Joyful Mind

Guert turned his head in astonishment and said, " this the happy day?"

The handsome young man nodded happily and said, "Yes! My home is here!"

Guerte nodded and walked forward, asking at the same time, "How did Hao Se come here? What's your name?"

The young man, to be precise, should be a young girl, curled his lips and said, "Did it take me so long to remember to ask my name? I just won't tell you."

Guert secretly thought that he was really a child. Haha laughed, and said indifferently: "Since I don't say it, then I will call you a child. Child, why is Huanxitian like this?"

The girl was obviously not happy, and shouted: "I am not called a child, I am called Hongyi."

Guert nodded and said, "Okay, Hongyi, you haven't answered my question yet."

Hongyi wrinkled her nose and said, "What's the point of this? Huanxitian has always been like this. Could it be that there is something special here?"

Before Guert could say anything, Hongyi shouted: "By the way, that Hao Selai said the same thing last time. Hmph, you men are all perverts, and you must come to Huanxitian for women."

Guert smiled and did not refute, but suddenly the performance he watched in Dixutian when he first entered the cultivation world appeared in his mind, and he thought to himself: to a certain extent, seduction is indeed a kind of Confusion.

Seeing that Guert didn't speak, Hong Yi thought that he had acquiesced, snorted coquettishly, and stopped talking. The two walked on the blue stone road, and soon came to Hong Yi's home.

Hong Yi pushed the door open first, and Guert followed in. Because of his previous impression, the simplicity of the house didn't surprise him too much. It was just a room, except for a stone bed and a few lights, it was empty. one thing. And Hao Se was not in the house either.

Guert glanced at Hongyi, and was surprised to see her delicate face. Before asking, Hongyi said, "Maybe she went out with sister Hongqing."

Gu Erte asked strangely: "Sister Hongqing? Who is it?"

Hongyi said: "Sister Hongqing is the sister who grew up with me here. She has been practicing with Hao Se recently, and she may also go now."

Guert said in surprise: "Is there any special place for you to practice?"

A blush suddenly flashed across the delicate little face in red, and said: "Yes, there is a special place, but there are different levels, and my level is not allowed to enter, so I can't take you there."

Guert said in amazement: "How to divide this level? Is it also calculated according to the first and second levels?"

Hongyi nodded seriously, and said: "Yes, I'm still at the first level, they went to the second level training area, I can't get in." After a pause, he said: "Look at your speed just now, You seem to be a first-order too, right?"

Guert was amused in his heart. In fact, he slowed down on purpose just now to wait for her. However, it was meaningless to refute, so he responded vaguely, and asked again: "What exactly is Huanxitian practicing? Have you practiced it too?"

The red-clothed little blushed a bit, and said: "We have practiced since birth, how could we have never practiced it? The Dao of Huanxi may be abnormal in the eyes of ordinary people, but in fact it is the greatest way of cultivation. It gets rid of itself. It is a very great practice to start from one's own body, enter and exit again."

Guert guessed that this was what someone told her when he was teaching her, but in fact, he missed the point for a long time. After thinking about it, it was really embarrassing to say this, especially for such a little girl who still waited for Hao come back...

So he sat down on the stone bed and said, "Then wait for them to come back."

Looking at him, Hong Yi suddenly asked, "Do you want to learn?"

Guert didn't react for a while, and said, "What do you learn?"

Hong Yi stomped her feet and said, "Great joy."

Guert suddenly remembered what Yan Yiyi had said to him, and couldn't help saying: "How do you learn this?"

Hong Yi bit her lower lip and said, "I'll teach you."

Guert looked at her, and suddenly remembered that the way to joy seems to be to indulge in carnal desires. Do you want to be with this little girl...

I wanted to refuse at first, but I thought it was practice anyway, if it was too much, I would just stop when the time came. He nodded immediately, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "By the way, won't this affect the previous mentality?"

