
No one could believe that on the other side of a vast grassland, there was actually a desert, and the wind roared, and the wind and sand rolled up covered the whole sky with gray. The two finally found an abandoned earth cave, where they could hide from the wind and sand...

After coming out of Dus City early in the morning, Guert briefly looked at the map in the package, and after confirming the approximate direction, he ran all the way. At this time, he finally had time to take a rest, so he opened the map again to check.

Xiaoyou next to him suddenly pulled him and said, "Brother Gu, did that person say something before he died?"

Guert was looking at the map, at this time he let out an ah, turned his head to look at Xiaoyou, and said, "It seems to mean that those who violate the destiny will be punished..."

"...The doomsday will take your souls away within the thirty-six heavens ?" Xiaoyou continued .

Guerte nodded and said, "That's right." Seeing that Xiaoyou's expression was a bit strange, he couldn't help asking, "What's the point of this?"

Xiao You hugged his head, with a painful expression on his face, and said, "I seem to have heard this sentence somewhere, but I can't remember it."

Guert looked at Xiaoyou, and saw his slightly closed eye on the left suddenly opened. The black and white eyes were chaotic, but they were full of mysterious shocking power. With Guert's concentration, even I couldn't help but feel a heavy blow from the depths of my mind.

Xiao You didn't seem to feel it at all, he just concentrated on thinking hard, this expression was very incompatible with his child status.

Guert was shocked, and then remembered that he knew nothing about other things except that he was entrusted by Grandpa Luo to take Xiaoyou to Zuo Youtian.

What is the purpose of the old and the young living in such a chaotic environment?

Let's not mention the strength of this kid Xiaoyou, just look at Luo Lun, he can help him heal injuries that even the top doctors of the second-level healing department can't heal, and one person is still calm when facing four second-level doctors. What ordinary people would be.

Luo Lun and Xiao You, what are their identities?

Three days later, the disheartened Guert finally came to a big city.

In the past few days, Xiaoyou seems to have fallen into a strange kind of fugue. The whole person is in a daze, so he has to rely on Guert to find his way alone.

Guert has been exercising several times in recent years, so he can take care of Xiaoyou in a desert, while looking at the map to find the way, and finally came to this city called "One Hand".

This city is the one he saw on the map he stole, the closest big city to Dus City! However, the map given by Du Shilang is more accurate, and it also marked obvious directions and added additional text descriptions. But what is extremely strange is that the desert was not mentioned on the map at all, it only said that after going out from Doos City, walking along the southeast official road, you will soon reach Dacheng Dushou .

However, they didn't see the official road. Instead, after walking for a while, they found a large desert. As a result, it took Guert three full days to reach the originally short road.

Guert and Xiaoyou found a hotel to stay. This time he didn't dare to show it anymore, and he didn't have the opportunity to show it anymore. He just stayed in the hotel in a proper manner, studying how to get to the next city. Until now, he didn't Had a chance to dig out what was left inside the package and examine it carefully.

There were not many things in the package, except for a map and two certificates for entering and leaving Fengshen City issued by Dus City, there was only one stone left.

This stone is the size of a pebble, with blue patterns on its surface, and is extremely hard, but apart from these, there is really nothing special about it.

Guert weighed the stone back and forth, and there was a question in his mind that he still couldn't answer: Why did Du Shilang ask him and Xiaoyou to send the things to Fengshen City? Is there no one under him? Moreover, Du Shilang's side is obviously in crisis.

Huo Qi is dead, no one knows whether Du Shilang is dead or alive, so in this way, who can guarantee that he will really help them deliver the things as agreed? Could it be that they didn't consider at all whether they would slip away halfway?

While thinking, suddenly there was a noise outside, and he couldn't help frowning.

He was afraid of attracting too much attention, so he specially chose a remote hotel, but for some reason, there were a lot of people staying in this hotel recently, and after only one day of staying, the originally empty rooms were already filled.

"That's horrible!"

"Yeah, I've never seen such a thing in my life, and I will never go there again! There must be people who have offended the heavens, so they have been punished."

