Miracle Ghost Hand

The man didn't answer him at all, and said: "Since you are so kind to my future apprentice, I will give you something for Nuoer's sake. As for the future, take care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, the whole person disappeared, and there were no footprints on the snow, just like a shadow, leaving no trace at all.

Guert was both happy and disappointed. The happy thing was that Nuoer was still alive, but the lost thing was that even if Nuoer was resurrected, the two of them didn't know when they would meet again, and even if they saw Nuoer, She also no longer knows herself.

While thinking about it, he stood up and found a box not far from him.

He guessed in his heart that this was what the man said was given to him, but he didn't know what it was. He picked it up and opened it, and it was a black film-like thing.

He looked left and right, but couldn't see what it was, and suddenly remembered that Bodhisattva was coming, why did this guy suddenly stop talking.

Pu Jie exhaled suddenly and said: "It's amazing!" After a pause, he said: "Wow, where did this thing come from? This, isn't this the work of miracles and ghosts?" The voice paused again, and said: "Hey , that person gave it to you? Oh, that's it."

Seeing him talking to himself, Guert knew that he must be reading his memory just now. He couldn't help remembering that he had spoken halfway before, and suddenly cut off, asking, "Did you not listen just now?"

Pu Jie said repeatedly: "How dare I, as soon as this person comes out, I have a feeling of being stripped naked and showing it in front of him."

Guert said blankly: "Why don't I? By the way, that man said he has spiritual eyes."

Pujie took a deep breath and said: "No wonder it is so powerful, and he even gave you this thing, it is really a treasure that fell from the sky, you just need to use it!"

Guert looked at the black thing, frowned and said, "What is this for? For defense? Or for eating?"

Pu Jie pouted again excitedly, and said, "You really don't know what to do, kid! Miraculous hands, this man who is popular in the three worlds, as long as his things come out, they are treasures, let alone this."

Seeing him talking for a long time, Guert hadn't told himself what it was, so he couldn't help but said impatiently: "What the hell is it? Tell me more clearly!"

Pu Jie only cared about his own happiness, laughed loudly and said: "That's it, Nuo'er entered the underworld, you can't meet her unless you advance through the cultivation conference, now you have this thing, even if you stand in the night again In front of Longqian, he probably won't recognize you either!

"I said that I have been unlucky for so many years, and today I finally started to change my luck!"

Guert's mood gradually improved at this time. Although Nuo'er no longer has this memory, he can continue to live after all. He is a naturally cheerful and optimistic person. Hearing the cheerful voice of Bodhisattva, he also began to smile .

He closed the box and said, "Tell me quickly! Otherwise, I'll throw it out now!" After speaking, he was about to throw it away.

Pu Jie was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "I said, I said!" He continued: "The one you are holding is called "Invisible Ghost Face". Your face, your figure, your voice."

Guert was startled, and shouted: "Such a god?" Pujie said proudly: "Of course, he can also block the observation of the sky eye and the spiritual eye. It is really a rare good thing!" Guert said: "Then why is it called ghost face? Such a weird name!"

Pujie said: "Legends say that he made it for a beautiful woman who was famous in the three worlds at that time. The original name was Wuxing Yurong, but the beautiful woman changed it into a ghostly appearance, because she thought she was too beautiful, so she wanted to pretend Ugly girl."

Guert was stunned, and said, "Think I'm too beautiful?" Pu Jie laughed and said, "You didn't expect that, did you? Such a woman who combines strength, power and beauty likes to pretend to be ugly." Guert Te waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, tell me how to use it?"

Pujie immediately stammered, and said, "I've only heard of this, this, and I don't know how to use it." Guert stared and said, "Then how do you know?" Pujie said, "You can tell by looking at the lid. The icon above is a special icon for Miracle Ghost Hand, and he is the only one in the world."

Guert took a look at the cover, and saw a golden hand painted on it, with an arc-shaped tick mark, which passed between the hands, and said immediately: "Okay, no matter what, we can safely Went to participate in the comprehension conference."

