Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger

Although there was the previous embarrassment, Gurth, who has always been thick-skinned, quickly adapted to the atmosphere of speaking, and because of the level difference, it was definitely impossible for Hong Yi to "get involved" with Gurt. Losing the motivation to practice, they quickly regained their previous vivacity, and the few of them started fighting again.

In the middle of the night, the sisters in Hongqing and Hongyi went to do their regular homework every day. Hao Se pulled Guert outside, and Guert briefly explained the things from entering the high-level to Yan Yiyi's departure. While walking, Hao Se was stunned when he walked out of the city of mortals for a long time before finishing his speech.

Hao Se looked at him with a gloomy expression and said, "The Zhantian you mentioned just now is the one ten miles away from the second level?"

Guerte nodded and said: "It is said that he is. He is very handsome and has a very attractive charm all over his body."

Hao Se patted his forehead and shouted: "Oh my God, I blamed her wrongly."

Guert glanced at him and said, "Who is wrong? Meng Jingxue?"

Hao Se's complexion was uncertain, and he said, "You just said that all the high-ranking officials are gone?"

Guert replied: "Yeah, all of them are gone, even the dark ranks invaded, none of the high ranks came out, and all of them were handed over to the second ranks, plus those warriors."

Hao Se frowned and said, "There must be something wrong. Meng Jingxue never leaves Jingmeng Palace. If she left, something serious must have happened."

Guert already knew that the relationship between Hao Se and Meng Jingxue was extraordinary, but he also knew that Hao Se didn't want to talk about it, and it was useless to ask, so he had no choice but to say: "Yes, but if the high-ranking officials don't tell us, we have no way of knowing ."

Hao Se seemed to calm down, looked at Guert and said: "You said later that Yan Yiyi agreed for you, did she tell you that there is any way to defeat Yong Liansi?"

Guert remembered that Hao Se had been immersed in the way of joy for a long time, at least he knew better than himself, and quickly asked: "What do you mean by the practice of carnal desire in the way of joy? Also, what is pleasure without carnal desire? Emotional without desire?"

Hao Se was stunned, and said: "Why are you asking this? Don't tell me you want to cultivate the Dao of Huanxi too?"

Guert shook his head and said: "No, Yiyi asked me to practice desire, otherwise I can't go any further." Then he said what Yan Yiyi said again.

Hao Se was startled, and said: "Who is this Yan Yiyi? She has such an opinion. I have never heard of this person before."

Because Yan Yiyi's identity is kept secret, Guert naturally ignored her identity when he described it just now. Hearing Hao Se's words, his heart moved and he suddenly thought of someone.

Guert asked: "Have you heard of Xi Qingsi?"

For the first time, Hao Se's eyes showed surprise, staring at Guert, and said, "How do you know this name?"

Guert was stunned and said, "You know her?"

Hao Se exclaimed: "Of course! Xi Qingsi was so famous in the upper heavens back then, but few people have seen it. It is said that she is from the mysterious place of "Upper Realm". High and high ranks are irreversible, and they are the fairy-like characters that the following cultivators can imagine."

Then he looked at him suspiciously, and said, "This name has long since disappeared, how did you know?"

Guert only vaguely said that he had seen it in the high-level area. Hao Se knew that he didn't want to talk about it, so of course he didn't ask. Everyone has the right to keep their privacy.

Then, Hao Se began to give Guert a general introduction to the Dao of Huanxi.

"The warm current spewing out from the palm of the red dress just now is actually the result of her own cultivation. Generally speaking, if you have deep knowledge, every move, every frown and smile may make you unable to control yourself.

"As for the low-level ones in red clothes, you need to directly use this warm current to stimulate your sensitive points, and then stimulate your sensual desires, so as to achieve the most basic state required by the Dao of Huanxi, sufficient energy..."

Guerte nodded, knowing that Zimei should belong to the former, and she was still unconscious. It might be the subtle influence of Sister Rou on her.

Then Hao Se shook his head again, and gave Guert a long sex enhancement class.

Gurt listened carefully at the beginning, but the more he listened, the more he realized that it was simply bed tricks. He couldn't help but interrupted: "This...doesn't seem to fit in with what I'm talking about?"