Seeing him nodding, Hong Yi seemed very happy, and hurriedly explained: "No, Da Huanxi's mind method starts from human nature and starts with carnal desire, so it will not conflict with any mind method learned the day after tomorrow."

Gurte nodded and said, "Then how do we start?"

The red-clothed little blushed a bit, and said: "You have never practiced before, so we won't go to the practice area, we can do it here, Sister Hongqing and the others won't come back for a while." Saying this, she sat cross-legged on the stone bed , said: "You also come up!"

Guerte followed his words, and saw the red clothes stretched out his palms, saying: "You put your hands here." Guerte stretched out his hands, and instead of facing them, he felt normal at first, but after a while he only felt that the red clothes were on the palms. A few waves of warmth came over him, making his whole body comfortable, his whole body was sluggish, and he couldn't lift his energy.

Guert's heart tightened, and he hurriedly cheered up, and the red clothes suddenly said: "Don't move, relax." Then several warm currents came in.

Guert knew it was harmless, so he didn't stop it anymore, and let the warm current enter his body. After a while, he realized that something was wrong. The warm current was actually flowing towards his perineum continuously.

That kind of comfortable feeling came over me, although it was sudden, but Guerte was still unbearably irritated, his lower body had already reacted, and suddenly he felt that the hand in red on his palm was as soft as boneless, and when he looked up again, he saw her Although she is small, she is extremely delicate, especially a few drops of sweat are rolling down her firm little nose and slipping from those bright red lips...

Guert's consciousness became more and more muddled. The palms that were just facing each other changed to grasping, and with a stretch of his arms, he had hooked the red clothes into his arms.

The hair that was originally tied up in the red dress spread out at the same time, and Guert suddenly felt that the woman in his arms had turned into Yan Yiyi, and her big hands were unceremoniously stretched into the coat. With a soft moan, half of the top has fallen off, the ups and downs can be seen, and there are two spots of bright red.

Guert lowered his head, only felt that the end of his nose was full of fragrance, his lips kept kissing her delicate skin, and when he was blocked by clothes all the way, he let out a low growl in his throat, and just about to tear off the last obstacle, he suddenly turned red Yi held him down.

He raised his head in a daze, only to see a faint smile on the delicate and charming face of the red dress. He gently pressed him on the bed, helped him take off his clothes, and rubbed his small mouth lightly on his body until it melted into his mouth.

Moaning and panting continued, and Hong Yi was slowly supporting him to sit on him. At this moment, Guert's originally hazy consciousness suddenly brightened, and a scene flashed out.

In the sunny afternoon, the perfect carcass was as smooth and tender as ivory, accompanied by panting and moaning, a timid voice slowly emerged.

" Gu ... Brother Gu !"

Various scenes kept switching, and finally fell into a world of ice and snow, a cold body covered in blood, a hoarse cry, a mistake that could not be undone by killing all the people in the world.

"Nuoer, my Nuoer..."

Guert's muscles tensed up, his energy flowed naturally, his blood instantly cooled down, and a strong murderous aura shot out.

Hongyi let out a cry of surprise, but was bounced out. Guert sat up, seemed to wake up suddenly, put away his murderous aura, and turned his eyes to look, only to find that Hongyi was looking at him with frightened eyes.

He quickly helped the red clothes up, and said with a sorry face: "I'm sorry, I lost control just now."

Hongyi seemed to be extremely wronged, and also seemed to be frightened, she was so dumbfounded that she couldn't speak.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside, and a loud voice called out: "What happened? Hongqing? Hongyi?"

Guert was startled, knowing that his murderous aura had alarmed the people here. Just as he was about to speak, he saw that the door had been kicked open. The people who came saw the two naked people inside, and couldn't help but look fiercely. Looking at Guert, he said, "Where did you come from? How dare you bully our red clothes!"

Guert saw that this man was only wearing a single shirt, his majestic body was like a hill, and his body was full of muscles. He could tell at a glance that he was a macho. A few more footsteps followed, and three women and two men came again. There were three couples in total. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help being stunned.

