Fragrance of the Purple Star

Crack-like pain all over the body.

Guert opened his eyes, and seeing Feng Qi was looking at him with concern, and Hao Se was beside him, he barely propped himself up, looked around, and said: "You didn't come back, did you?"

Hao Se grinned and said, "If I hadn't come back, I would have woken you up long ago! This is the cultivation world, we are back!"

Guert jumped up excitedly, ignoring the pain in his body.

Looking around, I saw a stretch of mountains here, which looked familiar, and looking at the side, three seriously injured Bright Warriors and a dozen ordinary practitioners were sitting there adjusting their breath.

Hao Se said: "This is 'Zuoyoutian', the Zuoyou Mountain Range!"

Guert let out a cry, and suddenly remembered that this is the place where the relic of the sword fairy appeared last time, and not far from here is the small border town.

After shaking his figure for a while, he barely held on and said, "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

Feng Qi grabbed him and said: "Come on, let's come over and have a chat!" After speaking, he dragged him to the open space next to him.

Guert looked at Feng Qi, not knowing what he was going to say.

I saw Feng Qi said: "It's really thanks to you this time, otherwise the whole army would be wiped out."

Guerte began to circulate Yili slowly in his body to heal the wounds in his body, and said at the same time: "This is also to save myself!"

Feng Qi smiled and said: "Come with me to the high-level area to meet the high-level immediately!"

Guert was startled and said, "What?

Feng Qi said: "You did a great job in this first confrontation with the Dark Order, not only saved 'Freedom' at a critical moment, but also rescued us, although there were not many people, but after all, you brought back the most useful information! "

Guert scratched his head and said, "I don't care about these, but it would be great if I could cancel my wanted charges."

Feng Qi laughed and said: "The Catcher Guild has become the primary target of the Dark Order this time. Although the main force is still there, it will take some time to recover its previous vitality. At this time, who will care about the wanted matter."

Guert rubbed his chest, there seemed to be some pain here, and said: "Well, I still have Lu Zongqi's things here that I haven't brought to Old Man Mo."

Feng Qi was startled, and stared: "What nonsense are you talking about! You have to call Mr. Mu or Mr. Mu."

Gurt was used to it casually, he smiled and said: "What do you think this thing could be?" After saying that, he wanted to show it to Feng Qi.

Feng Qi hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Don't show it to me, just show it to Mr. Mu..."

Guert was about to ask why in surprise, when suddenly Hao Se shouted loudly for the two to come back.

They looked at each other and ran over in a hurry, only to find when they arrived that it was the three warriors of light who were confronting other cultivators.

Seeing the phoenix approaching, the two sides stopped at the same time. Grande, the vice-captain of the Bright Warrior, said: "Our Bright Warrior is a guard under the direct command of a high-ranking officer. We resisted to the death under such a dangerous situation, and no one died. Died at the hands of these trash, we want to avenge our brothers, please Master Feng Qi allow us to challenge them!"

Of course Feng Qi knew that this matter would never be settled so easily, not to mention that he chopped off the head of one of the cultivators, and said with a serious face: "Shut up! All of you come back to me" Jingmengtian '! Everything has a high-level decision!"

The dozen or so surviving ordinary cultivators were immediately dumbfounded. After all, the charges of defecting from the dark ranks and killing the warriors of light were tantamount to opposing the high ranks. Now sending them to the high ranks, wouldn't that mean sending them to death?

Guert was concentrating on controlling the black dragon's breath at that time, so he didn't notice what happened outside. Now, under Hao Se's whispered narration, he understood the whole thing, and he couldn't say how indignant he was.

This can only be regarded as a self-preservation behavior. If I were in their position, although I would not do that, I would definitely find a way to save my life.

Their mistake is that they are too naive, they believe the enemy's words at will, and kill their own people.

In this way, Feng Qi and his party started from "Zuoyoutian", and the first stop was naturally "Freedom Sky".

At this time, "Freedom Sky" has already turned upside down, and Pingjie Mansion has been completely blocked. The central square, the most famous place of Pingjie Mansion , has become a ruin.

According to statistics, there were about 6,300 cultivators present in the central square at that time, and in the end, only less than 1,000 people in the outermost layer survived, and the remaining 50 people were all missing, including the second-level Feng Qi, Leng Yansong and others, of course, there are also the two big bosses of the wretched male family who have just become famous.

