The Demon Comes

Gould gradually woke up from the coma.

The last consciousness in his mind was a cloud of fog pouring out of the square, and then he fell unconscious.

His hand touched the icy ground, and his consciousness gradually recovered. He couldn't help but tremble. When he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of ice and snow all around him, and he was lying on this piece of ice and snow.

There are piles of debris and wreckage all around, and not far away, a corpse is lying there.

Guert was weak all over, but he still managed to get up, insisting on stumbling and walking over.

That corpse was Nuo'er, and the blood on his chest had already congealed, and his pale and cold pretty face was showing his reluctance for him at the moment before he died.

Guerte's tears dripped on Nuoer's face, and he stroked her cold face with his fingers, thinking of all the past, full of sorrow.

He never thought that the death of a girl would have such a big impact on him. It seemed that at this moment, even life was no longer important, and all cultivation weapons were left alone.

Just as his consciousness was scrambling and his desire to survive was drastically reduced, a voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Stinky boy, if you want to live like this with a dead body for the rest of your life, let me out first."

Guert was stunned, came back to his senses, and said, "Are you still there?"

Pu Jie almost vomited blood from his anger, and said weakly: "You really have no heart, you dead boy. My old man risked his life to perform high-level exercises in the human world to scare Ye boy away and take you to hide here. I have been waiting for you to wake up for so long, but I never thought that you would ignore me!"

Guert frowned and said, "I thought you had gone to sleep again." After a pause, he looked at the wreckage around him and said, "These seem to be Bimowen's?"

Pujie said a little embarrassingly: "I didn't do it right for a while, so"

Guert showed great generosity to Bimowen's destruction, saying: "It doesn't matter, anyway, those people sent me, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

Pu Jie let out a hey, and said: "However, your body is really bad enough. Once you use a high-level exercise, Ye Longqian is fine, and you have passed out."

Guert said angrily: "Didn't you say that he is at the quasi-second level in the cultivation world? How can I compare with him, who is not even at the first level?"

Pujie said: "Okay, okay, I won't quarrel with you, I brought you here just to let you not forget the Cultivation Conference.

"Yelong didn't catch you this time, it is very likely that he will issue a warrant from the cultivation world to prevent you from participating in the cultivation conference. You will have to change your identity when the time comes."

Guert said angrily: "The cultivation world is opened by their family? He said that he is not allowed to come, so I can't come?"

Pu Jie snorted, and said, "Don't you see how many people you killed with Yili? This kind of super slaughter is the least allowed by the cultivation world.

"Fortunately, that Ye boy is not of a bright heart, otherwise, you would have been wiped out by him before you even set foot on the road."

Looking at Nuoer's body in his arms, Guert said angrily, "They all deserve to die, otherwise they wouldn't attack a weak girl!"

Pujie said: "I guess it's because of this, Ye Xiaozi originally wanted to let you go, but your methods were too cruel, so he couldn't take it anymore." After a pause, he sighed and said: "It turns out that the rumors It's true, the Ye family in Mount Tabula really has two sides."

Guert was stunned, and said, "Where is Mount Tabula? Two-faced mind?"

Pujie said: "Tabula Mountain is a place in the world of comprehension, and the Ye family is the family of Ye Xiaozi.

"If it wasn't for the influence of the family, do you think that boy in his twenties would be able to enter the quasi-second rank and become an inspector?"

Guert suddenly remembered Zhu Qian and Yang Zhicong among the four imprinted princes whom he had met, and thought to himself: In this world of comprehension, there are also these bloody families!

Pu Jie said disdainfully: "Don't compare things from the human world with the cultivation world, too many people in the human world are hereditary and aristocratic, but the cultivation world is different, those big families don't have any strength, they will die immediately.

"This Ye family is also a ruthless character, so don't provoke them easily, I will hide from them when I see them."

Guert was stunned, and said: "Isn't it often said that people in the cultivation world can live forever, be happy and healthy, and live a happy life? Why do you sound like they are crueler than the human world?"

Pu Jie laughed, and said: "Those are just the propaganda of some Taoist monasteries in the human world. In the real world of comprehension, hey, you can experience it yourself in the future."

Guert thought of Luo Ping's father, who had such a dream all his life, and finally died in depression. He couldn't help sighing: "Why are people in the human world always being fooled?"

Bodhisattva said calmly: "People in the realm of comprehension, the preparatory level wants to advance to the first level, the first level wants to go to the second level, and the second level wants to go to the high level. As for the high level people, of course they want to go to the second level , there is no fooling, it is just that people must have goals to make progress.

"As for those lazy people who dream of entering the world of self-cultivation and living comfortably, no matter where they are, they will not live well." After a pause, he said: "The human world has always had many religions. It appears in troubled times. In troubled times, people will lose hope and have no illusions about tomorrow's life, and religion will appear at this time.

"Some religions will tell these people that they can live forever if they believe in it, while others tell them that if you do more good deeds, you will definitely get good rewards in the next life and so on."

