Into the Darkness

Faced with such a great pressure, Feng Qi still calmly said: "If you are really no longer afraid of high ranks, why do you still hide here? If your strength is really far beyond the light rank, then why do you use such How to sneak attack on the Bright Order?"

Dou Sheng was furious, and just about to speak, Huer Chai next to him stopped him: "I think he's procrastinating, don't waste time, they only have so few people, and if we attack alone, they won't be able to stop us!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, brothers!"

Feng Qi raised his hands, two balls of blue light appeared in his hands, his body turned sharply, and he pushed upwards violently.

With a bang, a huge layer of blue air suddenly appeared in front of them. The blue light burst into the sky like a burning blue flame, drawing a semicircle in the area where they were standing, covering everyone Going in, against the fiery red sky, a strange scene was formed.

All the dark steps that were just about to rush forward stopped, only to hear Dou Sheng say in shock: "Aura of energy!"

Everyone was also surprised at the same time, this Dou Sheng and Master Feng Qi came from the same sect, so there must be no wrong judgment, especially the lowest level here is the second level, everyone knows that the appearance of Yi Qi means entering the upper level of the second level.

If this enchantment was formed by Yi Qi, most of them would not be able to rush through it.

Even the dark ranks cannot break through the power constraints limited to the third rank in the realm of comprehension.

Feng Qi's face turned pale, he put his hands down softly, forced a smile on his face and said: "Yes, this is the Qi Barrier.

"I am in the Guangming class, and I am jokingly called the person who is best at enchantment creation in the second class of the cultivation world, so this time, instead of the high class, I will create a Qi enchantment for you to play with."

Although he pretended to be relaxed in his words, both the dark step and the bright warrior behind him knew that his energetic enchantment had almost exhausted all his strength.

Because even if it is a high-level one, it will take a certain amount of time to create a spirit enchantment, not to mention that the level is far inferior to the high-level Feng Qi.

Huer Chai stared at Feng Qi, suddenly laughed loudly, and said, "Okay, today let the Guangming Order see the achievements of our Dark Order's lurking for hundreds of years."

As he spoke, he waved his hands and said, "Go!"

The dark steps that were already crowded behind them all rushed over, from all directions, using various weapons, shooting various rays of light, rushing towards the blue enchantment of energy!

At this moment, he could finally see how powerful the Qi Barrier Feng Qi had created with all his efforts.

All the attacking power was bounced away, only the constant rumbling outside was heard, and the masked people watched as if they were watching a show.

Finally, Feng Qi couldn't bear it any longer, sat down slowly, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, his energy was just realized after he was thrown into this outer space and under Guert's treatment, it was purely a risky attempt, if If he couldn't succeed, he would directly retreat to the side of the Bright Warrior to fight against the enemy with the Bright Warrior, but unexpectedly, he succeeded in the trial.

However, of course, he didn't expect this energetic enchantment to block the people in the dark ranks, but he knew that there must be no truly powerful main force of the dark ranks in the dark ranks that came in such a hurry. The enchantment of energy will buy Guert some more time.

Suddenly there was a whistling from outside, and then a white light exploded, and with a bang, the people inside the energy barrier felt the shock of power for the first time.

Feng Qi was also so startled that he opened his eyes and saw that Huer Chai finally made a move, and Dou Sheng who was beside him also made a move in cooperation, and two dazzling red lights exploded.

The two figures of swish landed on the spirit barrier.

Feng Qi was startled, although this spirit barrier looks like a gas mask, but every point is full of energy, unless the personal strength has reached this level, it is impossible to stand on it.

He looked up and saw two tall, thin young men grinning at him.

Feng Qi's heart darkened: I didn't expect that besides the twelve warriors of the dark rank, there are so many masters hidden here, and the time I can support this time is even shorter than I expected.

It's all up to you...

Feng Qi is counting on Guert here, but Guert is in a different situation.

I have to admit that Feng Qi's analysis in advance is completely correct.

The essence of the Black Dragon Secret Technique lies not in the skill of casting spells, but in the breath of the black dragon. This evil and powerful force can cause spatial distortions. That's why there is a powerful move that can move the entire sky away|Swallow world!

After Guert thoroughly searched the black dragon breath absorbed through the "Extermination of Emotions" in his body, he found that what he thought was the most troublesome was to re-separate the black dragon's breath that had been assimilated with the Heart Sutra of Tianjue. Under the traction of power, it becomes extremely simple.

