Goodbye Magic Cloud

Guert didn't expect this beauty to turn her face faster than a book. It seems that in her mind, only people in the cultivation world can resolve that shitty "blood-red blessing", but at this time, it's not easy for her to refute that she is not. Otherwise, what did I do when I lay on top of her yesterday?

This question is really difficult to answer, he immediately said with a headache: "Well, I am indeed helping the young lady to heal her wounds, but if the young lady thinks that this kind of blessing must be cured by someone who cultivates the real world, then let me be it! "

Lian Qinghan was obviously very dissatisfied with Guert's answer, wrinkled her pretty nose, and said, "What do you mean it should be? Is it you?"

The hero Guert didn't want to suffer from the immediate loss, he gave a vague hum, and he took it for granted.

Lian Qinghan looked at him suspiciously, obviously doubting his attitude.

Facing Lian Qinghan's doubts, Guert thought of another question in his mind, why are there so many people from the cultivation world coming to this human world during this period of time?

Not to mention other places, Yang Hua alone, I have met several, and the closest one is naturally Yan Yiyi, although she has not admitted it herself, but judging from her understanding of the cultivation world, she should be right, and then It was Tianxin Bald Lv, Mu Fengling, and the peerless beauty Lian Qinghan in front of her.

If the non-human ones are counted, then the gluttonous beast - Heixian should also be counted.

He hesitated in his heart, should he ask Lian Qinghan, but he was also afraid that the girl would ask him "as" a cultivator in the realm of cultivation, how come he doesn't even know why he came here? What if she wants to try herself with a flying sword again?

Lian Qinghan glanced at him suddenly, and asked, "Which faction of the first order are you from?"

A flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Guert's mind, and he said, "Zixuandongtian" At this moment, he remembered the place Tianxin Bald Donkey had mentioned. Although he didn't know where it was, it was better than making up nonsense after all!

When Lian Qinghan heard Guert's answer, he didn't doubt it any more. After all, things in the cultivation world of the cave are beyond the knowledge of the human world. Since Guert can report this name, it naturally means that he has at least been to the cave. Comprehension world. Hmph, let him be!

Seeing that she was relieved, Guert was relieved, and just about to ask a question, Lian Qinghan asked: "What did you go there for? Could it be because of that 'thing' too?"

Gurt asked in surprise, "What?"

As soon as Lian Qinghan said it, he obviously regretted it. At this time, his flawless face was blushing, and he stomped his feet, and said coquettishly: "It's fine if you don't know, what do you ask so many!"

Guert smiled wryly in his heart. This girl is extremely beautiful, but it is a pity that her temper is too bad, and people can't bear to scold her. At this time, it is not easy for him to ask, so he changed the subject, saying: "I remember you and Whom did they say they were going to exchange? Who was that?"

Lian Qinghan nodded and said: "Yes, I'm here to save people, who knew they deliberately gave me false information to deceive me!"

Guert knew that Lian Qinghan would not tell, but that person should not be Xiao Cheng, could it be that Ruoyu got the wrong information? Or was it because Chi Mansion was on the alert a long time ago, so they changed places?

At this moment, a boy's voice was suddenly heard outside: "Sir, this way please!"

Guert was startled for a moment, the voice should belong to Xiao Xiang, did he bring someone? Thinking about it, he walked to the door.

I saw Xiao Xiang brought an old man with a hunchback. This old man was wearing lace glasses and holding a notebook in his hand. He looked like an accountant.

Seeing Guert coming out, Xiaoxiang said, "Mr. Ling, this lady sent me to tell you something."

Before Guert could speak, the old gentleman had already said: "The old man was ordered by Miss Mei to investigate the origin of the purple star flower in Qingzhe. The only place in China that produces this kind of flower is Wuxi, and there are only three shops in the country. For sale, one of them is the Plum and Apricot Garden, which is the property of the Mei family, and the other two are the Royal Garden, Zixing Donglai, these are the few flower shops in China.

"According to the results of our investigation, Zixing Donglai was the only place that shipped so many Zixing Yi at one time last year. For such a big customer, Zixing Donglai has a very complete record, but it is a pity that there is no The information of two customers was lost in a fire. However, according to the memory of the store that day, the batch of Zixingyi should be shipped to Qimeng."

