Dream fall

As soon as Bai Yansong appeared, he said angrily to Yong Liansi: "This is different from what we agreed at the beginning!"

Yong Liansi smiled softly: "Since you have pledged allegiance to the Dark Order, I will not miss you on such an important occasion!"

Bai Yansong dodged his eyes, as if he didn't dare to face Feng Qi and the others, although he was no longer as angry as on the surface, he still said: "However, this is also inconsistent with what we agreed at the beginning!"

Yong Liansi ignored him, looked at Feng Qi and the others over there, and said: "Now you know why?"

Both Feng Qi and Wu Tu remained silent, just staring at Bai Yansong.

Guert knew in his heart that this Bai Yansong must have the authorization here to bring Yong Liansi and others in.

Shui Xingling, who had been staying silent all this time, suddenly said, "Tell me, how is Master Meng?"

Bai Yansong didn't dare to answer, but looked at Yong Liansi.

Yong Liansi scanned the order and said, "If you ask too many questions, it won't do you any good!"

Feng Qi suddenly shouted violently: "Bai Yansong! Answer the question!"

Bai Yansong had done something wrong, so he was naturally uneasy. He was startled at this moment, and said in a broken voice, "What's the problem?"

Feng Qi said coldly: "They haven't seen the high-level, have you? Don't you have so much confidence in the strength of the high-level?"

Bai Yansong hesitated for a moment, and then angrily said: "You are different from me! You are a disciple of Hades, and you are so favored. You will definitely be promoted to a higher rank in the future, and I have been left out since the last failure. , I will not allow failure!"

Feng Qi was stunned, and said: "Could this be the reason for your betrayal?"

Bai Yansong seemed to be going all out, and said: "That's right! Hades can't even beat Ms. Yong, and Ms. Yong is still so young, why can't I join here?

"It doesn't matter whether he is bright or dark, as long as it can give me strength, I will take refuge in him!"

Guert's heart sank, knowing that the battle between Hades and Yong Liansi, although the outcome was not decided, actually left an impression in the hearts of the cultivators, and the high-ranking was not as strong as imagined.

In particular, Yong Liansi looks so weak, even such a person can't beat him, which really damages the majesty of the high-level.

Feng Qi hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "Then you shouldn't bring people here..."

Just as Bai Yansong was about to refute, Yong Liansi suddenly said: "I just want to ask, if you answer my question, I will tell you what happened here before you came, and the whereabouts of Meng Jingxue you care about. Tell you."

Feng Qi was stunned, and said: "What do you want to ask?"

Yong Liansi looked at him and said, "Hades who appeared in "Free Day" is real or not? "

Everyone was shocked.

Guert was reminded by Hao Se, although he guessed it a little bit, but he didn't expect that Yong Liansi could ask such a question.

And everyone else, including these people in the high-level area, they have never doubted the authenticity of Hades.

Feng Qi pondered for a while, then said decisively: "Fake. You tell me the answer."

Yong Liansi seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Okay." After a pause, he said: "Before we came, there was no one here, so we don't know where Meng Jingxue is. .That's it."

Feng Qi couldn't help being angry, the reason why he was willing to reveal such a secret was because he wanted to get news about Meng Jingxue, but he didn't expect that this would be the result, but it was impossible for Yong Liansi to tell such a meaningless lie.

Everyone was still immersed in the news just now. Even though Guert guessed it in advance, after getting the confirmation, they still couldn't believe it.

If that Hades is not high-level, then who played it?

This person pretending to be able to fight against Yong Liansi for such a long time is also a person who is not inferior to Yong Liansi.

The strength of the high-ranking side is indeed still unpredictable.

This time, everyone's confidence returned, but seeing Yong Liansi's confident appearance, he didn't seem to be afraid, so he couldn't help muttering again.

After all, everyone present has seen how powerful Yong Liansi is.

Yong Lian thought: "Okay, I've finished my questions, you guys stay here, I'm going up."

Feng Qi's expression changed, and he said: "Do you think this barrier can trap us?"