Guert only felt that he couldn't explain clearly, Hongyi seemed to wake up suddenly, pulled the clothes over his body, stood up and said, "Thank you sisters for your concern, I'm fine." Then, he glanced at Guert and helped He is also dressed.

Guert looked at the sorrow in the red eyes, and sighed secretly in his heart, he didn't expect to think of Nuo'er at that critical moment, my poor Nuo'er.

Among the next few men, a man in red with a thin body but with a sinister gleam in his eyes from time to time looked at Guert and said, "You were the one who sent out the murderous aura just now?"

Guert coughed lightly and said, "Sorry for disturbing everyone."

The man looked at him in amazement, and the man who came first waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's go back. Since the red clothes said it's all right, then it's all right, maybe something went wrong during the practice!"

The man in red snorted coldly, and said, "Yu Qin, what do you know, the person who showed his murderous aura just now must be at least at least level two and level six in strength."

Everyone in the room was stunned. Obviously, for them, the second and sixth ranks are ridiculously high, especially for a person as young as Guert. The women who came in later all rolled their eyes at him. stand up.

Hong Yi was also shocked, she was shocked out of bed by Guert, only knew that Guert was at least at the second level, as for the exact number, it is impossible to speculate, the highest level here is the talking man in red, Fufeng, he If so, it should be pretty good.

Just listen to Fufeng said: "Tell me, what do you come to Huanxitian at this level?" Looking at the red clothes, he said: "Who is he? You are too courageous! Your cultivation base is far behind him If you double cultivate with him, you will die!"

Hongyi turned to look at Guert blankly.

Guert was extremely guilty. He didn't understand the Tao of Huanxi at all, so he didn't know that such a thing would happen if there was too much difference in level. He immediately said: "Sorry, I don't understand at all, so I really don't know."

At this moment, a loud voice shouted from the side: "Wow, it's so late, who has nothing to come here? Could it be that they want to visit me..."

Before the words were finished, people had already squeezed in. When they saw Gurt, they immediately shouted: "Stinky boy, you are finally here!" Laugh wildly.

Guert knew that Hao Se was coming just by hearing the sound, and when he saw him coming in, he laughed wildly, knowing that he must be laughing at himself, but it was rare for him to be caught by Hao Se, so he couldn't help saying angrily: "Second brother, hurry up and explain to me !"

Hao Se's laughter stopped abruptly, and she glared at Guert and said, "What's the second child? How did I become your second child?"

Guert poohed: "Did you forget that you lost to me last time? You are willing to recognize me as the boss!"

Hao Se rolled his eyes and said, "Really?" After a pause, he smiled and said, "Okay, give me the seat now, and I'll help you...otherwise...wahaha!"

Guert knew that he would definitely take advantage of others' dangers. The six-character motto of the wretched man's family is a wise saying no matter when and where! He curled his lips and said, "Then you solve it quickly!"

Hao Se yelled, "Okay!" Then he turned his head to Fufeng with a smile and said, "Come on, brother Fu, let's talk!"

After three turns and two turns, all the group of people were stopped outside. Except for the boldly dressed women who stared at Guert fiercely before leaving, he finally felt much more relaxed.

Turning to look at Hongyi, seeing the tears in her eyes, she was obviously wronged to death. Guert still rarely seemed embarrassed in front of women other than Yan Yiyi, so he scratched his head at this moment and said, "I'm really sorry, I don't know the relationship inside."

Hongyi shook her head and said: "It has nothing to do with you, it's my fault. Hey, why didn't you tell me that you have already surpassed the first level."

Guert said in surprise: "Does this have anything to do with it? Didn't you say that this starts from the nature, starts from the flesh, and has nothing to do with the acquired mentality?"

Hong Yi stomped her feet and said: "But your strength is too high. In fact, I found out that something was wrong just now, but I can't bear you..." It seemed that I had slipped my tongue, and a blush rose on my face.