Guerte never expected that Mei Ruoyu would be so careful to investigate these things and come back. He was very grateful in his heart. He thanked the old gentleman repeatedly and sent him out in person. When he came back, he suddenly thought of something and called Xiaoxiang to whisper in his ear. He was ordered to do something.

When everything was finished and returned to the house, Lian Qinghan was staring at him blankly. Even Guert was so thick-skinned that it was too much for such a beautiful woman to stare at him for so long. What do I do? Although I have a thick skin, I can also be shy."

A red cloud flew over Lian Qinghan's white jade-like cheeks, stomped his feet, and said, "Go to hell! They didn't look at you, they were just thinking about something!"

Guert was obviously not so narcissistic that Lian Qinghan would have any sudden affection for him, so he hurriedly asked: "Then what are you thinking? Thinking so ecstatically?"

Lian Qinghan seemed to want to prove his "innocence" and said: "No, I just think the name of a flower like Zixingyi is so beautiful, and it reminds me of a plant in the cultivation world!"

As soon as she said this, Guerte didn't dare to ask more questions, for fear that Lian Qinghan would ask him why he had never seen this kind of plant, so he hummed repeatedly, with a relieved look on his face.

But Lian Qinghan obviously didn't let him go so easily, and asked: "Why are they checking those for you?"

Guert replied: "My parents and brother are missing, so I want them to help me find them!" Parents and brothers are looking for them!

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Lian Qinghan didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Oh, so your whole family has come to the human world? You are so happy!"

Guert breathed a sigh of relief, this girl thought that her whole family was from the cultivation world, hey, does that damned cultivation world allow people to get married? Don't monks and priests have to abstain from pornography?

Questions are questions, but I dare not ask Lian Qinghan anymore. The two chatted nonsense like this, and after a while, Xiaoxiang walked in, and shouted as soon as he came in, "I know the whereabouts of that Miss Huanyun!"

The afterglow of the setting sun was shining on the street. Guert was looking at the house numbers of each family in a small alley. After seeing the number 10, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Whether my memory is good or not, I finally let myself touch this place. Raise your hand and knock on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and an old man wearing lace glasses opened the door, looked at Guert, and said, "Who are you looking for?"

Guert said respectfully: "Excuse me, is Miss Huanyun here?" The old man looked Guert up and down and said, "Look for Xiaoyun, she went to practice and hasn't come back yet, who are you?" Seeing that the old man's face seemed to be in a bad mood, Walter hurriedly said, "I'm the younger brother of Miss Huanyun's classmate. I have something to ask Miss Huanyun."

Huanyun is Guert's older brother Ling Ye's classmate, and also the girl Ling Ye has always had a crush on. Later, Ling Ye went out to study at the martial arts academy, while Huan Yun stayed in Yanghua, and they saw each other less often. They have been in contact with each other, and occasionally they have been bumped into by Guert a few times, so just now he suddenly remembered that there are people with this kind of relationship in the city, and he only hopes that the big brother, a big lover, can disclose his movements to his favorite girl.

When the old man heard Guert say his identity, he let out an ooh, with a kind smile on his face, and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, come on, come on first, Xiaoyun will be back in a while! You come in and wait." her!"

Seeing the old man's sudden change of attitude, Guert probably had something in his mind. A smile appeared on his charming handsome face, and he said, "You should be Uncle Huan, right? Hello, my name is Guert, and you call me little boy." Autumn will be fine!"

Uncle Huan nodded with a smile and said, "Hello, hello."

Guert knew that with his handsome face and sweet mouth, it was easy to please his elders. At this time, he was secretly happy, and was about to ask about the situation, when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him. This is an extremely remote alley , So Guert searched for a long time before finding it. Hearing footsteps at this time, it was estimated that Huanyun had returned. He hurriedly turned around, but was startled.

Two people came in, a girl in red and a man in white. The girl in red was 17 or 18 years old, and she was pretty and pleasant. She was exactly the same Huanyun I had seen with Guert more than a year ago.

And Guert, the man in white standing next to him, also recognized him. It was Zhu Qian, one of the four sons of the imprint who flung a folding fan around and claimed to be romantic .

What surprised Guert was that the distance between the two seemed to be too close, especially Zhu Qian's pig's trotter, which seemed to be holding Huanyun's little hand.

When Guert turned his head like this, the two of them were also surprised, but what was even more surprised was the scolding sound of Old Man Huan who followed, saying: "You damn girl, didn't you say you are going to practice? This man is back? Look at you, do you want to lose face to our Huan family? Get out of here!"