After all, Guert is still a teenager, and spent most of his past days playing. How can he know this? Even after he got the artifact, he would only think about these questions occasionally. Deep, he would not even think about the issue of life and death. At this time, he could only listen to Bo Jie in a daze.

Pu Jie suddenly said: "Forget it, you can't understand me if I tell you this, a dark-hearted kid."

Guert suddenly asked: "What do you mean by bright mind and dark mind?"

Pujie hesitated for a moment, and said: "You will know this after you have participated in the cultivation conference." After a pause, he said: "This is Yangtian Peak, the location of the cultivation conference is on the top of this peak, and it is snow and ice all day long. It's not something that ordinary people can come up to, and the temperature around here is also suitable for storing corpses, you can practice here."

Guert was stunned, and said, "What do you practice?"

Bodhisattva said: "I used the high-level exercises just now, Ye Xiaozi will definitely report back to the cultivation world, so that in the cultivation conference, the second-level group of people will definitely send people with heavenly eyes, even if I have appeared in your body before. It is possible to be discovered by the eyes of the sky.

"So from now on, I must completely disappear in your body, and then cooperate with your own practice, so that you can safely participate in the cultivation conference. As long as I advance to the cultivation world, I will automatically wake up."

Guert was stunned and said, "Why did you disappear completely?"

Bo Jie spoke in a rare dignified manner, and said: "That's the problem, I think about it, and only by using my consciousness to practice "Xingtian Dafa" can I escape the search of the sky."

Guert had never heard of any great method of exercising the heavens, so he remained silent.

Bo Jie also seemed to be a bit confused about how to explain it. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "The last time I was practicing the Great Law of Xingtian, I became obsessed, and my body and soul were all gone."

Guert was shocked, Pujie always said that it was Leng Yanqiu who locked him here, so he always thought that the body and the Nascent Soul were lost because of this, it turned out that it was caused by his own failure to practice Dafa .

But what exactly is this Xingtian Dafa, why is it unsuccessful, even the Nascent Soul is gone?

Bodhisattva explained: "Xingtian Dafa, the name is Xingtian, and it actually goes against the sky, so my body and Yuanying were swallowed up because of failure ."

Guert was stunned, and said: "Then how do you practice with your consciousness now?"

Bodhisattva said: "This is a taboo practice that must never be used, because if it is swallowed again this time, it will really destroy both body and spirit, but there is no other way now."

Guert was silent for a long time, and said, "Then what do you need me to do?"

Bodhisattva said: "I need you to protect this body well. Once I start to practice Xingtian Dafa, even if you reappear in the state just now, I will not be awakened. Only after I reach the realm of cultivation can I wake up."

Guert said: "Then what if I can't enter the cultivation world?"

Pujie laughed and said, "Then let's all die together." Guert was startled, and said, "If you fail to practice the great law, you will just die yourself. What does it matter to me? "

Pu Jie clicked his tongue and said: "Don't dream! Our consciousness is entangled now. You think I failed in practicing the great law, and you will be fine?"

Guert's face changed, and he said: "Then you don't practice, we don't go to the cultivation conference, and they won't find it."

Pujie poohed twice and said: "I don't want to stay with you forever." After a pause, he said: "Did you forget that you still have a date with a beautiful woman?"

Guert was stunned, looked at Nuoer in his arms, thought of Yan Yiyi again, sighed in his heart, and said: "I did promise Yiyi to meet her at Yangtian Peak." After a pause, he said: "But now Nuoer My son is dead, and I can't think of anything."

Suddenly there was no sound from Pujie, and after a long time, he said, "Nuoer, it's not impossible."

Guert was startled, his voice suddenly raised, and he said, "What? Is there no way you can do it?"

Pujie didn't seem to want to talk about it, but at this time, in order to motivate Guert, he finally bit the bullet and said, "Actually, since I woke up from the start, I have already discovered that Nuoer's death is unusual."

Guert was stunned and said: "Yes, it may be the effect of the toxin, and his face turned red."

Bodhisattva said: "No, that's not poison, that's"

The voice stopped, and Guert asked: "What is it?"

Pu Jie sighed softly, and said: "In addition to the human world and the cultivation world, there is actually a ghost world that starts with death. The vision on Nuoer's body just now is actually a person from the ghost world." , probing her"

Guert also heard Yiyi talk about this ghost world, and suddenly his body shook violently, and he said, "You mean, Nuo'er might come back to life?"

Pu Jie said: "I didn't say that, but I know that when you were fighting, the people from the underworld kept watching, and when we rushed out just now, they followed behind, but they were thrown away by me.

"You are a living person, no matter how interested they are, there is nothing they can do, so the only reason for them to come after you should be Nuo'er"

Guert didn't know where the strength came from, he stood up suddenly, and said, "Then where are they now?"

Pu Jie said: "I don't know that just to get rid of them, I accidentally broke this thing, it was too fast to stop, and the moment it hit the ground, I flew out with Nuo'er in my arms. "

Guert sighed, and said, "Isn't that still nothing now? And if Nuo'er enters the Demon Realm, what will be the consequences?"