At this moment, a girl's voice came from the door of the house, "Hong Yi, you really know how to mess around!"

Hearing this voice, Hong Yi, who was holding back tears just now, finally couldn't hold back anymore, ran towards the door, and threw herself into the arms of the girl at the door.

Guert looked back and knew that she should be Hongqing. Although the two were not the same, their temperaments were somewhat similar, especially Hongqing's mature charm, which was incomparable to Hongyi's youthfulness.

Hongqing in red looked at Guert, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "No wonder you couldn't help it, and I guess I couldn't help it if it was different. Are you the Guert that Hao Hao said?"

Guert felt numb for a while, and said, "Hao Hao? Hao Se?"

Hongqing nodded with a smile, before Guert spoke, Hao Se had already entered, put his arm around Hongqing's fragrant shoulders, and glared, "How is it, boy? Do you have any objections to your elder brother's new name?"

Guert knew that although Hao Se had been here not long ago, he was obviously a local snake compared to himself, so he quickly waved his hands and said he didn't dare.

Hao Se nodded in satisfaction, then hugged the red-clothed girl next to him and said: "Stinky boy, you want to kill the little sister in red. I don't know how many people want to pick this flower, you little brat It's almost too difficult to push the flowers, but luckily I still know the few who came just now, otherwise you would have set a record for Huanxitian."

Although Gurt knew that he had nothing good to say, he still couldn't help asking, "What record?"

Hao Se looked at the idiot, and said: "Stupid! The record of the fastest departure, tsk tsk, the fastest departure in Huanxitian, this record spreads, but it is not very good for your name as Gu Dashao. Hehe , I don't know how many women are sad for it!"

Guert rolled his eyes and said, "I'm so heartless, I'm not looking for you! Now both the light and the dark are looking for you, you are really not afraid of death, and dare to run around!"

Hao Se's expression changed, and he said, "What? It's normal for the dark order to want me, what's wrong with the light order?" Although I am wretched, I am an out-and-out Guangming-level cultivator! "

As soon as Guert heard this, he knew that he must have come here a long time ago, and he didn't even know the outside news.

At this moment, the red-clothed man next to him said: "I saw it in Liberty Day. Hao Se's portrait is hanging on the wall!"

Hao Se was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and laughed, and said: "Okay, I'm finally famous." After a pause, he said: "By the way, did you mention the name of our wretched male family?" After pondering for a while, he continued : "Well, Hao Se, the patriarch of the wretched male family, is wanted. This title is full of personality."

Guert deliberately annoyed him, and said: "No, only Hao Se, the number one prisoner, was written about rape and robbery."

Hao Se glanced at him and said, "What about you? Could it be Guert, the younger brother of Hao Se, the number one criminal who raped and robbed?"

Guert said disdainfully: "Bah, I don't have a warrant, and I have bodyguards!"

Hao Se was stunned for a moment, not caring about arguing with Guert again, and said, "Bodyguard? Where did they come from? Could it be the new blood of our family?"

Seeing that he never forgets to expand his family, Guert shook his head and said, "No, it's a dark step..."

Hao Se waved his hand and said, "Wait! You said An Jie is your bodyguard now? What's going on?"

Guert told about his appointment with Yong Liansi to fight.

Hao Se ran over and touched his forehead, saying: "Are you crazy?"

Gurt opened his hand and said, "Go, I'm normal."

Hao Se looked at him strangely, and said: "It's not that you don't know the level of Yong Liansi, how can you agree? Just run away, the six-character motto of our wretched male family comes into play at this time of!"

Guert spread his hands and said, "It's not what I hoped for."

The two have been together for so long, Hao Se saw that Guerte was so hesitant, so he knew that some things were not convenient to say in front of other people, so he slapped a haha and said: "Forget it, come on, let me introduce Hongqing to you , the two sisters in red..."