In the high-level battle, after overcoming the stormy attack in front of Yong Liansi, Hades started to attack back. Although Yong Liansi was at a disadvantage, he still tried his best to deal with it. In the end, the two disappeared in the chase. in the air.

But the success of swallowing the world represents the success of the dark order.

Especially the presence of high-level and second-level high-level people could not stop it. Suddenly, the resurgence of the dark level suddenly became huge, and the prestige spread throughout the cultivation world, and everyone in the light-level cultivation world was in danger.

Although Guangming's high-level prestige has dropped slightly, it has not affected the overall majesty after all.

When everyone saw Feng Qi and the others in "Freedom Sky", everyone looked terrified, and no one thought that they were still alive.

They were surrounded as monsters.

Fortunately, the envoys of the Five Elements sent by the high-ranking officials arrived in time to take them away.

Guert did not expect to see the Five Elements Envoy again under such circumstances.

But the Envoy of the Five Elements didn't seem to be interested in settling old scores with him, especially after listening to Feng Qi's narration, he looked at Guert with surprised eyes, but there seemed to be some other impurities in his eyes.

Among the envoys of the Five Elements, Jin Xingling was still the one who spoke the most. After hesitating to speak a few times, he finally said, "Master Feng Qi, this time things may be a little troublesome."

Feng Qi sighed softly: "I know that thousands of people died this time, which is a rare tragedy in peacetime in the cultivation world, and I will take full responsibility for it."

Jin Xingling shook his head and said, "You disappeared for a total of five days. During this period, I received seven reports, saying that seven very important people disappeared in this incident. I screened it out, and there are three people who should be taken seriously. ..."

Feng Qi was stunned, and said: "Which three families?"

Jin Xingling sighed, "Tianyuanya, Ke's family, and... Ruoye's family. "

Gurt only knows the first Tianyuan Cliff, which is one of the three days of "Zuoyoutian" and is the birthplace of Tianyuan Qi. The latter two have never heard of it. Jun's face was heavy, and he knew that he might not be easy to mess with.

Feng Qi frowned and said: "It's fine for the two in front to watch the fun, but if the members of the Ye family are withered and rarely go out, why would they come here?"

Jin Xingling said helplessly: "I have inquired about it, and the person who disappeared is the original young master of the Ruoye family. It is said that he came for Feng Luoshang, the oiran of Lust City. Later, he passed by here and stopped by to have a look. result..."

Guert and Hao Se looked at each other, Guert was full of astonishment, while Hao Se looked smug.

Feng Qi smiled wryly: "It's really hard to find a woman somewhere, so she ran here."

Jin Xingling also had a wry smile on his face, and said, "Lord Mu is furious because of this matter, do you want to consider leaving for a while?"

Feng Qi shook his head and said decisively: "I have important information to report, you prepare it for me, I want to go to 'Jing Meng Tian' immediately."

The envoy of the Five Elements tried hard to persuade Feng Qi, but in the end he couldn't hold back Feng Qi.

Guert here finally sensed something was wrong, logically, Feng Qi went to the high-level area to report the situation, this is a very normal thing, why did they want to stop it?

He asked Hao Se with winks, Hao Se also shook his head to show he didn't know.

After the chat, they were arranged to go back to their room to rest, and Guerte mentioned this matter to Hao Se again.

Hao Se hesitated for a moment, and said: "I guess Feng Qi had made some kind of responsibility letter before he came, so he should be fully responsible for this matter. Thousands of people died in one fell swoop, and there were also many important people." Inside, maybe he will go back this time, and it will be more or less auspicious."

Guert was startled, and said, "Isn't it because we killed him?"

Hao Se spread his hands and said, "No one would have thought that such a thing would happen."

"And... as I said earlier, when the sky falls, there will be a tall one holding it up. The tall one in the 'Freedom Sky' event this time is Fengqi."

Guert was so upset that he kicked him and said, "Fuck you, why didn't you tell me before?"

Hao Se stepped aside and said: "I just remembered, didn't you see the miserable faces of those envoys?"

Guert suddenly said angrily: "Don't talk about others! The soil order just now pulled me aside and asked me about the origin of the soft light dance, saying that their "Meng Jingxue" master of "Jingmengtian" is best at That's the trick."