Guert also frowned, this Huanyun is his intended sister-in-law, what is this Zhu Qian? Dare to rob his sister-in-law!

At this moment, Huan Yun and Zhu Qian also reacted, Huan Yun blushed and broke away from Zhu Qian's hand, and ran towards home!

Zhu Qian also saw Guert at the same time. He was having a dizzy head when he saw Huanyun running away again, and hurriedly shouted: "Mei Yun, Mei Yun!"

When Huanyun ran past him, Guert made a "tsk tsk" sound and said, "Isn't this Mr. Zhu? Why don't you want your sister Cui and Huamei? What are you doing here?"

Zhu Qian's face was as pale as a pig's liver, and he said angrily: "Stinky boy, I let you run away last time, but today you dare to gossip, you will ruin my reputation!"

Huanyun's face changed obviously, he looked at Guert, apparently wanting to make sure what he was talking about.

Although it was only a year since I saw him, Guert had already been completely reborn. Even at such a close distance, Huanyun didn't see that Guert was that eccentric kid back then.

Seeing the change in Huan Yun's expression, Guert felt relieved, probably she was only temporarily deceived by Zhu Qian's appearance, and the two of them were just holding hands, and the development time should not be long. Old Huan seems to be very opposed, Thinking of this, my mood suddenly changed from gloomy to sunny, he laughed and said: "The defeated general dares to tell me the other way around, why am I gossiping? What did I say wrong? Young Master Zhu, please give me some pointers!"

Zhu Qian said to Huan Yun angrily: "Don't pay attention to what this kid said, he has a problem with me, so he intentionally used words to hurt me!"

Seeing his angrily expression, Guert clicked his tongue twice and said: "You are really a natural actor, but it is a pity that you are not lucky enough to meet me. Hey, if I see you cheating girls like this in the future , I will make you never be a man! Get out of here!"

Zhu Qian looked at Huanyun with a painful expression, and said: "Sister Yun, you have seen it too, this kid is too deceitful, it's really not me"

Halfway through speaking, Huanyun turned to Guerte beside him, looked him up and down and asked, "Who are you? Why do you want to slander Young Master Zhu?"

Guert sighed secretly in his heart, Zhu Qian really knew how to use women, pretended to be stunned and said: "Why does Miss Huanyun think that I have slandered you?" Miss, this Mr. Zhu has lied countless people, did he bring a folding fan with him when he came here? And he never left his body?"

Puzzled by his expression, Huanyun nodded involuntarily. Guert smiled inwardly, and continued to sigh heavily: "This Mr. Zhu gave a fan to a girl in Wuxi last time. I saw it with my own eyes. When I met him a few days ago, I was flirting with another girl in the city, and I saw you again today, alas!"

Huan Yun was stunned, and said: "Didn't he just arrive in Yanghua yesterday?"

Guert laughed, and said: "Then you can go and ask. A few days ago, there were a lot of people on Yanghua Street when Mr. Zhu was embracing a beautiful woman on Yanghua Street. I should not be the only one who saw it."

Guert's words were half true and half false. The folding fan was not given away, but was interrupted by him. It is expected that Zhu Qian would not say such a shameful thing, and he did meet Zhu Qian a few days ago, but At that time, he didn't have a beautiful woman in his arms, but Zhu Qian told Huan Yun that he had just arrived in Yanghua yesterday, which meant that Zhu Qian, a dumb man, was destined to suffer!

Huan Yun saw that Gurt had a nose and eyes in what he said, and that Gurt had a flattering appearance, so she couldn't help but believe it. Tears welled up in her eyes, waiting for Zhu Qian to explain.

Zhu Qian was so angry that he was speechless a long time ago, but Guert's words made him unable to refute, so he had no choice but to say: "Sister Yun, don't believe him, he has a grudge against me, he deliberately slandered My, I am sincere to you!"

Guert hummed in his heart, so what if he slandered you? Fortunately, you didn't do anything to my sister-in-law Huanyun today, otherwise you would have to be castrated. With a smile on his face, he said: "Young Master Zhu, quickly put away your loverly appearance, or I will call Yiyi here. With her here, what else can you say?"

Zhu Qian was suddenly dumbfounded, if Yan Yiyi came, he would indeed have lost a word.