However, the Black Dragon Secret Technique and the Heart Sutra of Heaven's End belong to completely different forces after all, but how to fully release this force is not as simple as Guert imagined.

In the previous guidance, Feng Qi told him a principle about light and mirrors in the illusion system of the Guangming stage! When any light hits the mirror surface, the reflected light path is reversible, and this is also true for space transfer.

Theoretically speaking, the path from the "free sky" to the outer space caused by the black dragon's secret technique of swallowing the world is also reversible, so as long as a similar force appears, they can go back along this reversible route.

But the reason why Yan Buqing was able to control the black dragon's aura was entirely because of the secret technique. Guert had never learned the black dragon secret technique, so he couldn't guess how to use this power.

Now he can only rely on the natural traction of the power of "Extermination of Emotions" to guide the breath of the black dragon. However, after a period of exploration, he finally understands that if he really wants to control the breath of the black dragon and create a devouring world again, You must have a certain amount of dark power.

Although many people have said before that they have a dark heart and are a born dark-rank person, after all, they have been practicing all the light-rank exercises, especially the Tianjue Heart Sutra, which is the first healing holy energy of the bright-rank. This kind of bright holy energy is very useful in normal times, but after encountering the breath of the black dragon, it hinders the communication and integration with the breath of the black dragon itself.

So if I use the dark power, it will be another result. The "Extermination of Emotions" will increase the dark power several times, and finally produce the power to promote the complete release of the black dragon's breath.

But this is equivalent to escaping into the darkness!

Is it worth it?

Especially after escaping into the darkness, those previous exercises may be completely changed!

He was hesitating, but the spirit barrier outside couldn't hold it anymore, with a loud bang, the entire barrier collapsed.

At least 20 dark steps from all around rushed in at the same time, Feng Qi could no longer stop it with his own ability, he got up and rushed into the group of dark steps, the real fight began from this moment!

There are many people on the side of the dark rank, but after all, a lot of effort has been spent on the enchantment of energy, and the bright warriors inside are waiting for work, and they are already strong. When the offensive started, the people in the dark rank unexpectedly After half a meeting, it still couldn't be killed, but it was damaged a lot.

At this time, Dou Sheng suddenly shouted loudly and said: "Whoever surrenders voluntarily, we will spare him from death! And we will treat him as our honored guest!"

As soon as these words came out, those cultivators of "Freedom" hiding in the innermost place immediately began to whisper to each other.

The dark ranks outside seemed to have stabilized their position. They divided everyone into several teams, and only sent one team to charge forward at a time, so that they would not accidentally injure their own people, and they could also use fatigue tactics to defeat these ranks. The most loyal warrior of light in the district!

After a while, the advantage of the dark step was obvious, and the light warrior was more or less injured. Suddenly, a practitioner inside shouted: "I surrender, I surrender!"

After speaking, he rushed outside.

As soon as he moved like this, several others beside him began to move, and one of them even drew out his weapon, slashed a warrior of light with his back facing him, and ran out!

As soon as these few ran, the entire formation was completely dispersed, and they were already self-defeating.

At this time, the dark steps had ordered to stop, and Dou Sheng laughed loudly: "See? When do we need to deal with you? Naturally, someone will take the initiative to help!"

Then the voice raised and said: "Whoever cuts off the warrior's head, we will treat him as a guest of honor and give him the treatment of a guest of honor!"

As soon as the words fell, the warrior who was chopped down just now was immediately surrounded by several cultivators, one of them was the closest and his hands were quick, and he slashed at the warrior's head.

The samurai showed a frightened expression on his face, but before the blade touched the samurai, a burst of blood shot out, and the head of the cultivator flew out immediately, and the body sprayed blood rain all over the sky.

Feng Qi's figure appeared beside the warrior of light. He was already covered in wounds under heavy pressure, he was panting, and there was a cold light in his eyes. Even the person standing farthest from him could already feel it. His anger.

He only heard him say: "You are like this, are you worthy of these warriors who are desperately protecting you?"

The few cultivators who were going to chop off the warrior's head were intimidated by Feng Qi's aura and dared not move.

Hu Erchai laughed and said, "Now you know why the Guangming class lost, right? Guangming class, Guangming class, you are all hypocrites!"

