cheating in the dark room

Huanyun said: "Mei Mansion? That rich merchant Mei Longyan?" Guerte nodded and said, "Sister Huanyun knows him?" Huanyun smiled and said, "How can I not know, our school still has his scholarship!" Walter rubbed his head and said, "Really? I don't seem to know!" Huan Yun saw his silly face, laughed and said, "You are really cute!"

As soon as she spoke, she seemed to realize that the person sitting in front of her was no longer that eccentric child, but a handsome young man, whose pretty face blushed involuntarily.

Guert didn't seem to notice Huanyun's shyness, he grinned, and said, "Cute as long as it's cute, my sister-in-law speaks, how dare I disobey!" After speaking, he deliberately made a cute face.

Huan Yun rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, what are you yelling about?"

Guert didn't take it seriously, and said: "It's okay, it will be fine when my brother comes back, you have to think about it carefully during this time, my brother is very good." Thinking of Ling Ye who used to abuse the back of his head before, he added: : "It's just very old-fashioned and a little violent!"

Huan Yun remembered the scene when he met their brothers more than a year ago, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing that he was able to make his sister-in-law happy, Guert was naturally very proud. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and said: "That Zhu, how does sister-in-law want to vent her anger? I will torture him!"

Huan Yun's expression darkened, and he said: "I have known him for a few months, and he has always been polite in front of me, so I never thought that he would be ah, forget it, I don't want to hear from him again name."

Seeing Huanyun's expression darkened, Guert scolded himself in his heart, which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted, what to do if there is nothing to mention this, um, no, I have to educate that surnamed Zhu, and forget it, so as not to Come out and cause trouble again.

I wanted to return to my thoughts, so naturally I couldn't say it, so I hurriedly changed the subject until I made Huan Yun laugh again.

At this moment, Uncle Huan shouted loudly: "Xiaoqiu, Xiaoyun, come over for dinner!"

Guert stepped on the moonlight, touched his full belly, and walked on the street where he used to play, feeling warm in his heart.

This meal was the most comfortable since he came out of the cave, not because of the food itself, but because he saw the phantom cloud again, which made him hook up with his previous memories.

Ever since he was caught by Ren Mang and others, everything that happened around him seemed so illusory. He was constantly changing at a young age, and he came into contact with a world he had never touched before, and his body and appearance were different from before. , When he returned to his old home and found that everything was wrong, everything seemed even more unreal.

He seems to be living alone in this world, with no past but only the future.

Yiyi's emotional sustenance allowed him to find his home temporarily, but after Yiyi disappeared, he was lonely again. Although there was Mei Ruoyu's concern, Fang Zheng's and Luo Ping's flattery, nothing could compare to a greeting from his relatives, which made him feel lonely again. He has lived in love and care since he was a child, and he is at a loss what to do.

Until he saw Huan Yun again, he finally had the opportunity to contact the past memory. His brother, his parents, they are still alive, and the past memory, when he is in contact with Huan Yun now, has been reconnected. .

In front of Huan Yun, he is like that naughty boy who only knew how to play, and because of this, Huan Yun's position in his heart has also jumped up.

At this time, he was walking on the street, thinking of the scene just now, thinking of Huan Yun's tears, he thought: Humph, Zhu Qian, Zhu Qian, but you took the initiative to provoke me, I will make you unable to be a man for the rest of your life! Thinking of this, he turned around and walked in the direction of the Chi Mansion.

Like last night, Guert sneaked in, walked around a few times, and then cursed himself as an idiot. There are so many houses here, how could he find Zhu Qian?

Unless hey, unless there is something wrong, let everyone out, but in this way, it is difficult for me to stop them alone, and that Mu Fengling who doesn't know if it is a man or a woman.

He hesitated for a moment, but he still didn't dare to play with fire, but he was unwilling to leave like this. He thought of the house where he went to rescue Xiao Cheng last night. Could it be that yesterday he took Xiao Cheng away for the purpose of laying out the situation? Temporarily removed? Will it be here today?

Thinking of this, his feet fluttered, and he quickly swept towards the house last night.

After a while, he arrived at the house, and it was still pitch black inside. The strange thing was that the door was ajar.

In order to act cautiously, Guert's figure flashed, lying on the roof tile eaves of the next room. Yesterday, Lian Qinghan broke a hole in that room, and it has been repaired now.

He thought to himself: Their speed is really fast enough, but why is the door concealed? Does this mean someone is inside or no one?

In this way, he climbed on the eaves for a long time. Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer. He stood in front of the door and gently pushed the door open, but no one could go in. It was pitch black inside. Walter's eyesight couldn't adapt for a while, and he couldn't see clearly inside. Guert was also afraid that someone around would see him standing at the door all the time, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and he flashed in, closing the door gently.

As soon as he stood firmly, he heard a seductive voice inside saying: "So what are you doing carefully? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Guert was stunned, what's going on?

Before he could figure out the situation, he felt a burst of fragrance rushing towards him, and a smooth and delicate carcass wrapped around him. As soon as he touched Guert's body, he let out a soul-stirring moan, and said in a low voice, "Come on, You have been late for a long time!"

