Bliss Confused

Guert was nervous. Although he was not afraid of the poisonous fog, it was not easy to deal with so many unknown gases at once.

He looked around and saw that the people around him were all looking forward with their heads stretched out. It seemed that no one cared about the gas. Then he realized that it was just for creating an atmosphere, not poisonous gas.

Finally, under the eager anticipation of nearly 500 people, the main show came out.

The high platform in front of the hall was instantly lit up, and the mist that had been sprayed out just now had an effect. The light in the hall was originally weak, but now it was under the mist, and even what appeared on the stage could not be seen clearly.

At this time, the people sitting at the back of the stage screamed strangely, and stood up one after another, wanting to see clearly.

Guert's heart trembled slightly, and he felt that everything in front of him seemed to be a little bit wrong.

Suddenly, there was a sudden blow, the stage was brightly lit, and the fog dispersed.

I saw a beautiful woman wearing minimal fabric clothing appearing on the stage, her golden hair was brighter than the sun, her blue eyes were deeper and unfathomable than a calm lake, her ivory-white skin, under the strong Under the reflection of light, it is even more dazzling.

On the towering chest, only two pieces of simple cloth are used to cover two points, revealing a beautiful semicircle, while the straight and slender jade legs below, every movement, makes people fascinated.

Under the background of this atmosphere, with Guert's knowledge, he couldn't help hesitating for a few seconds.

At this moment, a powerful and evil force suddenly eroded Guert's mind, and a vision suddenly appeared in his mind, all kinds of naked women posing gracefully, moaning softly, and even some very real The touch, the jade hands, breasts, waist...

There was a bang in Guert's mind, and the calm in front of his eyes suddenly returned, all the illusions had disappeared, and he looked at the stage with clear eyes, only to see that the beautiful woman on the stage was still standing there, and it was indeed far from what he imagined just now. Charming, but cold, looking at everything in the audience with a little disdain.

The strong light on the high platform has not been eliminated, so Guert can clearly see every expression on the beauty's face, and he suddenly thinks in his heart: This, this should be a very high-level deception technique, right?

Thinking about the mind-confusing technique that Huo Qi used during the day, could it be that the boss here is actually a master of this technique?

It's just, what is this beauty doing to seduce these people at such a high price? Although all of this is not a loss to her, but this kind of phantom blasphemy cannot be easily agreed to by an extremely beautiful girl, right?

Suddenly, the disgusting feeling just now climbed up his back again. He knew that someone had noticed something wrong with him, so he quickly lowered his head slightly.

At this time, the formless ghostly face finally exerted its most powerful use, a layer of appearance suddenly appeared outside the clear eyes, and chaos replaced the clarity, allowing Guert to escape.

I don't know how long it took before everything was finally over. The glare in the hall disappeared, and everyone stood up in a drowsy state, and walked out contentedly. How could Guert dare to be alone, and hurriedly mixed in the crowd to escape out.

After leaving the stuffy hall, the cold wind blew, only to realize that I was already drenched in sweat.

Back in the room, Xiao You was sitting upright on the bed, obviously trying his best to search for the energy in his body, seeing Gurte come back listlessly, he couldn't help asking what happened with concern.

Guert blushed and thought to himself: How dare you tell this ten-year-old boy about this kind of thing, just be careful yourself!

Although I don't know what their purpose is, it certainly won't be a good thing. I don't know if those people have any important identities, or is it just a matter of gathering numbers?

Xiao You saw that he was thinking about something, so he didn't bother him, so he sat down again and started to practice by himself.

Guert had already exhausted the Heart Sutra for Xiaoyou before. Although he was much better after resting, the mental struggle just now cost him a lot.

Therefore, although Guert is not like those people, he was fascinated by the deception technique, but he didn't know it; When he woke up, he found that Xiaoyou's hair was slightly wet, obviously he had just taken a shower.

Guert suddenly felt it was funny, and secretly said: "This child, I still can't resist not taking a bath!"

Guert sat close to him, only to realize that his whole body was trembling slightly, and power fluctuations that had never been seen before began to appear on him.

Guert's heart tightened, knowing that he was trying to find the power in the meridians, he didn't dare to disturb him, so he sat on the table beside him, took out the atlas hidden in the "seal", and began to look through it. Although his mind is not as clear as usual, it is not a big problem to read these atlases.