Guert couldn't help noticing, his heart moved, he looked at Xiaoyou, and saw that he was still sitting on the bed blankly, he had been like this for the past few days, so he opened the door and walked out with confidence.

When I came to the corridor, I saw two or three people dressed as businessmen, chatting together.

Although he didn't have the flattering appearance he used to, but Gurt's honest and honest appearance now, coupled with intentional or unintentional flattery, after a while, Gurt became acquainted with them.

This conversation startled Guert a lot, and hurriedly pretended that he was not in good health, and hid back in the house.

After closing the door, he realized that he was already sweating profusely. He didn't need to look in the mirror to know that his face must be ugly at this moment.

Xiaoyou seemed to be getting better. Seeing Guert's strange behavior, he couldn't help asking with concern: " Brother Gu, are you alright?"

Guert's thoughts were confused, and the incomprehensible waves of anger kept hitting his calm heart. After a while, he raised his head and said slowly to Xiaoyou: "The city of Doos is gone..."

Xiao You was startled, and seemed to think of something immediately, his whole face turned pale, and he said, " it the wind and sand?"

Guert took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and said: "Yes, three days ago, the day we left the city of Doos, the wind swept the dust and covered the city of Doos, and the grassland turned into a desert. , Doos City has become a dead city, buried in the ground forever."

As he said this, his mind kept flashing back to the night of the big anniversary. He saw so many children and adults on the road, including the bodyguard who spat on himself with thick phlegm, and the one who looked at him with greedy eyes. dude...

Although they are greedy and humble, that doesn't mean they don't have the right to live...

This wind and sand came absolutely abnormal.

There was silence in the room, only the sound of people discussing in the corridor outside. There were so many people in One-handed City, many of them were planning to go to Doos City, but when they were halfway there, they suddenly found that the sky had changed, so they diverted to One-handed city, as people continued to pour into One-handed city. It is also becoming more and more accurate that Dus City has indeed been covered by a wind and sand.

At this time, the businessman outside was still excitedly describing what he saw.

"Oh my God, I have never seen such a terrifying sandstorm. The whole sky is as dark as the darkest night. The sky is full of sandstorms. Looking at it from a distance, it feels like the entire sky above Doos City is being held by a black hand." , and then lightly pinch...the whole city disappears!"

Guert in the house seemed calmer, and said: "Building a city in one day, destroying it in a day, is this also a high-level exercise?"

Xiao You said in shock: "I don't know!"

Guert's brows showed an extremely strong killing intent, and he said coldly: "These high-level practitioners really treat human beings as domesticated animals. They can raise them if they want, and slaughter them if they want to slaughter them!"

Xiao You seems to be a little afraid of this big brother who has always been very amiable, especially when this murderous look appears on that loyal and honest face, making him even more cold and cold.

Seeing Xiaoyou's expression, Guert knew that he was frightened by him, so he quickly put away his murderous aura and forcibly dissipated the violence in his heart. His face returned to its previous appearance, sighed, and said: " Sorry to scare you!"

Xiao You shook his head, and said, "I know Brother Xiao Gu is a good person, so don't be afraid."

Hearing such childish words, Guert couldn't help laughing, remembering his abnormality a few days ago, and asked, "By the way, what happened to you a few days ago? Have you been thinking about something?"

Xiao You nodded, and said: "I feel like I have a memory in my mind, which should be related to that person's words before he died, but I couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a few days, so I stopped thinking about it."

Guert knew that there must be some secrets about Xiaoyou, but the child seemed to have encountered some accidents, so he smiled immediately: "Since you can't figure it out, forget it, come and help me study the map!"


According to the rumors, the appearance of Dixutian was the credit of a certain immortal envoy in the cultivation world. There are also rumors that it was the scattered immortals in the second realm. In the second heaven "Yuan Chengtian", A small part was set aside for these despicable human beings, so Dixu Heaven and Yuan Cheng Heaven did not depend on each other like the other seventeen heavens, but were completely connected.

Therefore, this Fengshen City is extremely critical. As the actual passage between Dixutian and Jichengtian, including the existence of Fengshen City, it has always been a secret, let alone how to enter.

