Blood Barrier

Fengqi and Guert shouted at the same time: "Be careful!"

But it's too late.

The ball of light exploded, radiating cold light, and an unmatched powerful force shot out, each of the five people spat out a mouthful of blood, they were shaken out at the same time, and fell to the ground, dying.

The bright warriors and cultivators here were all stunned. The level of the Five Elements Order was higher than them, but they all fell down with just one move. What kind of power is this in the door?

Feng Qi and Guert rushed down at the same time. The two cooperated many times and had a tacit understanding. After Guert rushed down, he immediately checked the injuries of the five people, while Feng Qi blocked the door to check the source of strength.

When Guert checked, the shock in his heart could no longer be expressed in words. Not only were the internal organs of the five people shattered, but the blood seemed to contain poison.

With my ability of the Heart Sutra of Heaven, I can only barely save the two of them, and after saving them, I will definitely be like a useless person, and the Heart Sutra of Heaven will not be able to be used for the time being.

Without hesitation, he chose the two less injured, Shui Xingling and Tu Xingling, one in each hand, and started to get lucky.

For safety, he deliberately chose a direction where he could see the situation inside the door, and as soon as he sat down, he saw a person confronting Feng Qi in front of him.

Just now, although the Five Elements Order was a momentary negligence, but if five of them are abolished in this way, what is the strength of this person? Can Feng Qi stop it?

He was speeding up here, Feng Qi in front of him had already checked three moves with his opponent, he couldn't see the movements clearly, he only felt the cold air in front of him, and the light was dazzling.

At this time, the light warriors and practitioners who were stunned behind had time to rush over.

There was another violent collision, Feng Qi stepped back a few steps, was shaken out of the light door abruptly, and the person inside finally spoke out, saying: "Hand over the things."

Feng Qi's blood surged up, he stabilized his emotions, and said: "Who is your Excellency?"

The man inside said impatiently: "You don't need to worry about this, just take it out."

Feng Qi said coldly: "If you don't tell me who you are, why should we give you things?"

The man said happily: "Did I tell who it is, and you gave me the things?"

Feng Qi was stunned, and before he had time to speak, Grande, the vice-captain of the Bright Warrior behind him, had already scolded angrily: "Bold! This is the endless sea, the entrance to the high-level area.

"You dare to openly rob here and even wound the high-level guards. Aren't you afraid of high-level punishment?"

The man seemed a little dazed, and then said: "What high-level punishment? I only know to come to get things, and if I get this thing, I can go up and find someone to settle the score!"

Guert was listening behind him, his heart moved. He had heard Pujie say this before. Could it be that this person was with Pujie?

Feng Qi said: "Things are to be handed over to the senior, it is impossible to give them to you!"

The man's temper was like a child's, and suddenly he became angry again, and he yelled strangely: "Okay, if you don't give it, I will grab it, anyway, I have already started the killing ring!"

Feng Qi asked anxiously: "Where are the original people here?"

The man sneered and said: "You mean that kid? After being destroyed by me, he threw it into the sea!" After a pause, he said: "So you should hurry up and take out your things, I have already wasted enough time today! "

Feng Qi waved his hand back, signaling the bright warriors and cultivators to protect Guerte, while he put on a posture and said, "Then come and try!"

The man was stunned for a moment, and said: "You are much stronger than the few people just now, but you are only on the same level as the kid before, why waste time!" After speaking, his body flashed, and he rushed up.

Gurt already felt that Feng Qi's aura was getting weaker and weaker, while the person opposite was like an inexhaustible treasure, with terrifying strength, and he kept supplying it.

While he was frightened, he had to admit that there were really too many capable people and hermits in the cultivation world.

Inspired by such a huge energy nearby, his Tianjue Heart Sutra seemed to be full of life, not only the circulation speed was accelerated, but also the strength was much stronger than usual. It took a week and it was done.

The battle was still going on over there, but here he had already rescued the two of them at the same time, ignoring their surprise, he checked the bodies of the other three people again, and in the end he could only shake his head and give up.