Hao Se snorted, and said: "It seems like, hehe, when I talk about this, I talk too much, um, let's turn around and discuss your topic."

After a pause, he said: "Actually, this practice of desire is to put it bluntly, to practice the mind. Control your heart and let your heart direct your body, not your body to drive your heart."

Guert said angrily: "Nonsense, do I need to practice if I can control it?"

Hao Se glared at him and said, "Why are you so anxious? It's too late for you to practice the Dao of Huanxi now. You need to find someone whose cultivation level is higher than yours and who has practiced Dao of Huanxi for many years to lead you, so that you can meet your requirements. .But the Bright Order has a trick specially designed to calm the mind, you may be able to use it."

Listening to Hao Se's words, Guert's eyes dimmed and then brightened again, and said, "Is there anything that can suppress desires? For example, chanting scriptures or something."

Hao Se said sternly: "What kind of dream are you dreaming? How can there be such a thing? You should practice hard on your own. Don't be greedy for shortcuts in this regard. You can't be sloppy."

Seeing that Hao Se was rarely serious, Guert nodded and said, "Okay, but I still don't understand at all."

Hao Se scratched his head, and said: "I can't explain it clearly, and that move is a curse, I don't know it, or it's better to practice a little joy first, although I still don't master it enough, but I believe it should proceed according to the path you said before."

Guerte nodded and said, "I guess it's the same, but you made such high demands just now, where can I find them?"

Hao Se looked distressed, and said: "Your level... Hongchen City is definitely not good enough. Hongqing and I are going to Huanxi City, so you can go with us. There should be someone with a higher level over there."

Guert groaned, and said, "Wow, wow, I just happen to be very disappointed in this city of mortals, and I hope that the city of joy can be more fun."

Hao Se chuckled and said, "You are disappointed because you haven't come into contact with the most essence of Hongchen City at all. Hey, but even if you do, you probably won't see any benefits."

Guert immediately understood that there must be some mystery in the practice room in Hongchen City. But what Hao Se said is right, he can't enter the state at all at the moment, and there is no one here who can cooperate with him.

The two returned to Hongchen City. On the way, Hao Se suddenly let out a strange cry and said, "I remembered!"

Guert looked at him suspiciously and said, "What?"

Hao Se chuckled and said, "It seems something is wrong again."

Seeing Guert's questioning gaze, Hao Se hurriedly explained: "I suddenly remembered that there is one of the three ancient books called "The Inscription of Cultivating God and Refining Qi". This book is about the mind, so Ahhh.

"Later, I remembered that this book belongs to the highest level of spiritual cultivation, and you haven't even touched the door, so it's useless to read it.

"But more importantly..."

Guerte stared at him, Hao Se hurriedly said: "The more important thing is that these three rare books are all rare treasures and have long since disappeared, so you can't see them even if you want to..."

Guert curled his lips, expressing his disdain for Hao Se, and thought to himself: I have a copy of "Three Days of Changing Essence" with me, but it was just burned.

Why! Yiyi doesn't know what happened?

Happy main city.

Located in the middle of Huanxitian, before entering the city, Guert saw a silver pillar in the middle of the city piercing into the sky, which reminded him of the way of joy in Huanxitian.

Guert couldn't help thinking about it, and finally asked Hongqing and Hao Se, but Hongyi didn't go with him because he wanted to concentrate on cultivation.

Hao Se chuckled, and hurriedly said: "Then need to say? This symbolic totem is too obvious..."

Hong Qing gave him a white look, and explained: "Don't talk nonsense, this is the Liren Pillar of our Huanxitian. According to legend, this place was pierced back then, and there was almost a change in the sky. A high-ranking person appeared in Huanxitian. Use this hole When the pillar is filled, it will support the entire Huanxitian."

Hao Se smiled strangely as he listened, obviously hearing other meanings.

Guert was curious about another thing and asked, "Why is this called Lirenzhu?"