After reading the whole book, he couldn't help feeling very disappointed.

It turns out that this atlas only records the topography of the city of Doos and its surroundings. Only the small map on the last page shows other cities faintly.

Looking at the small triangular sign, he knew that there were at least seven big cities in this Dixutian, and this Dus city could only be regarded as a middle-level city at best.

But the most bitter thing is that these seven cities are not marked with their names on the map, so he doesn't know which one is the most important Conferred God.

Another discovery is that this atlas is not only recorded in the language commonly used in the human world, but also has another language that Guert has never seen before. Therefore, the nearly 100-page book is actually just a few maps. plus two translations.

Guert looked at the picture carefully, and compared the location in front of him, he knew that there was a big city not far from the city of Doos, but he didn't know the exact location.

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered how he forgot about Xiaoyou. After all, he is the one who has lived in this world for ten years. With some basic common sense, he should be able to judge the location, right?

When we reach the neighboring big city, there should be a more detailed map there.

He turned his head to look at Xiaoyou, it had been a long time, but Xiaoyou seemed to be still sitting and meditating, except for the sound of long breathing, there was no other movement in the house.

When he looked back, he almost overturned the table and chairs. It turned out that Xiao You was sitting on the bed, his face was ashen, and blood was pouring out of his nostrils.

Guert hurriedly rushed to the bedside, put his hands on Xiaoyou's back, and poured out the Tianjue Heart Sutra continuously.

Although this stubborn child didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end, Guert couldn't help but secretly cherish him in his heart.

After Tianjue Heart Sutra entered Xiaoyou's meridians, he discovered that several key meridians were disconnected again, as if Xiaoyou forcibly gained strength. And another discovery that lifted his spirits was that he discovered the fluctuation of power in Xiaoyou's originally lifeless Yihai place, although it was very weak, but given time, he would definitely be able to refocus his energy.

With this discovery, Guert knew that Xiaoyou must have a special skill, so he no longer worried about him, but used up the huge heart meridian again, helping him to continue several disconnected meridians, and then put the Clean up the blocked meridians nearby.

Just these two things had already made him out of breath. However, fortunately, he possessed the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Judgment. If it were someone else, just receiving the meridian would be enough to cause death.

Another day passed, and the boss of Nadu Siju never came to see them, and Guert also slept soundly on the bed, and when he woke up again, it was already the evening of the next day.

It seems that he has not slept for such a long time since Yili was trained.

However, last night was a double waste. On the one hand, the Tianjue Heart Sutra was overused on Xiaoyou, and on the other hand, it was to resist the mind-confusing technique; therefore, the consumption of his own mental power cannot be recovered by sitting alone. , also need a long sleep to supplement.

The two studied the map, and based on Xiaoyou's vague impression, they confirmed that the city in the southeast was Fengshen, one of the seven great cities.

Guert thought to himself: "The distance to look at this map is not long. Instead of sitting here, I might as well take a look. The celebrations outside should be almost over!"

He looked at the sky outside and was thinking whether to leave now or tomorrow when there was a knock on the door suddenly, and Huo Qi's familiar laughter sounded.

"My boss invited two brothers."

This is a hall. When Guert walked in here with Xiao You, he couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on his face.

It turned out that they ran all the way after they came out of the small building, and they came here after crossing more than half of the city of Dusi.

This is a dilapidated ancient courtyard. The fallen leaves on the ground have accumulated in a thick layer. When you step on it, it is as if you are stepping on a floor. Even the decorations in the courtyard were covered with thick dust. Could it be that the owner of Du Siju lives here?

After Huo Qi sent them to the door, he retreated, leaving the two of them waiting here.

After waiting for a while, a handsome and slender girl came out, looked at Guert and Xiaoyou up and down, showed disdainful eyes, and said, "Is that you? Wait a minute, the master will be here soon."

Guert no longer had the anger he had when he first arrived. He was calm in his heart and ignored the girl. He just looked around to see what was so special about the package, and he actually asked to meet here.

The girl saw Guert looking around, and then looked at his rustic appearance, which looked like a country bumpkin entering the city, and the expression on her face became more and more disdainful.