Bodhisattva responded: "Well, I will enter meditation right away, the sooner the better, so that the eyes of the sky will not find my trace on you." Guerte said in amazement: "You still have to practice the great law of walking in the sky ? Doesn't it mean that you can block the eyes of the sky with this?" Pujie explained: "That's just you, that is to say, you don't need to practice again.

"I brought you here because I wanted you to use the ice and snow to re-practice a new style of play to prevent being seen by the eyes of the sky, but now that there is an "invisible ghost face", there is no need for it.

"You can continue to cultivate your strength, which will be much more convenient after entering the realm of cultivation, but I must hide, otherwise if people find out, you will be in trouble."

Guert was stunned, remembering that he had been locked in the artifact by Leng Yanqiu all this time, and wondered in his heart, did he offend someone back then, and Leng Yanqiu sealed him in the artifact in order to save him ?

Pujie suddenly scolded: "Stinky boy, don't guess, I'm going. Rest first, and then start to practice the great law of the heavens. Take care of yourself. The next time we meet, it will be the realm of cultivation." After a pause, he said: "If you still If there is a next time."

At this time, Guert burst out with infinite confidence, and his eyes were amazing, and he said: "Of course! I will definitely win!"

Seeing his confidence regained, Pujie felt much better, and said, "Then I'll go! Be careful yourself, remember, your body is not yours alone."

Guert also said: "Got it! Be careful yourself, practice that goddamn magic, but don't drag me into it!"

"Stinky boy, you crow mouth!"

"I don't know good people, I'm encouraging you" "Bah bah bah! I don't want you to encourage me!"


On Yangtian Peak, there is ice and snow all the year round, and the sky is always cloudy. Guert found a cave and wanted to get into it for a rest, but because his body was overloaded, he had been working for a long time, and he had been used by Bodhisattva to perform high-level exercises. So the wear and tear was so great that he didn't even notice it himself.

In this way, he entered the state of meditation, and when he woke up again, he never dreamed that there was an avalanche.

The entire mountain was completely different from the original tranquility, and the rumbling sound kept ringing.

Fortunately, it wasn't Yangtian Peak where he was staying, otherwise, if ice and snow really sealed the cave, he would have to work hard to get out.

Taking advantage of the rumbling outside, he took out that "formless ghost face".

Now that the strength has recovered, I will go out later to see how the situation outside is.

Lu Buya was tormented by himself so that life would be worse than death, and Hai Feng and Lu Wuji were also seriously injured. Anyway, now that Nuoer can be resurrected, there is no need to touch them anymore, let them live as if they were worse than death, so as not to reveal their own whereabouts.

I don't know if something happened to me, will Danzi's plan to produce offensive weapons continue to be implemented? It's time for Tianxi to end the Artifact Refining Conference. I don't know if he has won? Ye Longqian is a good opponent, and if he finds a chance another day, he must try again. And so he thought, looking back and forth at the dark, membrane-like thing. He thought in a whimsical way: Could it be just sticking it on the face like this? After tossing back and forth several times, I didn't dare to stick it on my face, and as soon as I touched the film, there was a fragrance, which smelled very comfortable. Guert looked at it with a headache and thought to himself: It should be easy to use, why can't it be done? Is there any trick? Or there was a flash of inspiration in his mind, he patted himself on the head, and secretly scolded himself for being stupid, at the same time a wave of energy spread out and slowly accumulated on the film.

The film finally reacted, a layer of strange energy shot out from around the film, and then it began to heat up gradually, Guert happily continued to input energy into it, and then the vision appeared.

A layer of golden light suddenly shone out, covering Guert's body.

An image suddenly flashed in Guert's mind, and at the same time a respectful voice sounded, "Master, what shape do you want?"

For some reason, this scene reminded Guert suddenly that the game he played in the underground temple, when establishing a newcomer and entering the appearance selection, seemed to be the same scene, but now it is all real, Guert is a little unpredictable Thoroughly.

"Is this all right now?"

Guert's mind was still ringing with the last words that the voice said, and he quickly flew over the snow mountain.