Guert only felt that those hands were extremely comfortable pinching his body, and blood rushed up all over his body, but he was also confused for a while. This encounter was too strange. , making the atmosphere in the room very strange at this time. Guert was confused for a while, suddenly felt a cold body, and woke up in his heart, and saw that he was shocked. It turned out that his shirt had been stripped off by the woman without knowing it.

The woman's dexterous tongue moved around his body, moaning continuously, and said: "I didn't expect you to be so young."

After going through this battle, Guert only felt numb all over his body and felt extremely comfortable. At this time, he had adapted to the darkness in the house, but he saw the naked woman with her hands and feet wrapped around him like an octopus, with black hair and hugging her. Her long hair covered her face, but judging from the beautiful curve of her back and smooth buttocks, it shouldn't be bad.

Guert seemed to be in a dream. After all, he was only seventeen years old and full of vigor. Before Yan Yiyi just teased him a little, he was overwhelmed. Faced with him, he naturally became aroused immediately, and his body completely surrendered.

The woman obviously noticed the changes in Guert's body, giggled for a while, and continued to "harass" Guert's body.

Guert happily closed his eyes and enjoyed it. After a while, his own clothes were stripped off. The woman's soft and boneless hands grabbed Guert's shoulders, and she jumped up, hooking her jade legs He, with his black hair tossed, was already lying on his body, and the firm double peaks on his chest were pressed against Guert's chest.

Guert had never been treated like this before, and at this moment, he only felt a burst of lust, and he stretched out his hand to grab the tender flesh on the woman's chest.

The woman suddenly gave a slight snort, and said, "Why have you grown a lot taller?"

As he spoke, he raised his head that was lying on his shoulders, and faced Guert, the two faces were not more than an inch apart, and his breath could be heard.

Gurt was taken aback by her words, and his lust immediately dropped, but the woman had already raised her head and couldn't hide, so she had to bite the bullet and look at her.

Looking at it this way, his mind was shocked, the woman in front of him was not only not bad looking, but also extremely beautiful, especially a pair of eyes that were surprisingly captivating. At this time, her cheeks were pink and her breath was blue, which added countless charms.

How flustered Ren Guert was at this time, but when he remembered that such a woman was using her body to please him just now, he couldn't help being excited.

The charming woman looked at Guert, seemingly unaware, touched Guert's face with her hand, and said at the same time: "Hey, it's too dark, why can't I see clearly!"

She paused, leaned down again, put her mouth close to Guert's ear, and said, "Fang Ye, have you taken some supplement pills recently? You are much taller and stronger than before. Quite a few!"

Guert broke into a cold sweat, knowing that because the room was too dark, the woman didn't realize that he was not the Fang Ye she was talking about, but he hurriedly buried his head on the woman's jade neck, biting hard on purpose, and said vaguely : "Uh, um, yeah"

People are basically the same when their voices are blurred. Guert has not spoken since he came in, so it is obviously not right. He deliberately said a few words at this time to dispel the suspicion of the woman, but it is also known that the woman is not interested in that Fang Ye. Familiar, maybe the two are dating for the first time.

The woman's smooth jade shoulder was bitten by Guert, and she immediately cried out in pain, but then her entanglement became more and more fiery. Seeing that she didn't realize that she was not Fang Ye, Guert suddenly became more courageous, and the two of them fought fiercely .

At the last critical moment, the door was pushed open suddenly, and a man's voice whispered: "I'm here!"

Guert was new to love, and was being slowly guided by the experienced and charming woman. When he heard this voice, it was like a bucket of cold water poured down. His body froze, and the whole movement stopped there.

The woman obviously sensed Guert's subtle changes, put her mouth close to his ear and said, "Fang Ye, this person is pretending to be you, you should kill him!" Gould's earlobe.

Such a beautiful scene, such a moving beauty, but Guert seems to have heard the strangest thing in the world. She is obviously a counterfeit. When the real card came in, she actually wanted to kill the real one. What is going on? thing?

Thinking of this, he moved his mouth to the woman's ear and said softly, "Who is he? Why did you kill him?"

Before the charming woman could answer him, she heard the man who came in suddenly anxiously say: "Where are you? I can feel you here, hurry up, I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

The charming woman leaned up, pushed Guert, and motioned him to go quickly.

Looking at her delicate breasts, Guert felt an inexplicable feeling of sadness in his heart, and his desire suddenly subsided. At this time, the woman focused all her attention on the man who had just entered, and looked at her body. The shape flashed by, and unexpectedly he arrived behind the man without making a sound.

Guert's mind was shocked, and his eyes lit up. This woman can obviously see things in the dark, which means that she can see herself from the beginning, and she knows that she is not Fang Ye. She said Fang Ye's name just to think Let yourself think that you didn't show any flaws. When you talked to her just now, you forgot to cover up your voice. She should be able to tell that she is not that man. Could it be that she has some purpose?

Or just greedy for novelty? From the physical contact just now, it can be seen that this woman is a woman with extremely rich experience in men and women, but she doesn't know who she is, and she wants to have a private meeting here!