He paused and shouted: "Brothers, come on! Let their cowardice witness our bravery! Let their blood float in the outer space, wash away their despicableness, return to the true meaning of cultivation, and the dark order is eternal!"

When he said the last sentence, nearly 500 dark steps had already surged up beside him, and they roared at the same time, "The dark steps are eternal!"

This aura alone made everyone terrified, including the Bright Warrior, who was still fighting bravely and was covered in color, but now he lost all confidence because of the betrayal of the masked cultivator.

Only Feng Qi was still standing there, no one knew what he was thinking at this time.

The massacre has begun.

The ferocious dark steps rushed into the crowd, and the bright warriors who gave up resistance completely were almost killed in an instant, and only a few people kept retreating.

And those ordinary cultivators who wanted to escape even scattered around and fled. The dark steps laughed loudly, and they easily chased after and hacked.

Out of the hundreds of practitioners, there were only a dozen or so left in an instant, and Guert, who was originally hidden, appeared in front of everyone.

Hu'er Chai's expression changed, and he said, "Black Dragon Secret Technique!"

All the dark steps stopped immediately and looked towards Guert, only to see that the young man was completely surrounded by black air, only showing a handsome and flawless face, looming in the black air, and the powerful and powerful The evil breath is exactly the black dragon secret technique they are familiar with.

Of the two tall and thin youths who arrived later, one of them changed his face and said, "This is one of the seven secrets of the dark rank. Who is this person and how did he do it?"

Dou Sheng smiled ferociously: "No matter who it is, we... kill!" As he said that, he was about to rush over, when suddenly a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion stood in front of him, it was Hao Se.

He has been hiding behind and did not make a move. Seeing that someone is going to hurt Guert at this time, and Feng Qi is surrounded by several people and cannot save this side, naturally he has to make a move.

I saw him grinning, and said: "We, members of the wretched male family, are different from the Guangming class, so if you can do it, you don't do it. If you want us to surrender, we will surrender immediately!"

Dou Sheng was stunned, and then said angrily: "I don't care who you are, as long as you stand in the way, you will be killed!" Then he slashed at Hao Se with his palm.

Hao Se's figure flashed, and with a move with his right hand, a string of light beads appeared, blasting towards Dou Sheng, and then he shouted: "Feng Qi retreat!"

He raised his hands, and everyone felt a huge force appearing, and a gloomy light spread around Hao Se as the center.

Dou Sheng retreated hastily, and shouted: "Advanced exercises, moon dancing on the earth, retreat!"

surrounded everyone like a protective film .

Dou Sheng looked at Hao Se strangely, and said: "That woman Meng Jingxue has also accepted her as an apprentice!"

Hao Se didn't seem to hear, but turned to Guerte who was sitting on the ground and shouted: "Damn boy, can you hurry up, I'm going to die!"

With a sudden turn of the black air, the light on Guert's body became darker and darker, while the black air became thicker and thicker.

At this moment, one of the thin and tall young men over there suddenly shouted: "Go and stop him, this trick can get them out of here!"

The person next to him nodded, and the two rushed forward, about to pounce.

Feng Qi's heart tightened, he knew that these two people were at the second-order high-level level, and his Qi enchantment was destroyed in their hands. But Hao Se was obviously too reluctant, this trick Moon Dance Earth has only form but no spirit, it can only bluff people at all.

At this moment, an elegant figure came down, blocked in front of the two tall and thin young men, and said, "Stop!"

Everyone in the audience was shocked, and everyone in the dark stage knelt down and shouted in unison: "Miss Yong!"

This kneeling finally allowed Feng Qi and the others to see clearly how many dark steps had come here, and they saw that there were people kneeling densely all around, stretching out for nearly a hundred meters, at least thousands of people.

And Yong Liansi standing in front of them was even more shocking, still with that weak and beautiful appearance, but they, who had never been so close, felt the strange charm of Yong Liansi more and more.

Yong Liansi, who accepted the kneeling of the heroes of the dark ranks, calmly smiled and said: "Get up, you have worked hard."

Everyone stood up, and the tall and thin young man pointed to Guert over there, and said, "You need to stop that person immediately, otherwise..."

Yong Liansi waved his hand and said, "I see."

Turning to look at Hao Se, he said with a broken smile: "Put your hands down, you don't even have the stage of a dream to startle the snow, and you dare to show it to shame?"

Hao Se put down his hands in embarrassment, and still refused to admit it: "What do you know, this is the essence of Moon Dance Earth!"