Hao Se's face changed and he said: "Don't mention me, or don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

Guerte snorted and said: "Then you quickly think of a way, how can I save Fengqi?"

Hao Se scratched his head and said, "How can I save this? That's what people want, and there will be nothing wrong with it. With Fengqi's level, it is estimated that he will be imprisoned for ninety or one hundred years. Maybe he will be a high-level person after he comes out." It's..."

Guert immediately stood up and said, "Then I'll tell them that you taught the soft light dance..."

Hao Se held him back with a bitter face and said: "Don't get excited, I'll think about it slowly..." Suddenly he clapped his hands and said: "Yes!" Guert looked at him hurriedly, Hao Se suddenly smiled embarrassingly, and said: "But it seems that it is not very operable."

Guert said angrily: "Don't be secretive, just say it!"

Hao Se said sternly: "The only thing that can compete with the Bright Rank here is the Dark Rank, so as long as you lead the Dark Rank and directly defeat the Bright High Rank, Feng Qi will definitely be rescued..."


At night, Guert sat upright on the bed, with the energy flowing in his body, the Tianjue Heart Sutra was indeed different from before, and the feeling he had when he mastered the black dragon secret technique actually existed.

In other words, if there is a black dragon breath, I can control it again. The only pity is that the black dragon breath has been used up that time. I don't know if it is replaced by other breaths, can it still be controlled?

"The black dragon's aura is one of the seven great secrets of the dark rank. It is a trick that was banned when the dark rank and the light rank were listed side by side in the cultivation world in the previous generation. It is a powerful evil breath. It has a lot of light and mind at the same time to control it."

"Go, escape into the darkness completely, this is your destination.!"

Yong Liansi's last soft words still rang in his ears.

Escaping into the dark? Is the current self the self after escaping into the darkness? But why, from Lu Zongqi's point of view, did he think that he was indeed the true heir recognized by the Tianjue Heart Sutra itself?

Just when he was puzzled, a voice suddenly called out from outside the door: "Xiao Gu , come out."

Guert's heart tightened, it was Feng Qi, who hurriedly got up and went out.

He followed Feng Qi, and the two of them strolled on the streets near this residence.

Feng Qi didn't say a word, and after a long time, he happily said: "Time flies so fast, I still remember when I first met you, you were still a kid who didn't understand anything in the human world!"

Guert also thought of the scene when the two met for the first time, and Feng Qi's series of care after that, he felt sad, and said: "Teacher Feng, it's all my fault."

Feng Qi laughed and said: "What are you thinking about? You did a good job this time!"

Guert took a deep breath, and said: "Teacher Feng, why don't you go back, let him be light or dark, with your cultivation, as long as the high-ranking man doesn't personally arrest you, no one can do anything to you! "

Feng Qi turned his head, looked at him with a smile, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, I was raised by Lord Hades since I was a child, my home is there, how could I not go back!"

After a pause, he said, "I called you out to say sorry to you."

Gould was stunned.

Feng Qi said: "I wanted to tell you last time, but I didn't have time afterwards, and I may not have the chance in the future, so I will tell you today."

"At that time in the outer space, there is actually one thing I didn't tell you. If you reverse the black dragon secret technique, the biggest possibility is that your whole body will be drawn back to the source of the black dragon's breath."

"And more importantly, that aura itself is extremely evil, and it is very likely to engulf you!"

Guert stared blankly at Feng Qi.

Feng Qi smiled and said: "The situation was urgent at that time, I was afraid that you would be afraid, so I didn't tell the truth, and today I specially pulled you out to apologize, lest there will be no chance in the future."

As he spoke, he clapped his hands and said, "It's easy to finish talking, I'm going back! Goodbye!"

Looking at the back of Feng Qi going away, Guert remembered the last three separate conversations, the first time was in the outer space, when the soldiers were approaching, and the situation was urgent; the second time was after everyone escaped from "Zuo Youtian"; the third time Three times is just now, before he is about to face high-level punishment.

The feeling is different every time, the first time is urgent, the second time is relaxed, and the third time is a slightly helpless farewell.

But no matter what the situation is, Feng Qi always has that reassuring smile on his face.

Guerte walked back to the house sadly, thinking of Hao Se's idea just now, and then thinking of Yong Liansi's invitation.

Could it be that one day, he will lead the dark ranks to fight the bright high ranks?