Shui Xingling gave people the impression that she was always a calm and delicate woman. Seeing the miserable conditions of the brothers who grew up together, she burst into tears and looked at Guert.

Tu Xingling was calm and wise, and knew that the other three brothers were hard to recover, so he immediately turned his attention to Feng Qi who was fighting fiercely in front, and said in shock: "This person's level has already exceeded the second level, Mr. Feng I can't hold it anymore."

Guert took a deep breath, although the Tianjue Heart Sutra has improved, but there is not much left, he walked forward with all his strength, and shouted: "Stop!"

This breath made Yihai sink, shocking everyone on the field.

Feng Qi was sweating profusely and took a few steps back.

The man on the opposite side didn't chase after him, he looked up at Guert, and said, "Who are you?" After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the water and earth orders coming forward with him, and said : "How are you still alive?"

With tears in his eyes, Shui Xingling said angrily, "I'm going to kill you to avenge my brothers!"

The man was noncommittal about the water order, looked at Guert again, and suddenly realized: "It seems that you saved it, well, let me think about it, you can actually save the person who was hit by my "Shangyi Blow", Could it be that the Heart Sutra of Tianjue has been revived? "

Guert quickly scanned the people next to him, and saw that Shui and Tu Xingling were all at a loss, obviously not knowing what "Shang Yi Strike" was, but Feng Qi over there frowned, as if Thinking about something.

He knew that he could only delay the time at this time, and hoped that other people would come quickly, so he laughed and said: "Senior really has good eyesight, and he is indeed the Heart Sutra of Absolute Heaven."

The man was really interested, looked at Guert, and said: "The output of the Tianjue Heart Sutra is extremely low. Over the years, we have not been able to find a successor, and they are about to be expelled from our Nine Arts. Unexpectedly, now There's still one more."

When he mentioned Jiuyi, Feng Qi, who was next to him, suddenly felt his heartstrings tense, let out a startled "ah", and looked at this person in disbelief.

Guert didn't understand what Jiuyi was, but he knew that it must be extraordinary to make Feng Qi exclaim, so he replied immediately: "I'm not from Tianjue Valley, but I can do it from Tianjue Heart Sutra. "

The man laughed loudly, and said, "What do you care about Tianjuegu? We only recognize the Tianjue Heart Sutra. Well, you also showed up today. Could it be that you are also here to grab things?"

Guert shook his head and said, "Of course not. Looking at the situation in front of you, you are here to grab my things."

The man's open mouth suddenly stopped, obviously shocked, and he said after a while: "So the thing is on your side."

Guerte nodded, spread his hands, and said, "If you want to take it, just pass me!"

The man seemed to have encountered some trouble, scratched his head, and said, "What can I do! What can I do!"

Feng Qi, who was silent all the time, suddenly said: "Nine arts have one source, the same root and branch, and the covenant stipulates that no one party is allowed to infringe on the other party's interests."

The man looked at Feng Qi in astonishment, and said: "How do you know?" Then he turned to Guert and said: "Well, let's discuss it, give me the things, and I'll help you get out of here."

It was only then that Guert understood why this man was having a headache. It turned out that there was an agreement before him that he could not grab his own things.

However, his so-called "help you get out of here", does it mean that there are other people around? But it was obviously impossible to agree, and said immediately: "No, my things are useful."

The man looked at him disappointedly, and said, "What a waste of time! Those damned guys didn't make it clear to me! Goodbye, kid!" As soon as he finished speaking, he walked past the crowd and disappeared into the An endless sea.

Everyone was frightened by the momentum, no one dared to move, Feng Qi said decisively: "Let's go quickly! This place is no longer safe!"

Tu Xingling decisively threw the bodies of the other three people into the endless sea, and the rest of them embarked on this road to the other side that was no longer safe.

Feng Qi and Guert walked ahead to clear the way, and Guert asked about Jiuyi.

Feng Qi's brows had been deeply furrowed since before, and he said: "This is an alliance, formed by people who possess the most peculiar nine kinds of powers below the Immortal God Realm.

"Through this, they are independent from the War of Light and Darkness, and when they were established, they agreed that the nine forces in the alliance must never infringe on each other's interests."