In a room in the hotel, Guert and Xiaoyou looked at each other, but they both couldn't understand the map. According to the words marked on the map, as well as Guert's previous groping and actual verification, the vast south of One Hand City is marked with brown mountains. After passing the mountains, it is marked with light green rivers. The three characters happened to fall between the northern part of the mountain range and the river, but the specific location was not marked.

Looking at it, there is only one small dot in Doos City, so you can know the approximate scale of the map, and how big the mountain range on the map should be. Move it around, it is estimated that several thousand square meters have just passed by, and the word "Fengshen" has passed. It has already taken up a lot of space.

Guert looked at Xiaoyou again, and saw Xiaoyou shook his head. Guert sighed secretly, knowing that he couldn't be too hard on the child. When he was ten years old, he was still playing with firecrackers in Yanghua City. It can't be compared with the current Xiaoyou at all.

In the end, Guert decided to go to this mountain range first. After all, just sitting here will never have a chance.

Destiny Mountain Range.

There are rumors that the formation of the mountains here is that one day, a mountain fell from the sky, which caused the vibration in this area, and this earthquake made the original plain bulge into a mountain range. The tallest mountain among them is called Feitian Mountain, and this mountain range stretching nearly ten thousand kilometers is collectively called the Destiny Mountain Range.

Guert and Xiaoyou bumped all the way, and after two days of trekking, they arrived here.

Along the way, Guert felt strange, because he searched around in One-Handed City, but he couldn't find any traces of the sky-splitter.

If it is said that this cannot be seen in Doos City, it can be justified. After all, Doos City is relatively small, and this one-handed city is at least as big as three Doos cities. Have to make people suspicious. Especially after asking Xiaoyou, he realized that this Dixutian seemed to have no weapons at all.

That's why at the beginning, Xiaoyou had doubts about where Guert put his things. Guert originally thought that this was just because the life magic weapon "sealed" was relatively rare, so he forgot to ask clearly.

And after Gurt knew it, he immediately felt that this place called Dixutian really lived up to its name, and it was completely a sealed barbaric society.

The most ironic thing is that this place is actually a part of the world of self-cultivation, but life is far less than that of the human world, and it is more likely to be punished by the so-called heaven at any time, such as the appearance and disappearance of Doos City.

I really don't know what expressions those cultivators in the human world will have after seeing all this...

Guert was thinking while walking in the mountains with his legs.

Xiaoyou next to him was a child after all, and Yili was still recovering gradually, so the two of them just flitted for a while, then stopped, and began to walk slowly with their feet.

The first three days were fine, because the walk was not deep enough, so there were some places where there were people. The further you walked, the more difficult the road was, especially the road was deserted. Fortunately, neither of them had any requirements for food. It's high, and there's enough water around it, so it's okay in this respect. However, this road is getting more and more difficult, especially for Xiaoyou, who is short in stature and can easily be blocked by tall trees or attacked by poisonous insects.

In the beginning, Xiaoyou was able to protect himself with Yili, but after a long time, he couldn't take it anymore, and was bitten by poisonous insects several times.

Guert had no choice but to walk with him behind his back. As he continued to go deeper, the forest became more and more primitive and dense. The towering ancient trees often covered the sky, and the outside light could not be seen at all.

While Guert had to take care of Xiaoyou, at the same time he had to prevent wild beasts from attacking, and the extremely sharp voiceless spirit blade had already been reduced to a logging axe. The blade is shining everywhere, and there is no obstacle along the way.

After walking for a while, Guert found that the light from the Spirit Blade could not only illuminate the front in a dark forest, but also make all the beasts and poisonous insects avoid, which was beyond his expectation.

After walking for about ten days in a row, the dark forest finally came to an end.

But what greeted them was still a long and rugged mountain road, and it was obviously going up.

Gurt was about to pick up Xiaoyou on his back and continue walking, when suddenly Xiaoyou pointed at him and screamed in a low voice.

Guert lowered his head in astonishment, only to realize that after so many days of trekking, his clothes had already been completely cut by the branches in the forest. The place is basically naked.