Yong Liansi smiled and blinked, and said: "Then you can try it." After speaking, he turned his head and walked outside, saying: "Let's go, the next stop is "Shanglitian". "

The man in Tsing Yi and Bai Yansong followed closely behind.

A few people here wanted to move, but they couldn't move for a long time. They could only watch them leave. Tu Xingling suddenly said, "Where can Bai Yansong's authorization go?"

Feng Qi smiled wryly and said: "Third floor, "Jingmengtian", "Shanglitian" and "Pinghaitian". Originally, I expected him to be able to perform crimes and meritorious deeds, so I gave him the right to enter the first layer of heaven, but I didn't expect..."

Tu Xingling sighed, and said again: "He, hasn't he left the customs yet?"

Feng Qi smiled bitterly and said: "No. According to the time, he should have been able to leave the customs last month, maybe there was some accident, so far he hasn't.

"Otherwise, he must have gone to the "Freedom Day" last time. If he went, what happened later should not happen..." The more he spoke, the darker he spoke.

Gurt didn't quite understand, but he knew it wasn't Hades, and said, "Who are you talking about?"

Feng Qi moaned, and said: "I'm a senior brother." As if he didn't want to say more, he changed the topic and said: "Let's find a way to break this barrier!"

Guert looked around. Apart from his current body being unable to move, he didn't have any other problems. However, what he was curious about was why Yong Liansi and others were not affected at all just now.

Sure enough, Feng Qi continued on the other side: "Since they can enter and exit here, it means that there are no secret doors left in the enchantment. As long as we find the secret door, we will have a chance to leave!"

Gurt asked: "There must be a way to break this barrier, right? What is it? Does anyone know?"

Feng Qi frowned and said: "This blood enchantment has long been banned, but there are some sporadic records on the ancient battle map.

"Also, we just can't move now, I don't think this is normal! The blood enchantment uses blood as a medium..."

Halfway through the speech, he suddenly fell silent.

It turned out that there was a strong smell of blood coming from nowhere in the main hall.

Just when everyone thought it was a hallucination, suddenly the blood outside the hall flowed in, and a bright warrior standing at the back yelled, and the people who could see in front reluctantly turned their heads.

Feng Qi changed his face and said: "The people outside..."

Guert also remembered that those cultivators who stayed outside and waited outside did not expect that they escaped the pursuit of the dark-level space and died in the bright high-level area of the cultivation world.

Not being able to protect the realm of self-cultivation under his jurisdiction is a serious insult to a high-level authority.

The few people here clearly understand this point, but they also know that Yong Liansi has spent so much effort to come here, and it is by no means such a simple purpose.

At this moment, the enchantment was activated.

Sure enough, blood was used as a medium. When the outside blood flowed into the hall, the atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly changed.

The strong murderous aura surged around, enveloping everyone in the hall, and everyone felt as if they were in a bloody prison, with bloody aura everywhere.

Guert used too much energy to heal the Erxingling before, so he has been using the Heart Sutra secretly, trying to restore some strength, so it finally has an effect at this time.

Although the power of the barrier sealed his actions, it couldn't seal the flow of his energy.

The Tianjue Heart Sutra spread around, and as soon as he got out, he felt all the imprisoned forces in the air encircling and suppressing him. When he touched it, the Tianjue Heart Sutra retracted immediately.

Guert's heart darkened, and just as he was about to regain his luck, he only felt light in his body.

It seemed that the retracted Heart Sutra of Heaven's Judgment was no longer willing to be restrained like this, and no longer extended outward, but turned into a strange and gentle force, spreading all over Guert's body.

At the same time, Guert's mind showed a large blood-red net above the entire hall, with several thin silver threads interspersed on the large net.

His heart moved, and he swept towards the thin silver thread, only to see a blur in front of his eyes, and in a moment, his eyes cleared up, and the person had already arrived outside the hall.

He turned his head to look back at the palace.

I saw that several people in the hall were still trapped inside, each with different expressions, either angry or sad, only Feng Qi woke up slowly, although he hadn't been able to escape yet, but his eyes lit up and his face cleared up, it was obvious that he had already escaped enchantment state.