He was thinking here, when the man over there suddenly fell to the ground with a muffled grunt, the woman clapped her hands, walked over and said, "Okay, the garbage is cleaned up, let's continue!"

Halfway through the walk, seeing Guert looking at her with strange eyes, the woman was stunned for a moment, but then found herself showing a flaw, brushed her hair, smiled sweetly, and her eyes flowed with charm.

Guert stared at her blankly. He who was usually eloquent seemed to be dumb at this moment. The woman walked to him and knelt beside him. Her soft, boneless hands began to touch his naked skin. His upper body was swimming lovingly, from his face to his thighs, touching his blood pulse, and he was full of pleasure.

Finally, he couldn't help but yelled out, panting heavily: "Who the hell are you?"

The woman smiled charmingly: "You just need to know that you are Fang Ye." As she spoke, a pair of small hands touched the sensitive area of the lower abdomen.

Guert said yes again, his whole body was extremely tense, and his true energy actually swam away automatically.

She kept moving her hands, and the joy brought by her and the cold current flowed habitually in the meridians. These two feelings ran parallel in Guerte's body at the same time. When the pleasure became stronger, the circulation speed of the cold current It also seems to be speeding up, completing a round of rotation at a speed several times faster than usual, and the cool current has been significantly enhanced.

The woman suddenly laughed and said, "Why are you nervous? This is the first time?" While she was speaking, the movements of her hands did not slow down at all, but became more intense.

Guert knew that the meridians would be too much to bear if he went on like this, so he sent the true energy in his body to the dantian according to the route he had just practiced during the day, and replied: "Yes! Stop it!"

The woman let out a burst of captivating laughter, and said: "Little brother, be good, sister will teach you the truth!"

Just as he was about to support him to lie down, a crisp voice came from outside and said, "I obviously got the information that the man was inside, so how could he not be there! No, I have to go in again today to have a look!"

The voice was so familiar, Guert felt a tingle in his heart, realizing who it was, he was so frightened that he wanted to jump up and fly out immediately.

Seeing Guert move, the woman stopped the movement of her hands, and smiled quietly: "Do you know the people outside?"

Guert seemed to wake up suddenly, completely awake from the lust just now, regained his usual sanity, and signaled the woman to stop talking, but the woman's eyes revealed a look of surprise, and she stopped talking.

Guert didn't pay much attention to the woman beside him, and thought to himself: The voice outside just now was even cold, but I don't know why she came here again, and she looked carefree. There was no movement again.

Just when Guert breathed a sigh of relief, another strange man's voice sounded, "Why did you hang out with that kid?"

Guert was startled, who is this man? Why are the two of them so bold? Just talking outside like this, aren't you afraid that someone will come?

Suddenly the woman beside him stood up, and the perfect body was displayed in front of Gurt again. Even if Gurt paid attention to the movement outside at this time, he had to admit that this woman was indeed very attractive.

Slender and straight jade legs, a small waist that can't be grasped, a belly without any excess fat, and firm and puffy breasts, no matter where you look at it, you can't find any faults.

At this time, Lian Qinghan's voice sounded again outside, saying: "What is that kid, his name is Guert, yes, he wiped away the "Blood Red Blessing" on my body!"

The woman in the room suddenly paused, then turned around, but didn't see any movement. She had already put on a flowing pink dress, and slowly squatted down, showing a charming smile, and said, "Your name is Guert? Will you?" Dissolve the "Blood Red Blessing"?"

Guert was startled, what did this woman do just now? So fast!

By the way, when she killed that man just now, I didn't see how she killed it!

Seeing her smiling face, a different emotion welled up in her heart, and she asked back, "Who are you?"

The woman giggled for a while, stretched out her green fingers, scratched Guert's face lightly, and said, "Okay, you pass the test!"

Guert said in amazement: "Pass the level? What do you mean?"

The woman obviously saw that Guert would be surprised, and replied with a smile: "That means you can be my lover!"

Gurt was dumbfounded. Although Yiyi had said this to herself before, the two feelings were completely different, and she couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by that? Lover?"

The beauty nodded seriously and said, "Yeah, you are the only one I have admired in the past year, hehe, I finally found a qualified one."

Guert pointed to the man who fell on the ground over there, and said, "Then he is?"

The beauty shrugged her shoulders and said: "I don't know." After a pause, seeing Guert's tongue-tied expression, he covered his mouth and smiled, and said: "I lied to you, this person helped me a little bit, hey!"

Guert's scalp began to tingle, and he said, "Then who are you?"

The beautiful woman tilted her head slightly, looking like she was thinking, and said after a while: "It doesn't matter who I am, I don't have a chance today, but you must remember to wait for my luck at any time in the future!"

Guert suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, Lin Xing? What is this thing! I am fortunate that you are almost there, right?

The woman touched his face again, and said with a smile: "Don't be unconvinced, let me wait for you when you can beat me one day, but now, hey, but you serve me!"

Gurt smiled wryly in his heart, this encounter came in an inexplicable way, the most inexplicable thing is that now I have become a favored man, and said in his mouth: "How do you know that I will definitely not be able to beat you?"