Even if Yan Yiyi, Nuoer and others who are familiar with him appear in front of him, they probably won't be able to recognize him. This middle-aged fat man of medium build is Guert, with brown hair and black eyes. There are many spots on his originally smooth skin. A pair of eight-character eyebrows, small eyes, and a flat nose are not only ordinary, but also slightly ugly.

Except for the bloody white clothes outside, Guert himself is obviously very proud of his appearance, which belongs to the kind of ordinary people who fall into the crowd in front of you and you will not find it for a while.

This mountain peak is surprisingly high, and Guert has not reached the bottom of the mountain for nearly an hour at the speed of flying downwards.

At this moment, he suddenly heard someone calling for help in the distance, he was startled for a moment, stopped and looked into the distance, only to see a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, with no one in sight.

But shouts still came from time to time. Guert thought of the avalanche just now, could it be caused by that one just now?

The figure quickly flew in the direction of the shouting, and the more he flew there, the more clearly he could hear someone shouting.

After a while, Guert finally saw a black spot in the whiteness not far away.

Thinking about this distance, I know that this person must have some strength, otherwise it would be impossible to transmit the voice so far.

So the whole person fell down, pretending to be out of breath, and walked over there.

That person probably saw someone coming, and he kept waving his hands.

Gurt walked closer, and finally saw a young man lying there, his legs seemed to be injured, and he couldn't move.

When the young man saw Guert coming, he was obviously startled by his bloody clothes, but there was no one around, so he couldn't help but said, "Uncle, I just happened to encounter an avalanche, can I trouble you to send me down?" , I live in Lianyun Village at the foot of the mountain."

Guert suddenly remembered that this was the Lianyun Mountain Range, and the Yangtian Peak where he was just now was just one of the peaks.

Seeing that Guert didn't respond, the young man hurriedly shouted again: "Uncle, my leg is injured, can you carry me down?"

Only then did Guert realize that he was a middle-aged man at this time, otherwise this young man who looked older than him would not have called him uncle.

He immediately said: "All right!"

His voice was slightly hoarse at this time, but it was also unobtrusively hoarse.

The young man was overjoyed, Guert squatted down, and the young man lay on his stomach.

Although Guert was carrying people behind his back, although he could still fly easily, he was also afraid of revealing his true strength, so he deliberately stumbled and walked down the mountain. Along the way, the two of them chatted one after another. Guert knew that the young man's name was Tarim, and he was not a local, but came from another place to do herbal medicine business. He came to the mountain mainly to hear from the old farmer at the foot of the mountain that there were some precious herbs here. After trekking for more than two hours, Guert finally saw that the surroundings were no longer monotonously white, and walked down a small path quickly. Tarim seemed to have no intention of saying: "Uncle Brand, it's been several hours, but your feet are walking faster and faster!"

At this time, Guert, who was aliased as Brand, knew that Tarim was doubting himself. After all, the bloody clothes were too ostentatious, so he deliberately stopped, wiped his sweat, and said, "Yes, uncle practiced some fists and kicks in the early years. See you now." It's almost here, so I couldn't help but speed up. How are you? Are your legs better?"

Tarim rubbed his feet and said, "I still don't feel it. It seems that I have to see a doctor later. I hope there will be no sequelae in the future."

Guert didn't dare to try Yili for him. After all, Tianjue Heart Sutra is known as the number one healing method in the cultivation world, and he was fine with the toxin that day, let alone a little frostbite.

Finally, under the shadow of a tree, a village appeared.

This place is very different from the villages on the outskirts of Qingzhe. The houses in the village are all built of mud, and you can tell that this is a very poor place just by looking at the dilapidated surroundings.

Guert remembered the last time he drove Bimowen through this mountain range, but he didn't expect it to be so poor.

After such a toss, it was already evening, and few people in the village came out to walk around, and even if they encountered them occasionally, they immediately avoided them.

Guert thought he was frightened by the bloody clothes on his body, but he didn't take it seriously. According to Tarim's words, he carried him on his back and went straight to a very ordinary house in the middle of the village, and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was an old man wearing a patched cloth. As soon as he opened the door, he yelled and ran inside.