Yong Liansi was noncommittal, Feng Qi beside him suddenly trembled and said, "Where is Mr. Hades..."

These words immediately reminded everyone that Yong Liansi fought head-on with Hades before. Since she appeared here safely, the other side of the battle...

Yong Liansi looked at Feng Qi, with a look of admiration on his weak face, and said: "I used to hear that there was a person named Feng Qi in the second rank, who was a young genius who appeared in the Guangming rank, and also one of the future high ranks. One of the most promising cultivators to enter the Second Realm, today he saw him and he really lived up to his reputation. He led the crowd to resist the siege of thousands of people from the dark ranks, and even pointed out a method for him..."

As she said that, she looked at Guert and saw that his dark energy had gradually covered her face, she turned her head and looked at Feng Qi again and said, "If there are people like you in the light class, then the dark class will definitely lose, but it will be very soon Unfortunately, no.

"It's more about those people behind you..."

After a pause, Yong Liansi walked towards Guert and said, "So I don't want to lie to you. You don't need to worry now, Hades has returned to the high-level. We are tied."

Feng Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time knew that the weak woman in front of him had indeed reached a high-level level, and he was definitely not an opponent on his side, but he was sensitive enough to know that since Yong Liansi spoke like this, there must be a turning point in the future .

Yong Liansi walked all the way to Guert, but no one dared to stop him.

She walked to Gurt, looked down for a while, and said softly: "The breath of the black dragon is one of the seven secrets of the dark rank, and it was a forbidden move in the previous generation when the dark rank and the light rank were listed side by side in the cultivation world.

"This is a powerful evil aura. It is impossible for you to control it while retaining your light heart. Go, escape into the darkness completely, this is your destination!" Yu Shou said. With one finger, he pointed at Guert's forehead that was still faintly exposed.

The black air around Guert fluctuated. He had obviously heard Yong Liansi's words, and seeing Yong Liansi like this, he didn't seem to care that he would send everyone back to "Freedom" after using the Black Dragon Secret...

Before Guert had time to figure it out, his cold jade finger touched his forehead.

A trace of coolness invaded his body, and all the dark power churning in his body gushed out from this opening at once, and the last trace of sanity at the altar disappeared.

The "Extermination of Emotions" drew the breath of the black dragon and began to expand outwards. After an unknown period of time, a feeling of tearing limbs made Guert wake up again.

Although he didn't open his eyes, he knew that Yong Liansi was still standing by his side.

There was black air all around, and the breath of the black dragon was wandering around. The power of "Extermination of Emotions" in his body had been integrated into his original energy, and the cold flow of the Heart Sutra of Heaven's End was no longer as cold and biting as it used to be. On the contrary, there is a little more warmth.

He didn't care too much about it, as soon as he thought about it, the aura of the black dragon was already swirling wildly around him.

As soon as he opened his palms, he recalled the unclear movements during the "Freedom Day" in his mind. As soon as he opened and closed his palms, a huge force gushed out, and the rolling energy in his body also rushed out along with this breath. rush.

In a violent collision of power, he lost consciousness.

The people outside felt differently. Ever since the black air completely enveloped Guert and Yong Liansi beside him, everyone felt that the evil aura that had appeared in the "Free Day" had reappeared The fiery red sky also darkened at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, three consecutive explosions were heard from the sky, and a hurricane struck, and all the people in the dark ranks covered their faces and retreated.

When the hurricane subsided slightly, they were afraid that something might happen to Yong Liansi, who was at the center of that power, and hurriedly opened their eyes, and suddenly found that in front of them, the battlefield of dead bodies seemed to have been swept away, and all traces disappeared. The rest of Yong Liansi stood there alone.

I saw that in the violent hurricane, she seemed completely unrelated to her surroundings. Her hair was draped softly on her shoulders, her clothes didn't move at all, and a faint smile was showing on her delicate and elegant face.

No one knew what she was thinking, but almost everyone knew that only high-level power could stand in such a close black dragon's burst of breath, and their hearts were filled with reverence.

The sky returned to fiery red, the hurricane disappeared, and the outer space returned to calm.

In this first collision between the dark rank and the bright rank, it ended with the victory of the dark rank.

But everyone knows that this is just a rehearsal before the storm arrives, and the real battle is yet to come. The world of self-cultivation, which has been quiet for hundreds of years, will once again ignite the flames of war!