Suddenly, Xiaoyou pulled Guert. Guert looked down and saw a layer of sweat on Xiaoyou's head. He was startled, squatted down quickly, and asked him what happened.

There was a cold light in Xiao You's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "It's weird here..." Before he finished speaking, a burst of hearty laughter came. The two looked up, and saw an extremely bloated fat man walking into the back door of the hall, with two young girls beside him supporting him. It seemed that if this was not the case, this fat man would not be able to walk by himself.

Although the door was only a few steps away from the center of the hall, it took a lot of effort for the fat man to come over. His fat head was already covered with sweat, and the girl next to him was constantly wiping it with a towel.

At this time, the rude and arrogant girl before suddenly knelt down, put her hands on the ground, and lay there with her back straight. The fat man naturally sat down on this delicate body, looking He sat so calmly that he seemed to have gotten used to it a long time ago.

Guert looked at the fat body like a hill, sitting firmly on the girl's back. Although the girl was very rude to him just now, looking at her now, she is really pitiful.

The fat man laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I have something to do, so I kept you waiting." He paused, looked at Xiaoyou, and said, "This little brother has recovered from his illness a lot these days, Ha, health first, health first."

Guert said: "I don't know if the boss invited our brother to eat and drink, and even stayed for one night in vain. What is there that needs our brother to do?"

The fat man wiped the sweat that kept coming out of his head, and said: "This is what I say, Du Shilang loves making friends the most. When I saw your brothers that day, I knew that the two brothers are not just people in the pool. There will be friends in the future." Great development, so I took the liberty to invite the two of you to dinner, and there are too many things in the past two days, so..."

Having said such a long series of words, it seemed that he was a little out of breath. At this moment, the girl next to him wiped his sweat again, and he continued: "That's why I only came to see two people until now." bit."

Guert thought to himself: What he called busy was busy with what happened last night, right?

The fat man suddenly looked around, and laughed loudly: "You two must be very surprised, where is this place? This place is the most memorable place in our city of Dus, because this is where Mr. Duss used to live in the city. Therefore, all the layouts here are the same as before. Even the fallen leaves and dust here, the residents of Doos City think that Mr. Doosda left them to protect us, so they only clean them every two to three years. "

Gurte nodded, thinking it was no wonder, it turned out to be such a place. I just don't know, what is this fatty asking them to come here for?

Fatty suddenly slapped his forehead, his whole body trembled, and said, "Why did I forget to introduce who I am?"

He paused and said, "I'm Du Shilang, the boss of Du Siju, and also the temporary boss of Du Si City."

Guert stayed for a while, the temporary boss of Doos City? What does it mean?

Du Shilang continued: "I know that the two little brothers are in a hurry to leave the city, so I don't want to talk nonsense. Although I don't know where the destination of the two is, but there is something happening, I want to ask the two for help. If you can help, you can help, it's okay if you can't help, this time I mainly want to get to know the two little brothers."

Guert hurriedly said: "Boss Du, please tell me, our two brothers can meet people like Boss Du when they leave the house for the first time. They will be very envious when they return to their hometown." He paused and said again: " Xiaoyou, do you think so?"

Xiao You is also extremely intelligent, a child's voice sounded, and said: "Yes, I have come out to see such a big world, look at the hill next door, do you dare to brag to me about the high-ranking officials in the city he has seen!"

Due to his obesity, Du Shilang's eyes were squeezed to the point where there was only a single line, and now he narrowed his eyes even more narrowly, and said with a smile: "The two little brothers are too polite, how old is I, Shiro, so why don't you just call me Big Brother Du in the future. "

He paused, then continued: "I want to ask the two little brothers to help, it's actually very simple. If the two little brothers' journey passes through Fengshen City, please help me bring something for an elder in the city over there."

Guert was in a state of mind, why such a coincidence? He was afraid that Xiao You would show his flaws, so he was about to rush to speak, but Xiao You exclaimed in his childish voice: "Fengshen City! Isn't that the legendary teleportation city leading to heaven?"

The flesh on Du Shilang's face trembled more and more, and he said with a smile: "Yes, my little brother is very knowledgeable, and you need a special certificate to be admitted there. If you are willing to help me go, I will help you. All the formalities!"