Pu Jie said: "The Underworld, because it is a way of cultivation starting from death, most people have deep resentment and murderous intent, so hundreds of years ago, they were suppressed by the cultivation world and blocked in the Underworld. .

"If Nuo'er enters the Demon Realm, the most likely thing is that she won't be able to get out."

Guert said blankly: "Then can outsiders go in?"

Pu Jie said: "There is a channel between the cultivation world and the ghost world, but it is guarded by people, but this is indeed the only way to revive Nuo'er."

Guert sat down, looked at Nuoer's beautiful face, gritted his teeth, and shouted to the sky: "You guys come out! I am willing to hand Nuoer over to you!"

Pu Jie was stunned, and was about to comfort him when a soft whistle came out, and a black figure suddenly appeared on the snow.

Guert just wanted to express the depression in his heart, but he didn't expect that someone would come out. His eyes swept away, and he felt that although the person was standing not far away, he always felt a little hazy, his face seemed to be covered by darkness, completely I can't see clearly, but the figure is extremely tall and thin, and I can't tell whether it is a man or a woman.

Pu Jie also shouted in his heart: "This person is from the Underworld. My current strength is not enough to control your body again, you are small." He didn't finish speaking, but suddenly broke off for some reason.

Guert looked at the man and said, "Are you from the Underworld?"

The man seemed to be observing Guert, and after a while, he said, "How did you find me?"

The voice was harsh, neither as rough as a man's, nor as slender as a woman's. Coupled with this person's attire, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

Guert hugged Nuoer's body, and asked without answering, "Can you revive her?" The man stared at him for a while, then looked at Nuoer's body, and said, "If I If she is brought to the Nether Demon Realm, she will naturally be able to come back to life." Guert said: "You should have taken a fancy to her before she died, right?"

The man seemed to be taken aback, moved his body unconsciously, but still replied: "Yes, in fact, I have been observing her since she was planted with sea flukes."

Guert clenched his fists and said in a cold voice: "Then why didn't you save her? Do you have to watch her die?" The man said: "Of course, for us, only death is a new life. What's more, she treats her I'm not satisfied with your life, so why should I be troublesome!" Guert said in amazement: "She doesn't want to live?" The man said: "She even calls your name in her dreams, but once she wakes up, she doesn't want to see you , I think she is unclean and not worthy of you." Guert felt sore in his heart, took a deep breath, and said, "Then I will hand her over to you now, can you take good care of her?"

The man said: "I don't need to make any promises to you. If you are willing to see her die like this, you can choose not to give it to me."

Guert sighed in his heart. At this time, he had calmed down, and said: "No, so many people die every day, and you have taken a fancy to her before. You have been with her for so long, and you I have been chasing here, and even if I regret not giving it to you now, you will grab it."

The man seemed to chuckle slightly, and said: "You're right. But I watched the whole process in the square just now. Although I was a little curious, why you, who can't even be considered a low-level cultivator, actually Can cultivate high-level exercises in the real world, but if I want to take her away, you can't stop me."

Guert looked at this person and said, "I believe in your strength, but if you really want to rob her, I will use my life to protect her."

The man seemed to be stunned, and after a while, he said: "I want to accept her as my only apprentice."

Guert was startled, looking at this person, the person's figure swayed, and the whole person disappeared in this empty snow field. After a while, the person appeared in the same position and said: "Look at your clothes sleeve."

Guert was stunned, and hurriedly lowered his head to look at the sleeve, only to see a skull mark suddenly appeared on the sleeve, and there were three small stars on the skull's head. He took a sharp breath and said, "When?" The man said leisurely, "Just know my level. Leave her to me, and I won't treat her badly." Guert knelt down , raised Nuo'er, and said, "Thank you, Guert, senior!" As soon as the words fell, Nuo'er had disappeared in his hand with a light touch. He hurriedly raised his head and looked forward, only to see Nuoer lying on the icy snow, and the person squatted there as if looking at something, after a while he said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, she is going to be resurrected." If you want to, the memory must be washed away. If you have a chance to meet again, then she will not know you. "

Guert's expression froze, and after a while, he said with a wry smile: "The memory belongs to two people. She doesn't have it, but I still have it. I will help her remember her share." After a pause, he said: "Please Give her a full life!"

The man looked at Guert, shook his head, and said, "I misjudged you." As he spoke, he picked up Nuo'er and stood up. Gurt asked: "What did the seniors see wrong about me?"

At this moment, Guert seemed to notice that the face of the man opposite him suddenly changed, and a pair of beautiful brown eyes were revealed, staring at Guert. Those eyes were as clear as water, but there was an elusive look in them. After a while, the man said slowly: "Perhaps you don't know, people in the ghost world have the spiritual eyes that see through everything. From the first time I saw you, I found that you are a born ruthless person. From how you treat You can tell that you don't care about murder and bloodshed." After a pause, he said, "But I didn't expect you to have such affection for Nuo'er."

Guert was stunned and said, "Me? Ruthless?"