Guert asked curiously: "The Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue is, so the two parts of the world and the Qi of Tianyuan, isn't it?"

Feng Qi shook his head and said: "I don't know, I just heard Master Hades mentioned the Nine Arts a long time ago, I don't know exactly which nine types of power, if I didn't see his frowning face just now, I wouldn't have guessed it ."

Guert sighed: "From this point of view, this world of comprehension is really full of high-level people."

Feng Qi smiled lightly and said: "Of course, there are too many talented people born in the world, and most of them have weird hobbies, so they don't like to come out.

"It's just that this time it's different. I feel that he was picked out by someone."

Gurt was startled, and recalled the process just now, remembering that he did feel strange from the man's speech, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Who could it be?"

Feng Qi shook his head and said: "I don't know, but there is one thing that I am very surprised, this door cannot be opened with power, it must be someone with high-level authorization to enter.

"So, no matter how strong that person was just now, this door will not be opened by him."

Guert was stunned and said, "Who could that be? Could there be a traitor?"

Feng Qi pointed to the front and said: "So, now I am a little worried about "Jingmengtian". "

Guert was startled and said, "Could it be that someone really dares to directly attack the high-level area?"

Feng Qi said: "At first I didn't think so, but the opening of this door means that a certain group of people has the power to attack the high-level area.

"For us, now is the beginning of the crisis!"

Guert's mood suddenly became heavy, and the bright warriors behind him, as well as Shui and Tu Xingling, also heard the words behind them, and they all knew that the situation was serious, including Shui Xingling, who had been crying, and cheered up.

This passageway built on the endless sea is spacious and bright, except that it is empty, there is nothing special, several people rushed, and passed without stopping for an unknown period of time, and no one spoke along the way.

Finally Feng Qi let out a long breath and said, "Here we are."

Guert has also seen the light door on the other side in front of him, and the reason why Feng Qi let out a sigh of relief may be that the light door is still tightly closed and has not been opened, which seems to indicate that no one is there. invasion.

The people behind him also let out a sigh of relief.

At this moment Tu Xingling was about to go up to open the door, Feng Qi said: "I'll accompany you."

The two walked forward, and after a while, the light door opened with a bang.

Guert looked around, the fog dissipated, and he saw a series of mountain peaks, majestic and majestic. Following them, he saw that the location was a huge platform, surrounded by green mountains, meandering around the middle side of this platform.

He looked up at the sky, and saw the clouds billowing at a frighteningly fast speed. The green trees on the mountain peak seemed to be mixed with the clouds, and the endless mountain tops seemed to be floating with the clouds.

Gurt just felt dizzy for a while.

At this moment, Tu Xingling shouted, "No! There should be someone right here!"

Everyone looked back in astonishment.

There was a rare look of anxiety on the prudent and wise Tu Xingling's face, and he said: "When I left last time, out of safety considerations, I asked Master Meng to send another person here, but now it's gone."

Feng Qi said: "Could it be that Master Meng didn't send someone?"

Shui Xingling shook his head and said, "No, I remember sending a guard over. He won't leave until we come back."

Tu Xingling walked back and forth a few steps, and suddenly shouted: "Bloodstain!"

Everyone's hearts tightened, and they rushed over, and they saw a blurred red mark on the edge of the platform.

Tu Xingling said: "Master Meng likes to be clean. This place is cleaned every day. It is impossible for blood to appear."

Feng Qi suddenly said: "Let's go and see, has the location of Jingxue Palace changed?"

Tu Xingling raised his figure and said, "I'll lead the way!"

Guert's mood suddenly became heavy again, he looked at Feng Qi, seeing his expressionless face, he knew that he probably felt even worse.

A dignified high-ranking man has fallen to such a level. In fact, if it is really a dark-ranked invasion, with his current strength, he will only be sent to death.

The mountains stand tall and the people are flying among the greenery. Guert only feels relaxed and happy for a while, and he can't help but relax a little bit of his heavy heart. Looking ahead, he can only see the sea of clouds rolling. Memory is about the same.