Guert was stunned, it turned out that he still needed to go through formalities to go to Fengshen City.

At this time, Xiaoyou kept pulling Guert and shouted: "Brother, I'm going! I'm going!"

Guert laughed secretly: This kid can act better than me! After pondering for a moment, he said, "But, we don't know how to get there!"

Du Shilang laughed. "Don't worry, little brothers, I will draw a map for you. By the way, you can't find Fengshen City on the map you bought on the roadside. Haha, if ordinary people want to know where Fengshen City is, they may have to pay a lot of money." What a small price!"

Gurt was shocked in his heart, but his face was covered with a foolish smile of a country boy.

Finally, Guert and Xiaoyou returned to the residence. Du Shilang said that he would send someone to deliver the things later, and important items such as maps and certificates would be delivered later.

Guert invented a name called Luo Qiu, and Xiao You was called Luo You.

The two walked into the house and looked at each other, both of them felt incredible, even a child like Xiao You who had never been outside knew that there seemed to be a bit of a trap inside.

Guert patted him with a smile, and said: "It doesn't matter, the soldiers will block you, and the water will cover you; from Du Shilang's words, it doesn't seem to matter, we can't enter the City of Gods. If that's the case, then let's mix it up first." In the past, when we get there, let's see how to get there, and then we will care about his things!"

Xiao You nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, I was there just now, and I had a very strange feeling."

Guert remembered his strange expression just now, and couldn't help asking: "Did you find anything?"

Xiao You shook his head, with a solemn expression, and said: "This is the feeling that my grandfather has never given me. It is very cold, but very powerful."

Guert was stunned, his dumbfounded look just now was a bit pretentious, but he really didn't notice any cold feeling.

Xiao You shook his head and said, "However, this feeling disappeared very quickly, it may be my illusion."

Guert looked at Xiaoyou and knew that he was not a useless person as he said, but was carefully trained by Lauren. As his strength gradually recovered, he might not be as good as him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little downcast, but then he cheered up again, because the stronger Xiaoyou became, the better it would be for him.

This is his greatest advantage. He is absolutely not arrogant, nor is he arrogant.

He smiled and patted Xiaoyou's big head, telling him to take a good rest and take things by himself. Xiaoyou, who had no parents since he was a child, now regards Guert as his big brother, so he obediently crawled into bed and went to sleep...

As the night gradually deepened, Guert sat on a chair and waited for someone to come, but unexpectedly, Du Shilang never arrived.

Until the sky was a little bit bright, there were a few hasty knocks on the door, and Guert opened the door, but he was shocked. It turned out that a man covered in blood was lying at the door.

Guert hurriedly lifted the man up to have a look, and was even more surprised, it turned out that this man was Huo Qi.

He was dying and pointed to a bag that was under his body all the time, and said: "Everything is in it, take it to Fengshen City, and hand it to Master Fei Qing." He paused, and said: "Let's go immediately!"

Guert looked at him silently and said, "If you don't do this, what will you do?"

Huo Qi had a ferocious expression on his originally peaceful round face, he lifted his spirits, and said as if he was chanting: "Those who violate the destiny of heaven will be punished, and the doomsday will take your soul away in the thirty-six heavens." ..."

Gould listened to him in a daze, completely unaware of what he was talking about. However, judging by his injuries, he seemed to be exhausted.

Huo Qi suffered such a serious injury, but he still managed to come here. I don't know if this city of Doos was attacked? Or is there something wrong with that Doshiro?

In short, all of this has nothing to do with me, so let's slip away quickly!

When he picked up the package on the ground, Huo Qi was already dead.

Guert turned his head and was about to call Xiao You, when he saw that he had gotten up, looking at Huo Qi at the door with a pale face.

Guert knew that Xiaoyou was still a child after all, the same as he was before. He put the package into the "seal", dragged Huo Qi's body in and hid it in the house, and washed the blood at the door with water.

After everything was done, Xiaoyou was still sitting there in a daze, as if he was remembering something.

He didn't bother to ask any more questions, he pulled Xiaoyou up and left. He knew that this city of Doos was not easy, and the best way to do it was to sneak away before people found him.