He couldn't figure out the relationship between Guert and Huanyun's family for a while, so he tickled Guert's teeth with hatred, put away the expression on his face, and said, "Hmph, brat, you're the one who is cruel this time. Let's wait and see!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. Guert suddenly stopped him and said coldly: "Stop! Who allowed you to go? I just told you to go back, not to go back!"

Immediately, Zhu Qian shouted in shame and indignation: "Stinky boy! Don't bully people too much!"

Guert said lightly: "I bullied you today, if you want you to get out, get out! If you feel that you can't afford to lose face in front of a beautiful woman, I can help you!"

Huan Yun's tears had already flowed out. After seeing Zhu Qian's performance just now, his trust in Guert's words increased from 50% to 80%. At this time, he simply fell into the arms of his father and cried bitterly.

Veins popped out of Zhu Qian's forehead, and he said, "Stinky boy, you!"

Guert said coldly: "What am I? I don't know how to kick people, but I'm good at kicking pigs!" Before he finished speaking, his body flashed, and he raised his foot and kicked Zhu Qian.

Originally, there was not such a big gap between the standards of the two. If Zhu Qian wanted to escape, it would not be so easy for Guert to stay.

But at this time, Zhu Qian was exposed by Guert in front of the phantom cloud. No matter how thick-skinned he was, he would still be uneasy at this time. In addition, he had lost to Guert before, and Guert's dodge now Unexpectedly, as fast as lightning, he kicked Zhu Qian, Zhu Qian let out a miserable cry, flew out, and sat down on the alley.

Guert didn't expect such an effect, he was very happy, he laughed, and said: "It seems that my footwork is good!"

Zhu Qian lost face so much, he didn't talk anymore, he gave Guert a vicious look, and ran away in disgrace.

Guert turned around. Uncle Huan was pointing at Guert and saying something to Huanyun. Suddenly Huanyun froze, stood up, looked at Guert and said, "You are Xiaoqiu? Ling Ye brother?"

Guert giggled and said, "It's Guert, sister-in-law Huanyun, long time no see!"

Huan Yun blushed, obviously remembering the scene where this kid was making trouble when he was chatting with Ling Ye before.

Seeing that Guert drove Zhu Qian away, Uncle Huan was very happy, and let them come in to talk. As Guert walked in, he took a few flattering pictures of Uncle Huan. , the old man Huan was very happy immediately, after making a good pot of tea for the two, he let the two talk alone, while he was busy making dinner.

Huanyun's mood has obviously calmed down, his bright eyes are a little red and swollen, and he said: "I told you to read a joke just now, what the hell is he?"

Guerte said sincerely: "I may have made up some of what I said just now, but that kid is by no means a good person, so please don't get in touch with Huanyun sister-in-law!"

Huan Yun spat and said: "Don't shout, I have nothing to do with your brother!"

Guert took a sip of the tea and found it refreshing and pleasant, with a lingering fragrance in his mouth, he smiled and said, "This tea is very good."

Huan Yun gave him a blank look, and said: "This is the "Jingxiang Tablet" that my father rarely drinks himself." He hesitated for a while, and said: "Is your brother okay?"

Guert put down his teacup and said, "That's why I came today. I want to know if my brother has contacted you after our family disappeared?"

Huanyun was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "No, he looked for me that night. He paused, his face flushed, and said: "He said something to me at that time, and then he wanted me to talk to him. Go together!"

Guert was stunned, thinking, this must be because his father and the others were about to leave, and my brother couldn't bear to miss Huanyun, so he came to her to confess and wanted to take her away, but alas, brother, brother, you are so sudden Just confess your love, and ask people to abandon their parents, as long as a normal girl will not go with you!

Huan Yun continued: "I refused at the time, and the news of your family's disappearance was reported the next day."

Guert smiled bitterly: "It seems that my brother left with a wounded heart."

Huan Yun looked sad, and said: "I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that I didn't think of him at the time, alas, it was so sudden!"

Gu Erte nodded and said with a smile: "I don't blame Sister Huanyun, it's because my brother is too stupid. I told him earlier that you shouldn't be so shy after chasing girls!"

Huan Yunfen blushed, said: "You are young, you know a lot!"

Guert smiled without saying a word, and after a while, he said: "I just want to ask if my brother has any contact with you. If so, you can go to Meifu to find me. I live there temporarily. side.