Thinking of this, his heart moved.

Bodhisattva once said at the beginning that many of the things Leng Yanqiu left for him did not appear because his level was not enough, but now that he has reached the high-level area, I believe that before Leng Yanqiu entered the world of immortals and gods, he was also a high-level , so now will it trigger the memory he left for himself?

Soon, Tu Xingling rushed down and said, "It's right below!"

Guert rushed forward, and saw a majestic and solemn palace standing halfway up the mountain, with a white outline and a row of bottomless stone pillars standing in the center of the hall.

Guert was amazed, and suddenly felt that this place was abnormal, a strong bloody smell was spreading, the mountains were silent, and a murderous aura was attacking all around.

The Tu and Shui Erxing Ling who were walking in the front had already rushed in with an angry roar, and Feng Qi and the Guangming warriors in the back also rushed over.

Only those cultivators were stunned and did not dare to move. Obviously, for them, such a situation would happen in a high-level area, which was really shocking.

Guert followed in, and the spacious hall was empty, and the two orders of earth and water were looking for people everywhere.

Feng Qi stood in the center, looking around with a strange expression, Guert also felt that something was wrong, once entering the hall, the strong smell of blood just now disappeared unexpectedly.

Shui Xingling wanted to go further inside, when Feng Qi suddenly shouted: "Don't move!"

Feng Qi was obviously very majestic in the second level, Shui Xingling was stunned and stopped immediately, and Tu Xingling obviously woke up from his anger.

I just heard Feng Qi say: "Wu Tu, I know you have always been knowledgeable, do you remember that in the ancient battle map, there is a kind of enchantment that is attracted by the smell of blood?"

Wu Tu, also known as Tu Xingling's real name, was startled at this moment, and then his face changed drastically, saying: "Blood Yi Barrier!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Qi's eyes, and said: "Yes, it's this kind of blood enchantment! Look at Jingxue Palace again!"

As he spoke, he pointed around and said, "Here, there are bloodstains on each of the eight corner marble pillars.

"On the platform just now, there was also a smear, and the smell of blood filled the outside."

Suddenly a chuckle sounded, and said: "Feng Qi really lives up to his reputation."

Gu Er's special change, he heard this voice now, it's a bit like a nightmare, why does this Yong Liansi linger, even came to the high-level area!

Feng Qi's face darkened, and said: "How did you get here?"

Yong Liansi was still dressed in black, and the portrait turned from virtual to real, and slowly appeared in the hall. The process was extremely slow, but it made people see the whole process of appearance clearly, which was extremely weird.

Yong Liansi showed a smile on his pale face, and said, "Of course we walked in. Is there any doubt about this?"

Tu Xingling Wu Tu said in a deep voice: "The light gate on the road to the other side outside is built by high-level joint forces. There are only two ways to break into it. The first is that your strength surpasses the high-level joint forces. The second is that you have high-level authorization.

"Since you can come in, can you answer me, which one do you belong to?"

Yong Liansi glanced at him sideways, but before he could speak, a voice suddenly shouted: "Shut up, is it your turn to speak here?"

Everyone followed the sound and saw another man in blue clothes, tall and straight, staring at Wu Tu angrily.

Wu Tu sneered and said: "Joke! Jingxue Palace is a high-level district of Guangming, who is not qualified to speak here?"

The man wanted to scold him angrily, Yong Liansi said a little impatiently: "Okay, what are you arguing about? You just talk too much. Since he wants to know, just tell him not to."

The man froze, looked at Yong Liansi, seemed to want to make sure she was joking, and waited until Yong Liansi nodded to him with certainty, he said: "Come out!"

However, there was no one in the hall.

Yong Liansi said indifferently: "First of all, what is certain is that no matter how powerful the few of us come, it is impossible to surpass the few high-level alliances that are currently available, so we naturally used the second one.

"However, it's not that we have the authorization, but another person has it!" As he spoke, he raised his slender jade finger, and a figure fell out with a bang.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it. This person turned out to be Bai Yansong who disappeared after the "Freedom Heaven" devoured the world.