When Feng Qi saw Gu Erte was looking towards this side outside the barrier, he knew in his heart that he had escaped, and hurriedly shouted: "You have the permission to go to the eighteenth heaven! Hurry up and inform Mr. Mu."

Guert was still thinking about how to rescue them, when he heard Feng Qi's call, he hurriedly said, "Then what should you do?"

Feng Qi shook his head and said: "Hurry up, I've found a solution, leave it to me here, you go and notify!"

Guert knew that Feng Qi would not joke about their lives, so he nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I'll go right away!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and fled outside.

As soon as he arrived outside the hall, trouble came immediately.

Here he does not know at all, does not know at all, how to enter the next level of heaven! Could it be the same as before, with such a light gate?

Just as he was about to turn his head back to ask, he suddenly heard a shrill cry, and turned his eyes. The Shocking Snow Palace was located on the mountainside, surrounded by mountains, and the cry seemed to come from heaven and earth.

Yili quickly expanded to the surroundings, and several waves of power came from somewhere, he didn't hesitate, and quickly swept away.

Covered by green trees and with a gentle breeze, Gurt came to the woods where the power fluctuations came out after a few sweeps.

In the woods, there was a person standing with his back to him, while several corpses fell in a pool of blood on the ground.

Guert said angrily: "Who is acting wild here!" As he said, he jumped up and struck with his palm.

The man was dressed in gray and had a slender figure. He turned around in astonishment, and with a move with both palms, he actually eliminated all the force of Guert's angry palms, and said at the same time: "Who are you?"

Guert only felt a gentle wind blowing over his body, and saw that this person's face was gentle and elegant, not like a person of dark rank, so he couldn't help saying: "I am Guer who followed Fengqi to the high-ranking area. Te, now that this place has been invaded by dark orders, who are you?"

The man's face was startled, and he said, "The dark steps? Who brought them?"

Guert looked at him suspiciously, and the man hurriedly said: "I am the first inspector of "Ping Haitian" Dugutian, I just arrived here, and found that there are many corpses here, I am wondering. "

Guert hurriedly said: "The dark steps are led by a woman named Yong Liansi, they are now going to "Shanglitian"

up. "

Dugutian murmured the name Nianyong Liansi in his mouth, with a blank expression on his face, and then said: "How did they get in?"

Guert told the story of Bai Yansong's rebellion.

Dugutian's face changed drastically, and he said: "Bai Yansong's permission, I remember that I can go to "Pinghaitian", I must return quickly. Thank you little brother, goodbye! "

Guert said in surprise: "Could it be, don't you go to save "Shang Litian"? "

Dugutian shook his head and said: "Shangli and us have never been on good terms, what should I do? The most important thing right now is to protect our "Ping Haitian"! "After finishing speaking, I will leave.

Guert hurriedly shouted: "Then tell me how to go!"

Dugutian looked at him and said: "Go down from here, there is a cave, and there is a light gate in the cave, and there is "Shanglitian" in the past. Good luck! "After speaking, his figure flashed and he floated away.

Guert looked down, and there was a cloud beside the mountain, and the bottom could not be seen.

He took a deep breath and jumped, the clouds were passing by, the wind was whistling in his ears, and the heart meridian of Tianjue circulated rapidly in his body, resisting the airflow from the outside.

The speed was getting faster and faster, the strong wind made him hurt, and he pressed his palms down and began to land.

The huge air current swept upwards violently, even with the strength of the Heart Sutra of Tianjue, it was somewhat unable to support it.

Finally, Guert landed firmly on the ground with the help of the wind, his body was covered in cold sweat, knowing that his actions just now were too reckless.

He wiped his sweat and walked inside.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, they found a cave, and the blue light in the cave was shining, it was a light gate.

Gurt didn't know how to open it, but he remembered that before Lu Zongqi died, he had authorized him to go directly to "Chongming". Logically, this should not be a problem.

He tried to reach out to the light door, and as soon as he touched it, he found a flash of light in his hand, and the light door jumped open automatically, and he entered another world in front of him.