Hongqing glared at Hao Se, stopped him from continuing to laugh, and replied at the same time: "The senior named this, and we all guessed later that Li Renzhu Li Renzhu probably wanted us to get rid of some of our human nature. Negative factors affecting practice.

"Because the Way of Joy we practice is exactly similar to the way human beings reproduce. If someone uses practice to cause trouble, it will cause extremely bad effects. Not only can we not continue to practice, but it will also implicate other practitioners.

"Moreover, this will leave a bad impression on the cultivators of other factions. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, restraining desires and devoting oneself to practice is the right way."

Gurte nodded, and thought to himself: I used to think this place was a very promiscuous place, but it seems to be pretty good so far.

The three of them walked into the City of Joy, which was the only city where Guert had set checkpoints among so many heavens.

However, fortunately they had Hong Qing here, so they could easily enter, but some other people were blocked outside the door and were not allowed to enter.

Goult asked why.

Hong Qing smiled and replied: "That's the reason I just said, in order to prevent low-level cultivators from entering Huanxi City, who "seek to cultivate in the name" but actually want to enjoy carnal desires. We Huanxitian don't welcome such people. "

Gould nodded.

Thinking of the Hualou in Liberty Day and Desire City in the past, there were indeed many people who went there purely for enjoyment, and Huanxi Tian here is their dream place. No wonder a checkpoint was set up to restrict entry.

Hong Qing looked at him with a smile, and said, "Even without me, you can come in. On the one hand, it's because your rank is terrifyingly high, on the other hand..." She pursed her lips and smiled.

Gult wondered: "What is it?"

Hao Se thumped him and shouted: "On the other hand, of course it's because we are so wretched!"

Hong Qing poohed twice at Hao Se, and said: "Of course not, it's because I've grown up so much, and it's the first time I've seen a handsome boy like him."

It was the first time for Gurte to be praised face-to-face by an unfamiliar opposite sex. He blushed slightly and said with a sneer, "Really? Haha, thank you!"

Hao Se pouted, and said, "Little boy is not reliable!"

Hong Qing glared, "Better than you!"

Guert was watching the relationship between the two, feeling a wave of emotion in his heart.

Generally speaking, the relationship between these two people should be the closest between a man and a woman, but Hongqing seems to show great interest in him. I wonder if there is love between the two of them?

Guert thought again, the relationship between them is actually an exchange, a mutual benefit, and the ultimate goal is to practice and advance.

The Way of Joy is just a way of comprehension different from other ways.

The city is bustling and bustling, much more lively than Hongchen City, but it is still not as big as the places like Ziyoutian. There are few people wandering in the streets for just a few days, but there are stone house-like buildings everywhere, sometimes on the side of the road, Guer The special class can hear the groans coming from the house.

Hong Qing and Hao Se turned a blind eye, and sometimes they stopped to listen, as if they were listening to some great performance.

Guert followed behind. At first he thought that the two had some special hobbies, but after several times in a row, he knew that it was unusual, so he followed behind and listened carefully. After listening for a while, he discovered that The ups and downs of the groaning sound, there are hidden mysteries in the ups and downs, which seem to be related to practice, so I can't help but start to recognize it again.

After walking for a while, Hong Qing and Hao Se suddenly stopped and listened for a long time.

At first he didn't pay attention to it, but after a long time, he couldn't help wondering why he didn't hear any sound?

Guert couldn't help but listened again, and finally found that there seemed to be a blockage in that piece. Not only was there no moaning sound, but even some normal sounds disappeared.

Guert felt very strange, raised his breath, and stretched towards the room, the barrier disappeared immediately, and a moan of ecstasy came out, this time was different from before, every moan, every gasp, unexpectedly It fits perfectly with his Yiqi flow.

Guert couldn't help but secretly startled, could it be said that the person inside has a level of vigor? Did she discover herself, or was she always like this? He couldn't help turning his head to look at Hao Se and Hong Qing again, and saw that their expressions seemed to be strange, so he knew that they must have noticed it too.

Suddenly, the sound was interrupted, and the three of them continued to walk forward, but they didn't stop all the way. The atmosphere between Hao Se and Hong Qing seemed a little strange, while Guert was still reminiscing about the feeling just now.