He opened the door and entered, sat on the bed, because he was in a very bad mood, he no longer wanted to work hard, and was about to lie down when suddenly a soft body wrapped around him.

He was startled, and hurried to jump away, but the naked body had already completely surrounded him, and the tentacles were covered with suet white jade-like skin.

He called out, "Who?"

There was only a burst of giggles, and he said, "So it's you."

Guert heard the voice somewhat familiar, turned around, looked back, jumped in shock, and shouted: "Wow, ghost!"

I saw that woman's extremely beautiful face, her clever eyes were surprisingly captivating, her skin was soft, her shoulders were as fragrant as jade, she was the mysterious woman she met in Yanghua that day, and she gave him a second-level promotion at that time. The wooden box made him know Mu Fengling.

The woman hugged him, and said with a seductive smile: "What's your name? I didn't expect you to be able to mess around, and you came here!"

Guert's face was no longer the same as that day. After calming down, he smiled and said, "How did the beautiful sister find this?"

The woman suddenly got up, stood up, and said, "Of course it's to see you."

Guert was startled, seeing her abnormally perfect figure showing in front of him, he couldn't help his blood rushing, and said: For me? Could it be..."

The situation at this time made him inevitably have a little reverie.

The mysterious beauty looked at him with a smile, as if she wanted to break his illusion on purpose, and said: "The original meaning was to rob things and kill people, and then leave, but now that it's you..."

Guert was slapped by her, and his desire disappeared, and he said, "How?"

The woman hooked Guert's neck with her hands, leaning against him with two lumps of tender flesh on her chest, and said with a smile: "So I changed the plan and decided to help you."

Guert said in amazement: "What the hell is it?"

The woman smiled charmingly and said: "Do you know? There are rumors on the other side that a certain cultivator is carrying a fairy pill and is going to meet a high-ranking person. A large group of people are going to go to robbery tomorrow, so I will I came here early, but I didn't know it was you!"

Guert let out a cry, knowing that it was because of what Lu Zongqi had in his hands, and immediately said: "This is all nonsense, I didn't take any elixir!"

The woman let go of her hands, moved her body away from him, stood up and said, "Of course I know what you are holding, otherwise I wouldn't have come."

Gurt said in surprise: "Do you know what that is?"

The woman patted his face easily, and said, "Come on, take out the food, and my sister will tell you how to eat this big tonic!"

Guert took out the things obediently. On the one hand, this woman was unfathomable, and on the other hand, he intuitively told him that this woman would not harm him.

The mysterious beauty covered her mouth with a smile and said, "You're such a good boy, sister, come and see."

She took the box, and was not surprised by the weight of the box. After opening it, she, who was still charming before, suddenly seemed to be a different person, with a cautious expression on her beautiful face, as if she was studying something. As if, check the egg back and forth, and feel it carefully with your hands.

Finally she raised her head and said, "Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise, if it were someone else, even if I got this, I would die."

Guert asked in surprise: "What on earth is this?"

The mysterious beauty smiled slightly and said, "Hold it well, let me let you feel it first."

Guert took the box in a daze, and the mysterious beauty pressed the jade palm on the box lightly, and said, "Come on!"

Guert only felt a strange force coming into his body through the box, and he hurried to get lucky, but in the next moment a strong air flow came out from the box itself, which spread through his hand, guided by that strange force, and quickly spread throughout the body. Guert's entire meridian, with his current strength, is even too late to block.

Finally, the powerful air flow entered Yihai under the guidance of this mysterious beauty.

Guert was shocked, and was about to shout to stop, when suddenly that force came rolling in, completely occupying his entire Yihai.

He trembled all over his body, knowing that he was careless, and was about to resist, when suddenly the beautiful woman called out in a low voice: "Go!"

With a swish of air flow, it quickly passed out from Yihai, Guert was shocked, a touch of lavender suddenly appeared in his mind, and then the scene changed, and he came to a huge valley, the fragrance of flowers wafted around, a touch of purple, Elegant and misty, a piece of soft beauty.

Guert's whole mind suddenly froze, this flower is...Zi Xingyi!

He turned his head and looked around.

Zixingyi is planted all over the valley!

Looking farther away, I saw a woman in white, with a slender waist and a slight bend, watering the flowers in the depths of the valley, with a graceful figure and elegant temperament.

Guert was so shocked that he was completely speechless.