, and said: "Who is Ren Yan? Is it the old man of that fat man Ren Mang?"

Hu Shaoguang nodded, then he took a moment and asked, "How come you don't even know Ren Yan? The three people I eat all know..."

Guert was worried that he had nothing to say to delay the time, so he put on a painful expression and told how he offended Ren Mang in the game, was arrested and came here.

Hu Shaoguang chuckled, and said, "You can only be blamed for being unlucky. But...you are considered capable if you can fool this voiceless spirit blade, what a pity!"

Guert said in surprise: "What a pity?"

Hu Shaoguang laughed, and said: "It's a pity that you are not the owner of this spirit blade, otherwise you only need to stimulate your mind, and the spirit blade will automatically fly up and kill me."

Guert was bitter in his heart, he didn't expect this spiritual blade to have such a supernatural effect, it was indeed a pity, but he didn't dare to show the slightest regret on his face, he just said angrily: "No wonder that Xiao Zhong pretended to be generous to me. , it turns out that he can freely control it."

Hu Shaoguang said: "Hey, this spirit blade has a chance to change its owner every fifty years, and it must be on the night of the full moon. The previous owner splashed blood on the spirit blade to remove the spirit power and give it to the new owner." Talent will do."

Guert was stunned and asked, "Can he still control it when he gets here?"

Hu Shaoguang frowned and said: "Accordingly, it is impossible, the radiation of the artifact in front is too strong, he can only contact the spirit blade once or twice at most, and issue instructions, hey, maybe one of them is to let the spirit blade fly by itself go out."

He paused, and said, "Hey, it's strange, why am I telling you these things? It's better to kill you and eat."

Guert was cold all over, he kept talking, just to make Hu Shaoguang feel that he was interesting, so stop eating for a while, so as to give him more time to escape.

At this time, he hurriedly babbled and shouted: "If you want to eat me, you have to finish all the words, right? Otherwise, I will be very curious, and when people are curious, the meat will turn sour, and you will not be able to eat it."

Sure enough, Hu Shaoguang frowned and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Guert nodded quickly and said, "I... I heard about it."

Hu Shaoguang snorted, and said: "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, you little devil is also very interesting, you can talk to me. I've been holding back for a week, and I'm really bored to death."

Guert hurriedly searched his stomach to think about the problem, and asked, "What do those doors outside mean?"

Hu Shaoguang said: "According to my speculation, I may choose a certain way to come in. The gate here is built according to the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The gate I am leaning on is the fire gate. If the door goes further, it should be the Golden Gate. As for the three doors outside, just choose one as the combination to open the door."

Goult then asked, "Don't you want to go out?"

Hu Shaoguang said coldly: "Once you come in, you can't get out, unless you can remove the innermost artifact from that specific position."

"Take it off?"

Hu Shaoguang didn't answer his question, but instead asked: "You fell down when you came in. Although you don't know how high the distance is, you can be sure that this is underground, right?"

Gurte nodded and said, "Yes. Is it related to this?"

Hu Shaoguang scolded: "Pig brain, since it is underground, why don't you think about why the lighting here is so good? And the air we breathe!"

Guert was stunned, and thought: This is... When I came in just now, I found that the water was very bright, and I thought about where the light came from. Asked, "Then why?"

Hu Shaoguang said: "It's because there are artifacts underground."

Guert thought he would say more about the artifact, but who knew it was just such a sentence. While cursing secretly in his heart, he also developed a strong interest in the artifact. It would be great if he could get this artifact.

Hu Shaoguang suddenly said: "Okay, is it all right? I'm going to peel the skin..."