Guert looked at Tarim in surprise, saw a few traces of resentment flashing across his face, and thought to himself: Although the bloody clothes on his body are terrible, but now it is dark, ordinary people will only think that they are wearing red clothes, Not even noticing, why does he run as soon as he sees us? And looking at Tarim's expression, is this really his home? Still in a daze, Tarim said, "What are you doing standing at the door? Hurry up and go in!" Guert said quickly, "Okay, okay." He hurriedly walked in. The inside was indeed pitifully small. There was a bed in the dark room, a few wooden stools beside it, an oil lamp lit on a wooden table, and a door leading to the backyard.

Guert put Tarim on the bed, feeling even more suspicious. He looked around and was about to walk in when Tarim suddenly yelled: "Papa Gander, Papa Gander."

Guert stopped the steps he was about to go in. After all, this is someone else's house, so how dare he walk in casually.

After a while, the old man I saw before came out tremblingly, and when he saw Guert and Tarim, he knelt down and said: "Please, please forgive me, this is not my idea , is the meaning of East Village Missio, he said that you can leave here in this way. But, I didn't expect an avalanche."

Guert looked at Tarim in astonishment, saw a weird smile on his face, and said: "It's okay, I just hurt my foot, you go out and find a doctor now, and then let Caroline come out to see me ."

The old man Gander suddenly kowtowed and said, "Please forgive me, I really didn't mean to offend you. Caroline went out and hasn't come back yet."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door, the wooden door suddenly opened, and the room suddenly lit up, and a beautiful girl ran in. Although she was dressed simply, she couldn't hide her beauty, and she was panicking at this moment shouted: "Grandpa, Grandpa, that villain is still alive! I"

The voice stopped abruptly, obviously he had seen Tarim who was sitting on the bed, and his face changed several times.

A young man behind her jumped out and said, "Bastard, I didn't expect that even the avalanche could kill you. I, Mixiu, will kill you myself right now." After finishing speaking, holding a shining big knife in his hand, Just rushed over.

Guert has been watching from the side, knowing that the Tarim he rescued does not seem to be a good person, and he is not going to do anything now, so he simply continues to watch.

Tarim unhurriedly took out a gold coin from his pocket and said, "I'm just here to recuperate my wounds. When I recover, I'll leave this village immediately. Now go and find a doctor for me, and I'll give you this." ."

The young Mixiu stopped immediately, staring greedily at the gold coin on Tarim's palm, and said, "You seriously?" Tarim smiled and said, "Of course it is true." Mixiu turned his head and looked The beautiful girl, Caroline, said: "He, he said he would leave immediately!" Caroline gave him a sip, and said, "Missio, I misunderstood you, just such a gold coin made you give up on me , you, you" Misio's face darkened, and he turned to Tarim and said, "You are not allowed to make Caroline's idea again, or I will kill you even if I don't want the gold coins." Tarim nodded with a smile, showing With a pained expression, he said, "Go and find a doctor for me!"

Missio agreed happily, then turned to Caroline and said, "See? He said he won't touch you, so you should be relieved now! With this gold coin, we can build a big house, we can get married!"

Although Caroline was still reluctant, seeing Missio's insistence, there was nothing she could do. The old man Gander beside him also shook his head helplessly. After all, in this poor mountain village, the temptation of gold coins is too great.

Tarim said: "Hurry up. By the way, help my friend get a comfortable bed and find some wine to warm up." He said, and handed over the gold coin.

At this time, the two people who had just entered seemed to have noticed Gurth who had been standing on the side.

Caroline looked him up and down a few times, and when Mixiu saw the gold coin, he had already accepted it, and looked at it greedily.

Looking at this scene, Guert knew that the gold coin that Tarim took out was nothing to him, but in this impoverished mountain village, it was already a considerable sum.

He said, "If it's convenient, help me change into a set of winter clothes."

At this time, the Gan De family seemed to have noticed that he was only wearing single clothes, and the color of the coat was very strange, but they didn't dare to ask more questions. Caroline went out with Missio, while Gander went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for them. But Guert noticed a strange light flashed in Tarim's eyes, and he paid attention to it, knowing that this person was not as simple as he appeared on the surface.