He gave a wry smile, fortunately he still had the "Zang Zang", in order to avoid the previous embarrassment, he specially put in a few more sets of clothes this time.

At this time, Guert changed clothes and came out, only to find that this set seems to be a little smaller. This time, the invisible ghost face just changed his appearance. His figure should still be the same as before, and these clothes are all according to his figure I bought it, why does it feel small?

Did he grow taller again? After thinking about it, I am only eighteen years old, so it is normal to be a little older.

"God, I'm almost forgetting my age!" Guert thought to himself.

Over the past year, he either pretended to be Uncle Brand, or pretended to be a cold-faced person like Hua Tanli, so that he even somewhat forgot what his original personality was.

Now in the world of comprehension, I can't use the original appearance. I really don't know when this situation will change! It won't be later, even forget who you are!

However, the top priority should be to complete Grandpa Luo's instructions first, and it would be best if he could undo the seal of Beast King Mang by himself, so as not to owe anyone any more favors!

During this period of time, apart from finding and rushing his way, he has been studying the energy in his body during this long journey.

Especially now that Beast King Mang is still being suppressed by himself, he tries his best to use the penetrating and disintegrating ability of the Heart Sutra of Tianjue to penetrate the red and yellow mixed light of Yi Haihai. Although the process is slow, the journey is anyway It's okay, just treat it as a kind of practice.

At this time, Guert had just pulled Xiao You over and was about to carry him on the road. Xiao You had already walked forward by himself and said, "Thank you Brother Xiao Gu, I have recovered a lot now!"

Every day when Guerte carried Xiaoyou on his back, he could feel faint power fluctuations on his body, knowing that he was practicing at that time, seeing his movements at this time, knowing that his strength had recovered by at least 50%, Can't help but feel relieved. He walks in the forest every day, and at least half of his energy has to be shared with Xiaoyou. Without Xiaoyou's burden, he is also much more relaxed. He laughed and said, "Then let's compare our feet!"

He looked up and saw that it was at the foot of a mountain, and there was a mountain in front of him. The only way to pass was to walk through this mountain, and said immediately, "Come on, let's see who gets to the top of the mountain first!"

There was a smile on Xiaoyou's face. Children like competitions the most, especially Xiaoyou is an extremely strong person. At this time, he nodded seriously, walked back again, drew a starting line, and said: "I shouted to start!" , let's go!"

Looking at this scene, Guert suddenly remembered the running competitions with his companions in Yanghua when he was a child. However, every time he took advantage of the number to take advantage of the opportunity to run away, of course he can't play around like this anymore, after all, the opponent is just a ten-year-old. year old child.

"One, two, three, run!" The crisp child's head sounded.

Guert rushed out unceremoniously. Since it is a game, the most important thing is to take it seriously. As early as the preparations, Guerte gathered Yili on his feet, and when the word "run" came out, his feet flew out like clouds and fog.

The mountain road on this road is rugged, although the slope is not big, but after all, it is a road that no one has traveled, and it is not very easy to walk. Guert flew for a while, then slowly slowed down, and looked back to see where Xiao You had gone.

Unexpectedly, this little guy was not far behind him. When he saw Guert looking back, he shouted: "Brother Gu, hurry up, be careful, I'll come after you!"

Guert laughed loudly, thinking to himself: "This Xiaoyou is really cute!"

However, his next speed is still not too fast, after all, the game is just a way to adjust, it will be bad if Xiaoyou is injured, and he has only just recovered.

When he was about to turn his head for the second time, suddenly there was a gust of wind blowing by, and Xiao You's childish voice shouted: "Be careful, I'm going to overtake!"

Guert was stunned, only to see Xiaoyou's feet stepping continuously, the frequency was as fast as walking on flat ground.

Guert knew that he was careless, so he quickly concentrated his strength and raised it. He was about to chase forward, but suddenly found that his energy was empty.

There is also no energy in the meridians, and the red and yellow light in the Yihai Sea is particularly active.

Could it be that Beast King Mang couldn't suppress it?