Suddenly Hao Se stopped and said, "That just now...could it be Feng..."

Hong Qing trembled, shook her head and said, "I don't know, she has a very high level of cultivation, but there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in Huanxi City, I don't know who it is."

Gourt knew they were discussing the woman just now.

Feng... do they think that person is Feng Luoshang?

Guert remembered that he couldn't hear at all before, and couldn't help saying: "That person seems to let you hear it on purpose."

Then, he talked about the situation just now.

Hao Se asked suspiciously: "I don't know anyone here. Could it be you know someone?"

Hong Qing's face suddenly turned pale, and said, "I know who it is."

Suddenly there was a chuckle from behind, and a delicate voice said: "Sister Hongqing, I am so glad to see you, I thought you would never come back again!"

Guert only knew that this woman was the person in the room just now based on the fluctuation of his energy. Looking back, he saw a young girl in tulle behind her.

Her gaze had been on Hong Qing and Hao Se, but as soon as Guerte turned around, her extremely seductive eyes immediately fixed on Guert, and at the same time she was a little bit surprised.

Only Hong Qing said: "Furong, can't I come back to this city of joy?"

This seductive woman named Furong let out a yo, and said softly: "Of course I can come back. The gate of this city of joy is always open, and anyone can come in. It's just that I didn't expect my sister to go away in anger. Willing to come back again."

After a pause, he said, "Who is this handsome guy? Was he the one who cut off my voice just now?"

The three of them were stunned, Hong Qing and Hao Se looked at Guerte, Guerte frowned, his voice suddenly disappeared halfway through listening, how could it be that I cut off the voice? I didn't move.

However, Guert did not express his position on his face, with a deep look of a pensive person.

Hong Qing retorted, and said, "What does this have to do with you? Why don't you stay in the Palace of Huanxi, why come to this kind of place to show off?"

Furong looked at Guert suspiciously, then turned to Hongqing, giggled and said, "Sister Hongqing, I know you are very jealous of me because you lost the chance to enter the Palace of Joy, but you can't blame me for this, everyone Fate is different, you are destined to fail, and I..."

She walked towards Hongqing, and said word by word: "Fast, fixed, successful, successful!" After finishing speaking, she glanced at Guert again, and walked away.

It was the first time for Guert to see this kind of conflict between women. He knew that the two had quarreled before for a qualification to enter the Palace of Joy.

Judging by the name, this Huanxi Palace is probably the highest-level place in the entire Huanxitian. No wonder they want to go so much. Feng Luoshang should be one of them, right?

The three settled down in Hongqing's former residence. Hongqing has been depressed since meeting Furong, and she is even lukewarm towards Hao Se and Guerte.

Guert and Hao Se went out for a stroll twice. Either there was no one outside, or they looked at him strangely. After a few times, he did not go out again, while Hao Se often slipped out alone, asking him He didn't say anything.

Finally, one night, Hao Se slipped into Guert's residence, and said mysteriously, "Do you want to come with me?"

Guert asked curiously: "What?"

Hao Se looked at him with strange eyes, and said, "Let's go to the Palace of Huanxi to find out."

Guert let out a cry, and said excitedly, "Okay!" After a pause, he said, "Did the man named Situ Tang come to see you?"

Although Guert once suspected that Situ Tang had betrayed them, he remembered that this was the jurisdiction of the Guangming Order after all, and it was not unusual for Hao Se's residence to be discovered, especially since this person had special expertise.

Hao Se asked in confusion, "Who?"

Guerte remembered that Hao Se seemed to have come to Happy Day as soon as he left, so even if Situ Tang went to look for him, he might not be able to find him.

Guert said regretfully at the moment: "He is a master of tomb robbers. I think he will be very good at such activities!"

Hao Se didn't care either, at this moment his attention was entirely on the Palace of Huanxi.

He looked around and said in a low voice: "I have asked Hongqing before, this Huanxi Palace has a great background, besides the famous Huakui Feng Luoshang, there are several very powerful people, including some An old monster from more than a hundred years ago."

Guert was startled and said, "What? More than a hundred years ago?"