With the green stone moss and humid air, Guert seems to have fallen into a world of water.

Surrounded by a myriad of phantoms, like being in the water, or just a hallucination, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to rush out of a haze.

In front of him was a large blue lake, and beside the lake was a fertile field, and in the distance, a wooden house stood there.

Guert was a little stunned. He didn't see the grander palace he imagined. Where is this place?

"Hey!" With a soft shout, crystal clear water droplets rose from the lake, and a sharp palm wind hit.

Guert turned sharply and flied towards the lake. When he turned around, he slapped it, and this slap hit the lake, causing even bigger water waves.

Amid the waves of water, cold air invaded quietly.

Guert knew that this was a real enemy, so he didn't dare to be careless, his palm was dark, and his body quickly moved sideways, flashing to the side stirred by the water waves, and finally saw clearly that the person was a woman in black, It looks like it should be dark.

It is estimated that this is the entrance of "Shang Litian", so Yong Liansi sent it to guard it.

Guert quickly passed this thought, and when murderous intent appeared, he took out the spirit blade and swiped at her.

The woman was looking for Guert everywhere, when she suddenly saw the cold light from the spirit blade, her face turned pale, she quickly fell down, and walked close to the lake.

However, since Guert had murderous intentions, how could he let her go so easily?

Taking advantage of the momentum of the dive, he sent out a strong cold light and hit the woman. And the woman in black was not stupid, she turned around and her direction changed abruptly, avoiding this.

The cold light hit the surface of the lake, rolling up waves that were bigger than before, and the highest point was tens of meters high.

The woman was secretly delighted, and was about to take this time to catch her breath before attacking again, but Guerte didn't care whether she saw it or not, she just looked at Yili's induction to attack.

The woman hid behind layers of waves, and as soon as she relaxed, she realized that her surroundings had been completely frozen by an icy murderous aura.

She was completely unable to move, and a cold dagger was stuck to her back. Guert's voice came, "Don't move!"

Of course, the woman in black didn't dare to move, and even her luck stopped. This time, she completely fell into the lake.

Guert had been on guard for a long time, holding the spirit blade with one hand and sticking it to her back, while the other hand hugged her from behind, his palm tightly pressed against her Yihai, and said: "If you move again, you will be crippled!" !"

The woman in black trembled, "What do you want!"

Guert said: "Name, identity."

How could the woman in black dare to hesitate: "Tuo Lei, the personal bodyguard of the dark maiden!"

Guert was stunned for a moment: "Dark maiden? Yong Liansi?"

The woman in black nodded hurriedly, and Guert thought to himself: So she is still a celestial girl, I don't know what this celestial girl means!

He continued to ask, "How many of you have come? Where are the others besides you?"

Tuo Lei said: "We have more than 50 people here, some of them are attacking Shangli Palace, and some of them are preparing to enter "Pinghaitian"! "

Guert was startled. Unexpectedly, Yong Liansi dared to split into two groups. Could it be that they are really that strong?

Just as he was about to continue asking for the location, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, but fortunately, both of them were in the water, so he grabbed her and dived into the water, just after she was buried, only the sound of footsteps came.

"Tori, Tuori! What happened here just now? Did someone break in?"

Guert knew that the explosion of the water waves just now attracted people, but he also knew that if he didn't answer for so long, he must know that something happened, and he was hesitating whether to go up and solve the two together.

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance.

With a bang, even Guert, who was hiding at the bottom of the lake, felt the surrounding vibrations. The two people above cheered happily, and one shouted: "We have broken through! Let's go back quickly! Torrey, come here too!"

Guert was shocked, could Shangli Palace be finished so easily?

He looked at Torrey.

In the blue water of the lake, Torrey's light blue eyes were staring at him, and her golden hair, which was originally wrapped in a black turban, was completely submerged in the water.

I didn't expect that this Torrey could be considered a beauty.

But at this time, he was completely in no mood to continue watching, so he lifted her out and said coldly, "Tell me where it is!"

Torrey's wet hair was dripping with water, she was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "Are you Guert?"